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Page 11

by S. W. Frank

  “We are brothers…I once prayed for a brother.”

  Alfonzo pushed Giuseppe’s foot away and cast a look in his direction, “It was answered.”

  “We could have made mischief together.”

  “Yeah, two assholes in the same place, it wouldn’t have worked.”

  “It would have been fun.”

  The guard appeared with a trash bin and swept the glass. Alfonzo ignored the man and frowned at Giuseppe. The would’ve, should’ve, could’ve were only contractions and didn’t change anything. “Let me have what you’re drinking big brother.”

  He watched Giuseppe’s face as he poured liquor into an empty shot glass.  

  Giuseppe was his brother, hot damn. It explained the instant connection between them. Yeah, he could see the resemblance when he studied the man’s profile. The blue eyes sort of screamed Luzo, didn’t it? Shit, now that he thought about it, all of Luzo’s children inherited the gene. The truth’s stared him in the face for years and he missed it. “Take those contacts out already. You forgot or what?”

  “Guess so,” he answered, yet he took no action toward removal.

  Alfonzo downed the shot. Oh yeah, that Russian Vodka burned like a mother-fuck. “Hey, did I tell you how this Russian and I had a drinking contest?”

  “No, who won?”

  “I had the Vodka and he had the Puerto Rican Rum.”

  “The rum is better.”

  “Depends on a man’s taste in spirits.”

  “The rum is sweeter.”

  “Are you going to shut the fuck up and listen or keep commenting?” Alfonzo joked.

  “Tell me who won, I don’t have all day. I need to take a wicked piss.”

  Alfonzo’s eyebrow rose and he chuckled, “We’re definitely brothers. I say the same line when I’m wasted.”

  “Who won, tell me?”

  “No one.”

  “No one, really?” Giuseppe guffawed and begun to relax. Having Alfonzo around during his time of crisis made the sting of his mother’s deception less painful. He reclined and put his bandaged foot back on his little brother’s expensive pant leg. He loved messing with Alfonzo, he was too serious. Sometimes, when lying alone or waking to a quiet home, he somewhat envied Alfonzo. He had a loving family and adorable kids. If he ever had children, he would want a son like Sal. He had to admit, seeing Alfonzo with his family, even the troublesome Selange had him rethinking the bachelor life, except, there wasn’t a woman with whom he chose to make a fool of himself for…or as they say –commit. Commitment equals insanity. Anyway, no woman burned his insides like the Vodka or made him blush with a glance. If he were to go insane for a woman, she must be sweet and loving and not cunning like Geovonna. Women such as Geovonna were exciting to fuck but a lifetime in her presence would sour a man. Honestly, he liked Selange, before the woman fell in bed with Nico, she had been quite sweet. It was evident she loved Alfonzo until Nico’s dick protruded in the middle. Eh, but his love-sick brother forgave her despite his attempts to sway him otherwise. The man could not help himself and was lured back in. He did not understand all-consuming love, perhaps because he never would. It bordered on insanity.

  In his drunken philosophy he queried whether he ever experienced love at all. But of course, he had. His family he loved very much beyond reason. He would kill and die for his family, was that insanity? Then yes, he could somewhat understand the effects of a potent love. Except, he had no such compulsion for one particular woman. There were numerous women and each one was potential tinder, yet it’s Shanda who created the spark.

  Ah, the thinking on the topic was madness. Alfonzo and his little Delilah were fucking happy and nothing else mattered. He planned to visit more often and put the fear of Giuseppe in that alluring head in case she had another foolish notion to stray on his brother, again.

  “We were both smashed, so we called it a draw…but…”

  “But –what?”

  “You see that brand of vodka, right there, the one you love to hate but keep drinking?”

  “What about it?”

  “He owns it and the inebriated sonovabitch gifted me twenty percent in shares.”

  In an intoxicated display of affection Giuseppe grabbed Alfonzo’s neck, “Come here!” He said roughly and rocked Alfonzo’s head from side-to-side. It wobbled and reminded Alfonzo of an earlier scene with his son. Now he knew how Sal felt. “That is why I love you fratellino…you are smart…I will watch out for you now…brother is better than cousin…right brother?”

  Alfonzo sighed as Giuseppe continued to shake his freaking head. Giuseppe officially became the mushy drunk and those were the most emotional kind!

















  Darren’s physical exam went well, considering the teen had a cracked rib and couldn’t play ball until it healed. The boy was angry, basketball was his life and Nico felt for the kid. He drove the rental car, glancing occasionally at the sulking boy as they traversed from Third to Second Avenue toward the Fifty-ninth Street Bridge.

  Darren insisted on going to school after the exam, it was late morning so he told Ari he’d take him. She wanted to make an appearance at the office and try to assimilate into her normal routine, especially after the drama with Gregory.

  Aaron had skipped out early, hopped the train to school but not before a stern warning that his dad was going to be on his case and he better improve academically or he’d have hell to pay. Yeah, Nico grunt, that kid of his had the thrill-seeker gene and a Giacanti to the core.

  Darren spoke, “What were you like when you were my age dad?”

