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Alice's Men

Page 6

by Marla Monroe


  “I think she’s seriously going to think about it. I’d hoped to wait until another date out, but she’s smart and knew something was up even before you blew it.”

  “Fuck it. I didn’t blow anything. She was already questioning it. Don’t throw this on me, Lan.”

  “Fine. You’re right. She’s smart and was already churning things around in her head to begin with. I just hope she’ll give us a chance. Only a couple of hours and I’m already hooked on her, Ben.”

  “Yeah, me, too. She’s sweet and fun and doesn’t seem to mind that I’m a bastard most of the time.”

  “There is that,” Landon said then held up his arm to deflect the punch Ben lobbed. “But you weren’t really all that bad tonight.”

  Landon watched as the shop came into view. No, they wouldn’t lose any business. Hell, with the way men were, they’d get even more business than they could handle. For the most part, men were pigs. They’d hint around and want to know details, but neither he nor Ben would ever talk about their personal lives around others. He was sincere in that her safety, happiness, and comfort were the most important things to them. They’d do whatever it took to make sure those were taken care of.

  Landon hopped down from the truck and followed Ben inside the garage once the other man had unlocked the door and switched off the security system. They pulled out beers from the mini fridge and sat in the office to talk.

  “If we’re going to seriously go forward with this, Ben, we have to be a hundred percent sure we can share her without putting any pressure on her,” Landon said.

  “The fuck? I thought we’d already decided on this. I’m completely serious about it. I’m not going to get my shorts in a twist if you spend more time with her than I get to. Hell, the way I am, I’ll be happy if she gives me five minutes here and there. Don’t dick around, Lan.”

  “I’m not. I just want to be sure we’re both on board now that we’ve dropped all of this on her. I know I am.”

  “She’s got it all, Lan. A sweet personality, warm heart, and fucking curves that make my dick hard just thinking about them. Damn, all that red hair and those pretty green eyes just do it for me, man. I want to bury my face between her tits and lick her pussy until she screams.”

  Landon chuckled. “I think I get it.”

  “She’ll be easy to fall in love with, Lan. I want to love her, but I’m afraid she’ll pull out once I do. I’m not sure how to deal with that.”

  “Yeah. I’ve had that same worry. I guess all we can do is treat her like a princess and pray she doesn’t get cold feet later on down the line.”

  Ben sighed and finished off his beer. He stood and tossed the empty bottle into the trash. “I’m heading up. Lock up behind you.”

  “Yeah. I’ve got this.” Landon watched his best friend walk out of the office in the direction of the stairs leading up to his apartment.

  I want her so bad it’s gnawing at my gut like a teething puppy. What am I going to do if she walks away? Hell, what am I going to do with Ben if she walks away?

  Landon knew the other man was already hooked on her, and to lose her now would be tough, but if she changed her mind later down the line, it would devastate the man. It would probably devastate him, as well.

  After locking up and resetting the security, Landon drove to his little crappy apartment down the road and stripped as soon as he walked through the door. He needed a shower and some release. He’d jerked off to thoughts of Alice ever since he’d first seen her at the diner. Then when he’d had time to talk with her, Landon had been hooked.

  He soaped up, washed, then rinsed off before pouring some shower gel into his hand and rubbing it over his dick. It was already hard and aching as he pulled it from root to tip then back down again.

  He imagined Alice naked in the shower with him. He’d bathe her with gentle strokes then go to his knees in front of her to get a delicious taste of her sweet pussy. He imagined she had a full tuft of hair and would love to run his fingers through it before he spread her wide and licked his way to paradise.

  Making her come that way had his cock twitching in his hand as he jerked on it harder and faster. When he started to grow close to coming, Landon backed off so he could finish his fantasy before he shot off.

  Once she’d screamed out her orgasm, pulling on his hair, he planned to lift one of her legs and bury himself inside of her while he watched her face. Landon wanted to feel her tight pussy suck at him as he thrust his shaft in and out of her hot, wet cunt. He reached between his legs and rolled his balls as pleasure began to build once more.

  Landon could easily imagine her eyes going glassy as her mouth went slack with the beginning of her climax threatening to roll over her like a huge wave from the ocean. Yeah, he could get used to that look from her.

  The idea of watching her while his friend buried his massive cock deep inside of her made him squeeze his cock that much harder as he jerked on it from base to tip over and over. Just as she climaxed in his dreams, clamping down on his hard shaft, Landon followed her over, slapping one hand against the unforgiving shower tiles as he went up on his toes and followed her over. He emptied his cum on the wall and in his hand as he slowly pumped his dick until he was empty, sated.

  Not quite sated. I won’t be that until I have my cock inside of her for real. Only then will it all be real.

  It took him a few minutes to regain control of his breathing, but once he did, Landon cleaned up again, cursing at the cramp in his ass cheeks from his climax. It only happened when it had been especially good, and anything to do with Alice was all that and more.

  He vacillated between wanting time to hurry until they could call Alice to find out her answer and drawing it out so that there was still a chance she’d say yes if they waited longer. Somehow he knew that the longer they waited, the more time she’d have to talk herself out of it. They needed to call her sooner rather than later.

