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Page 12

by Ashers, LeAnn

  “Last week I was at church. They were passing around her picture and her husband was at the altar, crying, saying a demon had her. That little show earlier…” He stops grinning, looking at her again. “That was me reminding her of her place. She will be fucked until God is back within her.”

  I smile at him. It’s the last thing I want to do. “Why didn’t you say so? We have to split the reward money, don’t we?” He nods, licking his lips and looking at Bell once again.

  I will thoroughly fucking enjoy ripping his eyes from their sockets. “Invite everyone. Meet me here for me to hand her over. I can’t do that shit in front of my boy.”

  He nods and I hand him a card with information about a warehouse we are selling. “I can’t wait.” He grins and looks at Bell one more time. “Soon, bitch,” he mouths to her and the men walk around the building out of sight.

  It takes every fucking thing for me not to run after them, to destroy them. It goes against every single part of me.

  But I have to protect Bell and Ronny first. I won’t allow them to get hurt. The lie that I just spoke, it’s like acid on my tongue.

  I round the truck when Smiley drives into the parking lot. He jumps out and runs to me. “What the fuck happened?”

  I fill him in on exactly what happened, and he grins that fucking crazy grin. “Call everyone. We got to find out this shit and put a stop to it.”

  He nods and I wave at his ole lady in the passenger seat looking concerned. I get inside of the truck and lock the door, starting it up. “What happened, Maverick?” Ronny asks.

  “Nothing, buddy, they were just apologizing,” I lie to him. If it saves some of his innocence, I will.

  He doesn’t need to know this shit. I know Bell doesn’t believe me. I lift her hand and kiss the back of it. “I’ll explain later.”

  We don’t stop for dinner. I have a prospect bringing dinner to the club. I’ll bring them to the safest place until I get to the bottom of this shit.

  The ride is silent. Ronny is asleep and I know Bell is concerned and that shit is killing me.

  We pull up and the gate shuts behind us. “Ronny, run on inside, will you?” I ask.

  He studies me for a second before he does as he asks. That kid is beyond smart. Too smart.

  The second he shuts the door, Bell scoots closer to me. I can tell she’s crazy worried. “Darlin’, it’s the fucking cult. He’s a member and recognized you.”

  Her face crumples and I pull her into my lap. “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to leave you here with the girls and we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

  She nods. I pull her even closer and her body shakes beneath my hands. How I fucking wish I met her when she was a teenager. I wish I could have saved her from that life.

  She leans up, smiling.

  She’s so heartbreakingly beautiful with those tears in her eyes. I use my thumbs to wipe away her tears. “I’ll walk you inside. I will be back later for you both.” I kiss her forehead and step out of the truck, still holding her.

  “Am I worth all of this trouble though?” she whispers to herself, but I hear her. It fucking shatters me that she even doubts it.

  “Darlin’,” I growl, angry that she was made to feel this way, angry that she feels this way.

  I turn around and sit her in the truck. Her face falls. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have said that. Sometimes old thoughts creep inside of my head.”

  I sigh, running my hand down her arm and holding her hand. “Darlin’, I understand. You have been through so much in your life. I just wish for one second you could see yourself through my eyes. I love you, so much. Everything about you, I love.”

  Her face reddens and she buries it in my chest. I chuckle at her getting embarrassed.

  Her hand smacks my ass cheek. “Are you laughing at me?” She acts mad, looking up at me and glaring.

  “No, baby, never.” I kiss her one last time before I set her down onto the ground. I don’t want to leave her, but the promise of getting to fuck some people up is thrilling.

  I walk her inside of the clubhouse. Adeline, Smiley’s ole lady, walks up to her. “All of the girls are in the kitchen making some snacks.” I mouth “thank you” to her and she nods.

  I walk outside and get back inside of my truck. I don't bother getting on my bike because it would be suspicious.

  All of the guys are there; they’re in the woods surrounding the property. One those fuckers is inside and there’s no getting out for them.

  I pull up outside of the warehouse, noting two cars already parked out front. I open the door and some men are sitting in a couple of chairs in the corner.

  “They aren’t here yet. Should be any minute,” the guy from earlier says, getting out of his chair. “Where is she?” he asks, looking around my shoulder like she’ll magically appear.

  “She’ll be here, got to have patience. I have to make sure that the both of us aren’t fucked over.” I wink, trying to get him to calm down.

  I ignore the burn in my chest. It fucking kills me to even say this shit, even if it’s not true.

  These fuckers don't know that we have cameras in here. All of the guys are watching and Lane will instruct them when to come in.

  “Too bad we have to hand that bitch over, isn’t it?” he tells me, grinning ear to ear, punching his friends on the shoulder.

  All he’s doing is marking one more thing on my to-do list before I kill him. I grin at all of the fuckers in this room. Little do they know that they’re going to die very painful deaths.

  I fucking shiver in excitement.

  I don't comment back, letting them have their fun. “Did you see the ass on that bitch? Fucking perfection.” He licks his lips and cups his dick through his pants.

  “I am so fucking glad I joined that church. They teach the bitches from day one that women are beneath us. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.” He cackles like a hyena, the others joining in.

