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Page 16

by Ashers, LeAnn

  I approach her. “We’ll be back soon, honey.” I kiss her on the lips, my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her in deep.

  I’m not sure what to hope for.

  * * *

  We pull up to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. We drove for close to an hour outside of an already small fucking town.

  There is not a single soul around the cabin, just a small light on inside that looks like a fucking lantern.

  “Maybe I should go first?” Shaylin suggests.

  “Fuck no you’re not,” Butcher hisses, taking her hand so she can’t charge right up to the fucking door.

  “I’ll go around back.” Smiley runs behind the house. I don’t listen to them bicker.

  I peer inside of the window. I see a small figure sitting at the table. She turns to look at me in the window, and she jumps up from her chair, the force topping it over.

  But I’d know those eyes anywhere.

  Fuck, I hope that I didn’t scare her.

  “I think that’s her,” I tell River. She steps up to the door and knocks. “Daniella?” River yells.

  I hear faint footsteps from behind the door. “Who is it?” I can hear the shaking in her voice, even from behind the door.

  “My name is River. What’s yours?”

  She doesn’t speak for a few moments. “Daniella.” Her voice is barely audible, but we all hear it.

  My heart is beating so fucking hard in my chest. “I’m your niece; Bell is my mom.”

  The door opens so fast, I step back, taking River with me. Daniella’s eyes go to River, looking her over. “Bell is dead.” I can see the anger on her face.

  “She’s not; she’s my girlfriend. This is her daughter.” I put my hand on River’s shoulder.

  She shakes her head no. “You’re lying to me. She is dead. That’s what they told me!” she hisses, her eyes lit with fire.

  I take out my phone and show her a picture of Bell. “This is her.” She takes the phone, studying the picture.

  She covers her mouth with her hand. “I thought I lost her. I thought I had lost everyone.” She smiles. “I’m glad she got out; that makes me happy. I never got to meet Bell, but I hoped I would always get to.”

  She sighs, stepping away from the door. “Would you like to come in?”

  I slip in beside her and the others follow me. My eyes go straight to a framed frame of a newborn baby.

  I walk closer, picking it up. “Please don’t break that. That’s all I have of her.” She takes the frame from me, tucking it to her chest.

  I study her. Her face is showing her pain. “What happened to her?”

  Daniella’s head drops. “The flu. I was very sick and then I just woke up after being sick for days and they told me she died from it.”

  Please fucking tell me that they lied to this girl. “What was her name?” I hesitate to ask, the others scooting closer to listen.

  She smiles, looking at the frame. “Anna, my sweet baby.”




  This is much fucking worse than I thought. I cannot imagine thinking that my baby was dead but in reality she is not.

  Fucking heartbreaking.

  How do I tell someone that their kid is not dead but she was pretty much fucking sold?

  They used her as a bargaining chip.

  “Why are you all looking at me like that?” Her eyes widen. She looks so much like Bell, but her hair is dark brown like her father’s.

  “Until earlier today we didn’t know you fucking existed. We came here to confront your parents about what they did to…” I let out a big fucking breath. “To Anna.”

  She steps back. “Why are you doing this to me? I have suffered enough.” She puts the picture onto the table, cradling her head. “You have hurt me enough, please leave!”

  God, this hurts.

  “No, look!” I take out my phone and show her a picture of Bell and Anna sitting together.

  She looks at the phone then at the picture of Anna as a baby. “Are you telling me my baby is not dead?”

  I shake my head. “We didn’t know about her until a month ago. Bell left her husband and he has been after her. In exchange for her, they tried to give us Anna.”

  She falls to the ground, holding herself as it sinks in. I squat down in front of her. “She wasn’t hurt. She’s been with your parents this whole fucking time. She is okay; she is happy.”

  “Please, I beg you, take me to her. I will do anything,” she pleads.

  River takes her hands, lifting her to her feet. “We’ll leave right now, I promise.”

  Her face changes to one void of emotion. “What’s the matter?” I ask her.

  She shakes her head. “He’ll find me, he’ll hurt me. I can’t let her be in danger.”

  “You will not be in any danger. We will keep you safe, and Anna too,” I reassure her. “She’s living with us. We have plenty of room. Okay?” I smile.

  She nods. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell her who I am right off the bat? Maybe let her get to know me and tell her when the time is right?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  She smiles, her eyes lighting up. “Let’s go see my baby.”


  Maverick called me on the way back here. Daniella is alive and a lot better than I expected, but it’s worse in some ways. They told her Anna was dead.

  Anna is playing with Ronny, and the seconds are moving so slow. My stomach is hurting from the constant worrying about how this is going to go.

  I’m so glad she’s alive. I never knew she existed until today, but I’ve never prayed for someone more.

  She deserves a happy life. Thinking your daughter was dead but really wasn’t?

  That would fucking shatter me.

  They did it to control her, that is one thing I am completely certain about. I wouldn’t allow them to do that with my daughters.

  Adeline is pacing the room, just as nervous as I am. Maverick also told me that Daniella made a decision to not tell Anna the truth for a while. I’m so thankful for that. Anna has been through too much and is just now overcoming it.

