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A Rose in Bloom

Page 13

by Tamie Dearen

  “Yeah, he’s got to get his mountain bike out of the repair place. We’ve got a weekend trip planned after the wedding. He would've been on time, but the shop doesn’t open until eleven a.m. on Saturdays.”

  “You and Jaxon? You have a trip planned this weekend? We’re supposed to go on a honeymoon to Mexico.”

  “I thought he’d already talked to you about it. He said he was going to bring you along and you could operate the sag-wagon.”

  “This is all wrong.” Tears stung Elyssa’s eyes. “Nothing’s going right. This is all a big mistake. I’m calling off the wedding.”

  “Elyssa, you’re over-reacting again. Your cell phone’s ringing. It’s probably Jaxon calling right now. Just talk to him, and let him explain.” Scotty gave a solicitous pat on her arm.

  Elyssa ignored the incessant ringing. It was Jaxon’s special ring tone, but she didn’t feel like talking to him right now. She had to get away. She started running, blinded by her tears. On and on she ran. Over and over the phone rang. Surely he would give up eventually. I never want to see him again. Finally, the ringing stopped. She collapsed onto the ground, falling into a deep, exhausted sleep.


  Jaxon fretted all the way to A Rose in Bloom. Why wasn’t Elyssa answering her cell phone? The morning of the wedding, she should be home getting ready. Haunting memories of the previous break-in passed through his mind, horrifying images. Please God, let her be okay.

  He used his key to open the front door, relieved to find no sign of forced entry. “Elyssa!” The lights were still off in the shop, so he bounded up the stairway. “Elyssa!” He called out, banging on the door with his fist. No answer. “Elyssa!”

  With a trembling hand, he turned the knob, opening the door. He spotted her, lying motionless in the bed, her blond hair splayed in glorious disarray across her pillow, her soft lips parted as if she were preparing to speak. His chest tightened. Is she dead?

  As he approached, he saw her chest rising and falling with slow breaths, and he felt the tension ooze from his body. Thank God!

  “Elyssa. Elyssa.” He brushed her hair off her face, but she didn’t respond. With a gentle shake to her shoulder, he bent to kiss her face, relishing the privilege of seeing her eyes the moment she awoke. It’s the last morning I’ll ever have to wake up without her beside me. “Wake up, Elyssa Rose. Tomorrow, I’ll kiss you awake as Elyssa McCall.”

  She groaned, but her eyes remained glued shut. Jaxon put a bit more vigor into his shake and spoke in her ear. “Elyssa. Wake up. You’re late, Sweetie. You’ve got to wake up.”

  Her lids cracked open as a deep furrow appeared between her brows. Opening wider, her blue almond-shaped eyes focused on his face. “Jaxon.”

  Does she sound angry? Oh, I forgot she’s not a morning person. “Good morning. I’m sorry I invaded your room, but I was worried when you didn’t answer your phone. If I hadn’t been panicking, I would’ve brought you some coffee.”

  “Ha! You were worried, huh?” Her expression was as caustic as her tone. “Maybe you should have thought of that before you planned your big mountain biking trip with Scotty.”

  “What trip?”

  “Don’t play innocent with me—Scotty told me all about it. But the two of you can go by yourselves. I have no interest in driving the sag-wagon while the two of you go on your bike trek.” She sat up in the bed, jabbing her finger at him with obvious fury.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but we need to get going. The photographer was expecting you an hour ago and your aunt is frantic.”

  “I’m not going.”


  “You heard me—the wedding’s off. And it’s just as well, since the flowers were going to be pink carnations.”

  “Carnations? I thought you were having roses. And what do you mean the wedding’s off?”

  “It’s off!” She pushed up on her elbows, glaring at him with narrowed eyes. “Or maybe you and Scotty can get married, since you were planning to honeymoon together instead of going to Mexico with me.”

  “What are you talking about? Why would I go anywhere with Scotty instead of going on our honeymoon?”

  “That’s what I want to know!”

  “But I’m not going anywhere with Scotty. I don’t know what he told you, but I promise I’m not skipping our honeymoon. He must’ve been teasing you.”

