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The End of Sorrow

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by Eknath Easwaran

  – control of the mind, 155–156: and control of palate, 133, 358; difficulty of, 377–378; Gandhi’s example of, 156; like control of wind, 378; repetition of mantram for, 17–18, 155, 366; requires meditation, 258, 380

  – evenness of mind, 64, 319. See also Equanimity

  – Stories: anticipating a concert, 155; E. takes student for walk, 373–374; elephant’s bamboo stick, 17–18. See also Attention; Equanimity; Mantram, repetition of; No-mind; Thoughts

  Mine, concept of, 143

  Mistakes: cannot taint the Self, 47; compulsion to make, 203; learning from, 277, 314, 359–360; not dwelling on, 184, 192, 241, 286, 314, 341, 365. See also Margin for experimentation

  Moderation, see Middle Path

  moksha, 12, 242

  Monasticism, 269–270

  Money: desire for, 190, 195, 204–205, 231, 233–234, 282; detachment from, 204–205, 259, 323; for selfless service, 271–272; Gandhi’s detachment from, 204, 271; has no value in itself, 62, 203–204, 271, 345. Story: necklace for a mango, 62. See also Profit, pursuit of

  Movies, 19, 115, 124–125, 210

  Muka, 349

  Mystics, the great: example of, 42; influence of, 152–153, 295–296; pictures of, 16; readings in, 20; teach from experience, 326. Story: the soccer match, 285

  Nachiketa, 15

  naishkarmya, 152–153

  Nakula, 29n.

  * * *

  N Top of Index

  Needs of others, sensitivity to, 74– 75, 313, 365: the Buddha on, 277; fever of ego prevents, 184; requires meditation, 310–311. See also Putting others first; Welfare of all, living for

  Negative attitudes, 384–385. Story: E. hears fiery sermon, 384

  Negative emotions, transforming, 17, 40, 201, 210, 258, 358, 374–375, 377–378. Story: surfing, 201

  Nervous system: allergy and, 128, 242; preoccupation with results and, 312; reconditioning of, 129, 194–195, 321–322; relaxation of, 354; two-way traffic of, 128–129, 194. See also Likes and dislikes

  neti, neti, path of, 122

  Nirvana, 326–327: is extinction of self-will, 177, 197, 339; is extinction of separateness, 145, 212, 339; is found in this life, 357; is seeing unity, 12, 136, 339; is supreme goal, 326–327; is the other shore, 284

  nitya and anitya, 27.

  No-mind, 141

  Nonattachment, 350–351. See also Detachment

  Nonviolence, 97–98, 102, 178, 220, 223, 314. See also Gandhi, M. K.

  Notebook for meditation, 208

  Nutrition, 133–134. See also Eating; Food; Palate, control of; Vegetarian diet

  * * *

  O Top of Index

  Obstacles, 102, 330, 381

  Occupation, 169–170, 197, 311 312. See also Work

  Om mani padme hum, 17

  One–pointedness, 18–19, 349–350. See also Attention; Concentration; Mind, one-pointed

  Opinions, identification with, 113–114, 207–208, 210–211, 224, 318, 335, 349, 380. Story: ‘how true’ in the margin, 207–208

  Other shore, 284–285

  Overeating, see Eating; Palate, control of

  * * *

  P Top of Index

  Pain, see Pleasure and pain; Suffering

  Palate: demands of, 52, 110; influence of advertisements on, 133

  – control of palate, 110, 358: and control of the mind, 133, 156, 358; artistry of, 121–122, 322, 357, 358; Gandhi on, 133, 156; to overcome physical consciousness, 83, 225, 275; strengthens the will, 110

  pancakshara mantram, 57

  Pancashara, 139

  Pandavas, 27

  para, 301–302. See also Spiritual wisdom

  parampara, 215

  Parents, 112–114: choose movies, books, TV, 210; competing with children, 37–38; deserve their children, 328, 386; identify with opinions, 113–114; importance of example of, 112–113, 174–175, 177–178; influence by attitudes, 248; require detachment, 113–114, 227–228; respect for, 347. See also Children; Personal relationships

  Partha (Arjuna), 87n.

