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Shadowborn Academy: Year Two (Dark Fae Academy Series Book 2)

Page 3

by G. Bailey

  Feeling more than one pair of eyes on me, I focus on the front of the room just as the long, floor-length green curtains are pulled back and a light fae in a striking white suit stands behind the dragon-shaped podium.

  She has curly blonde locks all pulled back into a high ponytail with a few of the strands braided. Her outfit hugs her like a corset at the top and the pencil skirt ends just under her knees. Behind her, white wings flutter softly and she looks every bit the poster girl for the light fae.

  Everyone breaks into whispers as the light fae searches the crowd and eventually locks her eyes on me, her violet eyes gleaming.

  “Settle down,” she demands in a voice that sounds like silk to my ears. The crowd drops into an immediate silence and I cross my arms. “My name is Headmistress Ivywood and I am delighted to be here for this very special year in your lives. As many of you have figured out, I am a Light Fae from King Ulric’s court, sent by the king himself in the wake of Sir Maximus Greyhorn’s death. This decision was made in agreement with the Dark Fae Queen to protect one very special student here today, but we will come back to that.”

  The new headmistress clears her throat when everyone starts talking again.

  I try to sink further into my seat but it doesn’t work. Everyone knows exactly who she’s referring to.


  How lovely.

  And, of course, the new headmistress is a Light Fae. Why wouldn’t she be? I bet she is good friends with my so-called father. I wonder if my ‘mother’ is going to send her own spy.

  My stomach heaves at the thought.

  Pitch is a lot of things, including a liar, but I don’t think he was Queen Narah’s spy. I want to let myself believe he wouldn’t betray me, but the fact remains that he has once before.

  “Shadowborn Academy has not had the best few years,” the headmistress resumes. “You may have noticed that you no longer carry your crystals. That is because those were created by a sinister evil and I have therefore removed them. Your magic is no longer bound to an object that can be exploited. With the new princess being a Shadowborn, the fae worlds have decided that Shadowborns need more protection. Now, with this in mind, the academy will have new guards and all of them will be fae. They will be working with the wardens and teachers here to keep you all safe. I am making new rules including curfews and restrictions on leaving the academy grounds alone. All these rules will be found in your new lesson plan, and for the first years, everything is ready for you in your room. Welcome to the Shadowborn Academy. May you have a blessed time studying here.”

  When I think things can’t get any more embarrassing, Ivywood makes a point of waving at me with a big smile on her stupidly pretty face.

  “Princess Corvina has decided to attend Shadowborn for the next two years and I don’t have to tell everyone how lucky they are to be in school with the heir to both royal courts. That being said, Princess Corvina will have more protection than most and I would caution students from irritating her guards.”

  I hear someone cough the word spoiled behind me and I grit my teeth. This year is going to suck. I can tell already.

  “Did you always know or did you like to pretend to be normal with us?” the girl I can’t remember the name of, whispers to me.

  “That’s none of your business,” I snap a little too loud and any student that wasn’t sneaking glances at me before most certainly are now.

  Ivywood gives a little harrumph as she clasps her hands neatly on the podium. “This academy will become a truly great school that rivals the light and dark fae academies by the time I am done. Many of you do not know your path, but the Zorya Sisters do and you must place your faith in them. Princess Corvina, do stay behind. Everyone else, you may leave.”

  Everyone claps and after a few moments, they start to leave. Grumbling under my breath, I remain seated until the hall empties and I’m left alone with Headmistress Ivywood. She walks right up to my seat, and I stand, keeping my arms crossed as I meet her gaze head-on.

  “I do not want your extra protection, nor you telling the entire academy who I am.”

  She just smiles at me. “I simply follow orders from your blessed father. He wishes everyone to know who you are and to bow in your presence.”

  I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes at her. “You haven’t bowed,” I note, not that I want her to.

