Freeing Asia

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Freeing Asia Page 16

by Abel, E. M.

  I glanced up at Marcus to see that he was studying my face with his beautiful eyes.

  “I’m happy to hear that. I was afraid that yuppie boyfriend of yours might be trying to change you. Don’t change, babe. You’re perfect just the way you are. Although, you really should be more careful.”

  I took another sip of my drink, replaying what Marcus had just said to me, when I noticed Marcus watching my lips. I felt my cheeks get hot, and I quickly put my cup down.

  “Actually, Jay was there, and he had security take care of it.”

  Marcus didn’t say anything. He just took another bite of his sandwich and then another sip from his straw.

  “So, what about you, Marcus? I figured you’d be married with kids by now. No one in L.A., was able to tie you down?” I looked up at him, grinning, but I was holding my breath.

  “Nah. I don’t really do the girlfriend thing. Besides, I never found anyone that could measure up.” He smirked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  I was bringing my sandwich to my mouth, but then I paused. “Measure up to what?”

  “To you.”

  That was when I stopped breathing and stopped moving. “What?” I somehow asked although I still felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I know you’ve got a boyfriend. And I don’t do relationships, remember?”

  Almost instantly, the air rushed out of my lungs, and the anger seeped in. Oh yeah, I remember. This conversation was just the reality check I’d needed. Here I was, thinking Marcus was going to profess his undying love for me and beg me to take him back, but he was just sitting there—cool, confident, unaffected Marcus, eating his goddamn roast beef sandwich.

  “I see your shield is still up,” I muttered under my breath before taking a forceful bite from my lunch.

  “What?” Marcus asked. This time, he tilted his head a little to the side as his eyebrows furrowed.

  “Your shield. You know, the thing you use to keep everyone at arm’s length, to push everyone far enough away, so you don’t have to admit you give a shit.”

  My words shocked me, but it felt good to finally get them out. With intense eyes, Marcus studied my face for a few seconds.

  “I’m not the only one with a shield, babe.”


  “You heard me.” He reached for his cup and took another sip.

  I just sat there, glaring at him, as I waited for him to explain.

  Finally, he did. “My shield might make me an asshole, but your shield acts more like a cage. It keeps you locked up.”

  That was it. He didn’t say any more. He just finished his sandwich as I tried not to look at him.

  To be honest with myself, I didn’t want him to elaborate. The more I thought about it, the more it scared me that he might be right.

  After lunch, I got a text from Jay.

  Hey, beautiful. I hope you’re having a great day at work. Things are pretty crazy here, and it looks like they will be for a while. Are you free for dinner on Wednesday?

  I text him back.

  Work is good. Things are pretty slow today. Wednesday sounds great! Looking forward to it.

  After a few more boring hours of looking at my computer screen, I finally went home for another uneventful night in my apartment.

  Around nine, I got a call from Hailey.

  “Oh my god, Asia!”


  “I’m engaged! John just asked me to marry him! I’m fucking engaged!”

  I could hear elation in her voice.

  “Oh my god! Congratulations, Hailey! I’m so happy for you!”

  She was squealing and giggling.

  “That’s so great!” I couldn’t help but smile, hearing my best friend so happy. She really loved John, and he was a good guy. I was sure they would be happy together.

  “Asia, you have to be my maid of honor. Please?”

  Hailey knew how I felt about weddings. It was bad enough to be a guest at a wedding, but to have to dress up in some ugly bridesmaid dress and parade around in front of a crowd of people would be unbearable.

  “Uh…sure,” I muttered, immediately regretting it.

  “This is going to be so much fun! We have to start planning and picking out dresses! Ahh! I can’t wait!”

  I plopped down onto my bed, rubbing my forehead, as I tried to think of an easy way to get out of this. My mind was drawing a blank.

  After agreeing to meet Hailey over the weekend to discuss wedding plans, I was lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Well, I guess this is it. Hailey’s single life is officially over. I decided I would do my best to be a good maid of honor for Hailey. She was my best friend, and she deserved it. I smiled as I remembered the best part—the bachelorette party.

