Book Read Free

Wicked Kingpin

Page 1

by Winter Sloane


  Copyright© 2020 Winter Sloane

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0227-8

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To my readers, I hope you enjoy reading Knox and Leah’s story as much as I loved writing it.


  Winter Sloane

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  Blood was supposed to be thicker than water. Right now, Leah hated her brother’s guts more than anything in the world.

  The dark room reeked of cigarette smoke, stale beer, and sex. Larry licked his lips as he studied his cards. Sweat coated the back of his thin shirt. The big brother Leah used to worship and follow around when she was a kid had been reduced to this trembling coward.

  Right now, she had zero respect for him. To him, Leah was just collateral damage.

  Leah clasped her hands together and stayed seated behind Larry like a good and obedient little doll. It was all a front. Most people assumed a five-foot-four girl was harmless. They’d soon find out she had sharp teeth. She was just biding her time.

  The men Larry owed money to smirked at him and nudged each other in the ribs, silent laughter in their eyes. Everyone at the table knew the outcome of this game. Shane, the bald one with the ugly facial tattoo, blew smoke rings at Larry’s face, making him cough.

  “Don’t worry, Larry. We’ll treat your little sister real good,” Shane’s partner, Guy, said. Guy gave Leah a sweeping look and snorted. “She’s a little too round for my tastes but she’ll provide our crew with some entertainment. We never had a virgin to break in before.”

  She glowered at Shane. That only made him laugh. In her head, she imagined driving her fist into his thick skull and hearing it crack. They knew she was a virgin, no surprise there. Larry probably let it slip, intentionally or accidentally, Leah didn’t care.

  Larry’s betrayal was an unforgivable act, but she doubted she’d live long enough to enact her vengeance against him.

  A loud groan from the next table made her head turn. Seeing a red-haired woman being taken on the table by a heavily inked man made Leah swallowed. Whistles of appreciation broke out from the other men in the room. Some stopped gambling to watch.

  They were all savages here. Here, the rules of the normal world didn’t seem to apply. Cops would never touch this territory. They were paid to look away.

  The woman looked into it, but Leah didn’t know all the details. She looked away, only to find Guy grinning at her.

  “You like an audience, bitch?” Guy asked her.

  The repulsive stare he fixed on her made all the hairs on her arm rise up.

  Underneath the rage and the frustration, Leah was terrified. The security here was tight. The suits guarding the doors didn’t bother hiding their guns. If Leah bolted out of her seat, she wouldn’t make it out of those doors in one piece.

  Leah had come here out of her own violation. Larry didn’t force her. Worse, he had gone on his knees and begged her to come. He had told her he wanted his little sister, his remaining family member there for emotional support.

  Emotional support her ass. The conniving bastard knew she’d come, knew she’d walk into the very bowels of hell itself for him. They were family. She and Larry had been on their own since they were teenagers. The big brother who fought the authorities, who insisted they had to stay together—that Larry was gone. He was replaced by this yellow-bellied coward who would gamble his own sister for a chance to win all his money back.

  “Enough horsing around,” Shane grumbled. “We have other debts to settle. What will it be, Larry?”

  Leah returned her attention to her brother’s lousy hand of cards. Guy and Shane were cheating, there was no doubt about it. Too bad no one was going to call them out on it.

  She had always possessed a vivid imagination. Right now, her mind took her to foul places. Once Guy and Shane were done with her, would they leave her body in a dumpster or would they drive her corpse out of the city? Would they bury her in the middle of the woods in a nameless grave?

  In the slums, it wasn’t unheard of for young women to vanish without a single trace. She and Larry had grown up in the streets. He should know better than borrow money from lowlifes who worked for Knox Carter.

  Leah dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands until they bled. She wanted to scream in frustration until her throat was hoarse.

  “What’s this?” a deep male voice asked, dragging Leah back to reality.

  Both Guy and Shane sat ramrod straight in their chairs. They definitely looked more alert and cautious. Less cocky and smug. This newcomer, this man, was different from every other scum in the room.

  An indescribable commanding presence emanated from him, telling her this was one man no one in their right mind would want to screw with. Guy and Shane looked like small fry compared to him. Insignificant. Standing, this man must be at least six-foot-six. He was built like a house and every inch of him was padded with muscle. All of it was hidden under a suit of midnight blue that looked perfectly tailored to his body. The suit matched his eyes.

  Only one word came to mind.


  He was one beautiful monster. No doubt about it. Women probably fell at his feet with a snap of his fingers, but beautiful monsters shouldn’t distract her.

  Eyes the color of an angry storm met her gaze, held it. Leah sat rigid in her uncomfortable chair, unable to look away. He silently assessed her from head to toe. The look of open hunger on his face took her slightly aback because it was so unapologetic. So raw. She shivered involuntarily and wondered why his stare didn’t repulse her the way Guy’s and Shane’s did.

  It should. This man would chew her up and spit her back out. He’d leave her empty. Leah knew that from a single searing glance. He’d leave her a wreck. A ruin.

