A Little Bit of Us

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A Little Bit of Us Page 7

by A. E. Murphy

  Nothing, no response. Just a sharp breeze cutting across my body and through my hair. Time to go to work but first I straighten up his flowers, someone has left him an array of Gerber daisies I think they are. I’m no good at gardening therefore the only flowers I know are the most popular sort. These are pretty though and all different colors, yet rather simple, they match my father perfectly.

  The driver, name unknown, opens the door for me as I walk to the car. I climb in and buckle up.

  There are a few people with cameras outside the building, clearly waiting for my return. “Have you broken up with Jacob?” “Are you back with James?” “Is it true you’re pregnant?” That last one spread fast. I really don’t know why they’re interested in me. Although I know how it started, I was in college and created that sensitive shaving foam and other things for a man’s skin. That hit off my social life really well, I was already classed as an heiress before this but I wasn’t photographed or anything.

  After the sensitive skincare products hit the shelves and sold like hotcakes I suddenly started getting attention. I was called a chemical genius, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m definitely above average where chemistry is involved but I’m no genius. Then they caught me doing crazy crap like puking in the street after a night out. Or making out in the back of a boys truck. The main thing that got their attention was the rape scandal, my friend at the time, her name was Charlotte. She accused a man of spiking her drink and raping her at a party that Summer, Marie, Jessica, myself and two others went to with her.

  Don’t worry Charlotte was fine, after six long months of questioning the truth came to light, she was lying. Why she lied? She got pregnant, her parents were Catholic I think and she was too ashamed to tell them the truth. Like I seem to be, she was a late shower in her pregnancy and wasn’t one to wear tight fitted clothes anyway so nobody knew until she had a noticeable bump. That was an awful ordeal because we girls stuck together when we went drinking in our college years but she vanished for an hour, we all searched but to no avail.

  We knew she was lying because the date rape drug that she accused him of using, I believe it was called Rohipnol, correct me if I’m wrong. Well it would have knocked her out for the night, we found her that night, she seemed fine to the rest of us and wasn’t even showing signs of being drunk or even raped, especially not drugged, and you’d assume she’d have some sort of reaction but I’m no professional. That was a long and awful ordeal having to testify against your own friend, of course I wanted to believe her but I just couldn’t. The press were all over me for that and they haven’t left since. They aren’t obsessive, they don’t follow my every move, it’s usually when I’m doing something interesting like going to Vegas straight after my father’s death and wedding and now I’m tied in with Jacob I’m praying it doesn’t get worse. James was just sort of thrown in when we announced our engagement. Eligible bachelor marries eligible bachelorette, yada, yada, yada, boring.

  Do you know what I just realized? My Channing Tatum poster was still on the wall! With his fantastic green eyes that I stuck on him.

  How on earth did you get that from what we were just thinking about?

  I’m agreeing with conscience on this one. You have a few random thoughts but that was just weird.

  Give me a break I was in Numbland all night and morning I’m only just finally adjusting to the day. Need coffee.

  You’re not allowed coffee.

  Ok, we’re here. Now just get out of the car and head to the elevator. Go into your office, speak with Oliver, get some work done, go to lunch with whoever wants to join you and come back to work and avoid James and his office like the plague. Sounds so easy doesn’t it…? Nope. Not at all. Nothing is easy about this.

  Step one, I’m out of the car.

  Step two, I’m in the building, heads are turning, people are whispering, my knees are wobbling.

  Step three, I’m in the elevator. Breathe in, breathe out. There, I feel much better.

  Step four, I can’t do this. I feel sick. Fortunately the elevator is stopping on every floor.

  Because you pressed every number!

  Step five, step into hall. Ok, I’m in the hall, now to open my eyes. Oh god. I feel ill.

  Abort mission, just make it to the nearest bathroom ASAP!

  I run to my office, burst through the door with my hand over my mouth. Oliver is sat at my old desk, he looks horrified, like a man held at gun point. I ignore him and run into the bathroom. My stomach is churning. EWWW, and splat. Oh my god this is horrible, I can’t stop the heaving!

  That didn’t go so well.

  I feel like shit. Complete and utter fucking shit. I just want to go home and eat a ginger cookie in bed whilst I cry. At least the vomiting has put HER out of my mind.

  A warm hand starts rubbing my back as I continue to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet, I don’t remember eating this much cereal. Ewww. “Hey, are you ok?” It’s James.

  Suddenly I’m angry, hell I’m really angry, I’m so angry I could rip something, dramatically. Like a piece of paper. I flush the toilet and push away from him. “Just leave me alone James.”


  “Just go, seriously. Not now.” It’s not ready to be said yet. I’m not ready for it to be said yet. He puts his hand on my shoulder, I tense. After a sigh of defeat he releases me, kisses the top of my head and backs out of the room probably looking dejected. I wasn’t looking at him, I was staring at the sink like it holds all of the answers to my life. Still am, still got nothing.

  I brush my teeth with a spare toothbrush from the cabinet in said bathroom and head into the office. Oliver is sat there with a glass of water and a packet of Renee. This has James written all over it.

