The Start of Something Good
Page 13
"I'm Anthony, and this is Ben."
"Nice to meet you."
Ben didn't bother to answer her. God, how she hated rudeness. "You ready to go or what, Chloe?" he demanded in a sulky tone.
Mia ignored him and faced the pink-haired girl. "And you are?"
The girl scowled. "Theresa."
"Nice to meet you. Where you guys headed?"
"Out," Theresa said. "Unless she has to sign something in order to leave this hellhole."
Chloe grabbed Theresa and dragged her inside the car. "We're going for a hike at Minnewaska. Right, guys?"
"Yeah, right," Anthony said with a grin. "Good to meet you."
"Without water bottles?" Mia challenged. She caught Chloe's face flushing and knew something else was going on. Holy crap, was she really going to allow Lake's daughter to head out with this band of juvenile delinquents?
"We'll stop for some at the store," Chloe threw out in desperation, climbing into the back seat. "Don't wait up."
"Chloe, I don't know about this--"
She knew the words were a mistake the moment they were uttered. Chloe practically snarled back at her. "I do. You can't keep me locked up with a bunch of old people all summer. I'm outta here. See ya later."
Ben gave her a high five from the driver's seat and pulled out with a roar of his tires.
Mia bit her lip and fought the panic curling at her nerves. Dammit, she should've read some parenting books on how to handle teens. Seems like rule one was the moment you challenged them, they became monsters.
But she was nineteen years old and on her own. As long as she didn't get into trouble, how could she force her to stay?
She didn't like Chloe's friends. Not that she liked to judge based on appearances, but her gut screamed something was off. They were trouble. Chloe was a good kid. Mia had seen the way she acted on the farm with the horses. She was relaxed, and open. The girl actually laughed! But with this group, she looked uncomfortable, as if she was being forced to be with them.
Holding back a groan, Mia decided to try to talk to Chloe when she returned. Then she'd call Jonathan tonight and make sure he came up this weekend. Hopefully, he could have a heart-to-heart with his daughter and straighten things out.
Mia grabbed her purse and headed into town. It was time to go shopping for some crappy clothes.
Look pretty, indeed.
Chapter Thirteen
Ethan tried hard not to laugh when he spotted Mia sitting on the front porch waiting for him.
He'd been prepared for her to put a spin on this "date" he'd set up, but he had to admit she'd managed to surprise him. Chloe sat next to her, purple hair gleaming in the sunlight, her grungy high-topped combat boots propped up on the edge of the wicker table. Mia'd been savvy enough to bring a chaperone.
Nicely played.
But the best part? Her appearance. It was obvious she'd taken pains to clearly show him she was not interested in impressing him. Instead, she'd achieved the complete opposite.
She looked fucking adorable.
Her hair was caught in two tight braids at the sides of her head. The plain pink pocketed T-shirt had a V neck and was two sizes too big. Her jean shorts stopped at her knees and were cuffed at the edges. She wore brightly colored Hawaiian-type flip-flops he knew she'd picked up at the local dollar store in town. The knowledge she'd actually gone out to specifically shop for this date told him everything he needed to know.
She wanted him.
He just needed to consider what to do about it.
"Chloe, I'm glad you're joining us today. I was hoping Mia would invite you."
The teen jumped out of her chair. "Thanks, can't say no to cupcakes. Hey, you shaved your beard! It looks rad."
His hand came up to rub his newly shaven skin. "Yeah, it was time. We'll take the truck--wanna start it up for me?"
He tossed her the keys, and she skipped down the stairs. Mia still hadn't said a word, so he glanced over, already prepared for a smart-assed quip regarding his lack of a beard.
Then froze.
She was staring at him with raw, naked lust.
In moments, his dick hardened, and his gut clenched like he'd been punched. Those tigress eyes roved over his face, drinking in his appearance with a hunger she couldn't seem to hide. Sexual chemistry twisted and sizzled between them. He ground his teeth together and fought the urge to walk over, haul her into his arms, and kiss her. An aching silence stretched between them, pulsing with unsaid want.
"Your beard," she whispered. She cleared her throat, as if to try once again to speak. "It's gone."