  For a second, she wondered what it would be like, being under a man like him. He was probably used to barking out orders. Making commands and expecting nothing but obedience in return.

  Leah shivered. He curved his lips slightly upward, to what she supposed passed for a smile.

  “Boss.” Guy sounded his voice first.

  Boss? So this is Knox Carter?

  Leah swallowed the lump in her throat and studied him closer. Black hair. Blue eyes. Knox was untouchable. The king of this city. Knox had dirt on everyone they owned. There was even a rumor the mayor did his bidding.

  “Knox, a chair for you,” another lackey in a suit said, dragging a chair from one of the unoccupied tables.

  Knox sat down, just like a king. Leah slapped her hands on her cheeks, because she shouldn’t be captivated by a gangster. This wasn’t some fairy tale where a handsome prince was going to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to safety. Knox was probably the devil in disguise, ready and eager to drag her to the dark depths of the underworld with him.

  What the hell did Knox want? Maybe he did this all the time. Checked in on his businesses. Maybe he liked lording it over the masses foolish enough to borrow money from him.

  “Who are our guests?” he asked.

  Guests? More like prisoners. He never spared her brother a glance even once. Knox kept his rapt attenti
on on Leah. She hated herself for looking away first. Leah stared her hands, suddenly finding them way more interesting.

  “Larry Taylor. This fucker owes us twenty grand. We gave him an opportunity of a lifetime. If he wins this one game, his debts are considered paid. He only has ten grand. Said his sister Leah will pay us the rest,” Shane said. “He claims she’s a virgin. We haven’t checked to see if it’s true, but we’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Hmm.” Knox’s tone and expression were hard to read. His tanned face looked like it was made of marble.

  “Yeah, boss. Look at the little shit squirm,” Guy said, obvious glee in his voice.

  Guy was milking it all—Larry’s misery. Leah’s suffering and anger. If only she had a gun and knew how to use it. She would gladly put holes in his body.

  “Cards, Larry. Don’t make us ask again.” Shane reminded Larry.

  With shaking hands, her brother placed his cards down on the table. Shane and Guy did the same. Leah grimaced. A royal flush from Shane.

  “The game’s rigged,” Leah blurted.

  “Shut your trap, bitch,” Guy said, shoving the bills on the table into a bag. “We’ll find a better use for that mouth.”

  “No. She’s mine.” Knox didn’t need to raise his voice. “Keep the cash. The money doesn’t interest me.”

  Guy and Shane traded each other looks then shrugged.

  “The bitch’s all yours, boss. Enjoy,” Guy said, rising to his feet. No questions asked.

  Unease grew in the pit of Leah’s stomach. She didn’t know what was worse—being given to Guy and Shane or being under Knox Carter’s complete mercy.

  “Wait, this wasn’t the deal,” Larry blurted, rising from his seat.

  “Throw that piece of trash out,” Knox said in the same cold and deadly voice.

  Fear raced down her spine. Leah couldn’t move a muscle. She had trouble drawing air into her lungs. She could only watch Guy and Shane haul Larry by his armpits. Larry didn’t give them much of a fight after Guy socked him in the ribs.

  Helplessness filled her as she watched her brother disappear into the double doors that led topside, back to the real world.

  Leah suddenly felt alone. Vulnerable. Larry wasn’t much help but at least, while he was playing poker with Guy and Shane, he acted like a barrier. The one last line of defense between Leah and her awful fate.

  Maybe part of her hoped that the brother she once knew and trusted would have her back. That Larry would somehow find them a way out of there. The last shred of hope she’d kept alive inside her all this time wilted.

  “We’re leaving. Come,” Knox told her.

  He was suddenly standing in front of her. Knox had the gall to offer Leah his arm. The bastard moved so much faster than she thought was possible for a man his size.

  She shook her head, despite knowing it was futile refusing a man like Knox.

  “Don’t try my patience, Leah. I’m used to having my way.”

  The sound of her name on his lips felt like a jolt to her system.

  “Oh, I bet,” she murmured.

  Knox didn’t look annoyed or pissed. That smile looked sexy and wrong on him. Leah had a feeling a man like him didn’t often smile but when he did, something bad was going to happen.

  “You prefer to remain here?” Knox gestured to the rest of the room.

  Everyone else was busy playing cards at their tables, going about their usual business. Still, Leah had a feeling Knox’s people were watching them. Waiting for her next move. There was no way out of this mess.

  Leah hastily stood up only for Knox to eliminate the distance between them. Their bodies made contact. Her pulse raced when he hooked a finger under her chin and brought her face closer. He settled his lips against hers, a mere brush. Knox ran his tongue over her bottom lip. She could feel her nipples tighten against the thin material of her sweater. Moisture gathered between her legs.

  She couldn’t believe the way her body was reacting. Leah shouldn’t be attracted to this man.

  The next words he uttered nearly stopped her heart.

