A Little Bit of Us

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A Little Bit of Us Page 8

by A. E. Murphy

  “Hey squirt,” she says and places them at the end of the bed. Amelia smiles at her and then looks at me in confusion. “I’m Marie, I’m friends with your Auntie here. How you feeling?”

  “My arm hurts.”

  “Well of course it does, that’s what you get for fighting.”

  Amelia giggles a little, “I wasn’t fighting. I fell over.”

  “That’s not what the other guy said.”

  “Auntie Maya, tell her.”

  I raise my hands in surrender, “If Marie says you were fighting big hairy men then I’m gonna believe her.”

  “You should see the other guy, two black eyes, bloody nose, she bit his ear.” She squeezes Amelia’s foot. “You’re an animal kid. Gonna make one hell of a boxer one day. Although biting is frowned upon.”

  Hmm, I love biting.

  Really? Right now? You’re going to do this right now?

  I’m just saying.

  Amelia giggles, a gorgeous smile lights up her face. Pain forgotten. I listen as Marie tells her joke after joke and then some, whilst I continue to call Lucas. Where the hell is he?

  I watch in shock and disbelief as Marie crouches by the bed, hiding behind the pink rabbit stuffed animal and starts making it talk. Amelia loves it, of course she does she’s four. I’m still shocked though, Marie doesn’t like kids as far as I’m aware but this is Amelia, she could melt a polar ice cap with her smile.

  James rushes in at the same time as the doctor. Then they both step outside again to talk. When James comes back through he looks frustrated and solemn, “I can’t get a hold of Lucas. They want to put her under now.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  “Lucas will be mad.”

  “I really couldn’t care less, she’s in pain and we need to do what’s best for her.” I hiss and catch Marie’s eye, she’s now making the stuffed animal do the moon walk, very badly I may add. James touches my cheek softly, I bat his hand away. “You tell that doctor we’re ready when he is.” I still continue to call Lucas, so does James except he calls around the offices to see where he is. Apparently he left work two hours ago. “Go tell him then.” I shove James out of the room and sit back on the chair beside Amelia’s bed. “Hey sweetie. The doctor needs to make you go to sleep for a little while so he can fix your arm. Do you understand?”

  She shakes her head, no.

  Marie takes over, yet again with the teddy, “Well he’s going to give you some special medicine and it’s going to make you dream lots of pretty dreams and when you wake up your arm will be all better.” Amelia gives a weak smile, I hold her good hand. “We’ll be here the entire time.”

  “I want my daddy.”

  “Of course you do baby and he’s on his way. When you wake up he’ll be here with candy and presents and anything else you like,” Grinning widely at her I lean forward and kiss her forehead whilst running my fingers through her hair.

  Chapter Eight

  The doctor came in forty minutes ago, he put a needle in my little princess’ arm. Of course he was a nice doctor, made her laugh, and made her feel at ease. She fell asleep within six seconds of the needle, he put a mask over her face and wheeled her down the hall and out of sight. I’ve never felt so powerless in my life, James won’t stop pacing and ringing Lucas. Marie is chewing on her nails and shaking her knees whilst sat in the chair in the corner. I’m stood staring at a poster on the wall of a baby in the womb. It’s something about smoking and such, and how you shouldn’t.

  The clock is ticking, the room is silent, I don’t know how much time has passed I just know that when Lucas gets here I’m going to throttle him and kick him. I’m so angry, let me rephrase, I’ve never been so pissed off with a man in my life. I could kick a shoe right now and throw something maybe. Damn him.

  James comforts me, it does little good, I’m in Numbland and I don’t need visitors. We are escorted to a waiting room with comfy couches and chairs and up to date magazines. Not that I’m going to read any of them. James is still pacing. Marie now has a coffee, the smell is making me nauseous.

  The doors finally open we all suck in a breath, and then another when we see Lucas stood in the doorway, looking soaked to the bone and rather disheveled. His dark hair is plastered to his forehead. “Is she ok?”

