Princess of Fire and Smoke (Forbidden Court Book 1)
Page 16
“I still don’t like it,” Emerson says, slipping an arm around my waist. “We’re supposed to sit here and wait while you face down your parent’s murderer. What if he won’t acknowledge your claim to the trials?”
“He won’t have a choice. By law, it’s the elect’s choice to allow me or not. Maximus just took control of the throne. He won’t give us a reason to boot him out of it so quickly.”
“It seems like you’ve thought of everything, sister,” Aileen says, sounding resigned. “At least let me go get the servant clothing for you. I can get in and out much better than you can.”
I think about her shapeshifting ability and nod my head. “That's a good idea. Thank you.”
We sit down at a table and I draw up a map of the area, telling her exactly where the store is and what I need for my plan.
“Try and get some sleep, Adeline. I’ll go get the stuff you need, and we’ll do a little more watching tomorrow before you go sneaking off.”
I nod my agreement as Aileen leaves.
Emerson hesitates at the door, looking back at me. “I still don’t like it. I hate sending you in there alone.”
I smile as I walk up to him. “I won’t be alone. I will have the other elects, they’ll help me.”
“What if they betray you?” Emotions flash across his face so quickly, I can’t identify them. Sorrow maybe? He reaches out and caresses my cheek.
“Well, then I still have my powers. If all else fails, I can kill Maximus and prevent him from cheating,” I chuckle darkly.
It’s not like I haven’t thought about killing him and getting all of this over with.
“Is that what you want to do?” He asks quietly.
“Honestly? Yes. That seems like it would make everything much easier. But if I kill him, I don’t think I’ll be the Rightful High Queen anymore and all of this will be for nothing. Just thinking about it makes my head spin.”
Plus there’s the prophecy to think about, but I don’t mention it to him. I haven’t told him or Aileen about it yet. I’ve got enough pressure on me as it is without worry about their reaction.
“Then don’t think about it. Do what your heart tells you is right. Your heart is never wrong, Feisty.” He leans in and kisses me.
The kiss is gentle and sweet. It's full of longing and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. But, my mind can’t help it as it flashes back to a different kiss. One that was in a tent and full of barely controlled passion.
Emerson pulls back slowly, studying my face. “Has something happened? You seem… different.”
Was I really thinking about the General while I was kissing Emerson? My magic might gravitate towards him, but I won’t let him interfere with this too.
“No, everything’s fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now.” I smile sweetly as I lean in and kiss him again.
My desperation to focus my thoughts on Emerson adds an unexpected urgency to the kiss. He turns and presses me back against the door, deepening the kiss and wiping every other thought from my mind.
This, this is what I need. A blissful and beautiful distraction.
My hands grab at his tunic, pulling him closer.
Abruptly Emerson pulls away from me and stumbles backward, pain flashing across his face. “I can’t do this. Not tonight. We need to focus on getting you safely into the Celebration hall.”
“Okay,” I say slowly, hiding my confusion. “If that’s what you want.”
“I want you, Adeline. More than I've ever wanted anything, but tonight’s not the night for that. You need to get some sleep.” He walks towards the door and grabs the handle. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go get a drink.”
“Of course,” I stumble out of the way, so he can open the door. “Good night, Emerson.”
The door closes in my face before I can finish my sentence.
Well, that’s delightful. Out of the two men in my life, I’ve somehow managed to alienate the one who’s helped me every step of the way. And the other one is happy to use me however he wants before throwing me to the wolves.
What is wrong with me?
I throw myself onto the bed, silently debating on finding the General with my magic and yelling at him. I have so much anger bubbling up in me I could use an excuse to yell at someone. But, after a while, I decide against it. For my plan to work, I need him to think I am far away from the Capital. Hopefully, he is somewhere out there trying to chase me down.
My eyes close a few times throughout the night, sleep coming to me in bits and pieces. But, after several hours of broken sleep, I finally give up. I get dressed and leave the inn as quietly as I can manage.
Hiding in the shadows, I make my way along the next few blocks undetected. I stop at a building directly across from the Celebration Hall and take the stairs to the roof. It's the perfect vantage point to scout out the security.
There are guards stationed at every entrance, even the servant’s entrances. Thankfully instead of Centralia’s Royal guards at the entrances, it's guards from Murra, Maximus' Territory. They check each person who enters the Hall, but they aren’t very thorough.
This wouldn’t hold up to my father’s standards at all. He only had the very best guards in his service.
It doesn’t take me long to find the servant entrance. The guards barely even glance at the servants entering and exiting the Hall.
I look at all the flags poles stationed by the front entrance. Talmine, Tyndrom, and Aith’s Flag are raised, meaning their elects have already arrived.
I hear a commotion down the road and see a carriage coming closer to the Hall. A large procession of soldiers is staged in front and behind the carriage offering security. I instantly recognize the Ballina Flag flying atop the carriage.
Of course, it’s Aria.
As the carriage approaches, everyone starts preparing for the Princess Elect. I watch the guards from the servant area take a few steps closer, leaving their post.
Come on guys, didn’t anyone ever tell you even the smallest job is important?
