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The Stranger Next To Me

Page 3

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Tim was blown away by Sabrina’s beauty but he’d met women like her before. He understood as long as he played cool, it would drive her crazy.

  Craig fell all over himself trying to help Tasha with her chair.

  She was polite but there were way too many undercurrents of gamesmanship going on around her and she didn’t like it. “Thank you for the invitation to dinner.”

  As usual, Sabrina had roped her into something she didn’t really want to be involved with. However, for now, she’d just play along.

  Craig and Shane spent the next couple of hours talking about everything. Tasha didn’t really have to say much. However, it was clear that Craig was trying to impress her.

  On the other side of her, Sabrina was trying to get Tim’s attention. However, he hadn’t said much throughout dinner either. She tried all of her tactics to engage him in conversation, and nothing really worked. Tasha could see that it was making her more and more frustrated but more and more determined too.

  Tasha admired that as irritated as Sabrina was she remained cool. She only knew because she’d known Sabrina since forever. She would re-group and figure out her next plan of attack.

  Sabrina had never been this close to a billionaire before and she’d be damned if she would let this opportunity slip through her fingers. While thinking about her next move, something someone said caught her attention. She’d heard the tail end of the conversation.

  “We don’t need it. We already have one in our portfolio.”

  Sabrina wasn’t aware she’d spoken aloud, “But, is yours the industry leader?”

  Shane answered, “Excuse me? Um…not yet.”

  Sabrina flicked an imaginary piece of lint off of her dress. She didn’t know what the commodity was that they were discussing but if they weren’t the industry leader, get rid of the competition. That’s business 101.

  “Then, if you’re not the industry leader and the company isn’t worth much, maybe it would be in your best interest to buy it. Buy it now while the price is low or before it shows up on the other market player’s radar. Or, jump on it before they become the competition. Not everything is about an immediate return.”

  Tim was impressed. She seemed like she might be an astute business woman. His voice was smooth and deep when he spoke. “So, you’re suggesting we should buy the company?”

  He seemed pretty interested in her response. Was this how she needed to get his attention?

  “Obviously, without the proper financials it would be difficult to make that decision.” She eyed him hard, “Especially, since I’ve learned…all that glitters isn’t necessarily gold.”

  His eyes challenged hers, “I’ve had to learn that the hard way too. No matter how beautiful something may appear looks can be very deceiving.”

  Tasha looked back and forth between them and did her best not to roll her eyes. Sabrina and Tim needed to just cut the crap. It would make things so much easier especially since the sparks between them was impossible to miss.

  This whole night had been exhausting. All she really wanted was a good meal and to sit on the beach for a while before her vacation was officially over. But, once again, she’d been pulled into Sabrina’s shenanigans.

  Craig seemed nice but was clumsily trying to impress her. Unfortunately, even though he was super cute, Tasha had no physical attraction to him…at all.

  “What advice would you give me, Tasha?”

  He’d been talking and Tasha had been only half listening. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “What advice would you give me about buying the company?”

  She smiled warmly, “Oh…yes, of course. I’d definitely want to see all of the financials. I would want to know what their actual cash assets were, not just revenues but hard cold cash. What were the short term, mid-term, and long term liabilities? That would be just the beginning! I’m an accountant.”

  “Wow. You don’t look like an accountant.”

  Tasha tilted her head, “What exactly does an accountant look like?”

  “I’m sorry that came out wrong. It’s just you’re…a very attractive woman and I wouldn’t have expected that to be your profession.”

  “Are you saying a woman can’t be attractive and smart?”

  Tim watched in amusement as his baby brother was digging a hole he’d never climb out of. So, he decided to throw Craig an anvil.

  “I think what Craig was trying to say was that it’s refreshing to meet women like you and Sabrina; Women who are obviously independent, beautiful, and smart. We meet so many who only want to invest in their beauty. However, it’s the mind that ultimately interests us the most and sustains the interest.”