  “She’s in surgery,” James states with his arms crossed against his chest, he leans back against the wall and crosses his legs too. He’s not happy. “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Someone I know was…” he sighs and then glares. “Why the fuck is she in surgery? I should have seen her first.” He levels with James. No way am I letting James take that.

  I step up to Lucas and prod him in the chest, “Don’t you dare blame us. You’re the one who’s fucking late. I made the decision for them to take her in and I don’t regret it. She was in agony!” shove. “You’re the one who didn’t pick up your fucking phone.”

  “I left it…”

  “Your little girl dislocated her shoulder and you vanished off the face of the earth.”

  His shoulder’s sag and his eyes go from infuriated to solemn, “Christ. I messed up. Is she ok?”

  “She’s fine. I could kick you right now.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Save it for Amelia!” I growl and stomp back to my seat. “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Give me your house keys, I’ll go fetch you some dry clothes and some of Amelia’s things,” Marie says and holds out her hands.

  “Are you sure?” Lucas asks and glances at me. “I don’t want you to go out of your way.”

  “It’s fine,” she bites out clearly angry with him herself and she doesn’t even know the guy. He hands her his keys and heads to the doors. Before she exits she throws over her shoulder, “Don’t blame me if you find something that bites, in your bed.” And like that she’s gone, leaving me sniggering at the horrified expression on Lucas’ face.

  Lucas flops onto the couch beside me causing it to sink in the middle. “Please don’t be mad at me. I would never intentionally ignore something like this.”

  “I know,” I relent and take his hand before resting my head on his shoulder. “I could still kick you though.” James looks between me and Lucas, I see his eyes narrow for a second when he looks at our hands. His jaw clenches but he says nothing. Lucas seeming oblivious kisses me on the head and sags back into the couch, his cheek resting on top of my hair. “You should call Sylvia.” I say to James. “She’ll be upset if she finds out and she wasn’t here.”

  He nods a little frantically and pulls out his phone. A few moments later we hear, “Hey mom, no, umm… Amelia dislocated her shoulder in school.” I hear her shrieking but I can’t make out what’s she’s saying. “She’s fine she’s in surgery…” he holds the phone away from his ear as she shrieks some more. “Yes, we’re in the private waiting room… We’re all here… Maya too.” Why wouldn’t I be? “Ok. See you soon.” He hangs up. “She’s on her way.”

  Told you so.

  Sylvia arrives at the same time as Marie, Marie places Amelia’s overnight bag next to me and hands a rucksack to Lucas none to gently before taking the spot he vacated. I watch her playing angry birds as Sylvia and James talk quietly in the corner. I love the fact she didn’t even acknowledge me. What the hell have I done to her? So much for our brief bonding moment over her god awful tea party!

  She’ll come around.

  Lucas comes back in wearing dry, clean Jeans and a blue shirt with some kind of designer logo on the front. He gives Sylvia a hug and joins their conversation in the corner. Something I’m desperate to interrupt.

  “Hey James,” I call and he looks up. “Would a fly without wings be called a walk?”

  “Here we go,” Lucas sighs but I can see the smile on his face. “Have you texted that one to Jacob yet?” No I have not but I shall, later. I guess there’s no takers for that one.

  You’re really going to tell jokes whilst you’re sat in a hospi
tal waiting area? Waiting for a girl you all love to finish up in surgery.

  If you’re that bored take James into one of the empty rooms or even the toilet and screw him.

  Good point, my irrationality is getting beat. Dammit. “I’m going to get something to eat.” I stand and stretch. “Anybody want anything” The baby doesn’t stop feeling hungry even in an emergency. If I wasn’t pregnant I wouldn’t be able to eat for a week after this ordeal.

  “I’ll come with,” Sylvia says. Marie who was about to stand puts on angry birds again and waves us off.

  “Can you bring some drinks up?” James asks. “And some snacks.”

