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The Dedalus Book of Absinthe

Page 25

by Baker, Phil

  “affinity” W.N.Arnold ‘Vincent Van Gogh and the thujone connection’ Journal of the American Medical Association Vol.260 no.20 Nov.25 1988 p.3042

  “I fight this insomnia with a very, very strong dose of camphor …” ibid. p.3043

  “… any more than when we are dead we can take the train.” cited Lanier p.89

  “… as though they held him in a strong embrace.” U.F.Vanden broucke, cited in Arnold ‘Vincent Van Gogh and the thujone connection’ p.3044

  “… three days of drowsiness or sleep.” Adam Gottlieb Legal Highs p.53

  “… mainly consisting of thujone.” ibid. p.52

  “I’ll keep y’all informed (if I can remember!)” ‘Kurt’ ‘Absinthe: My Dance with the Green Fairy’ at

  “agitated, incoherent, and disoriented state” etc. S.D.Weisbord, J.B.Soule, P.L.Kimmel ‘Poison on Line: Acute Renal Failure Caused by Oil of Wormwood Purchased Through the Internet’ New England Journal of Medicine Vol.337 no.12 p.825

  “… I am sorry for any pain this has caused you.” letter published on

  “… but getting to that point is quite dangerous.” Lilith, in Frauenfelder ‘Absinthe Devotees’

  “liquid joint” Frauenfelder op.cit

  “… ever invented by the mind of man” Zolotow ‘Absinthe’ p.174

  “… a morbid craving.” Eric Newby A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush p.163

  “… continued to gorge themselves.”ibid. p.174

  Meschler et al. – Meschler J, Marsh C, Land B, Howlett ‘Failure of the active component of absinthe to bind the cannabinoid receptor’ International Cannabinoid Research Society paper (1997), cited in Matthew Baggot Absinthe FAQ [net]

  260/350ppm: Strang et al. ‘Absinthe: What’s Your Poison?’

  “… based on that personal experience, I’d guess it’s quite high in thujone.” Anon. at ‘Absinthe Guide’

  “… alcoholism is the enemy of art and the curse of Western civilisation …” Cyril Connolly cited Dardis p.9

  “In France no one expects very much from anyone who drinks …” Glenway Westcott cited Dardis p.11

  “… put up with fools, leave your work alone and not think of it after you knock off …” Hemingway, cited Dardis p.202

  “… a depressant to check the mental exhilaration produced by extended sobriety” F.Exley, A Fan’s Notes (Penguin, 1990) p.31

  “… but does not always depart when he wishes.” Baudelaire, Intimate Journals p.13

  “somewhere during that second drink, a switch was flipped … . never have enough.” Caroline Knapp, Drinking p.53

  “… the approach to the void must be gradual, it must be attenuated.” Patrick McGrath, The Grotesque (Penguin, 1990) p.133

  “On n’est pas pressés” Ralph Rumney Le Consul (Paris, Editions Allia, 1999) p.27

  “… On a le temps.” Cited A.Hussey The Game of War: The Life and Death of Guy Debord p.56

  “… drunk much more than most people who drink.” Guy Debord Panegyric trans. James Brook (Verso, 1991) p.34

  “… the true taste of the passage of time.” ibid. p.35


  Ackroyd, Peter (introduction) A Catalogue of Rare Books Offered for Sale from the collection of Giles Gordon: Oscar Wilde, Aubrey Beardsley and the 1890s (Gekoski, 1994)

  Adams, Brooks ‘Six Drinks to the End of an Era’ Artforum (April, 1980)

  Adams, Jad Madder Music, Stronger Wine: The Life of Ernest Dowson, Poet and Decadent (I.B.Tauris, 2000)

  Allais, Alphonse ‘Absinthe’ in The World of Alphonse Allais ed. Miles Kington (Chatto and Windus, 1976)

  Allen-Mills, Tony ‘French start bar brawl for ‘real’ absinthe’ Sunday Times 18 April 1999

  Alloway, Lawrence [reply to W.R.Bett; see Bett]

  Applegate, Bergen Verlaine: his absinthe-tinted song (Chicago, Alderbrink Press, 1916)