  Sabrina made a mental note. This would be a good time to leave with Tim being slightly intrigued.

  “Tasha, it’s getting late and we’re leaving in the morning. We should probably get going. Should we pick up the tab?”

  Sabrina was laying it on thick.

  Tim wondered if she’d actually pay the tab if he called her bluff but decided to be a gentleman. “I would be insulted if you did.” Instead, he called the maître d over so Sabrina could give them her ticket for her car.

  Craig was disappointed. He wanted just a little more time to try to make a good impression with Tasha.

  “Where is home?”

  When Tasha and Sabrina stood to leave, the guys did as well.

  Tasha smiled sweetly to her dinner companions before answering, “Chicago. Home is Chicago. And, Sabrina is right. We hate to have to say goodnight but we really do have an early flight tomorrow. It’s been a wonderful evening and thank you all for dinner.”

  Craig reached into his suit-coat pocket and pulled out one of his business cards. He gave it to her. “I do business in Chicago all the time. Call me and maybe the next time I’m there we can have dinner.”

  Not wanting to be rude, Tasha took his card. “Okay, that sounds nice.”

  The maître d signaled that the car had been brought around to the front. Sabrina didn’t ask for Tim’s number and Tim didn’t ask for hers.

  Chapter 5

  Early the next morning, Tim walked toward the kitchen of their vacation home to get a cup of coffee. Since the death of their parents, he took it upon himself to make sure his brother and sister stayed connected. It was hard considering they all lived in different states. However, at least twice a year he planned a family vacation. This year it was Palo Alto.

  As soon as he stepped across the threshold, he was met with laughter from his one year old niece, Madeline. She and Craig were sitting at the table attempting to have breakfast. Craig was making a fool out of himself trying to get her to eat.

  Tim looked amused as he poured his coffee. “What’s going on in here? Maddy probably has more food on her face than in her stomach.”

  A giggling Maddy was taking great pleasure in driving her uncle Craig insane.

  He walked over to kiss her lightly on the forehead. That was the only place that didn’t have food on it,

  “Hi princess.”

  Even though Craig was going to have to change his clothes after breakfast, it was obvious he was enjoying every minute of hanging out with his niece too. “You can wipe that silly smirk off your face right now. It’ll be your turn soon enough.”

  Tim’s smirk turned into a full on grin, “I’m sure you’re probably right. But, in the meantime, I’m just enjoying watching you and Maddy make a mess.” He looked around, “Where’s Jenny?”

  Craig’s smile evaporated, “She and Daniel needed some time alone.”

  Tim lifted an eyebrow, “This early?”

  Craig gave him a look that needed no explanation. But, he still felt compelled to give him the cleanest explanation possible since they were in front of Maddy. “Apparently, he got home after us last night thus the breakfast outing.”

  Tim and Craig couldn’t stand Daniel. He was a serial cheater and they couldn’t understand why Jenny was still married to him. The only good thing about him was he was Madd
y’s father and she was an amazing little girl.

  Craig decided to change the subject before one of them said the wrong thing in front of their niece.

  “Speaking of last night, my suggestion for you is to leave Ms. Links alone. Don’t call her.”

  “What? What are you talking about? We didn’t even exchange numbers.”

  Craig turned away from Maddy to look his brother in the eye, “You know what I’m talking about. I saw that look in your eyes as soon as you accepted that bottle of champagne. She has trouble written all over her.”

  Tim took another sip of his coffee, “You’re being ridiculous. I barely said anything to her. Anyway, I’m not sure how you noticed anything considering how focused you were on her friend.” He laughed as he teased Craig, “Speaking of that, you might want to work on your pick-up game because it’s a little weak.”

  Craig glared at Tim, “You better be glad Maddy is sitting here. She just saved your as…behind. Don’t try to change the subject either. I know you. Ignoring her was a tactic.”

  “Maybe.” Tim rubbed his hand over his jaw, “You’ve got to admit…she was stunning.”

