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Perfect Rhythm

Page 2

by Letty James

  “My dad left it to me.” LeeAnn rattled on about the work she'd done to fix the place up. The cottage boasted a new coat of dark green paint, repainted and realigned cranberry-colored shutters, and yellow pansies spilling out of the window boxes. She unlocked the door as Buddy yowled on the other side. The cat streaked off into the night, not even bothering to sniff in Johnny's direction. “You're lucky. It must be hunting night. I'll have a nice fat mole on the doorstep for breakfast.”


  She stumbled over the rug in the foyer and Johnny caught her around the waist, his breath in her ear, her gut clenching under his hand. She could just turn around and kiss him. Kiss him like she'd wanted to on stage, full of tongue, teeth and promise.

  He stepped away, thrusting his hands in his jacket pockets, not touching her with his hands. His gaze touched her, though. He followed her every move in the dim light of the foyer as she removed her coat and hung it on an open hook, smoothed her hair back, straightened her tight sweater. LeeAnn felt like she'd done a three-second strip tease with the effect his glittering eyes had on her. Already her nipples had twisted tight, her breasts plumping with each breath, longing to be swinging free of her bra and in Johnny's face.

  She licked her lips and stared back at him, casually hanging on to the coat rack so she wouldn't lunge for him. The only sound was the swish of Johnny's jacket as he plucked the cigarette from behind his ear and put it between his lips.

  “Don't even think about it,” said LeeAnn.

  “Oh, I always think about it,” he said. “I just don't always do it.” He smirked at her and put the cigarette back behind his ear.

  LeeAnn kicked off her shoes and four inches in height, trying not to be disappointed he hadn't made a move yet. What had happened to good ol’ sex, drugs and rock n’ roll?

  “Ever think of wearing more sensible shoes?”

  “Like what? Sneakers? Yeah, that's real sexy.”

  “You'd look cute in those. Maybe some little bobby socks folded down in a cuff.”

  “Let me guess. Catholic school-girl fantasies?”

  He shrugged, a sexy slouch she wanted to jump all over. “You have your fantasies, I have mine.”

  She laughed and led him into the kitchen where she snagged two beers out of the refrigerator. “I pegged you as more the skin-tight leather kind of guy.”

  “Nah. Only on Wednesdays and Fridays.” His eyes crinkled up as she handed him a beer.

  “I'm starting to think you're almost human.”

  “Baby, I'm more human than you can ever imagine. Oh, sorry. LeeAnn.” He held his hands up in apology.

  The kitchen started to feel awfully small. “Go drink your beer and I'll make you a sandwich.”

  She took out the hunk of roast beef a cook named Jose had given her from the kitchen of the hotel where she worked in catering sales. She loved a man who gave her food. Too bad he already had a wife and three children.

  She thought of Gordon, a guest, aide to the big-wig British consultant Colin Huntington. Her friend Doreen had snagged the gorgeous Colin, which worked fine. Gordon was more her type. Quiet, funny, unassuming. Surely he was ready to take it to the next level. She and Gordon had had six months of sporadic dates, whenever he came into town. Six months and lots of talk. LeeAnn was getting a little tired of all the talk.

  She looked over at Johnny studying her CD and book collection. A man so very wrong for her, but oh so worthy of fantasy. He'd tossed his coat on a chair, his collarless shirt halfway unbuttoned, tempting her hand to slide in and caress those sculpted pecs. She'd seen him in all his glory in an indie film six months ago. She bet he waxed. What she wouldn't give to pour hot wax on his chest. She'd give him all the beer and sandwiches he wanted. Hmm, mm. She licked the horseradish sauce off her finger, sneezing at its hot tang.

  “Bless you.”

  Yeah, she'd like his blessing all right. Right here on the kitchen floor. She put the sandwiches on a tray as Johnny slid a Coltrane CD into the stereo.

  “So why aren't you singing for a living?” He competently fiddled with the dials on her stereo.

  “Ha! Like that would ever happen. The music business is rough. I prefer to make my money honestly.”

  He frowned at her over his beer. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Honestly?”