"Yeah. You like it?"
She didn't answer. Her tongue flicked out and ran over her lower lip. His gaze pierced hers, refusing to let go. "You look . . . different."
Satisfaction slammed through him. She liked it. His male ego gave an approving roar. He wondered what it would feel like to stand naked in front of her and bask in all that feminine pleasure. "So do you."
A frown creased her brow. "You don't like the new duds, huh?"
A smile touched his lips. "I fucking love it. You look sexy. Touchable."
Her mouth fell open. "I look horrific!"
"That's the problem with women. They have no idea what a man really wants. Let's go fatten you up, princess."
Her mouth firmed with displeasure at his response, but she stalked off the porch and right past him like the high queen she was. "I only want to stay an hour," she said primly. "There was no time requirement for this outing."
"My truck. My schedule."
"You're so rude."
He tamped down a chuckle, opening the door and allowing her to slide in. He pulled out and hit the Bluetooth button. "What type of music do you like, Chloe?" he asked.
"Probably nothing you have," she said with a sigh.
He laughed. "Try me. I'm cooler than you think."
"I'm into alternative. I like Airborne Toxic Event, Arctic Monkeys, and Cage the Elephant."
"Those are the real names?" Mia asked in astonishment.
Ethan pressed a few buttons and cranked the volume. "Got you covered. Cage the Elephant is one of my faves."
"Dude, I'm lit."
"I'm pumped," Ethan said.
"I'm confused," Mia said, but she was laughing and shaking her head.
They introduced Mia to the joys of alternative music and drove past the sign that proclaimed CUPCAKE FESTIVAL and straight into the heart of Gardiner. Small, quaint Main Street was pumping with activity, so he parked in the field they'd designated for the endless cars the town rarely hosted. Vendor booths lined the road, set off by the regular shops selling art, handcrafted clothes, unique gifts, and endless food. A giant bouncy house welcomed excited children, and there was a long line for face painting. Pop music streamed from giant speakers set up. The library sold bags of used books, and antique stores pushed their wares on neighbors' lawns. People pushed baby strollers, walked dogs, and feasted on cupcakes as they enjoyed a summer weekend, relishing the simple pleasures of life.
Ethan braced himself for his nerves to hit. He couldn't seem to handle big crowds, especially accompanied by loud noises, but instead a sense of peace washed over him. For so many years, he'd chased bigger dreams and moments that would give him the satisfaction of making a difference. He'd accomplished many of them. He knew that in his heart, even though the nightmares plagued him and guilt was still his companion. But something about being home made him feel like this could be the place he really belonged now. He missed his team like a physical ache, so used to the male bonding that was part of the fabric of his days. But every day he stayed at the farm, he settled a bit more into a routine he relished rather than dreaded. Maybe it had taken all this time to be ready to come home.
His steps were light as he led Chloe and Mia down the street, pointing out various wares. "They have Cookie Monster cupcakes!" Chloe shrieked, pointing at a line interspersed with teens and toddlers. "He's my fave."
Ethan pu
shed some bills into her hand. "It's my treat today. Go break the seal."
"Thanks. I'll catch up with you later."
She bounded off with more enthusiasm than he'd seen, confirming the schizophrenic tendencies of teenagers. Mia shook her head. "Really? If that was all it took to make her happy, I would've stocked up for the rest of the summer."
"I'm more of a Count fan, but Cookie's cool."
"Don't be ridiculous. Elmo rules."
He couldn't help tugging on her braid, which got him a good glare that only made her sexier. Without her makeup, he glimpsed the smattering of freckles she usually covered and the blush-pink color of her natural lips. If she were his, he'd lock her up and keep her naked and stripped of all civilities.
Those golden eyes widened. "What are you thinking about? You look . . . dangerous."
He dropped his voice. "I dare you to ask me."
She snorted. "Keep dreaming. I want to check out the books."
He laughed, loving the way she kept him off balance. Damn, she was fun to flirt with. "Lead the way."
In the next hour, he discovered she loved historical and political books. When he shot her some trivia questions, she impressed him with her memory for dates and events. Intrigued, he pushed further. "Twenty-third president of the US?" he challenged.