  The hotel door opens. River is the first one through, followed by Maverick and a girl around Jessica’s age.

  She looks so scared. I’m sure I had a similar expression on my face when Jessica rescued me from that life.

  I slowly walk up to her, my hands in front of me. She sees me. “Bell?” she asks.

  I nod. “It’s so nice to meet you.” I smile, itching to pull her to me and hug her.

  She splits the distance and hugs me. I wrap her up tight and hold her as long as she needs me to. I cannot imagine what she’s dealing with right now.

  Maverick stands by my side, hand on my back, as we share this moment together.

  She pulls back. I wipe the tears from her face. “Ready to meet your girl?”

  She nods, a tear falling, and I take her hand, leading her over to Anna who is holding her Barbie in her hand.

  “Anna, I want to introduce you to Daniella.”

  Anna looks up and smiles at Daniella. “I’ve seen her pictures before. She’s my first mommy who died, then I had my second mommy, who is Bell’s mommy.”

  Anna’s eyes widen like she can’t believe she said that, then she studies the both of us, confused.

  Did she just say that?

  “Wait, I’m confused. What is happening?” Anna rubs her forehead. I sit down beside her, taking her hand.

  I push her hair from her face. “She’s not dead, baby. We thought she was,” I confess to her.

  Anna looks at her, blinking. “Does that mean you’re my mommy?”

  Daniella looks like she’s seconds from passing out. I don’t blame her. I thought Anna didn’t have a clue about her; she never even mentioned her. I didn’t know anything either.

  What a mess.

  My heart aches for the both of them. “I can be if you want me to be.” Daniella answers Anna’s question so softly,
her voice cracking as she holds back the emotions.

  Anna shrugs her shoulders, smiling. “Want to play Barbies with me?”

  Danielle stares at her with stars in her eyes. “I would love nothing more.” She scoots as close to Anna as she dares.

  I stand up and walk across the room to Maverick and the others. “I think we’re all going to be okay,” I whisper, overwhelmed.

  Maverick smiles, his hand going to my stomach. “I know we will be.” I rest my forehand against his chest. “One day at a time.”

  The Next Morning


  I gather some of my clothes for Daniella to wear. I’m not sure if they’ll fit her since she’s so tiny.

  Walking out of the bedroom, I see she’s asleep outside Anna’s bedroom door like she’s protecting her.

  I bend over, touching her shoulder. She jerks awake, looking around scared. “It’s just me.”

  She clutches her chest, leaning against the door. I sit beside her, handing her the clothes.

  “I’m so scared,” she confesses, rubbing her eyes, her hair falling around her shoulders.

  I replay back in my mind how terrified I was when I left. “I was too. I was with him twenty-five years until my daughters found me. Cult life is so different than real life. Trust me, it gets better.”

  She smiles at me weakly. “It’s already better. My daughter is worth all of it. I don’t care if I have to sleep outside of her window just to see her. That’s all I need.”

  I take her hand, needing to touch her. “You will have more than that. I have a great therapist who can help you adjust to real life. She saved me on so many levels, but you also have a chance at being happy and not hurt.” I say the last part hesitantly.

  She winces. “I was in insolation. This was the third month,” she confesses. I close my eyes. I’ve heard of that but I never had to experience it.

  She leans her head against the wall. “My husband is the son of the cult leader, so if I overstepped, my punishment was always ten times more severe. I had a role to play, but I wouldn't play it.”

  She pushes her hair behind her ear. “First he wanted me to be a recruiter when I married him when I was fourteen. He wanted me to let all of the young girls know what our life could offer.”

  She looks at me, haunted. “They were given to all of his friends as prizes. I stopped. I would rather die than have someone suffer our fate.”

  She licks her lips. “I got pregnant a month after I turned fifteen years old. I had her when I was fifteen. She’s six, I’m twenty-one, but I feel so old.” Her eyes are filled with unshed tears.

  “After I lost her, I didn’t care. I let him have hell. I practically lived there. Four months ago, I hit him with a book. I almost died from the injuries. Between the injuries, the rape and letting the others take turns? Life has been hell.”

  “Michael abused me too, every day. I can relate to you. I wish that we both could say we didn’t, but we did. We survived it—you can have a chance at a new life.”

  She smiles, looking at her hands. “I’m almost scared to wish for that.”

  I take her hand back. “Wish for it, honey. I got away from Michael, I have a man who truly loves, protects and cares for me, three children and a beautiful life. Anything is possible. You will get to be a mom to that beautiful little girl. You both deserve that life. I’ll make sure you get it.”

  She squeezes my hand a little tighter. “I was told you were dead, that hurt me my whole life. I am so thankful to have you, for taking care of her.”

  I lean over and hug her. She stiffens for a second before she relaxes. “I will always take care of you both.”

  A few days later

  Disney World


  “Can I go on this ride?” Ronny asks, pointing to a small rollercoaster. Anna jumps up and down, “Oh, can I too?”

  Maverick laughs. “Go on!”