  Parthasarathi (Krishna), 229

  Passages, inspirational, see Inspirational passage

  Past, the: dwelling upon, 49; falls away, 241, 286; mistakes of, do not taint, 47. See also Mistakes

  Patanjali, 118: on desires, 125, 142; on enthusiasm, 329; on meditation, 118, 378

  Patience, capacity for: E.’s Grandmother on, 288; in personal relationships, 107; is difficult to acquire, 31; released through meditation, 44; with children, 174–175; with ourselves, 191

  Paul, St., 62, 106

  Peace: basis of, 30, 160–161; contributing to, 58, 306; is indivisible, 330. See also shanti

  Perennial philosophy, 235

  Perfection: Meister Eckhart on, 340–341

  Personal relationships: attraction and aversion in, 182, 194; built on physical level, 61, 120, 125–128; central law of, is putting others first, 121, 127–129, 220, 335–336, 347–348, 376; competition in, 37–38; effect of I-consciousness on, 106–107; freedom from tension in, 348; manipulation in, 30, 227, 348; meditation and, 297–298, 303; moving closer in difficult, 264–265, 320, 377; overcoming likes and dislikes through, 122, 128–129, 194–195, 300–301; patience in, 107, 376; realizing unity in, 37, 39–40, 129, 268, 288, 336; reincarnation and, 328, 386; respect in, 30, 121, 347; restraint in, 322; self-will in, 19, 106–107, 200, 208, 227–228; stimulus and response in, 347–348; use of mantram in agitated, 75, 89, 175, 264, 297. See also Children; Family context; Husband and wife; Men and women; Parents; Putting others first

  Personal satisfaction, pursuit of, 199: and krodha, 199, 330–331; bars way to Lord within, 41, 167, 228, 330; becomes dull, 363; brings insecurity, 276; E.’s Grandmother on, 239–240; effect on environment, 204–205, 282; entanglement in results of, 250–251, 336–337; forgetting, 50, 228, 241, 371; is fiercest enemy, 206; is ignorance of unity, 41, 251; is lurid dream, 11; living for, is stealing, 162; makes mask of separateness, 167; personified as Ravana, 209; prevents access to deeper resources, 187, 239–240, 371; prevents freedom in action, 167–168, 239, 257; wrong basis for personality, 212. Stories: dogs chasing rainbow, 33; hide and seek, 158–159; swallows at Ramagiri, 370–371. See also Desires, selfish; Pleasure, pursuit of; Power, pursuit of; Prestige, pursuit of; Profit, pursuit of

  Personality, 73–74, 76, 77, 167

  Pets, 282–283. See also Unity of life

  Philo of Alexandria, 12–13

  Physical consciousness, see Body consciousness

  Physical level: food traps one on, 275; relationships built on, 61, 120, 125–128; rising above, 60–61, 62, 71, 76, 82–83, 202, 219, 225–226, 365. Story: Ramakrishna’s dhoti, 82–83. See also Body consciousness; Body, physical, identification with

  Pleasure and pain: alike in, 85–86, 99, 109, 260–262, 321–322, 343; and nervous system, 128, 242, 321–322; beyond, is joy, 109, 261–262, 321; cannot be isolated, 27, 33, 109, 260, 321; E.’s Grandmother on, 85, 321; identification with, 86; Ramana Maharshi on, 261–262. See also Equanimity; shreya and preya

  Pleasure, pursuit of: cannot satisfy, 11, 33–34, 42, 282, 324–325, 389; causes insensitivity, 170–171; constricts consciousness, 19; experience and, 190, 363; influence of mass media on, 33–34; like bringing foam from beach, 324–325; like mustard seed in camel’s mouth, 233; like peanut in an elephant’s mouth, 42. See also Personal satisfaction, pursuit of; Pleasure and pain

