Chris Price
Husk. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.*
Brief Lives. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
The Blind Singer. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2009.
Jacob Rajan
With Justin Lewis. Indian Ink: Krishnan’s Dairy; The Candlestickmaker; The Pickle King. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.*
William Pember Reeves
Ed. Canterbury Rhymes. 2nd edn. Christchurch: Lyttelton Times, 1883.
With George Phipps Williams. Colonial Couplets: Being Poems in Partnership. Christchurch: Simpson & Williams, 1889.*
The Long White Cloud—Ao Tea Roa. London: Horace Marshall, 1898; rev. edn 1899; rev. edn with additional chapters by Cecil J. Wray. London: Allen & Unwin, 1924.
New Zealand and Other Poems. London: Grant Richards, 1898.*
The Passing of the Forest and Other Verse. London: Privately printed by Allen & Unwin, 1925.
Harry Ricketts
Coming Here: Poems. Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1989.
Coming Under Scrutiny: Rhymes. Wellington: Original Books, 1989.
Nothing to Declare: Selected Writings 1977–1997. Wellington: HeadworX, 1998.
Plunge. Wellington: Pemmican Press, 2001.
How to Live Elsewhere. Wellington: Four Winds Press, 2004.*
Your Secret Life. Wellington: HeadworX, 2005.
Frank Sargeson
Conversation with My Uncle and Other Sketches. Auckland: Unicorn Press, 1936.
A Man and His Wife. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1940.
When the Wind Blows. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1945.
That Summer and Other Stories. London: John Lehmann, 1946.
I Saw in My Dream. London: John Lehmann, 1949; ed. and intro. H. Winston Rhodes. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1974.
I For One …. Christchurch: Caxton Press, dated 1954, published 1956.
Wrestling with the Angel. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1964. [Comprises ‘A Time for Sowing’, ‘The Cradle and the Egg’.]
Memoirs of a Peon. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1965; Auckland: Heinemann, 1974; Auckland: Godwit, 1994.
The Hangover. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1967; Auckland: Penguin, 1984.
Joy of the Worm. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1969; Auckland: Penguin, 1984.
Man of England Now. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1972; Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1972.
Once is Enough: A Memoir. London: Martin Brian & O’Keeffe, 1973; Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1973.
The Stories of Frank Sargeson. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1964; new edn 1973.*
More than Enough: A Memoir. London: Martin Brian & O’Keeffe, 1975; Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1975.
Sunset Village. London: Martin Brian & O’Keeffe, 1976; Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1976.
Never Enough! Places and People Mainly. London: Martin Brian & O’Keeffe, 1977; Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1977.
Sargeson. Auckland: Penguin, 1981. [Comprises Once is Enough, More than Enough, Never Enough! ]
William Satchell
Patriotic and Other Poems. Auckland: Brett, 1900.*
The Land of the Lost: A Tale of the New Zealand Gum Country. London: Methuen, 1902; Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1938; Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1971.
The Toll of the Bush. London: Macmillan, 1905; ed. with intro. Kendrick Smithyman. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1985.*
The Elixir of Life. London: Chapman & Hall, 1907.
The Greenstone Door. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1914; Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1935;* Auckland: Golden Press in association with Whitcombe & Tombs, 1973; Auckland: Viking, 1987.
John Savage
Some Account of New Zealand; particularly the Bay of Islands, and Surrounding Country; with a Description of the Religion and Government, Language, Arts, Manufactures, Manners and Customs of the Natives. London: J. Murray and A. Constable, 1807.*
Erik Schwimmer
Judges’ report, Te Ao Hou Literary and Art Competitions. Te Ao Hou, 34 (March 1961).*
The World of the Maori. Wellington: Reed, 1966.
Anna Seward
The Poetical Works of Anna Seward, with Extracts from her Literary Correspondence, vol. 2. Ed. Walter Scott. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne, 1810.*
Maurice Shadbolt
The New Zealanders: A Sequence of Stories. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1959.
Summer Fires and Winter Country. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963.
Among the Cinders. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1965.
This Summer’s Dolphin. London: Cassell, 1969.
Ear of the Dragon. London: Cassell, 1971.
Strangers and Journeys. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1972.
Danger Zone. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975.
Figures in Light: Selected Stories. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978.
The Lovelock Version. London; Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1980.
Once on Chunuk Bair. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982.*
Season of the Jew. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1986.*
A Touch of Clay. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Monday’s Warriors. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1990.
The House of Strife. London: Bloomsbury; Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1993.
Dove on the Waters. Auckland: David Ling, 1996.
