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King of Souls

Page 19

by L A Cotton

“Luis has been gone a while,” Enzo said. “What do you think he’s doing?”

  “He said he had to take care of something.” I shrugged, glancing down the hall where the bathroom was.

  “You really trust him, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” I met my cousin’s hard gaze. “I do.”

  “I hope you’re right about this.”

  “I am.”

  I had to be. Because I’d entrusted him with Arianne’s life. And if he betrayed me... it would not end well for him.

  Chapter 20


  “I still can’t believe he did that,” Nora gasped. “I mean, I can... but shit, Ari. He’s a real piece of work.”

  “I got away, that’s all that matters.” I tucked my legs up beneath me. Nicco was outside on the phone to his father, and Enzo was busy off doing whatever Enzo did.

  “He’s sick in the head, it’s the only explanation.”

  “He’s a monster.” I shuddered at the memory of Scott manhandling me in the hotel room. The way he’d shoved the gun into my mouth and—


  “Sorry, I just...” Breathe. Just breathe.

  “He can’t hurt you now.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t change anything, not really.”

  Scott was deranged. The soulless look in his eyes as he’d attacked me would forever be imprinted to my memory. If I hadn’t found the knife... I couldn’t even think about it.

  “They’ll figure it out.”

  My eyes flicked to the window. I was so relieved Nicco was here. I didn’t want us to be apart, not again. But I knew it wasn’t as simple as him being back. Not until things were settled with Mike Fascini and my father.

  “Tell me about your night with Dan,” I changed the subject, “how’s that going?”

  “He’s nice enough.”

  “Nor, come on. He’s a sweetheart. He got dressed up in a tux and came to the party for you.”

  “I know, it isn’t him,” she let out a frustrated sigh, “it’s me. There’s just something missing. He doesn’t set my world on fire.”

  “Maybe you just need to give it time?” Dan was solid. He attended classes, held open doors, and bought her coffee. “You said the sex was good.”

  “The sex is good, it’s just not... life changing.”

  I chuckled. “They’re some high expectations you have there.”

  “I know, I know. You think I’m squandering a good thing. But I don’t want to settle, babe. I want epic love, like you and Nicco.”

  Just then, Nicco came back into the cabin. He smiled at me, his eyes so full of love and possessiveness it made my heart skip a beat.

  “He’s there isn’t he?” I heard the amusement in Nora’s words.

  “Yeah, he’s back.”

  “Well, tell him I say hey. And tell him he’d better keep you safe. You’re precious goods.”

  “I will. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Damn right you will.” She hung up and I placed my cell on the coffee table.

  “Nora says hi.” Nicco’s brows furrowed and I let out a weary sigh. “I didn’t tell her where we are. I promised you I wouldn’t.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” He came around the sectional and sat beside me. “I just wish it wasn’t like this.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “Bambolina.” Nicco pressed his palm against my cheek and I leaned into his touch.

  “What did your father say?”

  He stiffened.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “He’ll come around.”

  I sensed Nicco didn’t want to talk about it, so I changed the subject. “Where is everyone?” Luis had been gone since before breakfast and Enzo was still nowhere to be seen.

  “Luis had to go take care of something and Enzo has gone to pick up some supplies.”

  “What supplies?”

  “Well, if we’re going to be here awhile, we need clothes, food, toiletries.”

  “So that’s the plan? To stay here?” I took his hand in mine and brought it to my lips, kissing his fingers.

  “For now. It’s safe here. You’re safe.”

  “And we’re alone?” Heat pooled low in my stomach.

  “We are. But, Bambolina, I don’t want to—”

  “Ssh.” I brushed my lips over his. “Stop talking.” My arms wound around Nicco’s neck as I pulled myself onto his lap, letting my legs fall to either side of his.

  “Enzo could return at any second.” He eased back to look at me.

  “So take me to bed then.”

  His eyes darkened, a pained groan rumbling in his chest. “You’re sure?”

  I nodded.

  I needed him, I needed him to erase all the memories of last night.