  Political office, 250–251

  Pollution, 40, 355. See also Ecology; Environmental crisis

  Postponement, 94, 236–237, 341. Story: coconut prices, 236

  Posture for meditation, 16, 351–352, 353–355

  Power, pursuit of, 206–207, 250–251, 336–337. See also Personal satisfaction, pursuit of

  Practice, regular, see Meditation, regular practice of

  Praise and blame, 86–87, 97–99, 260–262, 263, 312. Story: applause machine, 260. See also Equanimity

  prajna, 148. See also Knowing, higher mode of

prakriti, 179–180, 190

  prana, 137–138, 273. See also Vital energy

  Prestige, pursuit of, 239–240, 250–251, 257. See also Personal satisfaction, pursuit of

  preya, 27

  Procrastination, see Postponement

  Profit and loss, see Equanimity

  Profit, pursuit of: agitates the mind, 87; constricts consciousness, 19; delusion of, 11, 195, 282; E’s Grandmother on, 239–240; effect on environment, 204–205, 282; effect on nervous system, 312; is impractical, 188; work motivated by, 195, 239, 257, 276–277, 290, 312. See also Money; Personal satisfaction, pursuit of

  Purification, 69–70, 275, 351. See also Mind, purified

  purnata, 138

  purusha, 179–180, 190

  Putting others first, 19–20: always an opportunity for, 141, 256; brings joy, 110, 127, 220, 336; brings security, 188, 220; deepens devotion, 132; difficulty of, 46–47, 53, 110, 335; follows Gandhi’s example, 168; frees tension, 348; guards against competition, 207; in family, 20, 110–111, 121, 129, 135–136, 141, 264, 293, 300–301, 336, 389; includes animals, 283; is secret of love, 283, 335; is serving the Lord, 262; is supreme offering, 277; overcomes selfish desires, 209; overcomes separateness, 356; reduces self-will, 62, 129, 170, 181, 348; requires control of senses, 121; strengthens the will, 110; teaches patience, 44; weakens tyranny of senses, 123. See also Family context; Selfless action; Selfless service; Welfare of all, living for

  * * *

  R Top of Index

  Radha and Krishna, 167, 228

  Rahim, al-, 342

  raja yoga, 152, 378

  Rajas, 93, 150, 180, 235: Transformation of, 94, 237–238

  Rama: and Kama, 41; and Sita, 146; conquers Ravana, 209; feet of, 146; is joy, 41, 262, 322, 344; sacred spring of, 145–146

  Rama, Rama, 17, 144, 254, 262, 274, 308–309

  Ramagiri, 250, 266, 315, 318–319, 349, 371–372

  Ramakrishna, Sri: a divine incarnation, 176; describes the soccer match, 285; his physical beauty, 69; his simile of the jackfruit, 299; lost his dhoti, 82–83; on detachment, 299; on incarnations, 223; on love of God, 131–132; on Rama and Kama, 92; on renunciation, 292; on the ripe ego, 225; says God is personal and impersonal, 148; says world is a hospital, 135; was never involved in the world, 152; passim

  Ramana Maharshi, Sri: a saint’s saint, 278; absorbing awareness of, 280–281; an avatara, 152; attitude to his body, 72, 135; effect of his presence, 152–153, 295–296; example of jnana yoga, 149; example of naishkarmya, 152– 153; his ‘Who am 1?’, 289; illumination of, 145, 153, 221; is a keyhole, 55, 281; Somerset Maugham and, 61; on death, 58–59, 62; on pleasure and pain, 261–262; on posture for meditation, 351; on selfishness, 106; was never involved in the world, 152–153; passim

  Ramarajya, 109

  Ramdas, Swami, 41, 46

  Ravana, 209

  Ray, Satyajit, 124

  Razor’s Edge, 61

  Reading, see Books and reading

  Reality, 9, 11, 66–68. See also nitya

  Rebellion, 177

  Reincarnation: and death, 72; and karma, 327–328; and meditation, 386–388; and memory, 61–62, 219; and personal relationships, 328, 386; and sadhana, 385, 387–389; like going back to school, 218; Somerset Maugham on, 61; no need to believe in, 61, 72–73, 218. Story: bus depot, 328. See also Bardo

