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Double Coverage

Page 9

by Meghan Quinn

  Jake was laughing. “Let me guess, blonde hair and big tits.”

  “Not at all. She’s a petite thing, light brown hair and light blue eyes. I mean, she’s pretty, but she’s a good girl. She’s sweet, too sweet for the likes of Ryker.”

  “Man, I wish I could see him now. Next time you’re at that bar, take a video for me or something.”

  “I’ll try.” They were silent for a second and Mason was hoping Jake wasn’t going to go to his normal questioning during their once-a-week phone calls. It was like clockwork every phone call, they caught up at first and then Jake always asked how Mason was doing. Mason would tell him he was fine, even though inside he felt numb, completely numb. He hadn’t felt anything since Brooke destroyed him. He felt empty…until…

  As if on cue, Jake asked, “How are you doing, Mace? Everything going alright out there?” Mason didn’t like talking about his life very much recently, but something happened to him the other night. Something he didn’t think he could hold in. He had to share it with someone and Ryker was out of the question because Ryker would only give Mason grief and most likely torture him with such valuable information.

  Mason took a deep breath and said, “Better, I’m doing better.”

  Shock laced Jake’s voice. “Wow, that’s not the usual, ‘I’m doing fine’ retort I get from you,” Jake said, trying to mock Mason’s voice.

  “Yeah, well, something happened the other night.”

  Mason could hear Jake shuffling around. “I know we sound like a bunch of chatty hens, but tell me about it.”

  Mason sat on the side of the bathtub with his towel wrapped around his waist when he thought back to the night at the bar. “When Ryker and I went to that bar the other night, I ran into Piper.”

  “Piper Shores?”



  Mason continued. “Well, come to find out, she works at that bar. What are the odds, right? She dropped off some chicken wings and we harassed each other a little bit, but something happened to me. When she was around, it was like she was unclogging some of the fog that’s been clouding over me for a while. I felt like I could breathe again for the first time since Brooke left.”

  Jake was silent for a second and Mason contemplated whether or not he should have confessed himself to Jake. Mason didn’t really know what was going on with his emotions ever since the night at the bar; all he knew was that he didn’t feel as if the world was closing in on him anymore.

  Jake cut into Mason’s thoughts. “Are we talking about the same Piper here? The one who you made throw up on the airplane, the same Piper who made you walk back to our wedding reception sporting nothing more than a couple of palm leaves, the same girl who you swore was the devil’s spawn? That Piper?”

  “The one and only.”

  “Wow, I thought you two hated each other.”

  “I’m pretty sure she hates me, but I don’t know. God Jake, I don’t want to be attracted to her; she drives me up the fucking wall, but whenever I’m around her I can’t stop looking at her or wishing I knew more about her. She’s so damn intriguing.” Mason ran his hand over his face, irritated with his newfound feelings. “All I know is that the past couple of days since I saw her, I’ve been able to exhale without feeling pain.”

  “That’s good man, even if she’s the devil’s spawn,” Jake and Mason both laughed. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know. Hannah, her friend and Ryker’s future wife,” they both laughed, “mentioned that Piper was seeing someone, but it didn’t seem that serious.”

  “Then, go for it. It’s good to hear you sound more alive.”

  “How do you suggest I go after someone who thinks more highly of a rotten carcass on the side of the road than me?”

  “First things first, stop being an ass to her.”

  “Valid point.”

  “Then, bring out the charm. Bring back the old Mason.”

  “Easier said than done, man.”

  “I know, but I already can hear him coming back. If Piper is the key to you getting your life back together, then I say go after her. Lexi and I are worried about you. We just want to make sure you’re okay, you know?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  Mason spent the next ten minutes on the phone with Jake talking about the San Diego Thunder and how the team was looking. Apparently, they acquired a new rookie wide receiver that was having a tremendously hard time catching Jake’s passes. Mason felt bad for his best friend and former quarterback. Jake was a perfectionist when it came to being on the field and if he was holding up his end of the bargain, he expected his teammates to do the same. Mason threw up a silent prayer to the football Gods for the rookie because, if he didn’t get his act together, he was going to find a Jake Taylor-sized cleat stuck up his ass.

  When Mason finally hung up the phone, there was a knock at his door. As he walked over to answer it, he thought about how he felt better than he had in a while. Jake was right, if Mason wanted to be happy, he was going to have to go after what he wanted and, apparently, what he wanted was the fiery redhead with a sassy mouth and silver eyes.

  As Mason opened the door to see who was knocking on it, his good mood from talking to his best friend instantly vanished when he saw who was at his doorstep.

  Chapter 7

  Piper stood in front of her mirror for the tenth time, examining her outfit. Why was she so nervous? She had already been on a couple of dates with Jax and every single one of them was perfect. He was such a gentleman when he only kissed her good night, never pressured her to stay over or sleep with him. It was refreshing. Tonight, they were supposed to have a game night, so she was testing out her sexiest lounge wear. She put on a pair of her tight yoga pants and a pale yellow tank top that looked like it was painted on her body. Her hair was down, of course, with her natural curls framing her face. She put very little makeup on, but made sure to put on a thick coat of mascara.