  Arnold, Wilfred Niels ‘Absinthe’, Scientific American 260 (June, 1989)

  Arnold, Wilfred Niels ‘Vincent Van Gogh and the Thujone Connnection’ Journal of the American Medical Association 260:20 (Nov. 25th 1988)

  Arnold, WN, Loftus LS ‘Vincent Van Gogh’s Illness: Acute Intermittent Porphyria?’ British Medical Journal 1991; 303; 1589–91

  Arwas, Victor Alastair: Illustrator of Decadence (Thames and Hudson, 1979)

  Asbury, Herbert The French Quarter (New York, Knopf, 1936)

  Baldwin, Tom ‘Labour poised to ban absinthe’ Sunday Telegraph 27 Dec 1998

  Balesta, Henri Absinthe et Absintheurs (Paris, Marpon, 1860)

  Barthes, Roland Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (NY, Hill and Wang, 1977)

  Baudelaire, Charles Intimate Journals, with a preface by Christopher Isherwood (Black Spring Press, 1989)

  Baudelaire, Charles Baudelaire: The Complete Verse ed. Francis Scarfe (Anvil Press, 1986)

  Baudelaire, Charles Petites Poèmes en Prose: Le Spleen de Paris ed. Henri Lemaitre (Paris, Garnier, 1974)

  Beaumont, Keith Alfred Jarry: a critical and biographical study (Leicester University Press, 1984)

  Beckett, Samuel A Dream of Fair to Middling Women (Dublin, Black Cat, 1992)

  Beerbohm, Max ‘Enoch Soames’ in The Bodley Head Max Beerbohm (Bodley Head, 1970)

  Bett, W.R. ‘Vincent Van Gogh (1853–90): Artist and Addict’ British Journal of Addiction 51, Nos.1 and 2, April 1954

  Brasher, C.W.J. ‘Absinthe and absinthe drinking in England’ The Lancet April 26, 1930

  Breton, André Anthology of Black Humor (San Francisco, City Lights, 1997)

  Breton, André ‘Surrealism, Yesterday, To-day and Tomorrow’, This Quarter Vol.V No.1, Surrealist Number (Paris, September 1932)

  Brite, Poppy Z. His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood (Penguin, 1995)

  Buchanan, Robert Williams The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Williams Buchanan (Chatto and Windus, 1901)

  Bywater, Michael, ‘Why Government is bad for you’ Telegraph 25 Feb 1999

  Castillo, J del, et al. ‘Marijuana, absinthe and the central nervous system’ Nature Vol.253 (January 31, 1975)

  Conklin, Don ‘Absinthe is making a comeback’ College Hill Independent 17th April 1997

  Conrad, Barnaby Absinthe: History in a Bottle (San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 1988)

  Corelli, Marie Wormwood: A Drama of Paris in 3 volumes (Richard Bentley and Son, 1890)

  Crosby, Harry Shadows of the Sun – The Diaries of Harry Crosby ed. Edward Germain (Santa Barbara, Black Sparrow, 1977)

  Crowley, Aleister The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Jonathan Cape, 1969)

  Crowley, Aleister (as ‘Jeanne la Goulue)‘La Légende de l’Absinthe’ The International (New York, October 1917)

  Crowley, Aleister ‘The Green Goddess’ The International (New York, February 1918)

  Dardis, Tom The Thirsty Muse: Alcohol and the American Writer (Abacus, 1990)

  Debord, Guy Panegyric trans. James Brook (Verso, 1991)

  Delahaye, Marie-Claude L’Absinthe, histoire de la fée verte (Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1987)

  Delahaye, Marie-Claude L’Absinthe: Art et Histoire (Paris, Editions Trame Way, 1990)

  Delahaye, Marie-Claude, and Noel, Benoit L’Absinthe: muse des peintres (Paris, Editions de l’Amateur, 1999)

  Delahaye, Marie-Claude L’Absinthe: muse des poètes (Auvers-sur- Oise, Musée de l’Absinthe, 2000)