"Benjamin Harrison."
"Impressive. How many presidents died in office?"
She ticked them off on her hands. "William Henry Harrison. Zachary Taylor. Abe Lincoln. James Garfield. William McKinley. Warren G. Harding. Franklin D. Roosevelt. And John F. Kennedy. Eight."
"Do you have a degree in history?" he asked curiously.
"My back-up career was a history professor, but I didn't want to go on for my PhD, and it wasn't exciting enough. My entire childhood revolved around my father's lectures on American history. The History channel was like my Cartoon Network."
He almost caught his breath at the sudden slam of attraction. He loved a good intellectual. Sure, he knew she was good at banter, but this just gave him a hard-on. "You're a closet nerd." It came out almost as an accusation.
"Don't let it get around and ruin my rep. What's in your pile?"
"I used to read a lot of military fiction and thrillers. Tom Clancy, Steve Berry, Lee Child, David Baldacci. Haven't been able to concentrate in a while, though. Figured I'd try this one."
"Seabiscuit. Laura Hillenbrand. She's a fabulous author; I haven't read that one yet."
"I'll lend it to you. What's that one?" He tapped the last book in her stack.
She slid it out to show him the colorful beach cover. "Melissa Foster. One of my favorite romance authors. Sometimes you just need a good love story, right?"
He grinned. "Hell yeah. Come on, enough delaying. It's cupcake time."
She rolled her eyes but allowed him to pay for her books with a gracious thank you. They took their time meandering through the booths. He watched her carefully as she read each of the signs boasting flavors such as red velvet, peanut butter and jelly, s'mores, and carrot. She pretended it wasn't a big deal, but when she caught sight of the coconut chocolate delight, he knew he had her.
"Anything good?" he drawled, already knowing her answer.
"Not really. Maybe I'm just not in the mood for cupcakes today."
Oh, she was a master. Her face remained neutral, but her golden eyes flared with lust. She had a thing for food porn. Who would've known it could be so deliciously sexy? "Well, I'm going to get one here," he announced, getting in line.
"Here?" she squeaked. Sheer panic seeped into her voice. "Umm, how about we try a Cookie Monster one?"
"No, thanks. I have my eye on a specific one right here."
As he moved up closer, she shifted in place, pulling at her shirt, growing more uncomfortable with every moment. Finally, a cheery woman with a hairnet and bright-red lipstick leaned forward. "Whatcha want, love?"
"I'll have two of those, please."
"You got it." She placed them in a plastic container, took the money, and handed it over. "Enjoy."
Mia stiffened. A cloud of silence settled over her as he led her to an unoccupied bench. She stared at the cupcakes, teeth nibbling on her lower lip in distress, and he reached out and tugged her down to sit beside him.
"How did you know?" she whispered.
"I can spot a lie, too. I guess we both have something in common after all. I love coconut." He spread out a napkin onto her lap and lifted the cupcake. It was a perfect size chocolate cake covered in shredded coconut with light, frothy cream and one chocolate swirl placed on the top. He handed it over, and her fingers trembled as she delicately held the sweet. Her face held so much longing, his heart squeezed. Why had she denied herself such simple pleasures for so long? If he accomplished one damn thing this summer, it would be to show this woman that an occasional indulgence was a gift in life and should never be wasted. "Mia?"
"Eat your cupcake."
She did. He watched every precious, gut-wrenching, sensual moment of the experience and wondered if he'd ever be the same.
She was beautiful.
Her entire being softened as she ate. Her eyes glowed with pleasure, and she savored every tiny bite, her tongue licking over her lips to catch the last bit of icing. A low moan escaped her mouth. Her body shook slightly. And when that cupcake had been completely devoured, she let out a soft, sated sigh that slammed straight to his cock and made him want to weep in surrender.
He wanted Mia Thrush in his bed.
Almost sleepy, she looked up and met his gaze. "That was so good."
A smudge of chocolate lay in the corner of her mouth. He reached over slowly, wiping it off with his thumb. Nailing her with his stare, he deliberately put his thumb into his mouth and sucked.
