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A Rose in Bloom

Page 2

by Tamie Dearen

  “Elyssa Rose.”

  “Ms. Rose, have you seen or heard anything unusual tonight?” He continued to take notes on his phone.

  “Officer Landry, I was only checking to see if she’d gotten her lock replaced. I told her this morning it wasn’t safe for her to stay in the upstairs apartment when her door only had a deadbolt with a breakable window right next to it.”

  “I didn’t ask for your advice, Jaxon. I can take care of myself.”

  “It’s seems to me you can’t take care of yourself. You’ve had all day to call a locksmith.”

  “I had more important things to do. The Carringtons called this morning with a change, and I spent the entire day tracking down white peonies. I finally found fifty stems at a farm in Oregon.”

  Officer Landry turned his attention to the door, which was still standing ajar. “He’s right. This isn’t a safe lock. You’re living upstairs?”

  Jackson flashed an I-told-you-so smile, and Elyssa responded with a single lifted eyebrow and flared nostrils.

  “Yes, but I’m getting the lock changed. Also, I’m thinking about getting a guard dog.”

  “You really need to take precautions. The only reason I was in the area is that we’ve had reports of a suspicious-looking guy loitering around here. I was following a guy who matched the description when I spotted Mr. McCall outside your door.”

  “Well, I totally understand why you'd suspect Jaxon. He looks pretty seedy.”

  “Ha! Very funny. Don’t try to change the subject. If you won’t listen to me, at least listen to Officer Landry.”

  “Yes, Ms. Rose, you should probably find another place to stay until you get your lock changed. My patrol covers a lot of territory, so I won’t be around here all night. That guy walked right past your door a few minutes ago.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine for one night.”

  “Do you have a gun, ma’am?”

  “No, of course not, but I have a can of pepper spray.”

  "I really need to emphasize that pepper spray might not be enough to stop someone if they were to break in, especially someone under the influence of certain drugs.”

  "I also took a self-defense class."

  "Okay, but promise me you'll get this lock changed right away." Landry gave Jaxon a look that said, ‘Let's just humor her for now’.

  Jaxon offered his hand. “Thank you, Officer Landry.”

  “Thank you, Mr. McCall. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

  "No problem. You were only doing your job."

  "Good night, sir. Good night, ma’am. And please take care of that lock.”

  As he watched Officer Landry return to his car, Jaxon saw Elyssa moving in the corner of his eye. Sliding inside her shop, she murmured, “Thanks for checking on the lock. I didn’t need it, but thanks anyway.”

  So she thinks she can just slip away and ignore everything that just happened. I don’t think so.

  He moved to the door just as she closed it. With a dull thunk, the door bounced open. She tried again, putting her weight into it. He saw her suck in a sudden breath when her eyes met his, inches away, through the glass pane. Then her gaze dropped down, widening as she spied the obstruction… his foot.

  Part 6: An Invitation

  I’D LOVE TO WIPE that smug expression off his face. “Get your foot out of my way. What do you think you’re doing?”

  He pushed his way inside the door, easily overpowering her futile efforts to close it against him.

  “I’m merely coming in to let you know how much I appreciate your comments that almost led to my arrest.”

  “I think you were well on your way to an arrest before I came downstairs and saved your behind.”

  “Oh? So you saved my behind, huh? And here I was thinking I’d come over here to save that cute little tush of yours.”

  “I told you already, I don’t need your help. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to bed.”


  The moment the words left her mouth she regretted them. Blood rushed to her face and throbbed in her temples. He grinned and took a step toward her, his crystal blue eyes darkening.

  “Was that an invitation?”

  “No! It wasn’t!” She moved back, away from his overwhelming presence.

  “Are you sure? Because now that I’ve saved your behind, I wouldn’t mind taking a little peek to see if it was worth my effort.”

  “You’ve got it all wrong. Like I said, I saved your behind, not vice-versa.”

  “In that case, I’ll give you a little peek.” He moved closer, and she retreated toward the stairs.