  “You know.” She put the tray down on the coffee table and waved her arms in the air, flustered at his sudden gruffness. Would he pull his badass routine? “I didn't have to sleep with anybody to get where I am. Wait, that didn't come out right.”

  His green eyes pierced her like pinning a squirming bug to a display card. Thumping his beer down on the coffee table, he walked toward her, backing her up against the sofa, his boots touching her toes. Her heart pounded so hard she was sure it was going to come up her throat and all over him. Yeah, a real memory moment for her scrapbook.

  “Then according to your theory, there's a simple way to change your fortune. Who knows? Maybe I'm your key to the top.”

  “Yes. No.” LeeAnn's mind tumbled all over itself trying to find the right words to say, which had become impossible with him standing so close she could count his bottom eyelashes.

  “Which is it, LeeAnn? Yes?” His nose bumped against hers, the tip of his rubbing the length of hers. “Or no?” He breathed the words against her lips, holding himself a dust speck away. Waiting for her answer. Shit. Of course the answer was yes. But not in that way, LeeAnn told herself. In the purely platonic one-night stand, ask-no-favors-of-the-famous way. Wait, not platonic. Fuck. She couldn't think.

  So she kissed him instead. Not caring what the answer was. Simply not being able to resist what he offered right now. She kissed him as she'd always imagined kissing him, her tongue tangled with his, her arms tight around his waist, his erection surging against her belly as his hands roamed her back. Oh, Jez-us.

  She stepped back out of his arms, her hands trembling against her lips.

  “What's wrong?” He rubbed the back of his neck. Both of them were breathing hard, the small distance between them dancing with those hormone-laden pheromones.

  He was probably regretting getting in her car. “I just don't want you to get the wrong impression.”

  “I think my instincts are pretty accurate.”

  “Well, yeah. That. But, I mean I would never ask you for a job.” LeeAnn stuttered all over the place trying to explain. Damn those margaritas.

  Johnny laughed. A full, low laugh LeeAnn had never heard before from all the concerts, films and videos that she'd seen of him. She liked it. It sounded real. LeeAnn picked up her beer and took a swig. At least she could amuse him.

  He pulled her into a hug, kissing her nose, making her want to wrap herself around him again. “Honey, don't worry about it. Now where's this waterside view you promised?”

  “Put your coat back on. I'll show you.” Maybe tonight would be platonic after all. She grabbed her coat from the foyer as he slipped on his own, his smile wicked, his eyes glowing. Okay, forget platonic. She'd give him a night to remember. And vice-versa, she was sure.

  She handed him the tray of food and grabbed a blanket off the couch as she led him out to the small deck and down the steep stairs to her private dock. She spread the blanket over the wooden slats and sat down cross-legged. Buddy appeared out of nowhere and rubbed against her back. The king of the castle slithered his way over to Johnny, sniffing at his leather jacket. Johnny pulled a piece of meat out of his sandwich and offered the meat to Buddy. The cat took it delicately in his teeth, then gulped it down.

  “Bribery. I should have known.”

  Johnny scratched Buddy under the chin. The cat's purrs could be heard over Coltrane. “Don't get used to it, Buddy. He's a wandering soul.”

  “The life of a musician. It's nice what you have here. Like a retreat from the world.”

  “Don't you have a retreat? Someplace you can hide from the world?”

  He shook his head, his eyes glowing in the light from the back
porch. “Not just for me. A family compound in New Jersey.”

  “Oh. Family.” LeeAnn bit into her sandwich. With a full mouth, she wouldn't say anything stupid.

  “Yeah, four brothers, three sisters, mom, dad and grandma all on the same block.”

  Lee Ann laughed with relief. “Not much privacy there.”

  “You could say that.” He finished his sandwich in one big bite and yanked off his boots. “How deep is the water?”

  “About ten feet at low tide. You going in?” Obviously a rhetorical question as she watched Johnny strip down to his boxers, his body long and wiry, covered with tattoos. His leather cuffs fell against her thigh.

  He dove in, his spectacular body disappearing into the black water. LeeAnn jumped up, her toes clutching at the edge of the dock while she hugged the piling to lean over the water. God, don't let him die at my house, she prayed. He popped up, flinging his hair out of his eyes, cold drops slapping against her.