  “You’re my property now. You’re mine to do as I please, but don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you.”

  Chapter Two

  Knox had no idea what an angel like Leah was doing in a place like this. He didn’t care. Fury coiled inside him when he thought of Leah’s spineless brother. Family shouldn’t betray each other.

  His men had his back. Always. Leah didn’t have the same luxury.

  Knox knew the kind of men who worked for him. They were cut from the same cloth as he was. Guy and Shane were assholes to women, but they were handy in a fight.

  He wanted to snap Guy’s neck when he caught Guy looking at Leah earlier like she was his shiny new toy. Knowing the fucker’s loyalty lay with Knox and his organization was the only reason Guy was still breathing.

  Knox cooled his temper and studied his latest acquisition. On the outside, his mask was perfect. Airtight. Knox had been taught from a young age that emotions could be used against him. Emotions equated to weakness. Knox knew he couldn’t let himself get attached to anything or anyone, but he had a feeling he was about to break that rule.

  No one was ever going to lay a single hand on what was his. Knox’s men knew he didn’t share when it came to his possessions. Tonight, Knox had found a prize whose worth was beyond measure. Priceless.

  “I’ll fight you with every breath,” the little spitfire whispered in his ear.

  Knox chuckled because no one threatened him and lived. He would make an exception for Leah because she didn’t know any better.

  “I look forward to it,” Knox answered.

  She looked rattled by his response, suddenly unsure.

  Knox offered her his arm once more and to his surprise, she took it.

  “Prepare my car,” Knox told one of his men. He scrambled to obey.

  His second-in-command, Patrick, stopped Knox in his tracks. Patrick was more like a friend to him than someone who worked for him. At that moment, Knox was annoyed by the interruption.

  “Boss, what do I tell your business associates?” Patrick asked, sounding worried.

  “Tell them I’m busy.”

  Patrick must’ve understood Knox didn’t want to be disturbed for the night, because he stepped aside.

  Knox didn’t lead Leah up the stairs. He guided her instead to the back of the room. The door there led to the unused kitchen. The way she gripped his arm tightly told him she was scared shitless. Leah kept her brave front nonetheless.

  “Relax, we’re just leaving through the back,” Knox told her.

  “And then what?” she asked, looking up at him.

  Fuck, but the fire in those sapphire eyes made his dick rock hard. Knox hadn’t imagined her nipples growing hard under the white sweater she wore. This woman wanted Knox as much as he desired her—even if she would deny it with every breath.

  Leah had curves in all the right places. Knox wanted to rip off that ugly sweater right there and then and put his hands on her soft skin.

  Knox could take her right here. Push her up against the nearest wall and trap her there. He’d wrap all that glorious chestnut-colored hair around his fist, angle his face against hers for a kiss. A proper one this time around.

  Knox would take his time with her. Make her compliant. Needy for him. He’d start by tasting her, pushing his face between her sweet thighs.

  Maybe she’d fight him at first but not for long. Knox would make her so addicted to his kisses and touches, to his cock, that she’d want no other man but him.

  Not here, Knox told himself. She deserved better. Leah needed to be treated like the fucking goddess she was. Knox didn’t know what the hell this woman was doing to him. They just met and yet she was doing things to him he couldn’t explain. With her, he felt downright possessive that it was bordering on insanity.

  He placed a hand on the square of her back. She tensed, but he only guided her past kitchen and up a different flight
of stairs. This establishment used to be a bar, but a business associate of Knox’s turned it into one of his gambling dens. Knox opened the door leading outside.

  The night air kissed their faces. They stood in a narrow alleyway with a dead end. Knox’s black Ferrari was already waiting for them, along with his trusted driver Craig.

  Craig opened the door for them. Knox watched Leah and the way her gaze darted from left to right. There was nowhere for her to run. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

  “Be my guest,” Knox told her.

  She cast him a suspicious look before sliding inside the car. Knox joined her. He had a meeting with several of his business associates. They were supposed to discuss the new gang that had settled on the outskirts on one of his territories and an upcoming shipment of mini Uzis.

  Knox decided he had a better use for his time.

  “Where to, sir?” Craig asked.

  “My apartment,” he answered.

  Then Knox pushed a button that raised the divider between Craig and his passengers. He snuck a look at Leah, amused she curled her fists on her lap.

  “Relax, I won’t do anything to you. Yet,” Knox said.

  “Relax?” she repeated. “How can you expect me to relax when I’m stuck in a car with the city’s most notorious mob boss?”

  “I saved you from a fate worse than death. You should be grateful,” Knox reminded her.

  She stared at him, seeming flabbergasted. Leah chewed on her bottom lip, but her narrowed eyes told Knox she wanted to murder him. Knox didn’t know why but that turned him on even more. Most women he came across acted like skittish prey animals around him.

  “I don’t even know if I’m better off with Shane and Guy or with you.”

  She couldn’t possibly mean that. Guy and Shane would use her up, then toss her aside. Knox wouldn’t do that.


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