  “Hey Oliver, how’s it going?” I sip the water and chew on a tablet. “Everything running smooth?”

  “Yep,” he runs his hand through his silvery blonde hair. He must be at least forty, I know he’s married and has a sixteen year old kid. Or is that what’s his name from the lab? I’ll look it up.

  No you won’t.

  Shush. “So, I’m just going to sit here, ignore me,” I say and motion to the couch. I sit on the right side and stretch out, then I look up and notice my wedding picture on the wall. James must have put it up there after replacing the smashed frame. Sigh. I swap to the other side so my back is to it, now to get out my laptop.

  “Will you let everyone know I’m back,” I announce into the silence. Oliver looks at me with warm brown eyes. “Don’t worry, you still have that seat, I’m going through medical issues.”

  He glances at my stomach and quirks a brow, then mutters under his breath with a chuckle, “medical issues.”

  “I have great hearing.”

  He just grins and goes back to his computer.

  There’s a tap at the door and it slowly opens. I’m battling myself, I want it to be James and I don’t. What a curious feeling. Huh. It’s not James, it’s… Summer. Yay!

  “Lunch break,” I announce before she says a word.

  “Ok.” She agrees with a pretty smile and watches me zip up my coat, her eyes linger on my flat stomach, it’s flat, and I’m not in denial because everything still fits. “So it’s true. You’re pregnant? And you didn’t tell me!” Way to screech.

  “I don’t think China heard you, you should shout louder next time.” I deadpan and grip her elbow before pulling her out of the room.




  Well! “Bitch!” Scoff.

  “Future blimp.”

  “I despise you,” I glower at her playfully. She wraps her arms around my waist. “Missed you too. Whore.”

  We head to a quiet little café not too far from my building. I order a cheese and sun blushed tomato Panini, if it doesn’t satisfy my craving I’m throwing it at whoever is closest. Poor Summer.

  “I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

  “Enough about me. Tel
l me, what’s going on with you?”

  She grins wickedly and wags her eyebrows a couple of times, “Well, Chris just got a new job.”

  “Do tell.”

  “He works for some kind of games company…”

  I snort at her puzzled face as she thinks, “Careful there honey. You look like you’re about to hurt yourself.”

  “Shut up, I’ve forgotten the name. He’s umm… producing or something.” She waves her hand dismissively. “He’s gotten a raise. We’re moving house!”

  I love that the only part she actually knows about is the fact he’s getting a raise. I can’t help it, I cackle. She cackles. “Summer, you’re terrible.”

  “Whatever, I’m so excited.”

  “When do you move?”

  “Three months.” She shrugs and sips her drink. My Panini arrives, nom.

  “You haven’t found a house yet have you.” I state because I know it’s true by the sheepish smile on her face so no questioning tone needed. “Wait to have a house party after the invader arrives would you?”

  Her excitement shines on her face, “Can I come baby shopping with you?”

  “Go with James. He’s excited more than me.”

  Now she’s frowning, gah. That’s one thing about Summer, she’s very expressive with her face and her hands. From a distance she probably looks like she’s saying, “I flew a plane and it went like this… and then this…” Because her arms flail.

  “What’s the problem? I know you’re young but…”

  I hold up my hand to stop her, “Exactly, I’m young. I’m not ready for this.”

  “You’ll be fine once it’s here. So how far along are you?”

  “I dunno, about seventeen weeks I think. Can we not talk about this?”

  “Fine, what’s the situation with you and James?” Where to begin…

  “It was fine in LA, like nothing bad had happened,” I cover my mouth while I chew. “I suppressed it. Now we’re home… it’s not easy. I can’t forget Summer.” I know I must have a tortured look on my face, mirroring how I feel inside. “I don’t know how to deal.”

  She takes my hand over the table, “I can tell you a bunch of pretty things that will make you feel better. Fact of the matter is you’re stuck right now, you’re having his kid. What he’s done is wrong but you can’t change that fact.”

  “I know that,” ok, that was a little sharp. “Sorry.” I rub my face with both hands and lean back in my seat. “I would never stop him from seeing Duracell. I just don’t know how to cope around him. All I see when I see him is her impaled on him. Like a bony blonde kebab.”

  She howls, it startles everyone in the shop as she laughs and even slams her hand on the table. I’m not impressed. “I… I’m sorry. Th… that was great. Bony blonde kebab.”

  “You’ve got the piggy giggles, it’s not attractive.”

  “Sorry,” she takes a deep breath and composes herself. “Man I love you… sometimes. Who’s Duracell?”

  “The invader, he’s draining me like a rechargeable.” I grunt and drain the last of my drink. “I swear this thing is eating me alive or something.”

  “Hey, that thing is a baby.”

  “No need to get technical. Baby, battery, invader, same difference.”

  “Jessica still not talking to you?” she asks and drains the last of her drink. I throw some money on the table, she knows not to argue anymore, and we head out of the café with our arms linked. “She’s not really talking to anyone.”

  I shrug, “I don’t know about that girl. She confuses me. Surely she should agree with me.”

  “She’s a strange being.”