  I turn my mind off. If I let that shit sink in, I will fucking tear them to pieces right here, right now.

  I want to fucking bathe in their blood. I want to bask in the sounds of their screams.

  In due time.

  The others can hear this shit. I look at the cameras, letting them see my murderous look, but when I look at the others I’m grinning.

  The door slams open. I’m faced with three men, one who I know is her husband, and a small little girl around the age of six.

  What the absolute fuck?

  I look at the cameras, letting the guys know to surround the place. I don't want them backing out of here.

  “Where is she?” her husband frantically asks, shaking from head to toe as he looks around the room.

  The little girl is completely terrified.

  “He’s the one who has her. She’ll be here later after we discuss price.” I almost roll my eyes at the fucking gullibility of this guy.

  Michael looks at me. He is completely crazed, his eyes bloodshot. “Tell me where she is.” He steps forward and the little girl loses her footing.

  She doesn’t look up from the ground; she stares at the concrete. This is not fucking good.

  “What’s the reward for her?” the stupid fucker asks again.

  Michael pushes the little girl forward. “Her.”

  She looks up at me for the first time and I almost hit the fucking floor. She looks just like Bell.



  I try to keep my composure. She looks like Bell. It keeps circulating over and over in my head.

  “This is our reward?”

  I look at the little girl, who is staring at me like I’m her lifeline. She could be Bell’s twin.

  I turn my attention to the guys, trying not to show how much that just affected me. “She can be your daughter, your whatever the fuck you want.”

  “She looks like her,” I say.

  Michael grins and run his hand down her hair. She flinches and looks down at the ground again. “S
he is Isabella’s sister. Her parents have been shamed because their daughter decided to run away to lead a whore’s wife.”

  This is the most fucked up thing. “She’s a virgin, never been touched,” the older fucker from the back pipes in. “She is perfect.”

  I almost throw the fuck up.

  He turns to look at me, the stupid fucker from earlier. “Do I get her this week?”

  I laugh. I fucking laugh, holding-my-stomach, leaned-over kind of laugh. They stare at me like I’m crazy.

  “You’re all so fucking stupid,” I tell them all, and their faces change to show their confusion.

  The door opens and all of my brothers walk into the warehouse. Lane walks up to me and hands me my vest.

  “Bell is my woman. You think I would hand her over?” I smirk at Michael, stepping up to him. “Oh, the fun I’m going to have with you, Michael. You will grow to love it.”

  I throw his words right back to him, the ones that he said to Bell to get her to accept her fate.

  His face pales. The old fucker tries to run for the door, but Wilder pushes him back and he falls to the ground.

  “You fucking set me up!” he screams.

  “No, you set yourself up,” I deadpan, my eyes moving back to Michael. “Tell me, Michael, what’s your worst fear? Hmm?” I taunt. “I know losing Bell was a big one—she is mine now.” I smirk, loving the slight anger on his face.

  “But right now, my brothers are going to take you to the clubhouse, where you’re going to wait for me. You are going to think of all the ways I am going to torture you, for weeks, for days, for months if I want to. Just know, no matter the begging, the pleading.” I step right in his face, lowering my voice. “I will never stop.”

  He stumbles and I grin, satisfied that he is terrified. “I need to take her to Bell.”

  “I was thinking the same shit, brother.” Lane grabs my shoulder, hugging me. I watched him grow up and I have never been prouder of the man he has turned into.

  I approach the girl, lowering my body so I don’t seem as intimidating. “Hey sweetheart, my name is Maverick.”

  She looks up from the floor. “My name is Anna.”

  I smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Anna. Do you know your sister Bell?” I ask.

  Her beautiful eyes widen. “I do, I’m here to rescue her, aren’t I?”

  My anger doubles. What the fuck have they told her? “Want me to take you to her? Bell is my girlfriend.”

  She looks behind me at the men. “I think I want to.”

  I hold out my hand for her to take and she does. “Let’s go see her. She has a little boy named Ronny. He is eight years old—how old are you?” I ask.

  “I’m seven years old.”

  It pisses me off even more. I hold open the door and let her walk through. “I’m scared,” she whispers so softly.

  That shit tearing a hole through me, I open the truck door and set her inside in Ronny’s booster seat. “What are you scared of, honey?” I ask.

  She tugs on the bottom of her very torn and threadbare shirt, which is three times too big for her. “I don't know what’s happening.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry you’re scared. You are safe with me. Bell is going to be so happy to see you!” I try to lighten my voice. My throat is so thick from all of these fucked-up emotions I’m feeling. I’m fucking hurt for this baby.

  “Safe,” she whispers and gives me a little smile.

  “Safe, angel.” I help buckle her in. “We’ll be there soon.”

  I shut the door and walk around the truck, giving myself a few seconds to breathe before I get inside.

  I look into the mirror. She’s looking out the window. Her world has been turned upside down. Her parents gave her away to settle a debt.

  I know one thing—she is not going anywhere.

  * * *

  I help Anna out of her seat and she puts her hand in mine firmly, not wanting me to let her go.

  I walk inside the clubhouse and Bell jumps off of the couch. She walks over to me but slows down when she sees the little girl.