Watching the guards for a moment longer, I can’t help but smile. I’ve found my entrance into the Hall.
I climb down from my hiding place and walk back towards the inn. The sun is starting to rise, and with it, comes that feeling deep within me that’s telling me to hurry. When I arrive at the inn, I find my companions waiting for me in my room.
Frustration flashes on Emerson’s face as he stops pacing long enough to glare at me. “Where have you been? We were worried.”
“Correction, he was worried. I knew you were fine. I assume you were doing a last-minute scouting mission?” Aileen asks from where she is perched on my bed.
I glance at Emerson, noticing the tension that seems to radiate off of him. He quickly looks away and walks over to stare out the window.
“Yes, I was,” I say to Aileen as she pointedly glances at Emerson’s back with a raise of her eyebrow.
I shrug my shoulders to tell her I have no idea what is going on with him.
“And you found something?” Aileen pushes the conversation back to the topic at hand.
“I did. Uncle has horribly nosey guards. Every time a new carriage arrives, they leave their post to spy on which elect has arrived. Leaving the servant entrance completely unguarded.”
Aileen’s smile mirrors my own.
“Well, that will work out well. You should get dressed. You need to be in position for when the next carriage arrives.” She nods towards the package neatly placed on my bed.
“My thoughts exactly, Sister.”
Emerson nods his agreement and walks out the door without another word.
“I’ll go talk to him. See if I can figure out what’s going on.” Aileen says as she follows him out the door.
I inspect the clothing Aileen has found. There is a plain brown dress with a simple nondescript collar, tan tights, and simple brown shoes.
Well, nobody will ever think of the High
Princess dressed like this, so I should blend in just fine.
I dress quickly and braid my fair back in a neat simple braid. Donning a plain brown cloak, I look at myself in the mirror.
I don’t look like myself at all. I watch the girl who stares back at me. No crown, no jewelry, no makeup. Just me.
Here goes nothing.
I pull the hood up on the cloak and set out to meet with my companions.
I find them in the bar below eating breakfast. I swallow a bite of the eggs Emerson pushes over to me and it immediately threatens to come right back up. I quickly realize I am way too nervous to eat anything.
After they finish, they walk me back to the building I had been scouting from. It’s as far as I will allow them to go with me.
“You can watch from the top to make sure I get in without a problem,” I tell them, hoping it will help soften the blow that they can’t come with me.
“You are going to do great, Adeline,” Aileen says as she gives me a hug. Pulling back, she studies my face. “Go show that bastard of an uncle what happens when you mess with our family.”
Her grin is contagious, and I can feel my heartbeat rising. My magic flutters faster, just waiting for its chance to be unleashed.
“I will, Aileen. I’ll win the trials, then we can finally get that talk in.” After one last hug, she lets go and climbs up the stairs, giving me a moment in private with Emerson.
“Adeline, I know I can’t explain the way I acted last night. But I want you to know that I care for you a lot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. No matter what happens, will you remember that for me?” He peers into my eyes with such adoration, it takes my breath away.
“Emerson, I’m going to be fine. I’ll win these trials and we can be together again. I’ll show you all the perks of being a Royal.” I wink at him, trying to reassure him.
“I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll win the trials, Adeline. I just hope you have room for me when you do,” His smile is a sad one that doesn't reach his eyes.
“Emerson of course, I will. You can even come live at the palace with me if you want,” I offer shyly.
“Adeline, you need to get through the trials first. Then we can talk about that.”
I open my mouth to argue when Aileen sticks her head back out and interrupts us. “Addy, you have to go now. A carriage is coming, you're going to miss your chance.”
I lean up and place a quick kiss on Emerson’s cheek. “I will always have a place for you,” I promise.
“Addy,” he adds hesitantly “Don’t trust anyone.”
I nod at his vague warning and turning around, I sprint towards the Hall. Sticking to any shadows that still linger in the early morning light. I cross the busy road to the servant's entrance just as the carriage makes its entrance. I don’t stick around to see who it belongs to.
As the guards walk around the corner to see who is arriving, I walk quickly and calmly through the entrance. I resist the urge to glance over my shoulder at the rooftop that holds my friends.
With the knowledge that if this goes wrong, I might never see them again, I walk into the Capitol Building.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Once I'm inside, I walk towards the east wing. I know that’s where they keep the southern countries and I’m hoping Charis will have held up her end of our bargain. I wind down a hallway and glance into a room filled with blankets, bed coverings, sheets, and towels. Everything one would need to properly stock a room. I grab a large stack of towels and continue towards the east wing.
Thankfully the few servants I pass, don’t pay any attention to me. As I arrive at Charis’ door, I let out a silent prayer that no one is there.
I knock on the door and wait.
“Come in,” Comes a muffled response.
I open the door and hide behind the large stack of towels because Charis isn’t alone.
“I’m just bringing you some more towels, My Lady.” I turn towards the bathing chamber and place the towels on the counter. Straining to hear any noise from the sitting area.
“Addy? Thank Chadonia you’re okay.” Charis whispers as she enters the chamber.
