Beautiful One

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Beautiful One Page 9

by Mary Cope

  Spencer walked me to my car and put the packages in the back seat. He took a step toward me and gave me the once-over.

  “Are you sure you aren’t dizzy anymore? You’ll be okay to drive?”

  “I’m fine and thank you for the beautiful flowers.” I smiled.

  “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl,” he said, and I felt myself blush. Then he took a step toward me as he whispered, “Merry Christmas.”

  I inhaled his delicious scent one more time and murmured, “Merry Christmas, Spencer.”

  I sat in my car for a minute and watched him until he fired up his bike and rode away.


  The restaurant was packed. Since winter break was still in full force, most of the kids from school were there. I noticed the cute brunette Aidan had flirted with a few weeks ago. She’d become quite a fixture. I tried to push the image from my mind while Melissa and I scanned the crowded venue, looking for a place to sit.

  From the back of the stage, Mason’s head popped up. He pointed to a small table he’d saved for us. The regulars, primarily college-age girls, were coming up to greet the guys. Mason never seemed to let the attention go to his head, while Derek ate it up, and Kyle seemed uncomfortable.

  The minute Kyle saw Melissa and me, he stepped off the stage and maneuvered his way to our table. Kyle was more like me. He enjoyed being in the band, but the attention overwhelmed him. I guess that’s part of the reason he’d always been a favorite of mine.

  Kyle asked me about the dogfight and how I was feeling. I went into autopilot, retelling my story, breaking eye contact now and then to glance over the room. Aidan was here. I had seen his truck in the parking lot. But with each passing minute, I became uneasy, my imagination was getting the best of me. The onslaught of mental images of Aidan consumed my brain: behind the building, in his truck, the bathroom, anywhere, with some girl. Suddenly, from behind me, warm hands clasped my shoulders and startled me. Smooth, clean-shaven skin was against my cheek.

  “How’s my girl?” His voice was a whisper.

  My fears diminished as Aidan nuzzled my ear, sending chills down my spine.

  “What’s going on?” Kyle gasped. His eyes darted from me to Aidan. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Melissa smirking in that you-made-your-bed-now-lie-in-it kind of way.

  “Well…” I stammered out, but Mason cut in and interrupted me.

  “C’mon, guys, it’s time for the set to start.”

  Aidan gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and they headed toward the stage.

  For the first time since I’d made the decision to become Aidan’s girlfriend, I was embarrassed. The look in Kyle’s eyes made me feel like a fool. I knew what he was thinking. It’s what everyone was thinking. I had just been thinking the same thing a few minutes ago.

  Aidan picked up his bass, and I watched as the adoring fans drooled over my boyfriend. Then reality hit me. If Aidan and I were going to have a chance at our relationship working, I was going to have to put his past behind us and, as hard as it was going to be… trust him. If I didn’t, being a couple would never work. When the thought crossed my mind, our eyes met, and a slow sexy smile spread across his face. It made my heart melt.

  The guys were singing the usual fan favorites and throwing in a few holiday songs here and there. Earsplitting cries came from a few of the college girls while Mason sang a romantic ballad.

  “How do you handle that, Melissa?” I motioned to the girls panting over my brother.

  Melissa shrugged. “I trust him.” She smiled and continued to watch Mason finish the song.

  Trust… such a small word but it meant everything in a relationship.

  I mulled over what Melissa had said, Mason finished his song, and Aidan approached him. Aidan covered the mic with his hand, and they talked for a minute. Mason said something to Derek and Kyle, then he stepped away from the mic, smiled at Aidan, and left him front and center. The college girls who were squealing for Mason now focused their attention on Aidan with just as much enthusiasm. Aidan cleared his throat and adjusted the mic.

  “This song is called ‘If the Moon Fell Down Tonight.’ I’d like to dedicate it to my girlfriend, Liz.”

  A few of the girls from school gasped. There was a murmuring of disbelief echoing through the bar. I was acutely aware all eyes were on me. The cute brunette was wide-eyed and fuming. Melissa was in shock, but I think in a good way.

  When Aidan began to sing, I was overcome with emotion. I blocked out everyone around me and focused on nothing but his beautiful blue eyes. His gaze never left mine as he sang this sweet love song to me. My eyes welled up, and a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

  When the song ended, Aidan stepped off the stage. The silence in the bar was deafening. Aidan shuffled through the crowd and headed my way. When he reached me, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. He pulled back so we were nose to nose and whispered, “Merry Christmas, Liz.”

  The last thing I remembered hearing was Derek yelling out, “Oh yeah!” A few people laughed as the restaurant erupted with cheers.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Perhaps you’d like to join us, Miss Ryan? I believe winter break is over.”

  I was jolted from my thoughts to the stern brown eyes and disparaging tone of my AP Government teacher, Mr. Reyes. He was a good teacher, from what I’d heard, but he intimidated even the most arrogant students. My fear was I had just slipped into the I’ve-got-my-eye-on-you category.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied with a soft voice and quickly sat up straight. Melissa caught my eye from across the room. She raised an eyebrow and gave me a smirk. I could tell she was enjoying my embarrassment — she always referred to me as such a nerd. Mr. Reyes didn’t miss a beat and continued to drone on about what was expected of us this semester.