Selected Stories. Selected and intro. Ralph Crane. Auckland: David Ling, 1998.
Iain Sharp
Why Mammals Shiver. Auckland: One Eyed Press, 1981.
The Pierrot Variations. Auckland: Hard Echo Press, 1985.
She’s Trying to Kidnap the Blind Person. Auckland: Hard Echo Press, 1985.
‘Owed to Joy.’ Printout, 12 (Autumn 1997).*
The Singing Harp. Paekakariki: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 2004.
Peter Sharples
‘The Fledgling.’ Te Ao Hou, 34 (March 1961).*
Kate Sheppard
‘Ten Reasons Why the Women of New Zealand Should Vote.’ Item 503, ‘Franchise Scraps,’ K.W. Sheppard Papers, Canterbury Museum.*
Keith Sinclair
Songs for a Summer: & Other Poems. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1952.
Strangers or Beasts: Poems. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1954.
A Time to Embrace. Auckland: Paul’s Book Arcade, 1963.
The Firewheel Tree. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1973.
Moontalk: Poems New & Selected. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.*
F.S. [Frederick Sinclaire]
‘Notes by the Way.’ Tomorrow, vol. 1, no. 1 (1934).*
Elizabeth Smither
Here Come the Clouds. Martinborough: Alister Taylor, 1975.
You’re Very Seductive William Carlos Williams. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1978.
The Sarah Train. Eastbourne: Hawk Press, 1980.
Casanova’s Ankle. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1981.
The Legend of Marcello Mastroianni’s Wife. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1981.*
Shakespeare’s Virgins. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1983.
Professor Musgrave’s Canary. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1986.
A Pattern of Marching. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1989.
A Cortège of Daughters. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cloud, 1993.
The Tudor Style: Poems New and Selected. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.
The Lark Quartet. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.*
Listening to the Everly Brothers and Other Stories. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.
Red Shoes. Auckland: Godwit, 2003.
A Question of Gravity: Selected Poems. Todmorden, UK: Arc, 2004.
The Year of Adverbs. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
Kendrick Smithyman
The Blind Mountain and Other Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1950.
br /> Flying to Palmerston. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Earthquake Weather. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1972.*
The Seal in the Dolphin Pool. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1974.
Dwarf with a Billiard Cue. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1979.
Stories about Wooden Keyboards. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1985.*
Are You Going to the Pictures? Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.
Selected Poems. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1989.
Auto/Biographies: Poems, 1987, 88, 89. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.
Atua Wera. Ed. Peter Simpson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1997.
Imperial Vistas Family Fictions. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.
Private Bestiary: Selected Unpublished Poems, 1944–1993. Ed. Scott Hamilton. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.
Mary Stanley
Starveling Year. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1953.
Starveling Year and Other Poems. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1994.*
C.K. Stead
Whether the Will Is Free: Poems 1954–1962. Auckland: Paul’s Book Arcade, 1964.
Smith’s Dream. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1971.
Crossing the Bar. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1972.
Quesada. Auckland: The Shed, 1975.
Walking Westward. Auckland: The Shed, 1979.
Five for the Symbol. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1981.*
Geographies. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1982.
Poems of a Decade. Dunedin: Pilgrims South Press, 1983.
All Visitors Ashore. London: Harvill;* Auckland: Collins, 1984.
Paris: A Poem. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1984.
The Death of the Body. London: Collins, 1986.
Between. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1988.
Sister Hollywood. London: Collins, 1989.
Voices. Wellington: GP Books, 1990.
The End of the Century at the End of the World. London: Harvill, 1992.
The Singing Whakapapa. Auckland: Penguin, 1994.
Straw into Gold: Poems New and Selected: Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1997.
Villa Vittoria. Auckland: Penguin, 1997.
The Blind Blonde with Candles in her Hair: Stories. Auckland: Penguin, 1998.
Talking about O’Dwyer. Auckland: Penguin, 1999.
The Right Thing. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000.
Mansfield: A Novel. London: Harvill, 2004.
My Name Was Judas. London: Vintage, 2006.
The Black River. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
Collected Poems: 1951–2006. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.*
A.G. Stephens
‘The Maidens of Maoriland.’ The Bulletin, 23 May 1903.*
A.G. Stephens: Selected Writings. Ed. Leon Cantrell. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1977.
Douglas Stewart
Green Lions. Auckland: Printed for the author by Whitcombe & Tombs, [1936?].
