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Sex Rites

Page 8

by Brandon Fox

  Ander was saying something, but Thane barely noticed. The gems embedded in the huge stone artifact were glittering like stars. The red light in the opening started to swirl, sending out gold streamers in curved arms that seemed to beckon. He lifted his right hand toward it, felt a tingling sensation creep from his palm down his arm. A smell like cloves beguiled him.

  The voices behind him grew louder yet seemed distant and insignificant. The cube shimmered. It was like a vision in the kei even though the object’s physical reality was massive and undeniable. He walked to the base of the stepped platform and craned his neck to look up at the hypnotic spinning pattern within the opening. Red and gold light bathed his face. He felt like he was being sucked into an infinitely deep whirlpool.

  There was shouting, and someone grabbed his arm. He ignored it. The chorus of voices singing in his mind was starting to make sense. Their message was vitally important; he could feel it to his core. He climbed the platform’s first step.

  A coruscating burst of color filled his vision, as if a thousand fireworks exploded around him. He felt a violent impact, and then darkness claimed him.

  Chapter Six

  ANDER rolled off Thane and crouched by his side. “Thane! Say something!” Thane lay motionless where Ander had knocked him. Squirming lines of crimson light still zigzagged across his body like tiny lightning bolts. Ander put a hand against his chest and felt a faint heartbeat.

  Erik knelt at his side and held a finger beneath Thane’s nose. “He’s still breathing.” He gestured to the side with his head. “Look at Dannel.”

  Ander looked up. Dannel stood motionless before the huge circular opening, his body like a statue lit by a fiery sunset. Light still spun inside the stone block like a whirlpool of magma. At least Dannel wasn’t walking into the maelstrom the way Thane had; Skorri stood by his side, shaking his shoulder and repeating his name.

  “We have to get Thane out of here,” Ander said. “Help me get him onto a horse.” The two of them lifted the limp body over his horse’s saddle. “Can you make a telos light?” Ander asked.

  Erik nodded. “Not as bright or as fast as Thane, but I can do it.”

  “Go ahead and make one. I’ll help Skorri get Dannel mounted.” He turned and went to Skorri’s side.

  “He doesn’t hear or see us,” Skorri said anxiously. “His eyes aren’t moving at all.”

  Ander looked closely. Dannel stared at the artifact as if ensnared. A glint of light caught Ander’s attention, and he moved to Dannel’s side. The drab lump of rock at his ear pulsed a dull red.

  The firestone no longer seemed as misnamed as Ander had first thought. He must be in thrall to the stone. How can we release him? At a loss, he extended a finger and touched the firestone. A numbing jolt shot up his arm, and he staggered back. Dannel grunted like he had been punched in the belly and started to crumple. Skorri caught him and eased him to the floor. He shook his head, looking dazed, but sat up by himself.

  Ander’s arm tingled with a thousand pinpricks as feeling returned. He flexed his fingers to make sure they were working, then crouched beside Dannel. “Can you ride? We have to leave now.”

  “I… I think so.” Dannel struggled to his feet and managed to stand, though he looked ready to topple at any moment. Skorri helped him mount. By then Erik had created his telos light, a pale blue sphere hardly larger than a grape. He took the reins to Ander’s horse and started back the way they had come. Ander walked beside Thane’s horse and kept close watch on his still partner.

  Their retreat through the gallery was as hasty as they could manage without spilling Thane. Erik’s light wasn’t bright enough to illuminate more than the area immediately around them; they followed along one of the monumental walls. The intricate glyphs now seemed more threatening than intriguing. The rumble of power still reverberated through rock like the tread of a ponderous beast on their trail.

  At last a tall rectangle of light formed in the darkness ahead of them. It grew to colossal proportions as they approached, and filled with sky. Ander kept a hand on Thane’s back, hoping the unconscious mage might somehow sense relief through their bond.

  They crossed the plaza outside the Aerehoth Gate and stopped at a grove of cedars on the other side before sliding Thane from his horse. They laid him in dappled shade and clustered around him.

