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The Dedalus Book of Absinthe

Page 27

by Baker, Phil

  Sartain, John, publisher of Poe, (1)

  Satan, (1)

  Savoy, The [periodical], (1), (2), (3)

  Savoy Hotel, (1)

  Schmidt, Henri, temperance campaigner, (1)

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, (1)

  Schwob, Marcel, (1); on Wilde, (1)

  Second Empire, (1), (2), (3), (4)

  Semmler, German chemist, (1)

  Shattuck, Roger, (1), (2), (3)

  Sherard, Robert, (1), (2)

  Sickert, Walter, (1)

  Signac, Paul, (1)

  Smith, Patti, (1)

  Smithers, Leonard, decadent publisher, (1), (2); and pornography, (1); Wilde on, (1); on absinthe, (1); decline of, (1); found dead, (1)

  Soames, Enoch, (1), (2), (3), (4)

  Société des Amis d’Alfred Jarry, (1)

  Southey, Robert, (1)

  ‘speedball’ effect, (1)

  Starkie, Enid, (1)

  Stein, Gertrude, (1)

  Strindberg, August, (1)

  Sublime, the, (1)

  Sweetman, David, (1)

  Symons, Arthur, (1), (2), (3), (4); ‘The Absinthe Drinker’, (1); on Dowson, (1); on Crosby, (1)

  Tanacetone, (1)

  Tarling, W.J., on cocktails, (1)

  Terpenes, (1), (2), (3)

  Thompson, Hunter S., (1)

  Thuja tree, (1)

  Thujone, (1), (2), (3), (4); as GABA-blocker, (1); stimulates intelligence of rats, (1); toxic accumulation in body, (1); quantities in absinthe, (1)

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, (1); as friend of Jarry, (1); invents drinks, (1), (2); as ‘Tooloose Lowrytrek’, (1); introduces Van Gogh to absinthe, (1); W.R.Bett describes, (1)

  Turner, Reggie, (1), (2)

  Turner Prize, (1)

  Tusser’s Husbandrie, (1)

  Valentin, (Henri Bourette), (1); sonnet illustrated, (1)

  Van Gogh, Vincent, (1)

  Verlaine, Paul, (1); repents absinthe, (1); Strindberg and photograph of , (1); Goncourts on, (1), (2); erroneously identified in Degas painting, (1); emulated, (1); in poem by Artaud, (1)

  Vermesch, Eugène, communard, (1)

  Vichy Government, (1)

  Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Auguste, (1); appearance of, (1); applies for throne of Greece, (1); Axel, ideal/real and inner Orient, (1)

  Vin Mariani, (1)

  Wallach, German chemist, (1)

  Waugh, Alec, (1)

  Waugh, Evelyn, (1)

  Weber, Louise, see Goulue, La

  Webster, John, (1)

  Westcott, Glenway, (1)

  Wilde, Oscar, (1); on absinthe, (1); downfall, (1); compares Beardsley’s drawings to absinthe, (1); claims picture grows more like Dowson, (1); and death of Dowson, (1); on Jarry, (1); on art and life, (1); influence on Harry Crosby, (1); opinion on Corelli, (1)

  Wilgefortis, Saint, (1)

  Wilkinson, Lady, Weeds and Wild Flowers, (1)

  Williams, F.Harald, (1)

  Wilson, Edmund, (1)

  Wolff, Geoffrey, Black Sun, (1)

  Women, and absinthe, (1), (2), (3)

  Working classes, and absinthe, (1), (2), (3); pivotal to idea of absinthe as ‘problem’, (1), (2)

  Wormwood, (1), (2), (3), (4), (5); accidental poisoning by, (1)

  Wormwood, star, (1)

  Yeats, W.B., (1), (2); on Axel, (1); on end of Nineties, (1); on Ubu Roi, (1)

  Yellow Book, (periodical), (1)

  Yellow Book, in The Picture of Dorian Gray , (1)

  Zola, Emile, (1), (2), (3); L’Assomoir, (1); Nana, (1), (2)

  Zolotow, Maurice, (1)




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