  Whoa, this was an out of left field question and Nico pondered it. “What do you mean?”

  “Like, did you play sports or have a hobby, things like that.”

  Learning how to kill is that a sport?

  “I played soccer and drew pictures in my spare time”

  “Why didn’t you become an artist?”

  “Humph, long story.”

  “We have an hour.”

  The boy’s putting me on the spot.

  He decided not to lie to his son anymore. The truth surfaced. “My adoptive father said it would only detract from what I’m meant to do.”

  “And what were you meant to do?”

  Darren sat up, listening with rapt attention. He didn’t know much about his dad’s life and spending time in Palermo and hearing everybody talking, he sort of wondered was there more to his dad than he shared. He loved his dad and wanted to get to know him better. Not only the surface image but the pain that forged the killer people feared. To Darren, the imposing man had always been just dad.

  “Darren…I had a complicated childhood. It’s not easy to talk about son.” He went silent. His mouth held tight in a thin line. What was the kid doing to him?

  “Dad, it’s okay. Whatever you tell me is confidential. I won’t love you less. I promise…I just want to know.”

  He told Darren some of the family history in a condensed version. The violent parts were omitted. Semira and her affair with the king of Italy and their love children were the feature attraction. He shared how his father, Alberti gave him to Ernesto, the Butcher to learn the ways of a protector of the Giacanti family. An honor bestowed upon only a blood relative. Something he did not know then.

  “The things I had to do Darren, I don’t want to talk about. I just don’t want you to ever be like me.”

  “Did he beat you dad, that man, the Butcher?”

  “He treated me like a son, except the lessons were harsh and sometimes I feared I wouldn’t survive.” Nico said, shifting in his seat at the uncomfortable line of questioning. No one dug a
s deep as this kid and the shit was getting to him.

  “Did he hit a lot?”

  “There are some things worse than beatings.”

  “Did he make you kill people?”

  “Yes and also watch.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Younger than you…much younger.”

  “Did you cry?”

  “At first.”

  “Why didn’t you run away?”

  “He would’ve found me.”

  They were on the bridge. The traffic was going smoothly and Nico’s foot pressed on the accelerator. He wanted to get the kid to school. Fast.

  “The people he killed were they mobsters?”

  “Most, yeah.”

  “The one’s you killed were they mobsters, too.”


  They were on Queens Boulevard, near Long Island City. Darren’s school was out in Forest Hills. There were several more miles to go to get there. The emotional storm inside had begun to rise and if the kid kept digging it might burst through.

  “Your cousin Alfonzo, is he the reason you have to kill all the time? Evangeline said you’re sworn to protect him, is that true?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Can’t somebody else do it, isn’t somebody doing it now?”

  “No and yes.”

  The teen sighed, “What’s so important about him anyway?”

  “He’s the proof of the rumored history of Semira’s affair with the king. The eyes as well as the bloodline are genetically indisputable evidence. Some warped people have tried to eliminate us and no matter how we try to live normal lives, they won’t leave us alone. All the mob stuff is a smokescreen.”

  “So you’re like the knight, they protected Kings, is that like what you do?”

  Nico’s laugh was rich with a powerful bass, “Ha, you romanticize killing kid. I’m far from a knight, even way back then their reasons were questionable. I’m only trying to defend against anybody going after our family. When or if it ever stops than I can stop killing.”

  “Do you think they’ll stop trying to hurt Alfonzo?”

  Nico’s mouth tugged into a frown, “Maybe, one day, they might.”

  “Well, I hope they stop so you can have fun. It doesn’t seem like you’ve ever had any fun, dad. I want you happy. That’s all I want and sometimes I think you’re sad and it’s messed up you never got to choose what you wanted to do. It’s sad.”

  Nico smirked, “Hey, meeting your mom, having you guys, that’s all the happiness and fun I need. Now before you get me simpering like a baby, can we change the subject?”


  “So, who’s the girl?”

  “Oh shit, Aaron told you, that little sucker, wait until I see him!”

  Nico chuckled. Hadn’t Darren done the same thing not very long ago? Guess ratting didn’t feel too good from the receiving end. That’s lesson number one, administered and learned.

















  Ariana greeted the staff, and then spent over two hours getting caught up on cases from the legal assistant but became distracted. Nico was in her head and the friends with benefits arrangement she’d foolishly agreed to in the throes of some hardcore sex. How the hell did she agree to such craziness? Exclusive access to pussy…only Nico could invent a phrase like that.

  “Alright thank you Melissa,” she said when the efficient young woman finished then opened the drawer of her desk for a legal pad. She scribbled some notes; Burns vs. Green Corp, settled, Klienman vs. R & J Contracting, settled and then sat down the pen when the receptionist suddenly appeared in the doorway.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but there are detectives insisting on speaking with you.”

  The receptionist didn’t get the chance to say any more because the detectives she mentioned were rudely stepping around the sharply dressed young woman into her office.

  They flashed their badges, “NYPD, I’m Detective Rogman and this is Detective Gavin. We’re here to ask you a few questions Ms. Mattheson about your boyfriend Gregory Dixon.”