  Religion: definition of, 26; equality of all, 230–231

  Renunciation, 292–296: compared to selfless action, 294–296, 304; Gandhi on, 293; of self-will, 292, 298, 304; of selfish attachments, 259, 284–285, 304; of the ego, 293, 298, 312–313; Ramakrishna on, 259, 292; stages of, 284–285. Story: eating the jackfruit, 298–299

  Resentments: the Buddha on, 49; cause delusion, 127; cause of, 88–89; overcoming with meditation, 363, 366; tear apart, 370; transforming, 95; unhealthy, 70

  Respect, 121, 317–319, 347, 376

  Restlessness: a call to meditation, 214, 238, 388; can be harnessed, 214; falling away of, 363; is rajas, 180

  Results, detachment from, 97–102, 249–251, 312. See also Expectations; Means and ends; Success and failure

  Retaliation, 35, 141, 166–167, 220, 264, 370: E.’s Grandmother on, 264

  Right occupation, see Occupation; Work

  Rights and duties, 106–107

  Rumi, Jalalu’l-Din, 219, 342

  * * *

  S Top of Index

  Sadhana: advantage of long, 225; beginning context for, 191, 197, 385; benefits of, 40-41, 293; do not compare, 191, 192–193; in family context, 389; is reconditioning of nervous system, 321– 322; motive in early, 191, 311; must be sustained, 282; need for work in, 150, 157–158, 197; pace of, 191–192; Ramdas on, 41; reincarnation and, 385, 387–389; svadharma in, 197; vigilance in early, 321. See also Spiritual disciplines

  Sahadeva, 29n.

  Sai Baba, 194

  Salvation, 12

  Samadhi: all doubts cease in, 383; ends body identification, 82, 219; ends cravings, 119; experience of unity in, 59; is complete freedom, 331–332; is death of ego, 62; is deliverance from time, 59; mind ready for, 103; no past or future in, 144; St. Paul on, 62; Ramana Maharshi on, 59; Ramdas on, 41; those who will not attain, 92. See also Unitive state

  samsara, 68, 108, 134, 390

  Samskaras: making of, 70, 86; rebirth and, 328, 386; repetition of mantram and, 93; using unfavorable, 329

  Sanjaya, 25

  sankalpa, 336–337, 364. Story: girl daydreams and dances, 336

  sankhya, 87–88

  sannyasa, 294, 298. See also Renunciation

  sat, 67

  satsang, 20

  Sattva, 93–95, 150, 180, 235, 238

  Scriptures: central theme of, 27, 43–44; meant to be practiced, 26, 43

  Sea of life, 283–285

  Second birth, 165: Meister Eckhart on, 166

  Security: concentration brings, 138; is found in mutual trust, 30, 38; is within, 89–90, 136, 144, 232, 260–261, 323, 326, 339; living for others brings, 30, 90, 188, 220

  Self, the, 9, 73–74: beauty of, 363; discovering, 58; ego usurped throne of, 34; is al-Rahim, 342; is beyond the gunas, 180–181; purity of, 47, 370. See also Atman; Lord within, the

  Self-conquest: the Buddha on, 31

  Self-naughting, 293. See also Putting others first

  Self-pity, 48–50

  Self-realization, 12, 16, 90–91, 136, 149, 197, 241

  Self-will: anger and, 19, 199–200; angles and corners of, 304; battle against, 23–24, 30–31, 43–44, 46, 177; E.’s Grandmother on battle against, 43, See also War within; death of, 315; demolish, like an old building, 375; detachment from, 335; difficulty of going against, 53, 366; effect on body and mind, 383; expressed in opinions, 208, 335; fever of, 183–184; hides the Atman, 167, 180; increases separateness, 106–107; is kama, 199; is only barrier to the Lord, 37, 50, 57, 304; is unnatural state, 370; likes and dislikes and, 129; obsessive attachment to, 111; on national level, 200; preventing, in children, 112–114, 227; renunciation of, 292–293, 298, 304; sense restraint and, 122; sorrow needed to overcome, 359–360. Story: Geetha learns to read, 342. See also Separateness