  Craig shook his head, “You’ll never learn. You’ve always liked beautiful things and it’s always come back to bite you in the butt. At some point, you’re going to have to learn to look a little deeper.”

  “Like you did with her friend? What was her name again?”

  “Tasha. Tasha Stevens. She’s exactly what I’m talking about. She seems like more than just a flash in the pants.”

  “And you know that how? Because from what I can recall, she wasn’t hard on the eyes either and she barely had much to say.”

  “No, she sure as hell wasn’t hard on the eyes. She was gorgeous. But, there was also something about her that made me feel like she’d be cool with a sack lunch at the beach wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I can’t say I got that same impression from her friend.”

  Tim finished his coffee, “Nothing wrong with liking the finer things in life.”

  Craig could tell that Tim had already made up in his mind. He was going to call Sabrina. Craig blew out a breath, “Yeah…alright. You’ve always had to learn the hard way. So, all I’m going to say is don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Jenny walked into the kitchen and heard the tail end of their conversation. “Who? Didn’t warn Tim about who?” She looked from brother to brother as she walked toward Maddy.

  “Ma. Ma Ma”

  Craig spoke, “Tim’s about to try to hook up with someone we met at dinner last night.”

  Tim interrupted him, “I never said that. I just said I thought she was stunning.”

  Jenny reached out to hug her daughter, “Did you have fun with Uncle Craig and Tim?” She glared at Craig for making such a mess. “Craig, she has food all over her clothes? You both look like you could use a bath.” Jenny tried to wipe her daughter’s face with a napkin. “Anyway, it must be something about her. Tim dates beautiful women all the time and he never mentions them. So, who is she?”

  Craig took it upon himself to fill Jenny in on the events of last night. “Her name is Sabrina Links. According to her LinkedIn account, she’s a Sales Marketing manager for some company in Chicago.”

  Jenny continued to wipe off Maddy’s face. “Well, that’s good. It sounds like she at least has a career. I don’t understand how you guys always seem to attract the wrong types of women. And, neither of you are getting any younger. At this rate, you’ll never settle down and give Maddy some cousins to play with.”

  Tim and Craig both said in unison, “Who?”

  Jenny pointed at both Tim and Craig, “You and you. I’m starting to get tired of being the only woman on these vacations. It would be nice to have some female companionship.” She sighed, “I don’t know…do men ever want to settle down? Sometimes I wonder.”

  Both Craig and Tim had a strong feeling she was no longer talking about them. Jenny finished cleaning Maddy up enough to pick her up. “I’m taking Maddy to change and then Daniel and I are going to head out for a while. We probably won’t be back until late evening.”

  Craig’s sarcastic thoughts managed to be spoken aloud, “Take your time.”

  Jenny glared at him, “Don’t be an ass.”

  Tim raised his eyebrows, “In front of Maddy?”

  Then, she turned to glare at him too. She looked between both brothers before she spoke again, “You guys will drive a sane person crazy. And…would it hurt to be a little nicer to him? We almost didn’t make this vacation because he knows you guys can’t stand him. It’s getting harder and harder to convince him to come on these little trips. I need you both to make more of an effort.”

  Tim thought to himself that he didn’t care if Daniel ever came. But, he knew that if he didn’t come Jenny probably wouldn’t either. He’d do anything for her including being cordial to her good for nothing husband.

  She stood holding Maddy on her hip, “Well? Will you promise you’ll be a little nicer to him?”

  Even though Craig was a grown man, when it came to family squabbles, he seemed to take his queues from Tim. So, he waited to see what he was going to say.

  Tim remained calm on the outside but what he really wanted to do was beat the hell out of Daniel for all the things he’d put Jenny through. However, after a few more uncomfortably silent moments, he responded. “I’ll do my best.”

  Jenny turned to face Craig and her eyes pleaded with him. He hated how worn down Jenny looked and didn’t have the heart to add to it. “Yeah, I guess…me too.”