  Nicco gripped me tightly and stood, carrying me down the hall. When we were inside our room, he kicked the door shut behind us and moved me to the bed. “I’ll never let you go again,” he murmured against my lips, trailing kisses along my jaw and down the slope of my neck.

  “That feels so good.”

  But it wasn’t enough.

  I needed more.

  I needed everything he had to give me.

  Slowly, Nicco lowered me to the floor, my body sliding down his, making me whimper with need. “Tell me what you want, Bambolina?” He brushed the hair off my neck and kissed my collarbone, gently raking his teeth against the sensitive skin there. A shiver ran through me as I tilted my head to give him better access.

  “You,” I breathed. “I want you, Nicco.”

  “You have me, amore mio. Heart, body, and soul.” He paused, gazing at me with complete reverie.


  Snapping from his trance, he dipped his hand under my t-shirt. His warm fingers danced up my spine, higher and higher until the material was bunched around my chest. His hands kept going, and I lifted my arms letting him slide it off me.

  “On the bed,” he ordered, and I laid back, moving into the middle of the giant mattress. Nicco grabbed the hem of his black t-shirt, and pulled it clean off his body. My mouth watered at the sight of him, cut abs and taut, tanned muscle stretched over broad shoulders. He was a sculpted work of art.

  And he was all mine.

  Reaching out, Nicco brushed his hand along my ankle, his featherlight touch sending shivers skittering up my spine. He dropped to his knees, gently yanking me closer to him. Laughter spilled from my lips but quickly died as he toyed with the waistband of the boy shorts Enzo had found for me to wear. Nicco didn’t break eye contact with me as he inched them over my hips and down my legs. His gaze was dark and intense.


  He looked ready to devour me, turning my blood to molten lava.

  Splaying a hand on my stomach, Nicco dipped his head and took a long, greedy swipe. I bucked against him, overwhelmed at the sensations. “Relax, Bambolina,” he rasped. “I got you.”

  My head fell back as he began sucking and licking me. He slid two fingers inside me, curling them and rubbing until I was a quivering breathless mess beneath him.

  “Nicco, it’s...” My breath caught as his teeth teased the sensitive skin and his lips painted letters of love over my body.

  “You taste like Heaven.” His tongue circled my clit as he slowly worked me with his fingers. I shivered and moaned, arching into him, desperate for more.

  “I will never let him touch you again,” Nicco murmured the words against my core, making my breath catch.

  “Oh my god...” I slid my fingers in his hair, gripping on tight as my body began to tremble, teetering on the edge of ecstasy. “Nicco...” His name was a prayer on my lips as I shattered around him.

  He kissed my inner thigh before standing and sliding his boxers off his legs. Crawling up my body, he covered me until we were nothing but a tangle of limbs and love, skin and sweet nothings.

  “I will kill him for ever looking twice at you, Bambolina.” A storm swirled in Nicco’s eyes as he stared down at me. His jaw was set,
his breathing shallow.

  “Nicco,” I gasped, “don’t say such a thing.”

  He took my hand, pressing it against his chest. “This is who I am, Arianne. My heart beats for you, and I am done being the nice guy where you’re concerned.” Dipping his head, he ran his nose along my jaw, ghosting a kiss over my lips. “I will do whatever it takes to protect you. Even if it means ending him.”

  A shudder racked through me. I didn’t like hearing Nicco talk like this, but he was right. This was who he was. How could I deny this part of him when I loved the other parts so deeply?

  “I know.” I wound my hands around his neck, pulling him closer. “I love you, Niccolò Marchetti, all of you.”

  I felt the tension leave his body. Nicco needed this. He needed my acceptance.

  No words were spoken as he hitched my thigh around his hip and sank into me with one smooth glide. “Fuck, Bambolina...” His voice was thick with desire. I ran my tongue along the seam of his mouth, desperate for more. More kisses, more sensation, just more of him.