  “I’m warning you… Get back or I’ll use this pepper spray.” She whipped the little can out of her pocket and brandished it with trembling fingers.

  He laughed. “Come on Elyssa—you know I’m only teasing. Anyway, that pepper spray wouldn’t stop me. I’m a Marine—I had to train to stand that stuff.”

  “It would stop most people, wouldn’t it?” Her nervousness at his proximity vanished, replaced by a sudden concern that her pepper spray might truly be ineffective if someone broke into the shop.

  His smile disappeared. “It might not stop a guy, especially if he were under the influence of a drug like PCP. I wasn’t kidding when I told you I was worried about you.”

  She swallowed hard, her mouth abruptly dry and sticky. “Fine. I really will get the lock changed tomorrow. I’ll call first thing in the morning.”

  “And tonight?”

  What would she do tonight? She didn’t have any friends in town, only acquaintances from her floral business. Maybe she could stay one night in a hotel.

  “I’ll get a room somewhere.”


  Her nervous habit of chewing on her lower lips was adorable. But she was shaking from head to toe. Good. At least she was finally taking things seriously. He had an unexpected urge to pull her into his arms and soothe away her fears. Ha! That would be like hugging a porcupine. She bristles every time I get near her. Still, he at least had to try to be a gentleman.

  “I may regret this… but you can stay the night at my place. Wait—I’m not propositioning you. You can sleep in my roommate’s bedroom. He’s gone this week, and there’s a lock on the door.”

  She opened her mouth, already shaking her head. He knew she was going to refuse. She was too stubborn for her own good. She would turn him down out of pure obstinacy, and he wouldn’t be able to stop worrying about her. He probably wouldn’t get a wink of sleep.

  She spoke in a small voice. “Okay.”

  He drew in a sudden breath, choking in surprise. Now he really wouldn’t get a wink of sleep.

  Part 7: Sleepless Night

  ELYSSA SNUGGLED into the soft comfy bed with fresh clean sheets. She was exhausted. She couldn’t wait for sleep to overtake her so she could get some real rest. And so she could stop thinking about the yummy guy sleeping just across the hallway… The pushy, controlling, arrogant, obnoxious, yummy guy. Although he had been pretty nice to check on her lock and let her spend the night at his apartment for safety’s sake.

  When he’d helped her put new sheets on his roommate’s bed, they’d brushed hands once or twice. She’d had to work hard not to react when those little tingles shot up her arm. He was so aggressive. If he’d known he was having that kind of physical effect on her, he probably would’ve suggested he join her on that bed. Then she would’ve had to slap him. And then she would’ve had to find a hotel room for the night. At least she hoped that’s what would’ve happened. Jaxon McCall was dangerous—he was the kind of guy who could make her lose control if she wasn’t extremely careful. Thank God she was extremely careful.

  Why was she attracted to him anyway? It’s not like he was the only guy out there with a handsome face, blue eyes, dimples, and a knock-‘em-dead gorgeous body. Anyway, physical looks weren’t all that important. She needed a guy who was supportive and sensitive and… Wait—what am I saying? I don’t need a guy at all. I’m fine by myself.
If I ever need a male perspective, I can always call my brother.

  She glanced at the clock. After midnight and I’m wide awake. With a sigh, she got up to rummage through her bathroom kit, relieved to find the small bottle of prescription sleeping pills. She hadn’t needed them in a long time, but this was an emergency. She couldn’t follow her normal routine for insomnia, having a cup of chamomile tea, because she didn’t want to risk running in to Jaxon in the kitchen. Especially since he’d almost certainly be shirtless. There’s no way she’d be able to sleep after she got another eyeful of those well-defined chest muscles and rock-hard abs. She swallowed a pill and lay down to wait, knowing she’d be sound asleep in twenty minutes.