  Anna reaches over and takes Daniella’s hand, pulling her with them. Ronny takes the other hand and we watch them get on the ride together.

  I can’t ride anything. I would definitely puke and I’m pregnant on top of that. Maverick’s hand rarely leaves my stomach, constantly rubbing it.

  I can’t wait for the day he or she starts kicking. I know Maverick will love that.

  Disney World is a blast. The kids are having the time of their life and want to do everything.

  Daniella is doing better than I expected. The morning after she was rescued it was like she woke up with a mission to live her new life the best she can.

  She has struggled, but if you didn’t know it, you wouldn’t see it. The hard part for her is Anna. She wants to be hands-on, do everything for her, and she doesn’t know how to go for it and not overstep. She wants to be her mom so bad, it breaks my heart.

  One day at a time.

  “You’re not too hot, are you?” Maverick rubs the back of my neck. I kiss his cheek. “A little bit. Want to sit in the shade?”

  We sit down under a tree and keep an eye on the kids on the coaster. They wave to me and I wave back. Ronny is kicking his little legs, so excited.

  “Are you feeling okay? I know the last couple of days have been a lot.”

  I nod. “I’m better than fine. I’m happy. Things are tough, but it won’t always be like this, and I get to take my man to bed later.

  He raises his eyebrows at me, a small smirk on his face. “Oh, is that so, honey?”

  I give him the sexiest look, “The last couple of days have been hard. It's taking everything in my power not to jump your bones.”

  He puts his hand on my knee, gliding it up towards my inner thighs. “Don't worry, I’ll take care of all of your needs,”

  My face grows hot and it’s not from the heat. I fan my face and pretend to do anything else but think of his plans for me later.

  He cups my face so I’m looking at him. “I fucking love that even now, after all of this time, baby, I get you so fucking fired up.” He kisses me hard, sucking my lip into his mouth.

  My hands shake, gripping his shirt so I don't stick my hand down his pants right here in front of everyone.

  “Look at me, Mom!” Ronny yells, breaking the moment, then they take off and I stand up, watching him, waving every time he comes around the curve.

  “Prepare yourself tonight, baby,” Maverick says from behind me, and a shiver runs up my spine despite the heat.


  As I watch the kids and Daniella on the rides, my phone rings. It’s Butcher. “Yeah?” I answer.

  “Did you untie the parents?” he asks.

  I think of it for a second. “No I didn’t, did you?”


  I grin. “Well that’s a damn shame.”

  He chuckles and hangs up. Bell looks back at me and smiles.

  Justice was served, baby.


  The second I step out of the shower after the kids are in bed, Maverick snatches me off of my feet and I’m on the bed in a split second.

  He is standing naked before me, stroking his dick, his eyes on me.

  “Looks like my dinner is prepared for me.” He licks his lips, his pupils dilating before my very eyes. He grows harder and harder as he watches me.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  I do as he asks. He falls to his knees right before me, his hands wrapping around my thighs, dragging me down until my butt is practically hanging off of the bed.

  “God, this pussy is made for me,” he moans, running his nose along my inner thighs.

  I grab the pillow above me, dragging it down to lay my head on it so I can watch him. I am so beyond turned on right now.

  He looks at me, his eyes connected with mine as he curls his tongue around my clit, never breaking eye contact.

  I almost jump off the bed at the sudden, intense pleasure.

  He grins, spreading my lips with his fingers before sucking my clit into his mouth, letting go with a pop.

  I grip the blankets. It�
��s all so much, but I never want him to stop. “Eyes on me or I stop.”

  I would rather die. I bite my lip, watching every move, every tongue twirl, suck. Everything.

  I close my eyes, not able to hold them open anymore. He stops, and I almost cry. My eyes fly open when I feel him slide home.

  I lift my legs, wrapping around him, and he stands up with me impaled on him, my face directly in front of his.

  He has never felt deeper. My toes curl and I arch my back, trying to bring him even deeper.

  My back is pressed against the wall, his hands gripping my ass cheeks. He holds me up as he pumps into me.



  I can’t make a sound. I can’t do anything but feel. It hurts but it also feels so good.

  My hand slaps against the wall, trying to brace myself, grab ahold of something. I am out of my mind with the pleasure.

  He grinds against my clit. I stop breathing as I clamp down onto him hard as I come.

  I scream, biting his shoulder to muffle the sound.

  He doesn’t stop and the orgasm is prolonged, and before I know it I’m falling over the edge again.

  I pull his hair, trying to get away, do something, but he just lays me back on the bed, moving even faster, harder.

  I can’t do anything but come over and over, harder and harder. I lose count as he fucks me into oblivion.

  I lean forward, grabbing his ass cheeks pulling him hard against me, as he comes, spilling inside of me.

  He lies on top of me, exhausted, his breathing labored, and I can’t move. My body is not my body anymore.

  It’s his.

  He owns all of me.

  Time passes and I don't know how long it is before he looks at me, a smirky grin on his face that tells me that he knows exactly what he’s done.

  He rocked my world and he knows it. “I'm dead,” I moan, clenching down on him.

  I know without a doubt I’m going to be sore tomorrow.


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