  She laughs, the sound melodic and it’s annoying that I like it. “I am a consort of The Light Fae King and as such, I follow fewer rules than most. You must see me as a friend, Corvina. I wish to serve and help you find your path. I want to teach you of the old gods whose power runs in your blood and how very special you are.”

  Ah, father dearest did indeed send his fuck buddy to spy on me.

  “No offence, but I don’t want to learn more about the monsters with pretty faces who gave me away to humans,” I snap and her expression contorts into horror. Before she can utter another poisonous word, I walk away, a chuckle escaping my lips while she stands shocked in my shadow. It’s probably the first time she’s heard someone say they don’t want to be in the world of the fae or have the title of princess.

  I reach the door just before the pressure of everything crashes down on me and magic tickles my palms. Looking down, I see not only shadow magic but bursts of light and dark magic mixed within it, crackling like bolts of lightning.

  I’m a monster created by the fae. Maybe I do belong with them.

  I don’t notice Zander stepping in front of me, but when he covers my hand with his, the power instantly evaporates and I can breathe again. My eyes are watery as I look into his eyes, expecting to see disgust but that’s not there. Just wonder, and the usual playfulness he always has.

  “Want to see Echo and hang out for a bit?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper and link our fingers as he uses shadow magic to transport us to his room. “Thank you.”

  I’m not sure if he hears my words as he pulls my body against his, smothering me with the shadows that have always been my home.

  “Echo, you cheeky, cute little frog...thing you. You’ve gotten so big!” I chuckle as Echo flies onto my lap. He’s about the size of a small cat now and he’s fluffier than the last time I saw him. He nuzzles my cheek and does an adorable sneeze before curling into a ball and instantly falling asleep on my lap. I lean back on the sofa as I hear Zander getting changed into his normal clothes in the other room and stare out at the forest.

  I wish Sage was here so I could ask her what she would do next. How she would have dealt with who I am and advised me on how to go forward. If I’m honest with myself, Sage was the person I fell back on when I was lost.

  Pitch was the one who held my hand through the darkness.

  Now I don’t have either of them at my side anymore.

  “You need to escape your head,” Zander comments and I look over to see him leaning against the wall, his hands tucked into tight dark denim jeans. A deep, forest green shirt fits his chest effortlessly and reminds me how sexy his body is.

  As I check him out, not caring that he can see me doing it, he rolls up his sleeves. Something about the sight makes me want him more than usual.

  I finally look up into his strange eyes that speak the many secrets no doubt hidden in his blood. I’m sure I’m not the only one with big family issues and we just have more in common now.

  “Everything here just reminds me that Sage is missing and I’m not who I thought I was, Zander,” I comment.

  “My lady,” he says without a hint of humour that’s normally there when he calls me that. It’s funny how his joke nickname turns out to be a little bit too close to the truth about me. “You haven’t changed, even if nearly everything around you has. You are still Corvina Charles; badass shadowborn who won the first round of the tryouts and unearthed the killer headmaster before helping to defeat him.”

  “Are you trying to get my ego to match Jonah’s?” I ask as Zander walks over to me, laughing.

  Zander picks a sleepy Echo up off my l
ap and places him on the sofa before taking my hands and tugging me up. Shadows surround us instantly and instead of closing my eyes, I watch them spread around our bodies like a blanket and they welcome me as they always have. The silence of Zander’s apartment drifts away and is replaced with loud modern music and a deep warmth of where we are.

  We appear in a dark alleyway with small neon lights flickering around the end of the corridor. The heavy thump of the music blasts through our ears, and the place smells sweet and bitter, like cocktails. Zander wraps an arm around my waist, guiding me down the path until we enter the nightclub.

  But it’s not a human nightclub at all. Fae dance together in the air, kissing passionately or dancing like nobody’s watching. The bottom part of the dancefloor is full to the brim with people and I sense many are humans, but I see enough warden uniforms to know that it’s not just humans down there dancing.

  “This place is illegal and where your people go to escape the rules,” Zander whispers to me, his lips brushing across my ear and I shiver as I close my eyes. “Escape with me, my lady. Let’s forget who we are for now.”