  I slipped back into my thoughts but kept my eyes focused on the stoic disciplinarian. A slight smile crossed my face while I twiddled with the beautiful tanzanite necklace Aidan had given me for Christmas. At first, I’d hesitated accepting the generous gift, but he’d said it was to make up for not getting me a birthday present. Arguably, as a combination gift, I had to accept it. I had told him singing to me at the restaurant had been gift enough. He’d ignored my argument as he’d slipped the necklace on while he’d distracted me with gentle kisses in the process.

  New Year’s Eve had been a bust because Aidan had had to work at the hotel. So I’d been pleasantly surprised when I awoke a little after 2:00 a.m. to the warm arms and whisper of “Happy New Year” from my attentive boyfriend.

  My eyes had widened as I’d whispered, “How did you get in here?”

  Aidan had chuckled. “The key under the rock. Mason and I had to use it once.” He’d shrugged.

  “I thought you’d either think I was incredibly sweet or super creepy. Well?”

  The soft moonlight through my window had made his blue eyes glisten.

  “Sweet and a little creepy.” I’d giggled.

  “I’ll accept that, but I’d better go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He’d smiled and given me a quick kiss on the lips before he’d said goodnight and closed my door…

  The bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts, and Melissa was at my seat in a heartbeat.

  “Lizzie got in trouble, Lizzie got in trouble,” she taunted in her most sing-songy way.

  I just rolled my eyes.

  “Whatcha thinkin’ about, Liz?” She still had the sing-songy tone to her voice.

  “What do you think?” I fluttered my eyelashes at her.

  “I’d say you’ve got it bad for the boy.” We each giggled, exiting the classroom.

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” I smiled.

  “Well, he sure has blown me away. The change in him is crazy! Do you know how many hearts are breaking all over this campus because you have tamed the untamable Aidan Mitchell?”

  “I just hate the way everyone is talking about me. I went from being Mason’s twin to Aidan’s girlfriend. No one knows who I am.” A tw
inge of discontentment ran through me.

  “Oh, Liz, you’re the girl with the hot boyfriend and even hotter brother!” She laughed then nudged my arm with hers. “C’mon, let’s get moving. My next class is in the D Building.”

  Melissa and I picked up the pace as we headed toward the quad.


  “Hurry up, Liz! Or, I’m leaving without you.” Mason banged on the bathroom door again.

  “I’ll be done in a minute!” I hollered back. I ran down the hallway in my robe, yelling at Mason I’d be ready in ten minutes.

  Spencer was having the band meet at church tonight for the first time since Lance left.

  The image of him singing in the music room flashed before my eyes while I was getting dressed.

  What a voice… face… eyes.

  I shook my head for a second in an attempt to dislodge the memory. It didn’t quite work, but Mason’s banging on my door did.

  “I’m leaving, Liz, you can drive yourself!” yelled Mason.

  “No-o-o, five minutes!” I pleaded.

  “Hurry up!”

  Fearing Mason’s wrath, I hustled, scrambling into my clothes. I bent over and blow-dried my hair, trying to get most of the dampness out before Mason started banging on my door again. With a flip of my head, I stood up, smoothed my hair down, and applied mascara, blush and red lipstick. In stride, I grabbed my black pea-coat and ran out my door as Mason was headed my way, shaking his keys.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I squealed, brushing past him toward the front door.


  When Mason and I entered the music room, Spencer was already going over a few things with Jake and Matt. Mason shot me a dirty look. I mouthed “Sorry.” Spencer glanced up at us.

  “Hey, guys, come on over.” He grabbed a couple of folding chairs, and Mason and I took a seat while he went over his plans for the year. Spencer was wearing a striped, button-down dress shirt, dark jeans, and black deck shoes. His jaw was covered in a day’s worth of stubble, and his dark brown hair was a shaggy mess, but it looked good. Too good.

  The guys seemed to like him immediately. The conversation flowed, the guys approved of the song choices, and by the end of the evening, they were all joking around together like they had been friends for years. Afterwards, Spencer was folding up the chairs and motioned me over.

  “Can you stay a little longer, Elizabeth? I want to practice a few songs with you.”

  “Mason and I drove together…”

  “No problem, I can give you a ride home.”

  The thought of my arms wrapped around Spencer, speeding through the night, was temping.

  “On the motorcycle?” I sounded so hopeful. Idiot.

  “No.” He chuckled. “I drove the jeep.”

  Spencer and I said goodbye to the guys. They walked out the back door, and we headed to the stage. He took a seat at the piano and rolled up his sleeves a bit. I was able to get a glimpse of the script writing on his forearm, but I still couldn’t make out the words. I thought it said fight, or something like that. For the first time, I saw that he had a small tattoo wrapped around the ring finger of his left hand. Maybe it was a word written in script, but I couldn’t tell.

  Spencer caught my eye. I was so curious, but he didn’t comment, so I looked away. Feeling unsure if I should join him on the bench or stand next to the piano, I decided to stay standing, waiting for his instruction. Spencer smiled and motioned for me to sit next to him.