  Landon stretched out on the bed, ignoring the covers for now. He was hot with every cell in his body vibrating after the orgasm. He needed to relax before he tried to sleep. It was still early for a Saturday night. During the week they went to bed early since they opened the shop at seven, but on Saturday nights, they normally stayed up until midnight watching movies or going out for a beer. Tonight, he didn’t want any of that. He wanted to sleep and maybe, just maybe, dream of her.

  Chapter Seven

  Alice had called her friend back the night before to let her know she was fine but hadn’t dared talk to her about the guys. She couldn’t share something so taboo with her even if she did live back in Dallas. Especially when she was actually kind of considering it.

  Really? I’m actually thinking about saying yes. What is wrong with me?

  It had to be because she hadn’t dated, much less had sex, in over a year. She’d gotten tired of the constant disappointments when she’d lived in Dallas. The men were after only one thing, and once they got it, the shiny had worn off the relationship, if she could even qualify it as one.

  Then there’d been Adam. He’d seemed to be different, but after they’d been together for six months, he’d suddenly decided that she wasn’t “wife material” as he’d called it. What the hell had that meant? He’d gone on to explain that she was sweet, and he enjoyed dating her, but in his line of work as a lawyer looking at becoming partner in the next three years, he needed someone who fit the profile. In other words, someone thinner and probably more cultured.

  She’d just about given up on finding anyone who could look past her unruly curly hair and overly curvy size. She’d thought the latest craze was curvy women, but evidently that was all hype like most other fads had turned out to be. She was in good shape. She walked almost everywhere she went and normally ate healthy, but Alice didn’t starve herself. What was the point when she was happy with herself? Usually.

  Okay, yeah, sometimes she wished she weighed a few less pounds or that she could figure out a way to tame her thick curls,

but every woman had something they weren’t completely happy with concerning their bodies. It was normal.

  Alice washed up her breakfast dishes then paced, wondering when the men would call. They’d said that afternoon, but did that mean one or five? What was she going to do while she waited, and what was her answer going to be? She still didn’t know.

  “I’m going to drive myself crazy worrying about it.”

  I’m going to worry myself to death until they call.

  Everything swirled in her head as she finally plopped down in her favorite chair and picked up her e-reader. She started to scroll through the piles of books she had downloaded then realized she’d never be able to concentrate until she’d made up her mind.

  Alice sat back and went over what they’d said the night before. It sounded like a plot straight out of one of her naughty erotic romance novels. In them, they always ended up with their happy ever after, but was that possible in the real world? Did anyone have that kind of relationship in real life?

  She didn’t know. She hadn’t heard of it before, but maybe it was because people wouldn’t announce their unconventional families to the world. She wouldn’t. If she honestly thought about accepting their proposal of dating as a threesome to see where it led them, she wasn’t about to blab about it. People could be cruel. Besides, she didn’t want to always be bailing poor Ben out of jail for clocking somebody when they said something he didn’t like.

  Alice didn’t think he’d care when it came to him or Landon, but if it involved her, she had a feeling he wouldn’t brush it off. Ben struck her as the kind of man who’d surprise her as soft deep down inside. He’d certainly surprised her with how he’d toned down his language around her. She hadn’t expected that. He was a hard man, one who’d obviously grown up in a difficult situation. Landon, on the other hand, was less volatile but just as intense. Being with them would be a constant reality check.

  I really want to try it, but what happens if in a few weeks or even months I’m not happy with the situation?

  Well, she guessed that would lead to some hurt and pain on the part of all three of them. She couldn’t spend that much time with them and not grow a little attached. Then, if she wasn’t comfortable with there being two of them, she’d lose both of them and end up with a broken heart.

  Finally, she relaxed enough that she could read. She chose a ménage romance she hadn’t read and immersed herself in the book in hopes it would help her make up her mind before the guys called that afternoon.

  Alice sighed and stretched as her stomach growling told her it was time for lunch. She’d been so into her book that she hadn’t realized that so much time had passed. It was a good book by one of her favorite erotic romance authors. In the book, the threesome went through some rocky times but were heading toward their happy ever after. She wondered if that could work for her and Landon and Ben.

  She fixed a sandwich and sat at the bar while she ate. What would she tell the guys? She needed to decide before they called her. She’d had long enough to decide. It wasn’t marriage or moving in with them. It was only trying to date for a while to see how things went. Maybe she was making it too hard. Maybe it was as simple as that.

  Alice sighed and finished her sandwich. She’d made up her mind, so all there was to do now was wait on their call. She’d finish her book while she did that.

  * * * *

  Her cell chirped, startling her so that she dropped her reader. Alice had finished one book and was reading on another one. She grabbed her phone, nearly dropping it, as well.


  “Hey, Alice. It’s Landon. I have you on speaker with Ben here. Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I did. How are you two doing?” she asked.


  Silence hung between them as Alice struggled to think of what to say next. Finally Ben broke the empty void between them.

  “Look, are you in or out?”

  “Ben. Don’t put it like that.” Landon’s voice sounded tight as if he were gritting his teeth.