“I’m here Char,” a small bit of the worry that’s been weighing on me lifts as she envelopes me in a tight hug.
“I heard you’ve been up to all kinds of trouble lately, but I think it’s better if I don’t know the details.” She smiles excitedly as she bounces on her toes.
“Your right. I’ll explain everything once this is over. Did you bring it?”
“Of course, I did, Your Royal Highness,” Charis says with an exaggerated curtsy and laughter lighting her eyes. “But I did make a few adjustments to your order.”
“Oh, Charis? What did you do?” The smile in her eyes sets me on edge. I'm pretty sure I'd rather go fight the gate guards than hear what she has to say next.
“Well, after seeing how interested Emerson is in you, then seeing how much the General flushed when he was talking about you. I figured you should have something a bit more than the 'plain dress' you requested.”
She leads me over to her bed where two large boxes are laid out. Opening one, she shows me a beautiful purple velvet dress with a low neckline and no corset. Turning it over, I groan when I see that there’s no back on it.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Charis’ smirk told me there was no accident here.
“Char, the whole point of this dress is that I don’t stand out in the crowd, so I can get to the podium without being dragged out of there.”
“Really, I thought the whole point in this dress was so the people would see you as a force to be reckoned with. So that everyone would see what a threat you are and not refuse you the opportunity to prove yourself. That wouldn’t happen in a ‘plain dress’. You need more flair for that kind of a presentation.”
She does have a point, so I reluctantly agree.
"Do you need to go back out there?” I ask, nodding towards the sitting area.
“What? Oh no. I told everyone I was tired from the trip and I wanted to take a nap. They’re not to disturb me for any reason before the Ceremony.”
“Thank you, Char,” I sit down on her bed, breathing a sigh of relief.
“I know you don’t want to tell me your whole plan, so just rest for a while. We’ll eat and talk like we used to.” She curls up on the bed beside me.
“Talk about what? My life hasn’t exactly been normal lately.” I blow a hair out of my face as I lean back and get comfortable.
“Talk about boys, duh. It seems you have two very handsome men in your life.”
We talk about everything from shoes to dresses to boys. It’s incredibly mundane and exactly what I need right now. She tells me that Lachlan is happy to vote yes for me. And I give her a vague recollection of my days spent with Emerson and the General. Leaving out the dream and weird way we’re able to communicate. I don’t want anyone knowing about that until I know exactly why it’s happening.
The day passes quickly and our only interruption is when food is delivered to the sitting room. As evening draws closer, my nerves get worse. Shortly after dinner, I’m pacing across her bedroom floor, unable to sit still. The minuscule amount of food I was able to eat feels heavy in my stomach.
The thought of facing Maximus again makes me break out in a cold sweat. Oh, how I wish I could be doing anything else but this. Unfortunately, there isn't anything left for me to do but wait. I hate waiting.
When it's time to start getting ready, I bath quickly. My body can't handle staying still long enough to soak in the tub. Once I'm dried off, Charis distracts me by helping with my makeup and hair. Then it's time for the dress and I barely resist an eye roll as I pull it on.
By the time I'm finished, I don't recognize the woman in the mirror. The dress is Centralia purple and it flows all the way to my feet. It fits tightly around my hips and waist, accentuating my curves. Just past my hips, it flares slightly into a flowing pattern that swishes
as I walk. A long slit reaches all the way up to my thigh and exposes most of my leg every time I take a step. My eyes have dark coal rubbed on them and it gives me a dreamy look while my cheekbones have a red blush to them. My lips are painted a dark red that matches my hair which curls in long spirals down my back.
“Well, girly. I think those two men of yours will be head over heels as soon as they set their eyes on you.” She walks behind me so she can look in the mirror over my shoulder.
“They’re not my men, remember?” I roll my eyes.
“Well, maybe they will be after they look at you in this dress. I was right, you can admit it, it's stunning on you.” She gestures to my dress and wiggles her eyebrows.
I have no doubt the dress was made with magic. It fits every curve and accentuates my body perfectly. I turn in a circle and look at my exposed back.
“Are you sure it's not too much? It doesn’t exactly leave much to the imagination.”
“You need to look like a strong confident Queen and now you do. You’re welcome. You can pay me back by adding a statue of me in the palace gardens when you’re High Queen.”
I laugh at her comment and distract myself by helping her braid her own hair.
Too soon it's time to join the others for the Ceremony. Charis kisses me on the cheek and wishes me luck as she is escorted by Lachlan to the Ceremony.
I pull a simple brown cloak out of Charis' closet to cover up the revealing dress. It’s easier to walk unnoticed when your body isn't on display for the world to see.
I wait until the hallways are relatively deserted, and then I sneak through undetected. I pause at the open archway to the Celebration Hall.
This is it. This is what I’ve been working for. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves swirling around in my stomach. I can do this.
I make sure the hood covers my hair and I enter the room.
It seems everyone is particularly interested in this event because the room is full of people. Glancing around I give a silent cheer to my fellow elects as the Ladies and Lords mingle with commoners. At one point this had been an event only the elite could attend, but we’d been working hard to include all of the people, especially those without titles and wealth.