  Nicco rocked into me in a torturous rhythm; slow measured strokes that made it difficult to breathe. He was everywhere, his lips on my neck, his tongue and teeth marking my skin, his hard body caging me to the bed, loving me. Filling me so completely I was drowning in him.

  “Mine,” he whispered into my ear, rocking harder. Deeper. “Sei mia.”

  I clung to him as he pushed me closer to the edge. Being with Nicco was like being in the eye of a storm. Wild and reckless and unpredictable but awe inspiring, nonetheless.

  The way we loved, the way our bodies came together as one, it was more than just lust. More than love. It was transcendent.

  It was Fate working her will, binding two lives together until not even death could part them.

  It should have terrified me.

  It didn’t.

  With Nicco I felt whole. I felt home. I couldn’t explain it, couldn’t even really understand it, it just was.

  “I love you,” I breathed, grabbing his jaw and kissing him hungrily. Desperately. “I love you so much.”

  “Sei il più grande amore della mia vita.”

  Our skin was damp, our moans breathy. Nicco hitched my legs higher, grinding against me in the most delicious way. It created the perfect friction, making my stomach coil tight and my toes curl into the soft sheets.

  “Come for me, Bambolina.” He kissed me, swallowing my moans as waves of pleasure rippled through me.

  My body shuddered, but he didn’t stop. His pace was relentless, as if he was trying to imprint himself on my soul.

  Maybe he didn’t realize he was already there.

  Branded on my heart.

  Etched into the very fiber of my soul.

  “It’s okay,” I dug my fingers in his hair, peppering tiny kisses over his face. “You can let go now.”

  A low growl built in his throat as he came inside me. His eyes were almost black, his expression lost.

  “Nicco,” I whispered against his mouth. “Come back to me.”

  He blinked, his expression softening. “You’re okay.” His voice cracked.

  “I’m okay.” I laid my palm on his cheek. “I’m right here.”

  Nicco’s body began to tremble as he dropped his face to the crook of my shoulder. “I can’t lose you,” he murmured against my damp skin. “I can never lose you, Arianne.”

  “You won’t,” I whispered.

  You won’t.

  AFTER TAKING A SHOWER together, we found Enzo in the main room.

  “Don’t mind me,” he grunted, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.

  “We were just—”

  He silenced Nicco with a knowing look. I smothered a giggle, burying myself into Nicco’s side. “I’m hungry,” I murmured.

  “I’m not surprised.” Enzo smirked.

  “Watch it,” Nicco jabbed a finger at his cousin.

  “Where’s Matteo?” I asked, slipping out of Nicco’s arm and going over to the refrigerator.

  “He’s helping hold down the fort back home.”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  “Does she always ask this many questions?” Enzo raised a brow, and Nicco chuckled.

  “Thanks for doing that...” the two of them fell into conversation, but I tried not to eavesdrop.

  All that mattered was I was here with Nicco.

  We could figure out the rest, together.

  I checked the refrigerator for supplies and pulled out ingredients to make sandwiches. “You two hungry?” I called.

  “Is the sky blue?” Enzo shot back and I poked my tongue out at him. He acted like the big bad wolf, but I was slowly figuring out he wasn’t a bad guy. He was just guarded, layers of ice frozen around his heart.

  “Are you always so smug?”

  His brows drew together. “Watch it, Principessa. Just because you’re Nicco’s girl doesn’t mean I won’t—”

  The box of eggs clattered to the floor, cracking in a pile of sticky yolk.

  “Arianne?” Nicco rushed over to my side. “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” I inhaled a deep breath. “I just...”

  “Something triggered you.” Enzo came over, his eyes narrowed at me. “He called you that, didn’t he?”

  I nodded, forcing down the tears burning the backs of my eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t—”

  “Don’t ever apologize for that fucker. I’m sorry.” His expression softened. “I didn’t know, or I wouldn’t have...”

  “It’s not your fault. Sometimes I’m fine then other times, someone says something, or I remember something, and it’s like I freeze.”

  “Come here.” Nicco wrapped me in his arms.