  – extinguishing self-will: Ansari of Herat on, 144, 197; brings deeper resources, 186–187, 256; brings freedom, 168, 339; brings intentional living, 361; brings joy, 167; by living for others, 170, 181; eliminates fear, 356; ends sorrow, 359–360; St. Francis’s capacity for, 143; in family context, 19–20, 37, 129, 110–111, 256, 304–305, 389; is nirvana, 177, 197, 339; is supreme offering to the Lord, 269; Jesus on, 143; meditation is demolition equipment for, 375; requires meditation, 310–311, 351. Story: Krishna’s flute, 167, 228

  Selfish attachments, see Attachments, selfish

  Selfish desires, see Desires, selfish; Kama

  Selfish satisfaction, see Personal satisfaction, pursuit of

  Selfless action, 97–99, 149–160, 248–251, 294–296, 305–307: is a necessity, 98–99, 157, 159, 236, 249, 306; is bitter at first, 157; secret of, 101–102, 239, 243, 25
0, 310; works out karma, 248

  – path of selfless action, 97, 101–102, 149, 294–296: compared to renunciation, 269–270, 294–296, 304; is based on meditation, 152, 304, 334, 336, 390–391

  – See also Gandhi, M. K.; Inaction in action; Putting others first; Selfless service; Welfare of all, living for

  Selfless cause, giving to, 159, 271–273, 276–277, 290

  Selfless goal, 97, 100, 185, 250– 251. See also Means and ends; Results, detachment from

  Selfless service, 97–102, 162–170, 178, 268–273, 276, 308–312: brings security, 160; capacity for, 13–14, 44, 165–166, 249–250; deepens meditation, 152, 306; deeper resources for, 44, 77, 101–102, 165, 170, 186–187, 230, 239–240, 249–250, 252, 260, 306, 337; E.’s Grandmother on, 13, 165; gives value to life, 345; harnessing restlessness for, 94, 238; is a choice, see Choices; is householder’s path, 169–170, 269–270, 306; is ladder on spiritual path, 338; is yajna, 159–160, 271–273, 276; Jesus on, 290; keeping the body fit for, 69, 157, 163, 270, 275, 308; kundalini and, 140; meditation requires, 94, 248, 297–298, 306, 310; requires detachment, 159, 168–169; requires selfless goal, 98–99, 249–250; transforms environment, 165, 297, 306. Stories: the elephant’s eye, 14, 165; the tamarind tree, 13. See also Self less action; Welfare of all, living for; Work, without selfish motive

  Selflessness, 180, 380

  Sense cravings, 91–93: present for a long time, 92–93, 119, 201–202; rebellion against, 177; strengthening, 205–206. Story: man pursued by tiger sees a mango, 108. See also Desires, selfish

  Sense-indulgence: brings anger, 126–127; effect on body and mind, 69, 383

  Sense pleasure, see Pleasure, pursuit of

  Sense restraint, 19, 133, 365–366: and self-will, 122; brings joy, 127; necessary for capacity to put others first, 121–122; not negation, 19, 270; parents must practice, 112–113; selfless service is motive for, 270, 275; sincere and sustained effort in, 119, 155; strength needed for, 51, 366; to remove veils, 203; to rise above physical consciousness, 202. See also Meditation and allied disciplines

  Senses: and sense objects, 63, 182–183, 194; can sweep away, 120, 126–127, 365–366; clamor of, 51, 52–53, 133, 365; closing down of, 332; control of, 69, 115, 121, 123, 182, 360–361, 364–366; exploited by media, 115, 125; identification with, 33–34, 58, 68, 144; Kama and, 208; like a puppy, 208–209; like wild horses, 126, 282; thrill of battle against, 202; training, 19, 116, 118–119, 122, 133, 208–210, 270, 275, 282, 350, 357–358; withdrawing, 114, 116. Story: cars without drivers, 361. See also Ears; Eyes; Palate; Sex


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