  Dobson, Roger ‘A Palimpsest of Three Impostors’ Faunus No 7 Spring 2001

  Dowson, Ernest The Letters of Ernest Dowson, ed. Desmond Flower and Henry Maas (Cassell, 1967)

  Dubois, Claude Apaches, Voyous et Gonzes Poilus (Paris, editions Parigramme, 1996)

  Ellman, Richard Oscar Wilde (New York, Knopf, 1988)

  Elms, Robert Spain: A Portrait the General (Heinemann,1992)

  Fitzgerald, F.Scott The Beautiful and the Damned (Collins, 1922)

  Flaubert, Gustave, The Dictionary of Received Ideas (Penguin, 1994)

  Fothergill, John, My Three Inns (Chatto and Wi
ndus, 1949)

  Frauenfelder, Mark, ‘Absinthe Devotees: The Green Fog’, August 2000 []

  Frey, Julia, Toulouse-Lautrec: A Life (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994)

  Gide, André The Counterfeiters (NY, Knopf, 1927)

  Gilbert, W.S., Lost Bab Ballads ed.Townley Searle (Putnams, 1932)

  Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de Pages From The Goncourt Journals ed.Robert Baldick (O.U.P., 1962)

  Gosse, Edmund ‘A First Sight of Verlaine’ Savoy No.2 (April, 1896)

  Gottlieb, Adam Legal Highs (Manhattan Beach Calif., 20th Century Alchemist, 1992 [1973])

  Gross, John, The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969)

  Guyot, Yves. L’absinthe et le délire persecuteur (Paris, 1907)

  Hamilton, George Heard, Manet and his Critics (Yale, 1986)

  Hanson, Anne Coffin, Manet and the Modern Tradition (Yale, 1977)

  Helliker, Adam, ‘Lethal Tipple’ Sunday Telegraph 2 May 1999

  Hemingway, Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls (Jonathan Cape, 1941)

  Hemingway, Ernest Death in the Afternoon (Jonathan Cape, 1932)

  [Hichens, Robert] Anon. The Green Carnation (William Heinemann, 1894)

  Hodgkinson, Tom, ‘Absinthe – that’s the spirit’ Telegraph 3 Dec 1998

  Hodgkinson, Tom ‘Wild Green Fairy Liquid’ Loaded February 1999

  Hold KM, Sirisoma NS, Ikeda T, Narahashi T, Casida JE ‘Alpha-thujone (the active component of absinthe): gamma- aminobutyric acid type A receptor modulation and metabolic detoxification’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:8 (April 11, 2000)

  Hopkins, R.Thurston, ‘A London Phantom’ printed as Appendix D of Ernest Dowson Letters

  Hughes, Robert, Nothing If Not Critical: Selected Essays on Art and Artists (Harvill, 1990)

  Hussey, Andrew The Game of War: The Life and Death of Guy Debord (Jonathan Cape, 2001)

  Huysmans, J.K. Against Nature (Penguin, 1976)

  Jackson, Holbrook, The Eighteen Nineties (Jonathan Cape, 1927)

  Jarry, Alfred Days and Nights (Atlas, 1989)

  Jones, Thomas The Art of Distilling Simple and Compound Waters on the Most Modern and Improved Principles (London, n.d. c.1840)

  Joyce, James, Ulysses (Bodley Head, 1960)

  Joyce, James, Finnegans Wake (Faber, 1939)

  Kernahan, Coulson ‘Two Absinthe-Minded Beggars’ Chamber’s Journal (June 1930)

  Kington, Miles, The World of Alphonse Allais (Chatto)

  Klein, Richard, Cigarettes Are Sublime (Picador, 1995)

  Knapp, Caroline Drinking (Quartet, 1997)

  ‘Kurt’ ‘Absinthe: My Dance with the Green Fairy’ []

  Lancet, The March 6th 1869 ‘Absinthe and Alcohol’

  Lancet, The Sept 7th 1872 ‘New researches on the properties of absinthe’

  Lancet, The [see also Brasher]

  Lanier, Doris, Absinthe: The Cocaine of the Nineteenth Century (Jefferson, McFarland and Co., 1995)