  “Oh yeah? Then why did you call Sadie and tell her you were going to be late?”

  “I didn’t call Sadie. Why would I call Sadie?”

  “Because you were picking up your bike from the repair shop, and you were going to be late to the wedding.”

  “My bike isn’t in the repair shop, and I didn’t call Sadie. And I’m not going to be late to the wedding. I’m telling you, someone’s playing a practical joke or something, and it’s not very funny. When did you hear all of this? After the rehearsal dinner last night? Did Scotty and Sadie call you this morning?”

  “No, they told me in person, up at the church this morning.” Elyssa fell back against her pillow, crossing her arms.

  “You went to the church this morning? And you came home and got back in bed?”

  Elyssa hesitated, glancing uncertainly around the room. “I don’t remember.” Her bottom lip curled inside her mouth, her upper teeth pressing into it. “We were… Sadie made me go jogging, and…” Her eyes widened.

  “You dreamed it! You dreamed the whole thing, didn’t you?”

  “Uhmm… It couldn’t have been a dream. I’d know if it were a dream.”

  “It was a dream. It had to have been a dream. There’s no other explanation. So come on, Elyssa. Hurry up. You’re supposed to be at the brunch place right now. The photographer’s already waiting.”

  Her lower lip pooched out. “Well aren’t you even going to apologize?”

  “For what? I didn’t do anything.”

  “You did something in my dream, and it really hurt my feelings.”

  Jaxon bit back an indignant retort when he saw tears glistening in Elyssa’s eyes. “Move over,” he ordered, stretching out on the bed beside her, shoes and all. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him, kissing the top of her head. “Elyssa, I’m really sorry Dream-Jaxon did that to you. I don’t think he just hurt your feelings; I think he scared you a little bit. And maybe you dreamed it because you were already a little scared.”

  She sniffed her response, wetting his shirt with salty tears.

  “So I want you to know something… Real-Jaxon would never ever do anything like that. I promise. Just think for a minute. I’ve never done anything like that before, have I? Don’t you know I would never hurt you on purpose? Since our first date, haven’t I proven you’re the most important person in my life? Don’t you believe I want to spend the rest of my life with you?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was small. “But it seemed so real.”

  “I know, baby, but this is a good thing. It’s good practice.”

  “It is?”

  “Yep. Things are going to happen in our life and in our marriage. Big problems. And you may think our love can’t handle these problems. But when a scary situation comes along, you don’t run away from me… you run straight to me. You can yell at me or cry in my arms, whatever you need to do. But we’ll handle it together, and I’ll be there for you. Real-Jaxon. Me. The one you can count on.”

  She craned her head to look up at him. “That was pretty sweet, Jaxon. I’m sorry I went a little crazy. I guess I was more nervous than I thought I was.”

  “Are you okay now?” He brushed a tear off her face with a gentle swipe of his thumb.

  She nodded.



  “Don’t be mad at Sadie and Scotty, okay? Remember, it was just a dream.”

  “I’m not mad at Sadie. But as for Scotty…” One side of her mouth lifted in a twisted grin. “I’m not making any promises. He also told me I looked terrible.”

  “In yo
ur dream, right? He said that in your dream? So you’re not really mad, are you?”

  “But that's an awful thing to tell a bride the morning of her wedding, even in a dream.”

  Jaxon studied her face, but found no clue to determine whether she was joking or serious. He strained to keep his eyes from rolling. One thing’s for sure… Life with Elyssa will never be boring.

  Part 36: Happily Ever After

  JAXON FORGOT TO breathe. He knew Elyssa was beautiful, but when she appeared at the back of the church, like an angel in flowing white satin, his body and mind simply quit functioning. An elbow jabbed his ribs.

  “Hey man, you look like you’re going to pass out,” Nate mumbled from the corner of his mouth. “Don’t lock your knees. Remember? You don’t want to get a million hits on a YouTube video, do you?”

  Jaxon took a breath… more of a gasp really… and his narrowing vision cleared. Elyssa floated down the aisle. Only her white-knuckled grip on Scotty’s arm betrayed her nerves. That and the slightest tremble of her lower lip, which transformed into a smile as her gaze met Jaxon’s.

