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Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2)

Page 21

by Jessica Prince

  Having said everything I could think of to convey to Delilah how I really felt without totally making the speech about me, I raised my glass in the air and paused to allow everyone else to do the same. “To Navie, for being a shining example of how a woman is supposed to love a man. And to my brother, for teaching me to look forward to possibilities.”

  With that, I took a sip of champagne and handed the mic off to the DJ as Rowan and Navie stood to dole out hugs.

  “I approve,” Navie whispered tearfully in my ear as she squeezed all the air from my lungs. “You know, just in case you wanted to know. I totally approve. Any woman who’d throw down in a strip club for a bunch of people she hasn’t known all that long is a winner in my book.”

  I chuckled and pulled back. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to tell her she’s got your vote.”

  She brushed more tears from her cheeks. “You do that.”

  As soon as she moved out of the way, Rowan stepped in to give me a quick, backslapping hug. “Great speech, man. Even if you did twist it for your own benefit.”

  My head tipped back in full-blown laughter as Navie gave him an elbow to the ribs. “What can I say, when genius strikes, you have to grab hold of it.”

  “I agree.” He clapped his hand on my shoulder affectionately as he smiled. “Now go get your girl.”

  I didn’t have to be told twice. I spun around, geared up to find her, when suddenly… “Christ, Mom!” I belted when she stepped into my path. “Look, I love you with all my heart, but if you don’t stop blocking me I swear to God, I’m going to put you in a home!”

  There was no bluster from her that time, only a pleased grin as she patted down the lapel of my tuxedo jacket. “That was a fine speech, son.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, still sounding a little put out.

  “That florist… Delilah, I believe her name is?”

  I narrowed my eyes suspiciously before confirming, “Yeah? What about her?”

  Mom simply shrugged. “I just wanted to point out that she’s a very lovely girl. Quite pretty.”

  “That she is,” I felt myself beginning to smile in return when my mom’s face became serious.

  “Does she make you happy, Richard?”

  “She does,” I answered honestly. “And I want to make her happy in return.”

  “Well then,” Mom sighed, “I guess I should let you go do that, shouldn’t I?”

  I leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, sweetheart. And just to say, I’ve pulled off a summer wedding. I’m quite fond of the idea of trying my hand at a winter one next.”

  “Let’s not start putting the cart before the horse now. I’m pretty sure I’ve got some serious groveling I have to do before we start talking weddings.”

  She stepped to the side and raised her arm. “Then you better start working on that now.”

  With everyone’s — including my picky mother’s — approval, I went to do just that.

  It was time to get my girl back.



  He said he looked forward to possibilities.

  He actually said that!

  By the time Richard finished his toast I’d cried so much I was sure all the hard work Devon had put into my makeup had been for nothing. My face probably looked like a disaster.

  While he was tied up with Rowan and Navie, I took the opportunity to sneak off to the bathroom and inspect the damage. It took some work, but I finally managed to get my tears under control and repair what I could of my makeup so I was at least presentable enough to go back out and join the party.

  As I exited the bathroom and walked down the hallway that would lead me back outside, determination singed through me. I needed to find Richard.

  “There you are!”

  His voice startled me as I rounded the corner and I jumped back, my hand to my chest to calm my rapid heartbeat.

  “Sweet Buddha, you scared the shit out of me, Richard!”

  He never stopped moving and was on me in the blink of an eye, his hands holding firmly to my shoulders. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you. I thought you’d left. Did you hear my speech?”

  He rattled off each sentence in a fast, anxious clip, his eyes shining so eagerly that I couldn’t waste the opportunity to mess with him… at least a little. Pasting on the most realistic pout I could, I answered, “I was in the bathroom.”

  His jaw dropped. “The whole time? Son of a bitch!” He let go of me and ran his hands through his hair. Seriously, it should have been illegal for a man to look that good in a tux. My poor ovaries could barely handle it. His head whipped around frantically. “Where’s that goddamned videographer? Maybe he can play it back for you.”

  At that, I burst into a fit of laughter. I couldn’t help it. He just looked so adorable when he was all disgruntled.

  “What’s so funny?” he frowned.

  “I’m just kidding,” I giggled uncontrollably. “Oh, God. You should see your face.” Then, because I’m me, I snorted. “Oh man. That was a good one. You look so freaked out right now.”

  When I finally calmed down enough to see his face clearly again, he was smiling down at me, his handsome face so full of affection that melty feeling inside me came back full force. “You’re pretty happy with yourself right now, aren’t you?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his firm body.