  Wednesday morning, I woke up, excited for my dinner with Jay. I hadn’t seen him since Sunday, the day we’d both admitted we were falling for each other. Remembering the way he’d made love to me that night made my body tingle. I was anxious to feel his skin against mine.

  While I brushed my teeth, I watched my ring in the mirror as it moved back and forth with my toothbrush. It still looked foreign on my hand, but I was starting to get used to seeing it there.

  When I walked into the lobby at work, one of the blondes rolled her eyes at me before she gave her friend a look. I ignored her and walked toward my office, clenching my fists.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Nick asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “Nothing. It’s just those blonde bimbos in the lobby. I guess they think I’m a slut now since they saw me go to lunch with Marcus.”

  Nick laughed as he put his hands behind his head. “They’re just jealous, girl. I mean, you have hot guys around you all the time. Who wouldn’t be a little jealous?”

  I shook my head, laughing, as I dropped my purse on my desk.

  Nick and I ate lunch together in the break room as he told me about his new boyfriend, Luke. Apparently, Nick wasn’t able to deny his feelings any more than I was. For once, Nick had found a man who could keep his interest, and he was spending every free moment with Luke.

  We also talked about Hailey and her engagement. Nick promised to help me plan her bachelorette party and also assist me with anything else I might need. He was a lifesaver. I knew he was disappointed that he couldn’t be a part of the wedding. Strutting out in front of a crowd was something he’d relish in.

  I told Nick about Jay confessing his feelings for me. I admitted how it sucked that he was working so much all the time.

  Nick gave me a sympathetic look and rubbed my shoulder. “I guess that’s the price you pay for dating a millionaire.”

  I stuck out my tongue at him, and we both laughed. At least, I would be able to see Jay tonight.

  I was starting to get butterflies on my way home from work as I wondered when I would hear from Jay. It had only been three days since I last saw him, but it felt like forever. I loved the way he would make me feel when we were together. I just hoped he wouldn’t be too tired or busy to spend the night with me. I missed him, and I needed to feel him sleeping next to me again. My empty bed was beginning to feel more and more lonely every night we were apart.

  When I got home, I decided to take a quick shower before changing for dinner. Just as I was drying off, my phone rang on my kitchen counter, and I ran to answer it.


  “Hey, beautiful. How are you?” Jay said, sounding sexy as usual.

  “Better now. How about you?” I had a big goofy grin plastered on my face.

  “I’m happy to finally get some time away from work.”

  “So, what are we doing?”

  “Well, I was going to see if you would mind if I sent a car over to pick you up. I need to take care of a few things and then hop in the shower, but I should be ready when you get here. Would that be okay?”

  “Sounds good. I just need about an hour to get ready.”

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  I rushed to my closet, giddy like a schoolgirl, when I realized I still didn’t know exactly what we were doing. I considered dressing casually, taking one more baby step toward showing Jay the real me, but I didn’t want to be underdressed if he had something special planned.

  I decided to wear the last outfit I’d bought during my shopping spree—a low-cut black silk tank top that hung loosely between my breasts with a pair of tight red pants. It had taken a while for Nick to convince me to buy it. It was so revealing, and it screamed sex, but Nick had insisted. He hadn’t steered me wrong yet, so I went for it.

  An hour later, I walked out to the front of my apartment building to wait for Jay’s car. I wasn’t sure how these things worked. Am I supposed to wait in my apartment? As I stood on the sidewalk, I got a few stares from the pedestrians walking by. I crossed my arms in front of me, suddenly hoping that Jay wouldn’t take me anywhere.

  Looking down the street, I saw a black car driving toward me. It slowed to a stop on the curb. A man in a black suit got out and opened the back door.

  “Ms. Fuller,” he greeted as he held out his arm, ushering me into the backseat.