  When she took his hand and looked up with trusting eyes, his chest swelled. Promising to love her until they parted by death was the easiest pledge he would ever make. It’s amazing—I don’t feel broken any more. She’s healed me inside just by loving me. I may not deserve her, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to.

  When his good friend, Lisa, stood to sing, he felt his first pang of fear. He’d never actually heard her sing before. What if she was awful? What if she ruined the ceremony? He wouldn’t care, but he knew the wedding was really important to Elyssa. Yet from Lisa’s first note he knew his anxiety was unfounded. Her voice was clear and enchanting. The final verse brought a lump to his throat as he thought of their lives together.

  I love the way you love me

  When you are thinking of me

  I’ll never love another one but you

  Until the sun is setting

  I’ll love without regretting

  And you will see

  Our love will be

  The truest form of true


  Even though Elyssa had been planning her wedding since she was a little girl, she was relieved when the ceremony was over.

  “You made me pretty nervous when you didn’t show up for the brunch or answer your cell phone. I thought you’d skipped town.” Aunt Lauren smiled as she gave Elyssa a surprisingly strong hug. “But everything turned out beautifully, and you didn’t even look nervous up there.”

  “Now I know you’re lying, because my knees were shaking and my teeth were chattering and I kept forgetting when it was my turn to say something.”

  “Oh that… I thought you were just really cold.” Aunt Lauren winked.

  “It’s not too good for my ego that you were so scared to marry me,” Jaxon mocked. “Honestly, I was holding tight to your hands for fear you’d bolt down the aisle.”

  “Like you could stop me if I really decided to run.” Elyssa squeezed his hand, to assure him she was teasing.

  “True. Sadie’s been working you pretty hard the past six months. You’re probably faster than me in a sprint, but I think I’d catch you before the end of the first mile.”

  “Yes, Satan’s been a real slave-driver. I dreaded those workouts three days a week.”

  “Satan, huh?” Aunt Lauren’s brows popped up. “Then why do you keep working out with her?”

  “Well, first of all, I’m not a quitter. And second, I’m kind of afraid of her.”

  Aunt Lauren chuckled as she watched Sadie conversing with Scotty, emphasizing her points with wild hand gestures. “Do you think Scotty will move to the city now? Or will he stay out in Ketchum?”

  “I don’t know. He’s still working the land, and I think he always believed I’d come back home someday. Maybe he’ll reconsider since I’m married now.”

  “I think he needs a little persuading, and I know just what to say.”

  As Elyssa watched her aunt moving toward Scotty, she almost felt sorry for him. Their aunt could talk them into almost anything if she set her mind to it. Scotty didn’t stand a chance. On the other hand, moving to the city could be the best thing for him.

  “Don’t look now, but Baron Carrington is coming this way.” Jaxon’s upper lip twitched.

  “Weren’t you the one who invited him to the wedding?

  “I didn’t actually invite him. He’s dating Lisa now, and she brought him.”

  “But I thought you and he were friends now. Isn’t he a gym member? And didn’t you say he cut off his relationship with his parents?”

  “Yes, he joined the gym, and he’s making an effort. But I still don’t trust him around you.”

  “Surely you’re not still jealous of him. After all, I chose you, didn’t I? And he never even got serious consideration.”

  “I can’t help it. He gets under my skin.” Jaxon murmured these last words in her ear as Baron approached.

  “Congratulations, McCall.” Baron wore a sly smirk. “And Elyssa… my sincerest condolences.” He grabbed her hand and lifted it to his lips.

  “Keep your hands off her,” Jaxon growled, not a hint of humor in his expression.

  “Lighten up, McCall. I’m only giving you a hard time. It’s not like I’m trying to steal your woman.”

  Elyssa wrapped both her hands around Jaxon’s elbow. “It wouldn’t matter if you tried, Baron. You wouldn’t succeed.” She grinned at Jaxon’s scowl.

  “Nonetheless, if you ever tire of McCall…” Baron waggled his eyebrows.