  “I’m okay, I promise.” I hated that Scott still had control over me, but I knew you didn’t just forget the kind of trauma he’d put me through.

  “Nicco?” He was trembling again. I eased back, peeking up at him.

  “Why don’t you come sit down,” Enzo said, gently taking my arm. “Give him a second to cool off.”

  He pulled me away, but my eyes remained on Nicco. His fists were clenched impossibly tight, and I could feel the anger rolling off him. It was like a storm cloud circling him. Dark and angry, and ready to unleash its destruction at any moment.

  I sat down, flinching at the sound of Nicco’s fist colliding with the counter.

  “Should we do something?” I asked Enzo. He gave me a sympathetic look before going back to Nicco. He spoke in a low voice, making it difficult for me to hear. But I caught the odd word.

  Calm down...


  She needs you...

  “What’s L’Anello’s?” I asked, trying to break the heavy silence.

  Enzo glanced over at me, running a hand through his hair. “Somewhere you’ll never go.”

  “E,” Nicco sighed. “Don’t.”

  “Fine. Have it your way.” The two of them shared a look. “It’s a bar. We... hang out there sometimes.”

  “A bar?” Suspicion clung to my words. I knew I wasn’t supposed to ask questions and I knew even if I did, they weren’t supposed to tell me anything. But I wanted to know as much as possible.

  “Remember how I told you I fight sometimes? To burn off steam?” Nicco came over to the sectional and sat down.

  “I remember.”

  “L’Anello’s is where I fight sometimes.”

  “You fight in a bar?”

  “The bar is a front for... other things.”

  “I see.” My stomach twisted. “Are you good?”

  “Jesus,” Enzo muttered under his breath, casting Nicco a dark look. But he only had eyes for me.

  “I’m pretty good, yeah.”


  Enzo snorted. “Nic just tells you he’s a good fighter and all you’ve got to say is okay?”

  I shrugged. “What else do you want me to say?”

  “Nothing, I’m just surprised is all. I’m starting to wonder when any of this will
freak you out.”

  “Oh, I’m pretty freaked out.” I let out a strangled laugh. “But I also love Nicco and when you love someone you don’t get to pick and choose the parts you want.”

  He studied me. “Yeah, I’m starting to see that.” He moved over to the window, pulling back the curtains. “It looks like Luis is back. About fucking time.”

  I curled into Nicco’s side, letting out a contented sigh.

  “What the hell?” Enzo yanked open the door and Nicco moved me off him to stand.

  “What is it?” Strolling over to his cousin, he peered over his shoulder.

  “What did you do?” Enzo growled. I couldn’t see him, but he didn’t sound happy.

  I got up, gingerly going to them, coming to an abrupt halt when I saw what Enzo and Nicco were looking at.

  They weren’t looking at Luis at all. It was the person standing beside him.

  “Tristan?” I gasped, hardly able to believe my eyes.

  He wasn’t in the hospital anymore.

  He was here.

  And he looked as nauseous as I felt.

  Chapter 21


  “Tristan?” Arianne slipped between me and Enzo and hurried down the steps to greet her cousin.

  “A word?” I tipped my chin to Luis. Enzo stepped aside to let him past.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?”


  “Relax?” Enzo seethed. “You brought the fucking enemy into our safe house. I knew we couldn’t trust you, Vitelli, motherfucking—”

  “E,” I cut him off.

  “Look,” Luis said. “I knew if I gave you a heads up you would fight me on this. Tristan has intel; he might be able to help. I met him off the highway, we dumped his car, and I blindfolded him, so he doesn’t know where we are. It’s safe, I promise.”

  Enzo made a hacking sound and I jabbed him in the ribs. “You did all that?” I asked Luis.

  “I covered my tracks, yeah. I’m not stupid. I know what’s at stake and I don’t want Arianne in harm’s way anymore than you. But you’re going to want to hear what he has to say.”

  I gave him a tight nod. He had a point. Everything he’d done up until now made him trustworthy, but bringing Tristan here still felt like a big risk.


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