  Ander touched Thane’s cheek. The skin felt cool, and his shallow breaths barely lifted his chest. Ander frowned, trying to remember the healing lore he had heard while growing up at Lady Tayanita’s House of Companionship. “Skorri, fetch your oils.”

  Skorri dug through his saddlebags and returned with his small leather case of oils and elixirs. Ander opened the case and removed a vial of amber fluid. He twisted the cork out and sniffed. His nose wrinkled at a pungent smell like hot peppers.

  “This might work.” He raised Thane’s head with his other hand and waved the vial under his nose.

  Thane snorted, and his eyes fluttered open. He turned his head away from the vial and coughed.

  Ander handed the vial back to Skorri, then helped Thane sit up. His usual confidence had been replaced with bewilderment. “I’m cold,” he whispered, shivering.

  “You’ll be all right.” Ander leaned over and held him tightly. Thane stirred, responding to his warmth. Ander nurtured their bond, sharing anima until he felt his partner’s strength returning.

  Soon Thane was standing and looking at the Aerehoth Gate. Curiosity had replaced his confusion. “I remember entering the chamber,” he said. “The copper dome like the desert sky. And something in the middle, calling to me.” He frowned and shook his head. “Then I was back out here.”

  Ander described the stone block, the vortex that swirled within it, the effect on Dannel.

  Thane remembered none of it, but Ander could tell he was already planning another foray. A difficult challenge only kindled his determination. “Don’t do anything hasty,” he said, although he knew Thane would find the mystery irresistible. “You were lucky you weren’t hurt. And look at Dannel.” He nodded to the side, where Dannel sat on the ground with his legs pulled against his chest and his face pressed against his knees. “Whatever happened, he took it hard. He hasn’t said a word since we got out of there.”

  Thane flinched. “I’ve neglected him. Too damned distracted.” In a moment his eyes widened. “Maybe he knows something about what happened.” He looked around. “Where are Erik and Skorri? I should ask what they saw too.”

  “They crept off as soon as they saw you were all right. I think they’re, um, probably busy right now.”

  Thane’s wry expression showed his agreement. “At least they weren’t affected. Come on, let’s talk with Dannel.”

  Dannel didn’t stir as they approached. They sat cross-legged in front of him and waited, giving him time to collect himself.

  A minute passed, then two. At last Dannel spoke. “I’m sorry,” he said without looking up. His voice was muffled and small. “I didn’t want any of you to get hurt.”

  “No harm was done,” Thane said. “You have nothing to feel bad about.”

  Dannel pressed his face tighter against his knees. “I’m a freak. I’ll never escape the firestone.”

  “Give Thane a chance,” Ander said. “We just got here. He’ll figure it out, you’ll see.”

  “He’ll die, as I warned. You should leave now. While you can.”

  Ander snorted. “If you think what happened today is enough to chase Thane off, you have a lot to learn.” He leaned forward and touched one of Dannel’s knees. “Open your eyes,” he urged. “We’re all right. Thane’s ready to work on the problem. Maybe he can free you from the stone. He needs your help.”

  A few seconds passed in silence, and then Dannel lifted his head and looked at Thane. He seemed chagrined. “You’re more of a fighter than I am. You never give up, do you?”

  Ander cuffed Dannel’s arm. “Now you’re starting to understand him. Anyway, why should we give up? We might have learned som
ething in there. Why did the magic only touch you and Thane?”

  “A good question,” Thane said. “We must have something in common, something the rest of you don’t have.”

  Ander nodded, his curiosity piqued. “The biggest difference for you is your power, the strength of your anima. And your experience with magic.”

  “But I’m not a mage,” Dannel said. “I don’t have any powers.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Thane said. “I’ve always felt something around you. At first I thought it was just the firestone; there’s certainly magic in that. But the stone holds no anima. I think it draws all its power from you.”

  Dannel looked confused. “I don’t understand. Will any of this help free me from the firestone?”

  “It might.” Thane’s eyebrows pulled down as he thought, and then he seemed to reach a decision. “The time has come. To learn more, you’ll have to learn about magic.”

  Ander was startled. Dannel had no hope of learning sex magic, at least not while he was in the firestone’s sway. He began to wonder if Thane had escaped unscathed after all. His expression must have betrayed his doubts.