  Le Gallienne, Richard The Romantic ‘90s (Putnams, 1925)

  Levien. D.J. Wormwood (Allison and Busby, 1998)

  Littlewood, Ian Paris: A Literary Companion (John Murray, 1987)

  Lowry, Malcolm Under the Volcano (Jonathan Cape, 1947)

  Machen, Arthur, Arthur Machen: A Bibliography by Henry Danielson, with Notes by Arthur Machen (Henry Danielson, 1923)

  Macintyre, Ben ‘One green bottle makes fools of us all’ Times 5 Dec 98

  Mangrum, Stuart ‘Absinthe, the Potent Green Fairy’ in Proust Said That issue no.7 []

  Maugham, W.Somerset Of Human Bondage (Heinemann, 1915)

  Maugham, W.Somerset The Magician, together with A Fragment of Autobiography (Heinemann, 1956)

  Mew, J. and Ashton, J. Drinks of the World (Leadenhall Press, 1892)

  Meyer, Michael Strindberg: A Biography (Secker and Warburg, 1985)

  Miller, Stuart, ‘Green Fairy Fires Spirits After Long Absinthe’ Guardian Dec.1st 1998

  [Monson case] ‘Baron’s son fights drinking ban after ‘poison’ absinthe’ Evening Standard 16 June 1999

  Moore, John, ‘The Return of Absinthe’ The Idler (Winter, 1997)

  Morrow, William Chambers ‘Over an Absinthe Bottle’ in The Ape, the Idiot, and other People (Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1897)

  Nadelson, Regina ‘The Sweet Taste of Decadence’ Metropolitan Home Nov 1982

  Neill, Richard, ‘Absinthe makes the head pound harder’ Telegraph 8 Feb 1997

  Nelson, James G. Publisher to the Decadents: Leonard Smithers in the Careers of Beardsley, Wilde, Dowson (Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000)

  Newby, Eric A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush (Picador, 1981)

  Nordau, Max Degeneration (Heinemann, 1895)

  Olsen, Richard W. ‘Absinthe and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:9 April 25, 2000

  O’Sullivan, Vincent Aspects of Wilde (New York, Henry Holt, 1936)

  Pagnol, Marcel The Time of Secrets trans. Rita Barisse (Hamish Hamilton, 1962)

  Pater, Walter The Renaissance (Macmillan, 1910 [1873])

  Pickvance, Ronald ‘L’Absinthe in England’ Apollo 77 (May 15th, 1963)

  Pinto-Scognamilio, W. ‘Effetti del tuyone sull’attività spontanea e sul comportamento condizionato del ratto’ Bolletino Chimico Farmaceutico no.107, 1968

  Queneau, Raymond The Flight of Icarus trans. Barbara Wright (Calder and Boyars, 1973)

  Raby, Peter Aubrey Beardsley and the Nineties (Collins and Brown, 1998)

  Ricard, Paul, obituary in Daily Telegraph 15th November 1997

  Rice, Anne Interview with the Vampire (Raven, 1976)

  Richardson, Joanna, Verlaine (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971)

  Rimbaud, Arthur Rimbaud: Complete Works, Selected Letters ed. Wallace Fowlie (University of Chicago Press, 1966)

  Saintsbury, George, Notes on a Cellar-Book (Macmillan, 1921)

  Seigel, Jerrold Bohemian Paris: Culture, Politics and the Boundaries of Bourgeois Life, 1830–1930 (Viking, 1986)

  Shattuck, Roger The Banquet Years (Faber, 1959)

  Simon, Joanna, ‘Absinthe Minded’ Sunday Times 17 Jan 1999

  Spies, Werner, Picasso Sculpture: With a Complete Catalogue (Thames and Hudson, 1972)

  Starkie, Enid Arthur Rimbaud (Faber, 1938)

  Strang J, Arnold WN, Peters T ‘Absinthe: what’s your poison?’ British Medical Journal 18th Dec.1999 [online version] vol.319; pp.1590–92

  Sweetman, David Toulouse-Lautrec and the Fin-de-Siècle (Hodder and Stoughton, 1999)