  All thoughts of the academy, my parents and, well, everything, backs away into a box in my head as I turn to Zander and smile at him, nodding once. He grins and pulls me with him to the dancefloor. Although I’m not a big dancer, somehow in Zander’s arms, you wouldn’t know it.

  Zander effortlessly moves our bodies to the heavy beat of the music. We lose ourselves to it, to each other, and time seems to drift away into nothing. Zander presses his forehead to mine as the song changes to something a little slower.

  I open my eyes to see him looking at me with such longing that it almost feels like it burns my soul. We both move at the same time, our lips finding each other in a haze of passion and by Selena, Zander kisses as well as he dances. My small moan is hidden by the music as Zander kisses me harder, pushing his hard body into mine. A feeling of weightlessness fills me as I sink my hands into his soft hair, tugging him into my body further, desperate to have more of him.

  He suddenly pulls back and I gasp when I see the fae all floating around us. Bursts of light, dark and shadow magic shoot through the air between everyone.

  The fae bow, as does everyone on the ground and I close my eyes. No matter where I go, my powers and soul will never let me forget who I am.

  I’m a princess...and I need to accept this before my powers decide to make me.

  I fly through the trees with Wren and Crowe at my side. When the portal glimmers on the forest floor, I swoop down and land on the earth in my human form. Somehow I spent the entire day dancing with Zander and I didn’t notice the time had gone by.

  Once my powers let us drop to the floor, Zander got us back to the academy as quickly as he could. My ravens were waiting in the trees, the warning over my deadline to get back to the light kingdom hanging over my head. The last thing I want right now is to show up late to dinner with Daddy Dearest and his precious daughter.

  “So you will help me look for her?” I turn to Wren as she lands on the branch above my head.

  “Yes, and we already have scouts scouring the forest.”

  “Don’t worry.” Crowe hops onto my shoulder and nudges my cheek reassuringly with his beak. “We’ll find Sage. She’ll be okay.”

  My stomach clenches. “I hope you’re right.”

  “Have we ever been wrong?” Wren counters. “Rook is searching for her now as we speak.”

  A breeze filters through the trees and lifts the hem of my silver dress. I unbraid my hair and loosen the curls, draping them over one shoulder. When I look at my reflection in the mirror, my skin glows ever so softly, and I really do look like a princess.

  Worse than that—I almost feel like one.

  “Travel safe.” Crowe hops off my shoulder to join Wren. “We cannot travel to this realm, but we will remain here until you come back. Have fun, Princess.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  Flashing a grin at them, I take a deep breath and step through the portal. King Ulric stands at the end of a grand silver table, and on his left is a young fae, her long hair glowing like the pale moonlight. She must be my half-sister, Evangelina. When I reach their side, I incline my head politely and sit across from the girl. Her eyes are dark, nearly black. Odd for a Light Fae.

  “Daughter.” The king sits back in his high-back, gilded chair and smiles. “I would like to introduce you to your sister, Princess Evangelina of the Light Fae Court. My second-born.”

  “Eva is fine. It’s a pleasure to meet my dear sister at long last.”

  Her soft, velvety tone is cold just like her father’s and I highly doubt she’s pleased to meet me.

  “You too,” I offer dryly, then turn to the king. “And thanks for sending your consort to babysit me.”

  The corner of his lip twitches. He passes me a glass of white wine. “A necessary precaution. I only want the best for my future heir.”

  Eva chokes on her drink at the comment and I can’t help but smirk at that. There is something about Eva that rubs me the wrong way. She might be my sister by blood, but she’s not Sage or Izora. They’re the only sisters I need in my life.

  “Maybe you missed the memo, Your Majesty, but I’m not a child anymore.” I take a sip of my own wine, wrinkling my nose at the unusual taste. “I can look after myself. Have done so for most of my life.”

  King Ulric’s lips fall into a grim line. “Indeed.”