  “Get out. You're going to freeze. The papers would have a field day if something happened to you.”

  “This is nothing. Try going into the surf at the Jersey shore in the dead of winter.”

  “Do you make this cold water thing a habit?”

  “I've got older brothers, remember?”

  “So it's a macho thing?”

  He splashed her with the heel of his hand hitting the water. “You sober yet?”

  “No. I've got a nice warm buzz on. I'd like to keep it that way.”

  “Come in. We'll shock it out of your system.”

  “I don't want to.”

  “I thought you'd kiss me sober.”

  “I'm drunk, you're sober. We'll call it even.”

  “I like my women alert. Responsive. Not going to fall asleep on me.”

  “You that good?”

  He hung on the dock, fingers curled over the edge, biceps popping.

  “Why don't you come in and find out?”

  “Nah. I don't think so.” LeeAnn slowly turned, thrusting out her hip. She let her coat fall to the dock. She pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it aside. She kept walking as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. At the base of the steps leading to the house, she turned back to him and eased her jeans over her bottom.

  Johnny climbed halfway up the dock ladder, watching her striptease as a smile stole over his face. LeeAnn stepped out of her jeans and kicked them aside. She'd known there would be a reason to don the leopard print and black lace matching bra and panties.

  He stepped onto the dock, dripping water, his tattoos winding around his legs and arms like dark seaweed, a mer-god becoming man. Cold, wet and hard, he pulled her against him and she went willingly, warming his body with hers. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the desire coursing through her faster than the alcohol ever could. His mouth slanted possessively over hers. LeeAnn opened herself to him, took him in, claimed him. He pulled away abruptly, their lips wet with kisses. He ran his thumb over her cheek.

  “You like to set the rules, don't you?” he asked.

  “My house. My rules.”

  “So you brought me here to have me under your thumb?”

  “As if I thought that was possible. The great Johnny Dorado being under my control? In my wildest dreams.”

  “You got a boyfriend?” She fleetingly thought of Gordon. Her earlier plan to seduce him by week's end. He seemed like boyfriend material.

  “I'm working on it.”

  “Oh?” His eyebrow arched. “What's your plan of attack?”

  She stepped back and his hands dropped from her arms. Talking about Gordon felt wrong when she stood half-naked and entwined with another man. “He's not going to be in town long so I've got to work quickly.” Johnny ran his finger down her arm, and a line of heat pooled in her belly. LeeAnn stepped back even more. “I'm not sure it would work out. He travels a lot.” Johnny gave her a sly smile. Would he be willing to give her some advice to help her out? “His base is in London. I'd be willing to relocate, but only after we're engaged.”

  “What? Who are you talking about?” Johnny's head snapped up, his eyes glittering in the moonlight.

  “Gordon Forrest. He doesn't know it yet, but he's perfect husband material. Steady job, steady income. Hair's a little thin on top, but he's still cute. Seems very taken with me.”

  “You little tease.” Johnny grabbed her arm, hauling her over to the edge of the dock.

  LeeAnn's alcohol-soaked brain cleared for just a moment. “Oh, God. Did you think I was talking about you? Yeah right, like I would ever consider the Johnny Dorado my boyfriend. One night stand, absolutely. I was kind of hoping for tonight.” She caressed his smooth chest, giving him a flirty look. “Boyfriend? What do you think I am? A masochist?”

  Buddy stretched up on Johnny's leg, meowing.

  “Buddy!” LeeAnn saw it coming and could do nothing to stop it. The cat sank his claws deep into Johnny's calf muscle.

  “Shit!” Johnny jerked away, still holding LeeAnn's arm, and they fell off the dock.

  The frigid water shocked her. Feathery, slimy things twisted around her legs. She shuddered, kicking out, hitting something solid—Johnny. Her head popped out of the water at the same time his did. Buddy sat calmly on the edge of the dock, licking a paw.

  “That's it. Payback time.” He growled across the churning water.

  LeeAnn squealed and stroked hard toward the dock ladder. He caught her hair, but she yanked away. His hand landed on the back of her bra and she elbowed him, laughing. Then he caught her panties and she slithered out of them as she scrambled up the ladder.