  “I really am,” I nodded, grinning like an idiot.

  When he dropped his forehead against mine that melty sensation quickly turned into a full-blown boil. “Christ, I missed seeing that?”

  “Seeing what?” I whispered.

  “That smile. I’ve missed it like crazy. And the way you blush around me almost constantly.” On queue my cheeks began to heat. “Yeah, just like that. I’ve missed you so much, cutie.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” I admitted, emotion thick in my throat. “Did you really mean what you said out there?”

  His tone held no room for doubt when he answered, “Every word. I’m so sorry I hurt you, cutie. It’s the last thing I’d ever want to do, but I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back. I can’t promise I won’t fuck up or piss you off, but I want the possibility of a future with you. I want to wake up every day and do whatever I can to make you laugh and smile. I want that.”

  With that admission, I lost the battle with my tears and let them spill over onto my cheeks. “I want that too.”

  He looked so hopeful when he lifted his head, his arms tightening around my waist. “So you’ll take me back?”

  “I don’t think I have much of a choice.” I nodded. “Shady’s been beside himself without you. What kind of pet owner would I be if I didn’t put his needs before my own?”

  “A very selfish one,” Richard answered earnestly, causing me to laugh again. “There’s something else I need you to know, though.”

  I couldn’t keep my body from stiffening slightly at the way he spoke so somberly. “What’s that?”

  “Well, it’s just, you said you’d been falling for me, but you need to know that I started falling for you the very first time I heard you snort. I hate to say it, but I don’t think I can fall any further.”

  A grin so wide it actually made my cheeks hurt spread across my face. “Are you… are you saying you love me?”

  “More and more every day,” he smiled back at me, lowering his face so his lips brushed against mine with every word. “And with every blush and snort, I love you even more.”

  “I love you too,” I said softly.

  “Oh, thank Buddha!” My head fell back on a laugh as I wrapped my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers into his silky hair. “I know it’s not possible for us to sneak out now, but what do you say we make a break for it after they’ve finished cutting the cake?”

  I really liked the sound of that, but… “I came in the van with Devon and Toni. I can’t leave without them.”

  “Bitch, plea
se.” Both our heads jerked around to find Devon standing just inside the door that led out to the party. Of course she’d been eavesdropping. “You got a car here?” she asked Richard, waving her champagne flute in his direction.


  “Then she can ride with you. Toni and I will get the van back later tonight. I have my eye on a couple prime grade pieces of meat out there, no way in hell I’m leaving anytime soon. Momma needs to get some tonight. Just tell me when you’re booking it and I’ll create a diversion.”

  “Works for me,” Richard chimed in cheerfully. “Besides, we don’t want to leave Shady all by himself, do we? Poor ball-less bastard is probably lonely.

  He liked my snorting.

  He liked the way I blushed.

  He liked all my little quirks.

  But most of all, he liked my dog.

  Oh yeah, I so totally loved this man.

  One and a half month later

  “GOOD MORNING.” RICHARD’S SEXY, sleep-rough voice spoke in my ear, sending a tingle to the very best parts of me.

  “Mmm. Morning,” I mumbled back, stretching my limbs. “How long have you been awake?”

  He pushed up and reached for something on his nightstand, only to come back a few short seconds later and slide my glasses on my face so I could see everything clearly. Dear Buddha, could he be any more perfect? Propping his head in one hand, he trailed the fingers of the other down along my cheek. “Not long. Just a few minutes.”

  “And you’ve been watching me sleep the whole time?”

  “Maybe,” he grinned.

  “Well, that’s not creepy or anything,” I teased, then began to squeal when he started tickling me.

  “You love it,” he growled against my lips.

  “I really do,” I muttered, feeling my body heat. I didn’t think I’d ever get enough of him. His kiss was rough and possessive as he forced his tongue into my mouth at the same time he rolled into me, leaving me no choice but to open my legs for his narrow hips. Things quickly grew out of control — as they were prone to do whenever we were naked together — and I was seconds away from begging him when the mood was suddenly sliced in half by the sound of Eminem blaring though the wall just above our heads.

  “Rise and shine, happy humpers!” Devon yelled through the drywall over the familiar beat of “Lose Yourself.”

  Richard dropped his forehead onto the pillow next to mine with a pained groan as I started to laugh. “How much jail time do you think I’d get for killing her? If you think about it, I’d be doing the public a service.”