  “What?” she asks confused, smiling at her.

  “Darlin’, this is your sister. I’ll tell you everything later, but the most important thing is she’s your sister.”

  She looks at me, then at the little girl before her head starts wrapping around the idea.

  Mom mode clicks. “Hi sweetheart, I’m Bell.” She smiles and I swear I can see the little girl sigh in relief.

  Me too, kid.

  Ronny runs over to us, “Hi Maverick, who is she?” he asks.

  I wrap my arm around him. “She is Bell’s sister.” He looks confused. I pull him to the side so I can speak to him.

  “Do you know how before you met us, things were hard for you?” I ask.

  He nods. “The same thing happened to her. Her mom and dad gave her away, but she is Bell’s biological sister. Bell didn’t know about her,” I explain to him as best as I can so he can understand without going into details.

  His little eyes fill with tears as he looks over at her. “We are keeping her, right?” he asks me.

  “I think if you're okay with that and she is, then probably yes.”

  He smiles. “We have to take care of her, like you guys did me.”

  What a way to break my heart, kid. I lean down and hug him tightly. “We will.”

  He hugs me back just as tightly. “We will,” he repeats. He lets me go and I take his hand, wanting him to be with me.

  Bell is talking to Anna in soft tones. “Ready to go home?” I ask her.

  She looks at me, saddened, but nods. I know this is probably hard on her. I know her childhood was bad also, but it can’t be easy finding out you have a sister you never even knew about.

  I grab one of the spare booster seats one of the guys left here for Anna. I help Bell buckle her and Ronny in, then I start the truck, shutting the door so I can speak to her.

  “What is going on?” she asks, half panicked.

  I hesitate to even tell her, because I know that shit will hurt her. Her eyes narrow on me. “Please tell me, Maverick. I know it’s going to be bad. I’m ready.”

  I rub my face hard, letting out a deep breath. “Darlin’, when I got there, Michael showed up with her and a few other people. The payment for you was her.” Her gasp pierces me. “Your parents gave her to Michael to settle their debts.”

  “That poor baby,” she whispers over and over.

  “Look at me,” I demand.

  She looks at me. “You will not feel an ounce of guilt for this. This shit is all on them. Not you. You didn’t do this. They did and they will pay. Michael is done for, he is good as dead.”

  “Good,” she says in a tone I have never heard from her before. “We’re keeping her, right?” I can tell she’s unsure.

  “Of course we are, baby. I knew it the second I saw her.”

  She smiles. I can see the relief on her face. “But after we get them settled, let’s take a visit to my parents, shall we?”

  With that she climbs up in the truck. God, I love her and her fucking temper.

  * * *

  The drive to the house is a silent one. Ronny’s eyes don’t leave Anna and she has fallen asleep holding his hand.

  Bell is deep in her thoughts. I reach over and take her hand in mine, kissing the back of it. I don’t want her too deep in her thoughts.

  If it’s the last thing I do, she will not blame herself for this.

  I open the gate and drive inside, making sure to watch the gate to make sure it shuts before I make my way to my house.

  I open my phone and press the button to arm the gate, just as a precaution. Something doesn’t feel right.


  One thing I never expected when Maverick came through that door was a mini me. She looks exactly like me.

  But I knew. I knew she was my sister.

  I look back into the back seat, where she’s fast asleep with her head against the window.

bsp; I can’t imagine how scared and terrified she has been. I smile at my beautiful boy, my heart warming at the sight of him holding her hand.

  “I love you,” I mouth to him, my heart full and hurting at the same time.

  “I love you, Mom,” he whispers back, which is not much of a whisper but he tried, but my mind is immediately stuck on the word.


  His eyes widen like he’s scared that he called me that. “No, it’s okay, if you want to call me ‘mom’ that would make me so happy. I’m sure Maverick will feel the same way if that’s your choice.”

  He grins at me and looks over at Maverick. “Can I really?”

  This kid still rips out my heart. “Yes, baby, it would make me so happy.”

  I look over at Maverick, who is grinning ear to ear. “Me too, son,” Maverick pipes in and Ronny leans back into the seat, happy.


  I just want to pick him up and squeeze him right now. I step out of the truck, much to Maverick’s annoyance.

  I slowly open the back door, making sure Anna doesn’t fall out. “Hey sweetheart,” I whisper softly so she doesn’t get scared awake.

  That is one thing I struggle with so bad. If I’m scared awake, I literally get so sick to my stomach from the sudden fear.

  Her eyes drift open, looking at me. “Bell?” she asks, confused, before looking around to Maverick and Ronny.

  “Can I help you out of the truck, honey?” I lift my arms out for her, she scoots forward and I lift her out, setting her on the ground.

  “This is where I will live?” she asks in her angelic voice.

  Ronny steps up to her and takes her free hand. “I live here. I love it here.” Ronny tries to make her feel more comfortable.

  I know I feel a hundred feet tall that he feels so happy here, loved here. Maverick gives me a look, telling me that he feels exactly the same way.

  We did that shit.

  Maverick unlocks the door and turns on the light. “Can I help her pick out her room?” Ronny asks, excited.


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