  “What the hell else can you say? We all need to know and get it over with. You can’t tell me you aren’t about to crap your pants to find out,” Ben said in a snarly voice.

  “It’s okay, Landon. He’s right. We’re just drawing things out and making it harder.” Alice rubbed her face with one hand.

  “So,” Landon began, “have you come to a decision?”

  “We probably should have done this in person, but yeah. I have.” Alice drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly through her nose. “I want to try seeing both of you. I’m not sure it will work out, but I do want to try.”

  There was silence on the other end again. She started to ask if they were still there, but Ben saved her the question.

  “Well fuck. I wasn’t expecting that,” he said.

  “Great. That’s great, Alice. I promise we’ll treat you right.” Landon’s voice held the smile she was sure was on his face.

  “We need to take things slow though. I’m not real comfortable with it, but I like both of you, and the idea of not seeing either of you bothers me. So I’m willing to try.” Alice waited to see what more they’d say.

  “Just so we’re clear,” Ben began. “You want to date both of us in a relationship and not as a one-off thing.”

  “Damnit, Ben. What the hell are you doing?”

  “Making sure we’re all on the same fucking page. I don’t want to go out with someone a couple of times just so they can see what it’s like to fuck two men at once. I want more than that.”

  “Holy hell,” Landon said, followed by a loud thunk.

  Alice couldn’t help but smile. It was obvious that Landon had walked away from the phone and had kicked something. No, spending time with them would never be boring.

  “I’m serious about trying this, Ben. I’m not looking for titillation. I’m going into it as a possible long-term relationship.” She hoped that settled Ben’s worries.

  “Titillation? Are you saying I can’t play with those amazing tits of yours?” Ben asked, a hint of humor in his voice.

  “Ben. Stop talking already.” Landon’s voice said he was just short of strangling his friend.

  “Um, no, my breasts aren’t off the table, but not right away either. We’re taking this slow if I’m going to try this.”

  Alice couldn’t help but laugh at the sound of Landon popping Brandon over the head or maybe in the arm. They were so cute when they argued like that. Yeah, she’d made the right decision for now. How long it would last she had no idea.

  “So, how about we plan to meet for lunch at the diner twice a week for now and then go out somewhere on Saturday nights?” Landon began.

  “That sounds like a good idea. I usually go to the diner on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Will that work for you guys?” she asked.

  “Works fine. If something comes up that we can’t get away, we’ll call you. Same for you. If you get tied up and can’t make it, just give us a call.” Landon’s voice had returned to normal.

  She could almost see him glaring at Ben, daring the other man to speak up again.

  “I should let you guys go. I’m sure you’ve got a lot to do before work tomorrow.” Alice wasn’t sure what more to say.

  They didn’t know each other well enough to have long conversations. She felt ill at ease just sitting there with the phone to her ear.

  “Actually, we’re working at the shop right now. Didn’t have anything else we wanted to do while we waited to call you,” Landon said.

  “Do you work on Sundays very often?” she asked.

  “Now and then. Not all that often. It passes the time, and we get a few more cars out that way. People don’t like being without their vehicles. They want them finished as soon as possible.”

  “I’m sure, but you deserve your weekends, too. I mean you already work till one on Saturdays,” she said.

  “That’s going to change now that you’ve agreed to see us. We plan to spen
d as much time with you as you’ll let us.” Landon’s voice deepened if that were even possible.

  The man had a sexy, sensual voice that was deep and heady. Ben’s voice sounded rough like he’d swallowed gravel just before speaking. It plucked at something low in her body so that her panties grew wet when he spoke to her. Hell, both men had the power to get her juices going just by talking. Let alone when they made suggestions that had her face heating up.

  “Yeah. I’m looking forward to fiddling with you instead of these damn trucks,” Ben said.

  “I can’t take you anywhere, Ben,” Landon said with resignation heavy in his voice.

  Alice couldn’t stop the laugh as Landon fussed at Ben. The idea of the other man fiddling with her set her heart racing like a rabbit on steroids. She liked the idea that Ben wanted to play with her as much as she wanted to play with both men. But she wasn’t going to jump in bed with them right away. That was a sure way to start the relationship, of whatever kind it was, off to a bad start.

  “Fiddling will have to wait until we’re all comfortable with each other. But I’m glad you prefer me over the trucks, Ben.”

  “Look. I’m going to hang up before he says something I have to hit him for,” Landon said.

  “You’ve already hit me once. What’s one or two more times?” Ben asked in a sullen voice.

  “Good-bye, Alice. We’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, guys.”

  Alice heard Ben mouth off at Landon before the phone went dead. She burst out laughing as she realized that, for the first time in a long time, she felt like laughing out loud. They were endlessly amusing and sexy as hell to boot.

  Alice smirked at the thought of Ben fiddling with her as he’d called it. On top of that, she was pretty sure he was a breast man from that quick conversation. She wondered about Landon. What did he like about a woman? About her? She knew what she liked about them. Their smiles and their big cocks. She wasn’t sure about Landon’s size, but she already knew what size Ben was even without the label of Big Ben. He was long and thick. He’d be a mouthful, that was for sure.


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