  The night before, Piper had to cancel on Jax because Hannah came over extremely upset about Todd. He came into town for one night, but then wound up going back to New York City. Hannah told Piper all about the earrings he gave her when she thought he was proposing. Piper didn’t know what to tell Hannah; Todd was never going to settle down. He was too career-driven, but she couldn’t say that to her friend; it would crush her. Hannah loved Todd too much; Piper didn’t feel like destroying her friend’s life so, instead, she held her friend and let her cry in her arms while Piper had naughty thoughts about not only Jax, but Mason as well.

  She hated that Mason kept entering her thoughts. Even though they practically spat at each other when they were in the same room, there was something strange that happened to Piper when he was around. Something she never felt before, as if they were supposed to meet, they were supposed to spend time together. The way Mason looked at her didn’t help either. Throughout her shift the other night, she would catch glimpses of him looking at her, with those smoldering chocolate-brown eyes. It was hard not to melt a little, even though seconds later he would open his mouth, making her want to cut his tongue off.

  But there was something in his eyes that spoke to her, as if he was secretly trying to tell her something when he was putting up a front, trying to push her away. She didn’t understand the man and she frankly didn’t care to understand him, not when she had Jax.

  She slowly started to feel herself falling for Jax. He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. He was kind, caring and sensitive, but took control of the situation when she needed him to. He was always concerned about how she felt and included her when it came to decision-making. They’d been going out for a couple of weeks and she had never felt happier.

  Piper made sure to put on her sexy lingerie tonight because she felt like it was finally time. She was ready, ready to finally share her whole body with Jax. She knew he was ready; it was evident when they would make out on the couch. She would touch him, but never went too far because she didn’t
want to be a tease. He was being respectful and she wanted to do the same, but she couldn’t wait any longer. She needed to have some fun with her southern gentleman and finally get ahold of all those fine muscles he hid under his T-shirt.

  Piper was pulling out some chips when her phone started ringing. She looked down at the caller ID and smiled brightly.

  “Hey you, when will you be here?”

  “Hey darlin’,” he said in his southern drawl. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t make it tonight.” Quick and to the point, Piper thought. It was nice that he didn’t tiptoe around it, even though she was disappointed as hell.

  “Why not? Is everything okay?”

  He blew out a frustrated breath. “Yeah, I just have to work late. I can’t even express to you how upset I am. I really need to hold you tonight.”

  “Rough day?” she asked, as she put the chips back in the bag and sat down on her couch.

  “Yeah, but I won’t bore you with that. Please tell me you’re wearing ragged clothes, you didn’t shave and you have a million zits all over your face.”

  Piper chuckled. “Zit-free, tight clothes, completely shaved, and I mean completely, and I’m wearing some of my most uncomfortable lingerie.”

  “Fuck.” Piper could hear the remorse in his voice. It was sweet how much he cared about her and wanted her. Her heart kicked up a notch knowing the disappointment he was going through. It made her feel good, being wanted and desired.

  “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  Piper smiled. “I’m not. I can always wear it a different night…”

  He cut her off. “No, I’m coming over after I’m done here. Even if all we do is hold each other, I’m coming over. I need to see you.”

  Piper crossed her legs on the couch and twirled her hair on her finger. “I don’t know. I might be really tired…” she said sarcastically.

  Jax’s good-natured voice boomed over the phone. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me.”

  “Okay, text me when you’re on your way.”

  “I will. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I can’t wait to see you either, handsome.” Piper tried not to sigh as she thought about him wrapped around her. Just a couple of hours and then they would be together.

  “I’ll talk to you later…oh, and if you want to fall asleep, you can. I’ll just wake you up the best way I know how.”

  “If that’s the case, then I’m headed to bed now. Stripping my clothes as we speak.” Piper didn’t move from her spot on the couch, but she enjoyed the long distraught groan that came out of the handsome man on the other side of the phone.

  “You’re torturing me, woman.”

  “Then hurry on over.”

  When they hung up, Piper decided that she wanted to take a bath to relax and think of all the possible ways that Jax could wake her up from a deep slumber. God bless 7-Eleven and her inability to make a decision on Slurpee flavors.


  Mason felt like the conversation he just had with Jake was completely pointless because the good mood he was in completely vanished when he found Brooke standing outside of his doorway. It took a second for his blinding rage to settle down before he noticed how Brooke looked…different. Good different, she was always incredibly pretty, but in a preppy way. Right now, she looked like she was on the prowl and Mason was her prey.

  She had cut her hair, framing her face in a sexy halo and her clothes highlighted all her glorious curves, especially her breasts. Mason tried not to stare at the obvious push-up bra she was wearing that put her breasts on a delectable display, but he found himself sneaking a peek.

  Mason shook his head of his thoughts; he despised this woman. Just because he was currently on a bit of a dry spell didn’t mean he needed to jump into bed with the crazy herself.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Mason spared no censor, especially since she was the one who threw him into a black hole of depression.