  Elyssa could almost see steam coming from Jaxon’s ears. She decided to put Baron in his place. “Thanks for the offer, Baron. If I ever decide I’d like to date a guy who would proposition a married woman while he’s on a date with someone else, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind.”

  Carrington howled with laughter. “Elyssa, I like you. McCall, you’re a lucky man.” His composed façade cracked the tiniest bit as he added, “I only hope I can be so lucky someday.”

  Elyssa’s heart broke when she saw a glimpse of the hurt he was hiding. She was trying to think of something appropriate and encouraging to say when someone grabbed her and pulled her into a fierce hug.

  “Scotty! You’re going to knock my veil off!”

  He laughed as he lifted her feet off the ground, twirling in a circle before releasing her.

  “So, Sis… I’m glad it finally happened… You’ve finally admitted you need a man in your life.”

  “It’s not that I need a man, Scotty. I’ve decided I prefer having a man in my life.”

  “Not just any man.” Jaxon’s possessive arm snaked around her waist. “I’d like to think she only wants me in her life.”

  “I do. I only want you.” Elyssa lifted her lips to Jaxon, inviting and receiving a kiss.

  “Aaakk! I don’t want to see you making out. But that reminds me… Elyssa, since Mom and Dad are gone, and I’m you’re older brother, and tonight’s your wedding night… we need to have a little talk.”

  Scotty was trying to embarrass her, as usual. She crossed her arms, pressing her lips together as she glared at him. “Fine. Go ahead. Explain.”

  His eyes widened, almost imperceptibly, but she knew she’d caught him off-guard. “Well, you see, boys are different from girls.”

  “Oh I know. Girls have brains. And guys don’t, so they think with their—”

  “Elyssa Rose! Mom would turn over in her grave if she heard you say that word in polite company.” Scotty protested with faux distress.

  “What are you talking about?” She blinked her best innocent child eyes. “I didn’t say the word; you thought it. Just because you have a dirty mind, doesn’t mean I was going to say something bad.”

  “Oh yeah? Then what were you going to say?”

  “I was going to say, ‘Guys think with their wives’ help.’ That’s why it’s so important for us to find a wife for you now.”

otty’s face blanched. “Oh no. I’m happy as I am. I don’t need a wife. And if I ever do get married—which will probably never happen—I sure don’t need your help finding someone.”

  “If you had a wife, you wouldn’t be trying to steal my husband to go on a mountain biking trip when we’re supposed to be going on a honeymoon.”

  Scotty’s eyebrows arched together in an I’m-totally-lost-here look. “Huh?”

  Jaxon laughed, punching him in the bicep. “Yeah, man. You got me in so much trouble with that crazy plan of yours.”

  “What plan? What are you talking about?” Scotty looked from one to the other, his confusion evident.

  “It was something you did in my dream this morning.” Elyssa lifted her chin, daring Scotty to protest. “But I wouldn’t have dreamed it if you weren’t really like that.”

  “You’re mad about something I did in your dream? Shouldn’t you be mad at yourself for dreaming it?”

  “Trust me, Scotty,” Jaxon interrupted. “You should apologize. Your dream persona hurt her feelings.”

  “I can’t believe you’re taking her side on this, Jaxon.”

  “She’s my wife. I’m always on her side… no matter what.”

  “Oh yeah?” Scotty crossed his arms, leaning back on one foot. “Did my sister ever mention she’s always dreamed of having a big family? Ten kids? Maybe more?”

  Jaxon’s face was white, and his mouth hung open while his eyes blinked. “No, but… okay… if that’s what you want.”

  Elyssa swung her hand at the back of Scotty’s head, and he ducked out of the way, laughing.

  “Don’t listen to him, Jaxon. Ever. I want two or three kids some day, just like I told you. Scotty’s life goal is to cause me trouble.”

  “And a noble goal it is.” Scotty chuckled. “Hey, guess what Aunt Lauren told me. You know how Uncle Ray left me that acreage, when he left you the building in the city? She said if I were interested she’d trade me her building for my acreage. She’d always thought about opening a dental office in the city, but she’s decided against it. Says she wants to retire to the country.”


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