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  * * *

  Chapter Three

  Her heart nearly burst out of her chest with excitement as she ran toward the house. Johnny stopped to pick something up, but she kept going.

  He tackled her on the living room floor, her cheek scratching against the wool carpet. He rolled her over and captured her mouth with his. She twined her legs around him, pushing her heat against his wet shorts. The contrast of his stiff cock under cold shorts against her burning, naked pussy made her moan into his mouth. He trailed kisses down her neck while he made quick work of her front-closure bra. His hand covered her breast and she arched against him. Her chilled nipple stood tight. It softened under his lips, then peaked again as he suckled. She thrust her hand down the back of his shorts, squeezing his tight ass, rubbing herself against him.

  “Now. I want you now.” She couldn't wait anymore. She was brazen. She was easy. She didn't care.

  He propped himself up on his elbows. “Are you sober now?”

  “I won't fall asleep. I promise.” Her hips undulated again. She was wild with wanting him.

  He stripped off his shorts, his erection hard and throbbing against her belly. She grabbed his cock, rubbing her thumb over his beginning moisture. His forehead fell against hers as he groaned. He grabbed a foil packet from his wallet on the floor next to them. She took it from him, ripping it open with her teeth, rolling the condom slowly over his penis as she looked into his eyes. He kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding into her mouth as surely as his cock would enter her cunt. LeeAnn returned his kiss heart and soul. For one night he was all hers.

  The tip of his penis teased her opening. She nudged against him, wet and ready. He arched back, allowing her to guide him in with her hand. She whimpered with pleasure as he entered her slowly, supporting his weight on his hands and knees.

  They both watched their joining, a sensuous act in itself, the way he filled her, pleasured her, gave her exactly what she wanted. She pulled him down on top of her, kissing him as they bucked against each other. He laughed against her mouth and pulled away to stare into her eyes as if they could tell him something he desperately needed to know.

  “Don't you like to watch?” He pushed himself back up on his hands, and her hands fell from his shoulders. Insecurity skated through her faster than his strokes, which had come to a complete stop. What did he expect fro
m her?

  “I want to feel you.” Her vaginal muscles squeezed his cock, and she saw his abs clench. She gripped the bare skin of his wrists, free of the leather cuffs.

  “Feel as you watch. Watch me fucking you.” He pulled out halfway then slowly thrust in, mesmerizing her as he kept talking. “Look as my dark skin enters your white, like coal into diamond, like iron into a white, hot fire.” His strokes became faster, harder. “Watch how my pubic hair brushes against your bare pussy, grinding.” He ground against her and she gasped, so close to the edge. “See your wetness on my cock, feel how easily I slip inside you.”

  LeeAnn groaned and bent her knees, opening her legs further, his wrists slick against her sweat-soaked palms. He shifted his weight, looking into her eyes, all talk abandoned as sweat dripped from his face to land on her breasts, cool drops against her burning skin. He shifted his weight, going down on his forearms as her hands slid to his shoulders. They both watched as Johnny drew a line with his thumb from LeeAnn's shoulder to between her thighs. He played her clit as tenderly as he had stroked his harmonica.

  Bending to kiss her, he blocked her view, but LeeAnn didn't care. She kissed him hungrily back, moving against his thumb and his cock as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. She couldn't hold on any longer. She screamed into his mouth as she came. He swallowed her voice, held her tight and thrust into her as the waves of orgasm crashed through her.

  He rolled them over before she could catch her breath. His hands roamed roughly all over her body, stopping to push her up and pull her down on his thick penis. “Come on, baby. Give me more.”

  This time she didn't care if he called her baby. He could call her anything he damned well pleased if he was going to make her feel like this. She matched his rhythm, massaging her clit against his pubic bone with each downward stroke.

  “That's it, LeeAnn. Come on, baby.”

  He licked his thumbs, rubbing the wet, calloused skin across her aching nipples.

  Her fingers gripped his tattooed biceps, then grazed past his shoulders to scratch down his chest as Johnny gently tweaked her nipples. The pleasure-pain made her groan as her eyes urged him to do it harder.


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