  Jaxon tossed and turned. Within a few minutes he’d practically torn all the sheets off his bed. He couldn’t get comfortable for some reason. Had he grabbed the wrong pillow? Who was he kidding? He couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t stop thinking about the gorgeous girl sleeping in his roommate’s bedroom. He kept picturing her in his mind… Her eyes closed, with her thick eyelashes brushing her cheeks. Her shiny blond tresses splayed across her pillow. Her pouty lips barely parted as she breathed in sleep, with no sharp, sarcastic words shooting out.

  In fact he’d enjoyed the few moments he’d spent helping her make up his roommate’s bed. She hadn’t spoken a single harsh word. She’d seemed almost… nice. She acted like she didn’t hate him with every fiber in her being. Maybe this would be a breakthrough in their relationship. Maybe she’d be so grateful for his help, she’d be willing to talk to him in a civil manner and discuss the possibility of selling him her building. He’d love to take her to dinner and help her see the advantages of trading buildings. Who was he kidding? He’d love to take her dinner and spend time with her. If she’d leave that acid tongue at home.

  A crash in the kitchen broke into his reverie. Had something fallen? He hoped the noise hadn’t woken Elyssa up—it was after one a.m. He opened his bedroom door and peered across the dark hallway. Elyssa’s door was closed, so hopefully she’d slept through the clamor. Another clang rang out from the kitchen. What was going on? Could it be a rat making that racket?

  He padded into the dark kitchen and noticed a glow coming from the refrigerator door, standing ajar. Flipping on the light switch, he moved to close the fridge.

  “Elyssa? What are you doing?”

  Sitting cross-legged on the tiled kitchen floor, she lifted her glazed eyes to his. She gave no response, but licked her fingers. Her face and hands were covered with smudges of dark brown, and in her lap was an open plastic storage container with the partial remainder of uneaten chocolate cake.

  He chuckled. “If you were hungry, you could’ve gotten a plate and fork and sat at the table. There’s no need to be secretive and hide on the floor. I don’t mind sharing my leftover cake.”

  She blinked her eyes at him.

  “Elyssa? Are you awake?”

  She blinked again, but didn’t respond. She must be sleepwalking.

  “Do you want to go back to bed now?”

  Placing the cake on the floor, she struggled to her feet. He reached down to give her a hand up.

  “Don’t! Don’t touch me—not on my skin. It makes me tingle, but I don’t want you to know.”

  “Uhmm… okay.” He bit back a smile. “How about if I help you go back to bed without touching you?”

  She took a deep breath. “You aren’t going to touch me?”

  “No, I promise. I’ll just keep my hand on the back of your shirt here to make sure you don’t loose your balance.

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. I won’t tell anyone your secret.” He guided her down the hallway toward her room.

  “You know, when you touch my skin? I like it.”

  “You do?” He grinned. “I won’t tell anyone you like it when I touch your skin.”

  “No, that’s not it. That’s not the secret.”

  “Then what’s the secret?”

  She stopped, standing on her toes to whisper in his ear. “I haven’t ever kissed a guy.”

  Part 8: A Thorny Situation

  ELYSSA RUBBED THE SLEEP from her scratchy eyes as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror. The bathroom mirror just across the hall from Jaxon McCall’s room, inside his apartment. She was still surprised she'd managed to sleep, even with the sleeping pill she took. Staring at the blurry image in the mirror, she groped for her contact case, reluctant to put the lenses in her irritated eyes. But she’d forgotten to grab her glasses when she’d hurriedly packed her bag the night before.

  Sliding the contacts in place, she blinked to focus her eyes. What was that brown smear on her lips and chin? She rubbed on it with one finger. Oh no! Was that chocolate? She’d found evidence of sleep eating once or twice when she’d taken her prescription sleep medicine, but she’d forgotten about that possibility when she'd swallowed the pill last night. I hope I didn’t leave a mess in the kitchen. Perhaps if she hurried she’d beat him, and she could clean up any telltale evidence.