  Symons, Arthur, ‘A Literary Causerie: On a Book of Verses’ The Savoy No.4 (August, 1896)

  Symons, Arthur, Arthur Symons: Selected Writings, ed. Roger Holdsworth (Carcanet, 1974)

  Symons, Arthur Arthur Symons: Selected Letters, 1880–1935 ed. Karl Beckson and John M.Munro (Macmillan, 1989)

  Tarling, W.J. The Café Royal Cocktail Book compiled by W.J.Tarling, illus. Frederick Carter (Publications from Pall Mall, 1937)

  Thornton, R.K.R (ed.) Poetry of the Nineties (Penguin, 1970)

  Verlaine, Paul Confessions of a Poet trans. Joanna Richardson (Thames and Hudson, 1950)

  Verlaine, Paul, ‘À François Coppée’, in Dédicaces (Paris, Leon Vanier, 1894)

  Vogt, Donald D ‘Absinthium; A 19thc drug of abuse’ Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol.4, 1981

  Vyner, Harriet, Groovy Bob: The Life and Times of Robert Fraser (Faber, 1999)

  Waugh, Alec, In Praise of Wine (Cassell, 1959)

  Waugh, Evelyn Decline and Fall (Penguin, 1973)

  Waugh, Evelyn Scoop (Penguin, 1973)

  Weber, Eugen France: Fin-de-Siècle (Harvard University Press, 1986)

  Weintraub, Stanley, The Savoy: Nineties Experiment (Pennsylvania University Press, 1996)

  Weisbord SD, Soule JB, and Kimmel PL ‘Poison on line: acute renal failure caused by oil of wormwood purchased through the internet New England Journal of Medicine 337 no.12: p.825

  Wilde, Oscar, The Picture of Dorian Gray (O.U.P. 1974)

  Wilde, Oscar The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde ed. Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis (Fourth Estate, 2000)

  Williams, F.Harald, Confessions of a Poet (Hutchinson, 1894)

  Wilson, Edmund, Axel’s Castle (Penguin, 1993)

  Wolff, Geoffrey Black Sun (New York, Random House, 1976)

  Woolf, Alan D ‘Absinthe’ Clinical Toxicology Review (Massachusets, Massachusets Poison Control System) vol.18 no.4 January 1996

  Wu, C. ‘Toxin in absinthe makes neurons run wild’ Science News, April 1, 2000

  Yeats, W.B. Autobiographies (Macmillan, 1955)

  Yeats, W.B. [intro] The Oxford Book of Modern Verse 1892–1935 (Oxford, 1936)

  Zola, Emile, L’Assomoir trans. Leonard Tancock (Penguin, 1970)

  Zola, Emile, Nana trans. George Holden (Penguin, 1972)

  Zolotow, Maurice ‘Absinthe’ Playboy (June 1971)


  “Absinthe” currently (as of midsummer 2001) brings up 54,400 or so hits on the Internet, using the search engine Google. Much of this is ephemeral or low grade material, like the piece suggesting “Perhaps these artists of the 19th century stumbled upon a key that may, in the future, allow us to genetically alter our children to be artistic prodigies.” However, several absinthe sites stand out, particularly ‘Le Fée Verte’ at the American Gothic site Sepulchritude (, and Matthew Baggott’s excellent ‘Absinthe FAQ’ or “frequently asked questions”, which is currently disseminated on various sites. There are other absinthe sites which are high quality but primarily promotional, commercial, marketing sites of one kind or another. The engaging New Orleans website ‘The Gumbo Pages’ ( contains only a little about absinthe, but is of interest because it contains the other side of the “internet wormwood overdose” story.


  Marie-Claude Delahaye’s excellent absinthe museum, Le Musée de l’Absinthe, can be found at 44 rue Callé, 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise.


  Any modern writer on absinthe is indebted to the work of Marie-Claude Delahaye, who has largely rescued French absinthe drinking from cultural oblivion. Her books on the subject are an indispensable resource. I have also very much enjoyed Barnaby Conrad’s impressively researched and superbly illustrated book on the subject, and learned things too from Doris Lanier’s.


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