  “It’s not as crazy as it sounds,” Thane said. “We use the art to touch the kei, but we know it’s not the only way to do it. Look at the zamindar’s sorcerers. They use pain to the same end.”

  Ander was stunned. “What are you saying? Even if Dannel were willing, none of us would ever use blood magic.”

  “Of course not. What I mean is, if there are two ways to reach the kei, maybe there are more. You said Dannel was entranced by whatever’s in there. I was too.”

  Realization dawned. “You’re the strongest mage, closer to the kei than the rest of us. You think Dannel’s close too, but he got there on a different path?”

  “The firestone is no ordinary talisman, I’m sure of that. And I’ve wondered about Dannel’s training. His strength and stamina suit a fighter, but they’re the same qualities we look for in initiates. The hierophants might be using fighting to conceal the training’s real purpose.”

  Dannel had been listening intently, his frustrated scowl fading as Thane’s voice grew more hopeful. “What’s the kei?” he asked. “I’ve never heard of it.”

  Thane turned deadly serious. “You’ve already thrown your lot in with us, I know. But before you can become an initiate, you have to do even more. Will you join our fight to bring down the zamindar? And swear on your life to never reveal what we teach you?”

  Dannel was equally solemn. “I swear it.” He glanced at Ander and colored. “You’re the best friends I’ve ever had. Whatever aid I can offer, I pledge to give it. You have my word.”

  “One more thing,” Thane said. “You’ll have to trust us. Learning the art is hard for anyone. For you it will be even harder. Will you try what we tell you, even if it seems impossible?”

  Dannel held his head high. “I’m flawed, but I’m not a coward. I’ll do as you ask or die trying.”

  Thane stood, and the others followed. He clasped forearms with Dannel and held him strongly. “I accept your pledge. The path won’t be easy, but we’ll walk it together.” He released Dannel. “Ander was surprised when I offered you initiation. You know we practice a kind of magic. Have you guessed its nature?”

  “What’s to guess? I suppose it’s like the hierophants’ sorcery. Spells and rituals. Bits and pieces of ancient knowledge. Meditation and chants. That’s the only kind of wizardry I’ve heard of.”

  “It’s, um, a bit different than that,” Ander said. He scuffed at dirt with the toe of a boot, wondering how to break the news. “Actually, it’s a lot different.”

  Dannel shrugged. “I heard what Thane said, about how there’s more than one way to touch this kei you speak of. That the imperial sorcerers in Izmir use pain, but you don’t. Even if there’s pain, I’m willing to do what’s needed. I’m a fighter. I’m not afraid to face danger.”

  Ander took a deep breath. “As Thane said, learning the art will be harder for you than for most. You see, the art uses botanical secrets Thane has discovered, and special minerals, and, um… sex.”

  Dannel gaped, looking at Ander as if he had sprouted horns, before blushing crimson.

  “But… but I can’t….”

  Thane waved a hand to dismiss the objection. “You can’t have sex now, because of the firestone. I’m hoping we can find a way to use the art to defeat it. I warned you it wouldn’t be easy. Trust us, and start to learn.”

  Without giving him a chance to answer, Thane slid his arms around Dannel’s back and held him in a firm embrace. He shivered as Thane drew their lips together. Thane went slowly, allowing the panic to pass before consummating the kiss.

  Ander watched, fascinated, as his partner welcomed the new initiate into the art. Though Dannel’s body was physically two years older and he was a deadly warrior, it was clear who was dominant. Soon the stiffness left Dannel’s neck and shoulders. He hesitantly lifted his arms and returned Thane’s embrace.

  The embrace lingered until Dannel was trembling. At last Thane broke the kiss and pulled back. “Welcome. I’m glad you’ve joined us.”

  Dannel looked dazed. He touched his lips briefly, as if amazed by the new sensation, then smiled hesitantly.

  “My turn,” Ander said. He held his arms wide in invitation.

  Thane’s lesson had not been ignored. Dannel took a deep breath and stepped forward. Though he seemed diffident, his resolve was plain. He put his arms around Ander and carefully pulled him close. His breath was hot on Ander’s cheek. “I feel like I’m dreaming,” he whispered. “Please don’t let me fail.”