Sexual attraction exploded between them. The sights and sounds faded around them, meaningless in the perfect connection of those precious seconds.
"Yeah?" Her voice was a breathless whisper. A yearning. A question. It took all his willpower to keep from kissing her right here, so he could taste the sweetness of her lips and tongue mixed with chocolate and coconut. Instead, he locked down all his muscles and prayed no one could see his strangling erection.
"Will you do something for me today?"
He smiled. "For the rest of the afternoon, will you let me feed you?"
She blinked. It was a request, not a demand. It wasn't about a bet or a ruse or anything but the joy of watching her appreciate a small-town festival and its amazing food. He waited for a temper tantrum or sarcastic joke or a roll of her eyes.
Something shifted. Breathed. Changed. He didn't know what it was, but he also knew it would never be the same between them.
"Thank you."
They smiled at each other on a park bench in the middle of a cupcake festival.
For the rest of the afternoon, he gifted her with morsels of food carefully selected from local vendors: A crisp Gala apple, freshly picked and drizzled with honey from Wrights Farm. A scoop of churned homemade black-cherry ice cream. A bite of shortbread topped with fresh strawberries and cream. A sip of chilled Whitecliff Vineyard Awosting White wine.
With each bite, she laughed more freely, linking her arm with his in an intimate gesture he enjoyed. For a few hours, they basked in the sun like young kids on a date, indulging in all the treats laid out for them to savor. Chloe joined them in their pursuit of the perfect bite, and they all finally found it when they tasted their final cupcake.
Banana cream pie with toasted coconut.
Even Chloe agreed, and she deemed herself a chocoholic.
Finally, exhausted and stuffed, they began to make their way back to the car. Her entire persona buzzed with contentment. If she were his woman, he'd feed her every damn day to relish the sated look on her face. In a few short hours, she had completely bloomed.
Fran came running over, face wreathed in a h
appy smile. Guilt hit. Dammit, he'd promised Judge Bennett to stop in and see her. He'd heard her new business was struggling, and she'd been hoping he could suggest ways to help her bring in some profit. He opened his mouth to apologize, then realized she'd called out to Mia, not him.
She knew Mia?
"Hi, Fran!" The women hugged. "How are you?"
"Great! I got approved to sell food at the craft festival and just got on the list for the strawberry festival!"
"Smart move. Make sure you post it on the new page I set up. Oh, I stopped into Anderson's Hardware store and told them you'd give them a discount if they ordered lunch from you this week."
"He called me and let me know--thanks so much."
"No problem. Oh, this is Chloe, my niece. She's staying at Ophelia's for the summer with me."
"Hi, sweetie. Nice to meet you. Harper said you were doing a wonderful job with the horses. You must be such a help."
If Fran knew the girl had been sentenced to probation, she never let on. Chloe smiled. "Thanks, I really like it. I've eaten some of your food when Mia brings it home, and it's amazing."
"I'm so glad you like it."
Ethan watched the exchange with growing confusion. What was going on? "Umm, hi, Fran."
"Oh, sorry. Hi, Ethan." She gave him a quick hug. "Where have you been hiding?"
He shifted his weight. "Sorry, I've been busy lately. I'll stop by this week."
Fran waved a hand in the air. "Well, you're welcome anytime, but Mia has literally saved me. Besides getting me on social media, I now have a Yelp site with great reviews, and more people are visiting every day. She's a genius. I keep trying to pay her, but she won't take a cent."
"It barely takes up any time in my day. My pleasure," Mia replied.
"Well, Brian told me you met with him yesterday and started a whole new marketing campaign to get younger kids in the comic book store. I knew he was relying on the college crowd too heavily, but he refused to listen to anyone."
"I told him the same thing. He's stubborn, but I finally convinced him to participate in some kids' expo events and give out free comics. I'm working on his marketing plan."
Ethan cleared his throat. Brian despised outsiders, or anyone who told him how to run his business. He was gruff, short, and he rarely smiled. His customer service skills were shit. Now he was letting Mia help him? "Brian approached you for help?" he asked.
"Yes. He heard about Fran and asked for my opinion. I gave it to him, and he hated every one of my suggestions and stomped off."