  I nod and curse. “I didn’t bring my purse. I have no money on me.” He smiles and fishes his wallet from his inside pocket and hands me a couple of notes. I take it and follow Sylvia down the hall, we remain silent until we reach the little shop by the entrance. I fill a basket with drinks, potato chips, candy, a couple of sandwiches and pastries and take them to the check out.

  “So,” Sylvia slides up beside me as I bag my things and pay. “You and James?”

  “What about me and James?”

  “You’re giving it another go?”

  I blink, what can I say to that?

  The truth.

  “No, we’re not.”

  She looks mildly surprised as we head to the café, “Does he know that?”

  “I assume so.” She orders a latte and we wait by the side as it’s made. “Why are you suddenly talking to me?”

  “Because you’re the love of James’ life apparently. What you did, when you signed the papers. I get it. I was speaking to a friend about it and she said she did the same thing. Fast and easy.”

  “Your point being?”

  She sighs and leads me to the sugar where she sorts out her drink, “I’m sorry for what I said. You hurt my boy, I was on protective mother mode. Something you’ll know about soon enough.” Don’t remind me. “I’d like to ask for your forgiveness, or at least a truce.”

  “Would you be asking for my forgiveness if I wasn’t carrying your first grandchild?”

  Do you really need her to answer that? Give her a break, the woman has more pride than everyone in this hospital put together.

  “Eventually yes.” She’s so lying. “Give him a chance to redeem himself. Don’t shut him out. He does love you.”

  I let out a shallow laugh, “Why is everyone telling me to forgive him? How can I forgive? People say he did what he did out of revenge. I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact he purposely hurt me or the fact he didn’t trust me or the fact he screwed someone in the office I gifted him. Forgiveness I’ll probably manage in time but I’ll never forget.”

  “His father cheated on me once,” she says with a sad smile. Here we go. “It was hard but I forgave him.” Yeah because he kept your closet stocked.

  Ouch. Bitch.

  “Sylvia, I love James. I just can’t love him how he wants right now. I’m sorry about your husband, truly I am. But right now is not the time.”

  She nods in agreement and fortunately leaves it.

  She makes a good point though, I’m going to need to make a decision soon. As much as I’d like to say, yes I hate him I never want to be with him again. You have to remember he’s the first man I’ve ever loved, I’m carrying his child, and he’s constantly there. Even when I moved he’d text me daily, asking how I was, even if I didn’t reply he’d still ask and still tell me about his day.

  Like on our wedding day, he looked so handsome by the way, he remained by my side the entire night. I remember after saying our vows and the party started, we were having our first dance as a couple, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against my ear. “I promise I will make you happy Maya.”

  All I did was smile up at him in response, and it was a fake smile. One full of blame that screamed, ‘You have taken my freedom’. We danced, we drank, and we mingled with everyone like a happy couple should. He had a constant smile on his face one that I thought was an act. For the months prior to our wedding he took me out on occasion and picked me up from my drunken nights out but he never seemed pleased with me, he was always snapping and aggravated, I just never cared enough to ask why. He was there to help with my dad even though I never asked. I didn’t realize it at the time but he was my rock and how did I repay him? By effectively treating him like shit. It’s no wonder he did what he did.

  My dad was at my wedding, a proud smile on his face. Unfortunately he was in a wheelchair and had a nurse pushing him around, an oxygen tube constantly attached to his nose. His cough was terrible, so terrible at one point his nurse took him out of the ceremony. That pissed me off but my dad said he ordered her to do it because he was disturbing the service, like hell he was. He stayed for half an hour at the party before going home. I knew he didn’t have long I just didn’t want to face it.

  James and I entered our hotel room the night of our wedding, I remember kicking my shoes off because they were killing my feet and dropping onto the bed. His heated gaze looked me up and down, as I sprawled out in my huge white dress. “Stunning,” he grinned and flopped down beside me. “You have to be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, and ever will see.”