  “Trust us,” Ander repeated. “If anyone can help, it’s Thane.” He hugged Dannel fiercely. “Now quit worrying and kiss me.”

  Dannel closed his eyes and let his lips brush Ander’s. He shivered with excitement, breaking the kiss and pressing their cheeks together. When he calmed and turned his gaze back to Ander, his face was filled with undisguised wonder. They kissed again, timidly at first. Ander responded warmly, gently welcoming the timorous exploration. As he felt Dannel’s confidence grow, he opened his mouth and let the tip of his tongue graze his companion’s sensitive lips.

  Dannel gathered Ander tightly against his body. Both were hard, cocks pressing against each other beneath their leathers. The kiss deepened as Dannel’s hesitancy melted in the heat of desire. Ander submitted to the pent-up longing. Now that the feared threshold had been crossed, Dannel kissed with fervent single-mindedness.

  At last Ander pulled back. “You learn fast. Are you sure you’re new to love?”

  “I’ve dreamed of it for years. It’s even better than I imagined.”

  Ander let a hand glide slowly along Dannel’s torso. Dannel’s eyes widened, and he tensed. “Don’t worry,” Ander said in a husky voice. “I remember what you said. No skin against skin between your waist and knees. But there’s still lots of other skin.”

  A shudder ran through Dannel’s body as Ander slid a hand under his shirt. The flesh was warm and smooth; taut muscles quivered in response to the light caress.

  Thane stepped close and put an arm around Dannel while Ander continued his gentle exploration. “We need to learn more about the firestone’s spell,” he said. “It manifests when you try to make love. So that’s when we’ll have a chance to study it.”

  “I have an idea,” Ander said. He was gazing into Dannel’s eyes, gauging the effect of his caresses. The heaving chest beneath his fingers showed his efforts were appreciated. “Sometimes people bring a virgin to Lady Tayanita’s house. It’s usually a friend who was brought up as a follower of Ashtaroth but who broke free of the sect. They’re deathly nervous about sex. Kind of like Dannel.”

  “How do companions help them?” Thane asked. “We’re always testing experienced lovers when we look for possible initiates. We haven’t had any practice with virgins.”

  “Lady Tayanita says the main problem virgins have is that they’re anxious. They’re not sure what to
expect, what to do. Watching two companions demonstrate their skills can ease their minds.”

  A blush crept up Dannel’s neck. “I don’t think that will make me less tense.”

  “It’s worth a try.” Ander pulled his hand from beneath Dannel’s shirt and cupped his crotch. The long mound of leather-covered flesh felt hard as iron. “To use the art, your body has to bear more pleasure than you’ve ever imagined. And that means your mind has to master it.”

  “I’ll… try,” Dannel said, squirming as Ander traced the length of his cock.

  “We’ll help you,” Thane said. “Let’s go find Skorri and Erik. They’re probably fucking anyway. You might as well see what you can learn.”

  “They won’t mind?” Dannel looked doubtful.

  Thane thumped him on the back. “Huh! They’ve been sneaking around the last few days only because we didn’t want to trouble you. They’re about as shy as a thunderclap.”

  It took only a few minutes to find the young lovers. They had found a bower in a stand of oaks, a small clearing with filtered sunlight where a bed of moss covered the forest floor. They were sitting face to face in the middle of the glade, nude, their legs wrapped around each other’s hips. Erik was gently fondling Skorri’s stiff cock while he puffed on a small clay pipe. Wisps of bluish smoke hovered around them. Their boots and leathers were piled to the side, along with an open case of elixirs.

  “Keeping in practice, I see,” Thane said as he emerged from behind the thick oaks. Ander and Dannel waited in the shadows.

  Skorri coughed, then put the pipe down and gave Thane a sheepish grin. “We thought everyone else was going to rest awhile. And besides, we were both so horny.”

  Thane crouched beside them. “This is hardly news.” He reached between them and stroked Erik’s erection. “I’ve made Dannel an initiate. He doesn’t know anything about sex, but watching you two might be a good way for him to start learning. Would you mind?”


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