  “C’mere, Elizabeth, have a seat.”

  Sliding in next to him, the scent of his cologne surrounded me, making it difficult for me to focus.

  “I was thinking we could work on a duet. I’m not sure which song yet, but I wanted us to practice so we could get comfortable singing together.” He cupped his chin and tapped his long index finger over his lips. “Hmm… what should we sing?” Spencer’s eyes widened as he focused on me. “Do you know the song ‘Hazy’?”

  I swallowed hard. I knew exactly the song he was talking about.

  What’s with him and these intimate love songs?

  I felt myself cringe with embarrassment. “Yeah, I know it.” My face must have looked priceless.

  With a glint in his eye, Spencer started tapping out the song and gave me a nod to begin. His gaze didn’t leave mine. Usually I would crumble under such scrutiny, but his eyes were encouraging, and I found myself wanting to please him. I continued to sing this intimate love song. My part of the duet faded out, and Spencer’s began. The warmth of his soulful voice mesmerized me. He stopped playing and laughed.

  “What?” I blurted out.

  “You’re supposed to come in on that part.”

  I giggled. “Oops.”

  Spencer gave me a confident smile. “See, that’s why we need to practice. I almost lost it with your singing too. Let’s start again.”

  I started the song one more time but stopped.

  “Now what?” He chuckled.

  Not until we’d run through the song a second time did my brain register the words I was singing.

  “Elizabeth, what’s wrong?”

  With downcast eyes I whispered, “The song. The words. I fell and hurt myself. Everything was hazy.” Although it was a love song, the words brought me back to the dog attack. Acknowledgement registered across Spencer’s face.

  “I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”

  After a few moments, my eyes focused on his. “I never thanked you, Spencer. I don’t even remember you being there. But… thank you. If you hadn’t come…”

  “You’re welcome, darlin’.”

  Spencer’s words cut into mine. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the gratitude I had bestowed upon him.

  A shy smile crossed his face, then he sat up straight and began to play again. “How about a few more songs and we’ll call it a night?”


  When Spencer and I finished, it was almost eleven o’clock. He led me to his red jeep and opened the passenger-side door for me.

  “Sorry, Elizabeth, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”

  “That’s okay. It was fun.”

  He leaned in before closing the door. I was hit with the scent of his cologne and his dimpled smile. “It was, wasn’t it?”

  Spencer sang along with the song on the radio, and I couldn’t help but think he sounded better than the actual artist singing. When we entered our neighborhood, I pointed to my house. He pulled to the curb and shifted his body to face mine.

  “We need to work out a time to practice. I was thinkin’ Wednesday nights. Would that work for you?”

  I thought about it for a moment. Aidan worked Wednesdays, so that wouldn’t interfere with him. “Yeah, that’s great.”

  “Do you mind if we practice at my house? It’d be easier, but if you’re uncomfortable…”

  “No, that’s fine.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see ya Wednesday. Eight?”

  I opened the door and slid off the seat. “Okay.”

  “Night, darlin’.”

  “Night.” I closed the door and walked up the driveway.

  Spencer didn’t pull away from the curb until my foot was inside the door.


  Maggie happily greeted me, but my parents were already in bed. I went in the kitchen to get a glass of water. I took a drink then headed up the stairs. Mason’s light was on and his door was open, but he wasn’t home. I shut his light off, walked into my room, and placed my water glass on my bedside table. I pulled my phone from my coat pocket. When my cell powered up, it vibrated. Four missed texts and two missed calls, all from Aidan. I didn’t have time to read them before my phone vibrated again.


  “Are you home?” Aidan’s tone was chipped.

  “Yes-s-s.” I dragged out the word as I answered him.

  “Meet me outside.” I didn’t have time to respond. He had already hung up.

  Maggie was at my heels as I ran downstairs. When I opened the door, I was met with his
icy gaze. Stepping outside, I closed the door while he walked toward me.

  “Why haven’t you texted me?”

  “Umm… I didn’t know you texted me. My phone’s been off. I was practicing at church. I just got home.” I knew I was babbling, but I felt under attack and had no idea why.

  Aidan’s blue eyes were shrewd, assessing. After what seemed like minutes, his gaze softened and he reached out and held me.

  “I was worried about you. I hadn’t heard from you since earlier today. I texted Mason and Melissa, but they never texted me back. Then I thought I’d come over to find out where you were.”

  I pulled myself back so I could look him in the eyes. “Are you mad at me?”

  Aidan kissed my forehead and exhaled a sign of relief. “No, I was just worried. When I didn’t hear from you, it made me crazy.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Oh man, I sound like such a stalker.”

  Aidan cupped my face with his hands and brushed his lips against mine. He backed me up against the door and deepened the kiss. Our bodies were pressed up against each other as he continued to give me an onslaught of vigorous kisses.

  I gasped. “Aidan. Stop. Stop.”

  “I’m sorry.” He held me for a long time. I could feel his beating heart while my head rested on his chest. Finally he whispered, “I’m glad you’re home safe… I’d better go.”

  He kissed me one last time before he turned and walked toward his truck. I went back in the house. My troubled thoughts confused me as I climbed the stairs.


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