  We both just stared at each other for the longest time, his eyes soft, mine wary. Then his shaking fingers stroked down my arm, he turned on his side and leaned over me with one elbow propping up his head. I shivered, my stomach burned from that tiny touch as his green eyes stared intently into mine. It’s a lot like what happened that time with Lucas actually, when we played hide and seek and he tried to kiss me. James had the same look on his face before he kissed me on our wedding night. Innocent yet needy, lust filled and a little desperate.

  He pressed his lips to mine, I reciprocated, I remember nibbling on his lower lip and wrapping my fingers in his hair. His loud groan as he slipped on top of me and pressed his hot length against my hip made my entire body spasm with need. And then he said three words, three words that woke me up from my stupor and had me instantly hating him on the inside. “I love you.”

  I pushed him off me and jumped up, my heavy dress sent me stumbling a little. A startled James hopped up and stood in front of me. “Will you unzip me?” I turned and pointed to the invisible zip going down the length of my back.

  “Is everything ok?” he asked as his fingers slid the fabric open. I clutched the dress to my front and picked up my overnight bag. He followed me to the bathroom but I closed the door on my way in, pretty much in his face. I was ready to bolt but I didn’t. I got changed into a red satin chemise, I pulled my hair out of the diamond studded grips and watched it fall to my waist in thick waves. I can’t remember a time I’d been more excited or more nervous at the prospect of having sex, except maybe my first time.

  James’ eyes went as huge as saucers when I stepped out of the bathroom, I laughed when he started stripping, his eyes never leaving me. He pulled his pants down before he pulled off his shoes, lifted his foot to untie his laces and fell backwards onto his ass. I laughed until I cried, he never faltered, just gave me a cheeky grin and continued undressing. Wow, I’d never seen such a beautiful male before. James was perfect in all the right places, perfectly trimmed and toned without too much muscle tone, his golden skin just made him so much better. The mere sight of him had me groaning in need.

  Expecting his body to slam into mine I braced myself for impact of mouth and body, it didn’t however. Instead he reached out and twirled a lock of my hair around his finger and pulled me forward into his body oh so gently. His hands went from my neck down my shoulders and arms and to my hips. Slowly and carefully as if savoring every inch of me with his whispering touches.

  His lips brushed my neck, his styled hair tickled my cheek but I was too preoccupied with the havoc his lips and tongue were wreaking on my skin to give a damn.

  And then my phone rang. I’d set sirens as the ringtone for my dad’s nurse so when we heard it we both looked up in panic. Our wedding night was ove
r because my dad had gone into cardiac arrest.

  I snap back to the present when I enter the waiting room and there’s the doctor that operated on Amelia stood before Lucas shaking his hand. “I’ll take you to her room now.”

  “Oh thank god,” I sigh and rush to Lucas’ side. He wraps me in a tight hug, his entire body shaking with fear still left behind. I assume it’s from when the doctor came in and started to talk, he clearly expected the worst. “She’s fine.” I reassure him.

  I release him and step over to James who smiles at me fondly. I laugh a little when he takes my bag, it isn’t even heavy by the way, and then takes my hand.

  Amelia looks completely drained of energy to say the least, her arm is in a sling and cradled to her chest. She still smiles when we all come in but her smile is for her father this time. We all step outside to give them a moment, I use this time to hand around drinks and take my own.

  Lucas lets us back in five minutes later, we’re all eager to see the little princess. “Hey you,” I say and kiss her forehead. “I think she deserves something special for being such a brave girl.”

  “DS, with the camera,” I love the way she says camera. Cam errrrr ah. Wait, how does she even know what a Nintendo DS is, she’s four? I tell her as much, to which she responds. “And a half.” Christ, has it been that long since her birthday? “And Jamie in school has one.”

  “Is Jamie your boyfriend?” Marie smirks and winks at Lucas. “Gonna have a little heartbreaker here.”


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