  With a second cup of coffee, Jaxon collapsed at the kitchen table. He’d barely slept after his encounter with Elyssa last night. Even a cold morning shower had done little to rouse him. He knew he looked scruffy, but he hadn’t had the energy to shave. How was he going to get through a day leading classes at the gym? Maybe he could get Nate to cover for him, and he could catch a few winks on the couch in his office.

  Elyssa Rose… Her name was perfect for her. Beautiful, but watch out if you got too close—those thorns were really sharp. In the midst of her confession, he’d been tempted to take advantage of her less-prickly state. He’d been thrilled at her admission of his physical effect on her, especially since he’d had the same sensations with her. He’d only wanted to kiss those luscious chocolate-smeared lips—he wouldn’t have taken things any further. At least he hoped he wouldn’t have.

  He could tell she wasn’t very experienced despite her previous flirtatious and cutting remarks. But after she’d admitted she’d never even been kissed, he knew he couldn’t let himself start anything. If she responded to his kiss with any of the same passion she showed in every other encounter with him, there was no way he’d be able to control himself. He wasn’t going to be the one to take away her innocence. It would be like finding a rare flower and crushing the petals to make perfume.

  “Hi.” Her voice broke into his reverie. She was standing in his kitchen, looking all sweet and delectable with a rosy blush on her cheeks.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  Her face turned bright red as she peered around the room, eying the refrigerator. “Uhmm… yes, I slept just fine. Was uhmm… was everything okay this morning?”

  Ah, so she didn’t remember her nocturnal activities. She was obviously suspicious. And nervous. This could be fun.

  “Yes, everything was okay.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  “Well, except for the refrigerator.”

  Her eyes opened like round saucers. “What…” Her voice cracked. She swallowed and cleared her throat. “What happened with the refrigerator?”

  “Nothing really. It was just sort of strange.”


  “Yes, I think something must have shifted and fallen in the refrigerator. The door was ajar, and there was this plastic container of cake wedging it open.”

  “Cake?” Her voice cracked again.

  “Yes, chocolate cake.”

  “Chocolate cake,” she repeated.

  “What’s that on your mouth?” He asked, reaching toward her lip.


  Her heart stopped when his finger brushed her mouth. That blasted tingling happened again. Why couldn’t she control her body around this man? And what was on her mouth? Hadn’t she washed the chocolate off her face? She hurried to the sink and wet a paper towel, scrubbing at her mouth until it was almost raw.

  She jumped at his voice right behind her. Turning around she found herself trapped as he leaned on the counter with one hand on either side of her. She lifted her chin, which certainly had to be clean by now.

  “What do you want? You’re crowding me.”

  “I only wanted to suggest we get together tonight over dinner and talk about our buildings.”

  She bristled. The building—he still wanted her building. She was getting more and more attracted to him, and he was getting more and more attracted to her building.

  “I don’t have time with the wedding this weekend. I have lots of work to do.”

  “I thought we might eat here, and you might be willing to help me clean out the refrigerator.”

  “Why? What are you talking about?”

  “Well, you know… Everything spoiled inside since it was ajar all night. Of course you’ve got a lot of work. It’s just that it’s a big job, cleaning the entire fridge, and my roommate is out of town. But I understand if you’re too busy. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  Arghh! Of course it was her fault everything had spoiled in the refrigerator. Did he know? She stared at him, trying to discern something in his enigmatic expression. She could swim in those blue eyes of his, and he looked so masculine with his unshaved face. His dark hair fell in sexy waves across his forehead, still damp from his shower. She had an urge to bury her nose against his chest and breathe his fresh, clean scent.

  “Okay, I’ll come help you.”

  He grinned, straightening up and allowing her to escape from her armed cage.

  Crossing her arms she pasted on her most stern I-mean-it expression. “But I’m not selling my building!”

  Part 9: Divided Attention

  “HEY MACK! WHY DO YOU keep looking out the window? Are you expecting someone?” Nate leaned against the desk, arms crossed, casually observing him.”


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