  I smiled at him and sat on the gray leather. Feeling awkward sitting in the back with a stranger driving me around, I thought I should say something, but I wasn’t sure what would be appropriate. Instead, I leaned back and looked out the window when I heard my phone beep from inside my purse. It was a text from Hailey.

  Hey! The girls and I are getting together Saturday morning for breakfast to discuss the wedding. I hope you can come. We’ll be at the club at ten. I can pick you up if you want.

  Great, breakfast at the country club. It was just another place I wouldn’t fit in. John was a member, and during the past few months, Hailey had been spending more and more time there. I sucked it up and wrote her back.

  Okay, sounds good. I could use a ride. Thanks.

  When I put my phone back into my purse, my anticipation grew as we got closer to Jay’s building. My boyfriend’s building. I had never said those words out loud before, and I couldn’t wait until I did. My boyfriend.

  I grinned as I looked out the car pulled to a stop. Scooting toward the door, I reached for the handle, but then I realized the driver was walking toward it. I pulled my hand back, allowing him to open the door for me. Will I ever get used to this?

  As I stood in the elevator, heading up to Jay’s apartment, I could feel my heart beat quicken as my palms started to sweat. I wasn’t sure why I felt this surge of adrenaline, but I hoped I would soon find out.

  I knocked on Jay’s door and looked down at my clothes to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. Just as I finished smoothing my hands over my pants, the door opened.

  Jay was standing there, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, and his chest was glistening with drops of water from his shower. I stared in awe at his chest and abs before finally bringing my eyes up to meet his, but he wasn’t looking at my eyes. His eyes were on my pants, and slowly raked over my top, stopping at my overexposed breasts, as a smile curled on his lips.

  When his eyes finally lifted to mine, I saw a look that I had never seen before. It was dark, dangerous, and incredibly hot. I smiled back at Jay, and before I could say a word, he wrapped one of his wet, hard arms around my waist. He pulled me toward him, pressing my body against his.

  I started breathing harder as I felt his blue eyes burning into mine, causing an immediate reaction in my body. I was distracted by a bead of water slowly rolling down the side of Jay’s neck. I admired his flawless skin as I leaned forward to lick the water off of him.

  Jay took in a sharp breath, gripping my waist tighter, as my tongue made a trail down his neck. When I pulled my mouth away, Jay kissed me hard. He grabbed the back of my head with one of his hands while his tongue wrapped around mine, each movement arousing me more.

  My breasts started to feel heavy as they pressed against Jay’s chest, and my nipples hardened against my silk top. Keeping his mouth on mine, Jay lifted me up and pressed my back against the wall in his foyer. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and I could feel myself getting wet as he pushed his hips between mine, his erection right where I wanted it.

  He let go of one of my legs, and I stood on my heel, trying to steady myself. Jay kneeled in front of me, leaving my other leg to rest on his shoulder. I started panting as my body shook, craving his touch. Peeking up at me through his lashes, Jay kissed me between my legs, sending shivers up my spine. My eyes rolled back into my head. He slowly unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down along with my black panties. I bit my bottom lip. We still hadn’t said anything, and I was afraid to break the silence.

  I was panting when he tossed my clothing aside. Jay lifted my leg again, putting it back onto his shoulder. He was just kneeling there, admiring me, for what felt like minutes. I could feel his breath between my legs, stimulating every nerve in my wet, swollen skin, making me shudder under him.

  Just as I felt I couldn’t take it anymore, he leaned forward, slowly licking me from my entrance all the way up to my clit. Stopping there, his tongue sucked and teased me. Each movement created a wave of pleasure to course through me, making me lose all control. I moaned, and my legs began to shake under me as my body surrendered.

  I could already feel an orgasm building. Slipping two fingers into me, Jay continued his torture with his tongue, making me come all over them. As my back arched, one hand grabbed onto his shoulder while the other held on to the wall behind me. I was afraid I would fall, but Jay’s grip tightened on my hips as he watched me.