  “Aw,” I cooed, running my fingers through his hair. “But then who would do all your filing?”

  “Fuck me.” He rolled off of me and threw his forearm over his eyes. “Why? Why does she have to be such a great assistant? It’s like a cruel joke from God or something.”

  “Hey, Delilah!” Devon yelled again. “Can I have the last slice of pizza?”

  “Yeah, sure!” I called back.”

  I waited a few more seconds, knowing there would be something else. I wasn’t wrong.

  “We’re out of tampons! Mind picking some up from the store today?”

  Okay, so I didn’t need Richard knowing that. I burned red as I relented, “Maybe we can just superglue her lips together?”

  “You know, she wouldn’t bug us every morning, wanting to borrow all your shit if you’d just move it in here.”

  I rolled over onto my belly and propped myself up on his chest. “Is that your way of saying you want to move in together?”

  “It is. What, was that not romantic enough?”

  My smile was full on cheesy. “But what about Devon? And Collin? He still lives with you, and I don’t want to leave her to pay the lease all on her own. She’s been telling me about her boss. The guy sounds like a jackass. I don’t think he pays her enough to afford that apartment all on her own.”

  “Funny, smartass. I’ll have you know, her boss is a fine man. Patience of a saint. And she’s already gotten two raises in the short amount of time she’s been there. Give her a year and she’ll be running the goddamned place.”

  I smiled at that, but it quickly disappeared when I admitted, “I don’t want to leave her alone. It’s been the two of us for as long as I can remember. What if… what if I move out and she discovers she hates living alone?”

  He looked up at the ceiling as he gave that some thought. “Well, this is just an idea, but what if Collin moves in with her?”

  I jerked back a bit “What?”

  “It seems like the perfect solution if you think about it. I want you to move in here, and I’d rather not have my cousin as the third wheel. And you don’t want to leave Devon in a lurch. What if he just moves in with her? You’ll still have your best friend close, and it’ll make moving him out and you in easy.”

  Huh. That really wasn’t such a bad idea. “Hey, Devon!” I shouted through the wall.


  “What do you think of me moving in with Richard and Collin moving in with you?”

  There were a few seconds of silence. Then, “Works for me! But I don’t want to hear any shit from him about my BJ dance parties!”

  Before I could answer there was a knock on the bedroom door. Collin didn’t even wait for us to call out before barging in and propping his shoulder against the frame as he shoveled a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “I’m down, too. But I’d like to discuss the implementation of No Pants Thursdays.”

  “I’d be amenable to that discussion!” Devon yelled back.

  “Jesus Christ!” Richard barked. “How goddamned thin are these walls?”

  Once everyone was in agreement that I was moving in with Richard, Collin left to start packing and Devon turned Eminem up to “give us some privacy.”

  “Well, looks like it’s settled. That was a lot easier than I thought,” Richard said, rolling on top of me once again.

  I wrapped my arms and legs around him as I smiled against his mouth. “You say that now, but you’re forgetting one thing.”

  His head went back. “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “We still have to tell my family we’ll be living together in sin. How do you think Jace will take that? Claudia told me he recently purchased a new rifle he’s bringing to Sunday dinner tonight. He’s very excited to show it to everybody,” I stressed, getting way too much enjoyment out of the way the color drained from his face.

  “Between your brother and my mom we’re either going to be married by the end of next year, or I’ll be lying dead in a ditch somewhere.”

  I squeezed him tighter and pressed my lips against his. “Then we better have as much fun as we can between now and then.”

  He growled approvingly. “Damn straight. Starting right now.”

  I laughed loudly, all the while thinking that I couldn’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.

  Oh the possibilities.

  The End

  and be sure to stay tuned for Collin and Devon’s story

  coming later this year!

  To my husband: Your support never fails to amaze me. Thank you for being so proud. I love you!

  To Rachel Van Dyken and Tara Sivec: You two were with me EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Thank you so much for everything y’all offered in helping me make Rich and Del’s story awesome!

  To Erin Noelle: My polyamorous book wife. You’re just… all the awesome things. I love you, book wifey!

  To Jill Sava: You are the glue that holds my crazy schedule together. You’re the key person who keeps my head afloat. I’ve come to depend on you more than is healthy. I hope you’re happy! ;)

  To the lovely ladies of F*ck That Noise: Y’all are ALL THE THINGS!

  And as always, to my readers: This is for YOU!







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  Jessica Prince, Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2)




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