  I glance at my phone, “I should go. I’m going to Marie’s later. Want to come?”

  “I don’t see why not,” she shrugs. We hug, we say goodbye and I head up to work.

  By the time it’s actually lunch time again only three hours later I’m starving, Carlos pops his head round the door, “Want anything?”

  “Anything, something chocolate. Maybe a sandwich.”

  “Would you like to specify?” he chuckles and puts his hand on his hip.

  I wave him off, “Surprise me. No seafood!” The last part I shout after him. Oliver chuckles. “What?” I turn to face him.

  He shakes his head in amusement, “I wonder what medical condition tells you no seafood.” I scowl as he taps his chin in thoughts and looks to the ceiling.

  “I’m allergic.”

  “Me too, to bullshit,” he then starts whistling to himself. Did I just get dismissed? Well!

  It’s four when my phone rings, a number I don’t recognize. I answer, “Hello?”

  “Hi is this Maya Freeman?” Johnson actually but whatever.


  “This is Justine Kettle,” Snort, really? “I’m Amelia’s teacher. I’m afraid there’s been an accident in class.” Now I’m listening.

  “God, is she ok?” Please say yes and she’s won an award!

  “I have you down as an emergency contact, we can’t get in touch with her father. She’s dislocated her shoulder.” Oh Christ, my poor little angel.


  “I’m on my way,” I grab my jacket and my bag. “Oliver, forward any calls for me. Emergency.”

  I don’t wait for him to answer as I’m already out of the office. “I’m with her in the hospital now.” I feel like crying for her, not the teacher, Amelia. I feel like throttling her teacher.

  “I’ll speak to you when I get there.”

  “We’re in the E.R, she’s asking for you.”

  As soon as I climb into the cab I call James, no answer. I call Lucas, no answer. I leave him a voicemail and call him ten more times before giving up and calling James again. My heart is literally hammering in my chest and my body is covered in goose bumps. How on earth does a four year old dislocate their shoulder?

  “You’ll be surprised ma’am,” Mr. Cab driver says, I must have said that last part out loud. “That’s why they tell you not to pick up a kid by their hands.”

  “Is it easily fixed?”

  “Yeah, my youngest fell over, my wife had a hold of his hand and tugged him up as he fell. They had to put him under general anesthetic for a few hours but he was fine. Just a little bit sore.” Thank god for that. “Don’t panic these things happen.”

  I can honestly say I’ve never broken a bone or dislocated anything and I was forever falling out of trees and such so this is all new to me. I send a quick text to Marie.

  Maya: Got an emergency, Amelia’s in hospital. Dislocated her shoulder. Won’t be able to make it. Let Summer know.

  Marie: On my way xx

  This is what friends are for, my eyes burn a little bit. Will I be this concerned with my son? Son, hell that sounds foreign even in my mind.

  I throw the driver a fifty and rush through the doors of the E.R. There’s a plump woman with brown hair sat behind the reception desk. E.R is full to the brim, no sign of Amelia. They must have taken her through.

  “Hi, I’m Amelia Drake’s auntie,” the woman looks up with a bored expression. “She’s been brought in for a dislocated shoulder.”

  She points down a long hall by the desk, “Down there, door number three.” Wow, what an awfully monotone voice. I give her a polite nod and practically run down the hall, sending a quick text to Marie on the way.

  Maya: Room three, hall next to the desk in the E.R.

  I knock and enter, my poor little Amelia is the first person I see, her arm is cradled to her chest and her gorgeous little face is pink and splotchy from crying. Yet she smiles when she sees me, and what a smile it is. It’s her special Auntie Maya smile. I rush over and kiss her forehead, careful not to touch anything. “Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?”

  She sniffs and looks at her arm, “It hurts.”

  “They were waiting for a parent or guardian to arrive, they want to put her under to pop it back in,” this must be the teacher. I look her up and
down, she’s tall, lanky even with short black hair. Has she ever eaten a meal in her life? I don’t understand why girls or even guys lose so much weight it doesn’t look healthy.

  She’d probably disappear sideways.

  HA! Don’t be mean.

  “Do you want to tell me how this happened?” I snap and glare at her, my hands ready to wrap around her bony neck.

  She winces under my scrutiny but keeps her cool, “She was playing ring a roses with a friend and unfortunately they span too fast. The other little girl went flying and hit her head, she’s fine, after being checked out, Amelia fell backwards over a chair.”

  “What the hell were they doing playing that game inside?” I hiss and put a movie on my phone for Amelia. “That clearly isn’t safe.”

  “I’m aware, they shouldn’t have been. They were playing for all of ten seconds, I rushed over but it was too late.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose, “Sorry, I shouldn’t snap. I’m just…” I nod towards the kid. “If you need to get off feel free.” I know I shouldn’t be angry with her but I am, I just need her out whilst I calm.

  She leaves ten minutes later and I still can’t get a hold of Lucas. Fortunately James answered a moment ago, I told him what happened, and he’s on his way. As soon as I hang up Marie walks in with a pink fluffy rabbit teddy and a pink foil balloon reading: ‘Get Well Soon’. Why didn’t I think of that?


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