  The receptionist closed the door and Ariana waved the men to chairs in front of her desk, “What about Gregory?”

  “We understand you’ve been seeing him for several months, is that true?”

  “Excuse me you already established that when you inferred he was my boyfriend. Is this about how long we’ve been going out or is this about Greg?”

  “Ma’am we’re simply confirming your relationship.” Detective Gavin interposed.

  “Yeah, thanks for clarifying that detective. You’re talking to a lawyer not a simpleton.”

  “Have you and Mr. Dixon been having problems lately?”

  Ariana folded her hands atop the desk and leaned forward. Calm and assessing. “Can we please get to the point. Is this an interrogation dressed up in a nice harmless visit, because that’s what it’s beginning to smell like?”

  “When was the last time you saw or spoke to Mr. Dixon?”

  Now the questioning went deeper and she reclined. “Detectives, I believe the nature of these questions warrant a call to my lawyer.”

  “Aren’t you a lawyer?”

  She rolled her eyes at the genius and failed to respond.

  The other detective put his card on her desk, “Your boyfriend was murdered, you went missing, and there’s an assault report filed by the hospital on Long Island when you took your son there around the day the coroner established a time of death. What’s the coincidence of that? Yeah, call your lawyer and get yourself a really good one.”

  They stood and walked to the door. Detective Gavin halt and added a warning, “Please don’t leave town.”

  Then they were gone.

  The receptionist entered, “Is everything okay Ms. Mattheson?”

  “Gregory’s been murdered and they came here to inform me.”

  The woman put her hand to her mouth in shock, “Oh my God. Where, how?”

  “I don’t know,” Ariana lied then put her forehead atop her legal pad in a fake display of sorrow, “I can’t believe it…I can’t believe Greg’s dead!” But, she wasn’t sorry or sad the spineless bastard got what he deserved for kidnapping and beating her son. She tried to think of something heartbreaking to get the tears to flow and almost laughed when the first thing that came to mind was the possibility of never getting fucked by Nico. Now that was tragic and she cried at the thought. Gregory hadn’t come close, he lacked girth and far less skilled. Ah, she planned to dump him anyway.

  “Why don’t you go home? I’ll cancel all your appointments for the day.”

  “Oh…oh…maybe you’re right…I can’t function like this.”

  Ariana sniffled then raised red teary eyes to the woman for effect. She knew how it worked. They’d ask her receptionist during trial questions about how she appeared after she heard about her boyfriend’s murder, was she upset and what was her reaction?

  Oh, they’d hammer the receptionist to death with their incessant interrogation and she’d attest truthfuully. Yes…she was distraught.

  After the theatrics were finished, Ariana hurried to the subway and rode the train to Queens. An hour later she emerged on Seventy-first and Continental Avenue and rushed inside a store to purchase a prepaid cell then went to the coffee shop Nico swore by that sold delicious calzones. She ordered tea and a croissant then soon retired to a private corner and called Nico. Once he answered the nervous jitters calmed. “Talk to me.”

  “Nicolo it’s me. I had visitors at the office.”

  “What type of visitors?”

  “Police, asking about Gregory.”

  “Where are you?”
  “At the shop you like on Austin Street.”

  “I’m not far. I’ve been sitting like a stalker outside our son’s school. Order me one of those calzones…shit make it two and some ginseng tea. I’ll be there in five.”


  And as he said, five minutes with seconds to spare she saw his car pull into an empty space in front. When he emerged from the car he straightened to his full height. He went to the kiosk to pay for parking and stuck the ticket in the interior of the car’s dashboard before joining her.

  He stepped through the door and a trio of eyed him as he passed. Boy, they weren’t discreet at all, Ari noticed. They huddled over the table and whispered conspiratorially. She guessed the subject of their conversation; it was undoubtedly on the good-looking man. Yes, Nico possessed the ‘aw goddamn he’s fine’ effect. The hottie Alfonzo had the same sex appeal. Every one of those Giacanti men was goddamn fine!

  Nico sat down unaware of the appreciative stares at his back, “Tell me what they asked.”

  She recant the entire conversation as he sat there eating while actively listening. When she finished, his food was gone. He swiped the evidence away with a paper napkin, “Um. Don’t worry.”

  “What if they come back?”

  “Do not deviate from your routine Ari. They’re busy chasing leads they won’t be back so soon. They’re not going to harass a lawyer; they’re smart enough to know not to.” His eyes were on her face, “Ari, have you covered your tracks with the money?”


  Nico frowned. If she hadn’t, they’d discover a link to her and organized crime. She’d have to explain the origin of her ‘commission’ and if she wasn’t careful, she’d bring the entire family down.


  “Hey we have a few hours to kill before I pick up our son, let’s go somewhere.” His eyes twinkled before saying, “Friend.”

  Ari grinned, “Okay, friend.”








  Maria had the kids up early and dressed and the entire family waited in the car with their luggage for Selange. Anita sat staunchly at Maria’s side with the babies secured in their car seats. The two bonded over the years and were so bold to commandeer the children from their mother.


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