  Brooke, surprisingly, seemed shocked at Mason’s use of foul language. She quickly gathered herself and walked toward him, coming inches away from his chest. “I came to see you,” she said, as she put her hand on his chest.

  Mason couldn’t help himself; he took a good look at her mouthwatering display of cleavage, since he was a good foot taller than she was. He was a man and there was only so much he could take.

  He watched as her hand crept up his chest and that was when he realized he was still wearing just a towel from his shower. He plucked Brooke’s hand off his chest and put it back down to her side.

  “What in that demented head of yours made you think I would want to see you? Are you really that naïve Brooke?”

  Brooke’s eyes started to water. Great, just fucking great, he thought. He didn’t need this right now. He didn’t need the temptation of an old flame; he didn’t need the distraction and he definitely didn’t need Brooke’s tears. What he needed was to figure out how to get Piper on his good side so he could figure out why she made him feel light and…happy.

  Brooke put her head down and said quietly, “I know I screwed up and I know I’m a terrible singer. I should have listened to you. I just wanted to show you how it felt when the person you loved chose their career over you. I wanted you to feel how I felt every day.”

  Mason felt rage pierce through his body. “Seriously Brooke? You broke my fucking heart to prove a point? Have you ever heard of having a grown up conversation?”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you?”

  “Really? What were you trying to do? Did you think kittens were going to come out and lick me while I ate cupcakes in glitter land after you broke up with me?”

  Brooke pushed Mason in the chest. “Do you always have to be so sarcastic?”

  “I don’t need this,” Mason said and started to shut the door, but Brooke threw her body in the doorway, preventing him from slamming the door in her face. He couldn’t stand the woman, but he wasn’t about to brutally hurt her with a door, even though the thought of it eased some pain in his aching chest.

  “Please, Mason, just talk to me. I really am sorry. I want to give us another chance.”

  Mason laughed. “Holy shit, are you fucking delusional, woman? I would never take you back…even when your tits look that good.” He nodded toward her chest.

  A small wicked grin came across Brooke’s face as she thrust her chest forward and popped open a couple more buttons on her shirt. Damn it. Mason felt himself starting to pulse with need; it had been too long and it had always been really good with Brooke. No, he chastised himself. She was not going to suck him into her nonsensical web.

  “Not going to work, Brooke.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  Next thing Mason knew, he was gripping his towel from falling because Brooke tugged on it. The last thing he needed was for his neighbors to get a view of the goods.

  “Brooke, get the hell out of here.”

  Brooke’s face was no longer haughty, no it changed to agitation. She poked him in the chest and said, “This is not over Mason, not by a long shot. I know you want me, it’s evident.” She nodded toward his partial erection. He couldn’t help himself; she was hot and he was horny. “I’m going to give you time to cool off, but I’m not done here.”

  She reached up and completely shocked the hell out of Mason by grabbing his face and placing her lips on his. His mind must have short-circuited for a second because he found himself reciprocating the passionate kiss she was giving him. She pulled away quickly, leaving Mason gasping for air and her sporting a Grinch-like grin. Damn her.

  She turned around and gave him a little wave goodbye. He stood in his doorway and watched her saunter off. She was wearing a mini skirt that showcased her little round ass. Damn, she looked good. Mason ran his hand through his hair and shut his door. Even though he couldn’t stand the actual woman, his body was practically begging for hers. Instead of going to put some clothes on, he turned on his shower and turned it to cold. He needed to cool off because his little man seeme
d to have temporarily taken over the decision making.


  Jax rubbed his hands on his pants before he knocked on Piper’s front door. When he found out he had to stay at work a little bit longer, he wanted to sulk because he was looking forward to his date with Piper. When he found out she was wearing sexy lingerie for him, he practically wanted to cry. They had been dating for a couple of weeks and saw each other a lot, but they never crossed the line of kissing and maybe a little groping. He kept things PG13, for the most part, because he didn’t want to rush Piper. He wanted to make sure she had a say in where they took the relationship because, if he was the one in charge, he would have taken her on the floor of the 7-Eleven when they first met. She was beyond gorgeous…almost exotic looking with her red curly hair and silver eyes that slanted slightly at the corners.

  Every time he was with her, he felt himself starting to fall harder for her every minute. It wasn’t good, especially since she was the first real woman that he dated since the death of his wife a year ago. He knew it was time to start dating, but he didn’t think the first woman he started dating after his wife’s death was going to knock him off his feet.

  He thought about his dear Kiera who passed away from a drunk driver; it tore his life apart, but now he felt like he was starting to have something to live for besides his job. Piper was a breath of fresh air and every time he was around her, he felt himself loosen the knot that had been tied around his heart for so long. He felt relief.

  He silently said a prayer that he was able to last a good amount of time if Piper and he did decide to take their relationship to the next level. It had been a long time since he had been with a woman, especially one as hot and tantalizing as Piper.

  He knocked on her door and shifted in place, telling himself to be cool and act nonchalant. He could do this.

  Piper opened the door and gave him a huge smile. She was perfect. Jax’s heart beat rapidly as she tugged him inside her apartment.


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