  Without saying anything, Jay stood up and threw his towel to the floor, freeing his perfect hard dick. Leaning against the wall, I was still panting and exhausted from my orgasm.

  He gave me a mischievous smile, the danger and wickedness still in his eyes, as he walked away, leaving me naked from the waist down. I tried getting my breath back into its natural rhythm when Jay returned with a condom in his hand. He was rolling it onto his length as he walked toward me.

  I could feel my breath start to accelerate again as I took in the sight of him. He was like a beast coming to claim what was his. Without slowing his pace, he didn’t stop until his body was pushing me against the wall. I could feel his hard-on pressing into my stomach as I was growing wet with desire again.

  Slipping his arms under my knees, Jay lifted me up, spreading me wide open, as he kissed me. His kiss was hard and demanding, and my body was pleading for more. Keeping me pressed against the wall, our lips separated as he moved his hips back, positioning himself at my opening. Teasing me with only a few inches, I moaned, growing impatient. I wanted to feel all of him inside me. I could feel sweat dripping as my chest quickly moved up and down with my breath.

  Reaching out to grab the sides of his head, I pulled Jay toward me, kissing him again. With my tongue invading his mouth, I tried to show him how badly I wanted this, how badly I needed it. As if he knew what I was asking, he thrust his hips forward, causing me to scream against his mouth.

  He was so deep that it hurt, but the pleasure that came made it all worth it. Still holding my legs open, Jay continued to pound into me, his arms and shoulders flexing, as I gripped him tightly. I came again, screaming his name.

  Jay pulled me away from the wall and carried me to his black leather couch. He stopped beside the arm and set me down on my feet, my legs still shaking from the intense orgasms. He was breathing hard, and his eyes were dark.

  “Turn around.” Those were the first words he said to me since I’d arrived at his apartment. His voice was low, raspy, and incredibly sexy.

  I turned around and bent over, using my hands to hold myself up on the arm of the couch. Jay gently grabbed my wrists, pulling my hands out from under me. My stomach was on the arm of the leather couch, and my hair was spread out on the cushion under me.

  Still holding my wrists, Jay entered me from behind. His balls were smacking against me, and I could already feel my insides tig
htening again. I had no idea I could come so much and so quickly.

  With each thrust of his hips, I grew closer to my climax, and I could feel Jay’s dick growing harder and bigger inside me. He’d started off with a slow and steady rhythm, but then it became faster and more rough. As the shock of my orgasm rolled through my body, my insides gripped around him. I bit my bottom lip and tried to hold back my scream, but there was no use.

  “Oh god!”

  He growled, “God. Damn. Asia,” as he pounded me from behind and found his release.

  Jay stood, panting, as he released my wrists. He bent over to kiss my ass, and then he gave it a soft bite, sending shock waves through my highly sensitive nerves. Unable to move, I stayed bent over the arm of the couch, still panting.

  After a few more seconds, Jay grabbed my shoulders, lifting me up. He turned me around to kiss me, and his kiss was still rough and hard. You wanted to bring out the bad boy. Well, there you go. I guess he’s not holding back anymore. I smiled as that thought crossed my mind. Deep down, there was still a bad boy in him, and I didn’t mind at all.

  The next morning, I woke up, naked, in Jay’s bed. I probably could have slept for a few more hours, but the alarm on the table next to me was beeping, and my stomach was growling. In all the excitement of last night, I had forgotten to eat dinner. When I rolled over to find Jay, I realized he was gone. There was a note sitting on his nightstand.

  Had to go to work early. My driver can take you home when you are ready.

  His note seemed so cold. It wasn’t usual for Jay not to say something sweet or flirtatious. I shook my head, dismissing my concern. He was probably in a rush. After last night, how could you question how he feels?

  I smiled, remembering the hot sex I had with Jay the night before. That was definitely going on the top of my all-time favorite sex list, not that I had much to compare it to. Jay was the only person I’d slept with as an adult, but I was happy that I’d found someone who knew what he was doing. The way he would take control of my body made me feel so wanted and sexy.


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