  She released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and mouthed “Thank you. I love you both.” before leaving the kitchen.

  Craig turned to Tim, “You know…I hate that bastard.”

  “Me too. But, he’s her choice. We’ve done all we can to get her to see the light but she loves him. You heard her…she almost didn’t make this vacation. Somehow, we’ve got to swallow our feelings for the sake of our relationship with Jenny and Maddy. They are the only reasons why I haven’t hired someone to deal with him.”

  Tim received a text message. He took his phone out of his pocket to read it. His mood immediately changed for the better.

  “I know that look. That’s Sabrina isn’t it?”

  Tim looked up, “You think you know me so well. No, it’s not her.”

  Craig didn’t believe him for one second. “So, who’s the message from?”


  “You put your private detective on this?”

  Tim smiled as he walked out of the kitchen, throwing his remarks over his shoulder, “Unlike you…my game isn’t weak. I have all the information I need regarding Ms. Sabrina Links.”

  Chapter 6

  It wasn’t even twenty four hours after Tim received Sabrina’s information that he’d contacted her and set up a dinner date.

  He’d flown into Chicago to meet her at the Signature Room. However, before they’d scheduled dinner, they’d had a couple of phone conversations. He discovered she was witty, smart and funny. Sabrina also seemed full of life and very career driven.

  It had been a long time since he’d actually been excited about a date. And, he couldn’t wait to see her again.

  He’d been sitting at the bar waiting for about five minutes when he heard her sultry voice.

  “Yes, I’m the guest of Timothy Horne.”

  Tim turned around and it seemed as if time stopped. Standing across the room, Sabrina literally knocked the wind out of him. She was drop dead gorgeous.

  He wasn’t the only one who noticed those incredibly sexy legs and smooth mocha skin. She turned the heads of almost every man she walked past. Sabrina had a level of confidence he hadn’t seen in maybe…never.

  The closer she walked towards him the more anxious he became. Sabrina came up to him, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, “Hey. How was your flight?”

  The moment her body made contact with his, he was instantly aroused. Hell, he was a ma
n. He’d have to be dead not to be.

  Trying to keep his cool, he cleared his throat before he spoke. “Good. It was good flight. However, I think you did this on purpose?”

  Sabrina looked perplexed, “Did what?”

  “You know you look…incredible. You’re purposely trying to paralyze me with your beauty.”

  “Mr. Horne, you are too shrewd of a man for me to even attempt something as silly as that.” Sabrina gave him a sexy smile and then smoothed her hands down over her svelte body, “But, do you really think I look incredible?” She then looked up at him with faux innocent doe eyes.

  Tim had to pull it together. He’d never let a woman’s beauty take over his brain and he was doing his damnedest not to let it happen tonight but failing miserably.

  He was saved by the hostess informing them that their table was ready. As they walked towards it, he saw the hunger of other men looking at Sabrina, a sense of possessiveness took over that he’d never experienced before. He touched the lower part of her back to let everyone know that she was with him.

  A hint of a smile touched the corners of Sabrina’s lips. Especially, after she felt his hand on her lower back. He was trying to stake his claim. She knew that she had him right where she wanted him.

  Three months later, Sabrina had become Mrs. Sabrina Links-Horne.

  Chapter 7

  Tim Horne wasted no time moving to Chicago. He was a man in love. Sabrina’s firm was based in there and she had no plans to relocate, so he really didn’t have a choice. Her drive was one of the things that attracted her to him. Since he had the most flexibility, it just made sense that he’d be the one who relocated.

  However, it had been almost a year of living in her condo and he hated it. It felt like it did when they first started dating when he was flying in and out of town.

  Tim sat in Sabrina’s home office responding to e-mails from his business team. She had things set up exactly the way she wanted them. He needed his own office space. It was more than past time for them to move into a home that belonged to both of them because the condo definitely belonged to Sabrina.


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