  At that moment, the doors to the hall open. I turn to see which guest is gracing us with their royal presence, and my eyes widen when I see Pitch.

  “Ah. I see your companion has found a portal of his own,” my father states coldly.

  Pitch sits down beside me and glares over at King Ulric. “I have protected Corvina nearly all my life. I’m not about to stop now.”

  “Oh, Danica! Who cares. I am beginning to feel like a starved peasant. Let’s eat already.”

  “Be patient, Eva.” The king turns to Pitch. “I assume you are staying for the meal?”

  “You assume correctly, Your Majesty.”

  “Then, please. Do dig in.”

  The king waves his hand and an entire feast spreads out on the table. My eyes land on the glazed chicken and I wet my lips despite myself.

  “Would you like to do the honors, Corvina?” he asks me, extending a knife and fork, motioning to the chicken.

  I nod and take the cutlery from him, then stand to get a better grip on the chicken. As I’m slicing, I feel his eyes on me while he runs his finger along his lower lip.

  “You are skilled with a knife,” he comments.

  “She’s as skilled as my foot,” I hear Eva grumble under her breath, taking a generous serving of sweet potato mash.

  “She won this year’s Tryouts,” Pitch argues.

  The king watches their exchange with an amused expression on his face. I place some chicken onto his plate and move on to Eva.

  “Yes. Do tell me. How is the other victor...Sage, I believe her name is?” Eva asks.

  My hand pauses over the chicken, the tip of the knife slicing through the skin. “She’s fine.”

  “Oh, really?” Eva brings her fork to her smirking lips. “I do hope so. Did you know that the faerie pools can only transport those who are either part fae or have been kissed by a fae?”

  I dump a slice of chicken on her plate and reach for another. “No.”

  “Then I don’t suppose you know what happens to those who step into the depths without being fae or having kissed one?”

  “Eva,” King Ulric warns.

  She snaps her head towards the king. “Why father, she deserves to know, does she not?”

  I glance at the king and Pitch. “What happens to them?”

  Slipping her fork between her lips, Eva swallows her food and spreads her mouth into a derisive grin. “They die, of course, and rather horribly too.”

  The king bangs his fist on the table. “Eva, that is enough!”

by what I’ve just heard, I drop the cutlery on the table, and the chicken falls onto Eva’s lap.

  “You stupid girl!” She shoots back from the table and rises, dabbing a silk napkin against her gown. “Just look at what you’ve done.”

  “Why, it’s an improvement,” I say to her, smirking despite that my heart feels like it’s lodged in my throat. Sage is not dead. I will search the forest until I find her alive. “Now do eat up and stop playing games, sister. The food is getting cold.”

  Pitch flashes me a grin as I make my way back to him, but then Eva pulls me by the hair and shoves me into the table. Adrenaline kicks in almost immediately. I grab one of her wrists and reach for her throat with my other hand, digging my fingers into her windpipe.

  The two of us topple onto the floor and I pin her down, squeezing the air from her pathetic little lungs. She gasps and knees me in the stomach but I don’t let go. It’s not until a blinding light flashes before my eyes when I release her.

  I spiral onto my back, smacking against the crystal floor with a loud slap. When I look over at the conniving bitch, she, too, is lying sprawled on her back. The king is standing between us, a trickle of magic disappearing into the palm of his hand. Before I can so much as strike Eva with my own magic, Pitch drags me from the hall.

  “What are you doing?” I twist my arm in his grip but he holds me like a vice. “I need to teach that bitch a lesson.”

  “That bitch,” Pitch growls, cornering me against the wall, “is a Princess of Helios and your sister.”

  “She’s not my sister.”

  “By definition she is, and by definition, you are also a princess and better start acting like one when you are in these kingdoms because one day you will be queen!”

  My breath hitches as I watch Pitch’s gold eyes turn into molten lava. His anger radiates from his body in ferocious waves, causing his magic to swirl about him in black smokey tendrils. I’ve never seen him so livid before.


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