Collected Poems, 1936–1967. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1967.*
H. Butler Stoney
Taranaki: A Tale of the War; with a Description of the Province Previous to and During the War; also an Account (Chiefly taken from the Despatches) of the Principal Contests with the Natives during that Eventful Period. Auckland: W.C. Wilson, 1861.*
J.C. Sturm
‘The Old Coat.’ Numbers, vol. 1 (July 1954).*
‘For All the Saints.’ Te Ao Hou, 13 (December 1955).*
The House of the Talking Cat. Wellington: Spiral, 1983.*
Dedications. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 1996.*
Postcripts. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2000.
Robert Sullivan
Jazz Waiata. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1990.
Piki Ake!: Poems 1990–92. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.
Star Waka. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.*
Captain Cook in the Underworld. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.
Voice Carried My Family. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2005.
Cassino, City of Martyrs/Città Martire. Wellington: Huia, 2010.
Shout Ha! to the Sky. London: Salt, 2010.
Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi Te Waharoa
Letter to His Excellency the Governor. Taranaki Herald, 21 June 1861.*
Alice Tawhai
Festival of Miracles. Wellington: Huia, 2005.
Luminous. Wellington: Huia, 2007.*
Dark Jelly. Wellington: Huia, 2011.
Apirana Taylor
Eyes of the Ruru. Wellington: Voice Press, 1979.*
He Rau Aroha. Auckland: Penguin, 1986.
Ki Te Ao: New Stories. Auckland: Penguin, 1990.
He Tangi Aroha. Wellington: Huia, 1993.
Soft Leaf Falls of the Moon. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1996.
Bell Bird is Small: Short Stories. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 2000.
Te Ata Kura/The Red Tipped Dawn. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2004.
Mary Taylor
Mary Taylor, Friend of Charlotte Brontë: Letters from New Zealand and Elsewhere. Ed. with narrative, notes and appendices by Joan Stevens. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1972.*
Te Horeta [‘Taniwha of Coromandel’]
‘Cook’s Visit.’ Recorded by Charles Heaphy, in ‘Sketches of the Past Generation of Maories.’ Chapman’s New Zealand Monthly Magazine, Literary, Scientific, and Miscellaneous, vol. 1 (1862).*
Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke
Appendices to Sir George Grey’s Ko Nga Moteatea, me Nga Hakirara o Nga Maori. Wellington: Robert Stokes, 1853.
Letter to Prince Alfred. Daily Southern Cross, 24 December 1867.*
Greville Texidor
In Fifteen Minutes You Can Say a Lot: Selected Fiction. Ed. with intro. Kendrick Smithyman. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1987.*
Edward Tregear
Southern Parables. New Plymouth: Thomas Avery, 1884.
The Aryan Maori. Wellington: George Didsbury, Government Printer, 1885.
Hedged with Divinities. Wellington: Coupland Harding, 1895.
The Maori Race. Wanganui: A.D. Willis, 1904; New York: AMS Press, 1973.
Shadows and Other Verses. Wellington: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1919.
The Verse of Edward Tregear. Ed. K.R. Howe. Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1989.*
Chris Tse
‘Chinese Colours.’ Sport, 33 (2005).*
AUP New Poets 4. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.
Brian Turner
Ladders of Rain. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1978.*
Ancestors. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1981.
Listening to the River. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1983.
Bones. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1985.
All That Blue Can Be. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1991.
Beyond: Poems. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1992.
Taking Off. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.*
Footfall. Auckland: Godwit, 2005.
Into the Wider World: A Back Country Miscellany. Auckland: Random House, 2008.
Just This. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2009.
Inside Out. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.
Hone Tuwhare
‘Time and the Child.’ Te Ao Hou, 28 (September 1959).*
No Ordinary Sun. Auckland: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1964;* Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1977.
Come Rain Hail. Dunedin: Bibliography Room, University of Otago, 1970.
Sap-Wood and Milk. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1972.
Something Nothing. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1974.
‘The New Zealand Land March on Wellington, Hepetema 14–Oketopa 17, 1975.’ City News (September 1975); in Bi
g Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960–1975. Ed. Alan Brunton, Murray Edmond and Michele Leggott. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000.*
Making a Fist of It. Dunedin: Jackstraw Press, 1978.
Selected Poems. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1980.
Year of the Dog: Poems New and Selected. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1982.
Mihi: Collected Poems. Auckland: Penguin, 1987.
Short Back & Sideways: Poems and Prose. Auckland: Godwit, 1992.
Deep River Talk: Collected Poems. Auckland: Godwit, 1993.*
Shape-shifter. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 1997.
Oooooo …. . !!! Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2005.
Small Holes in the Silence: Collected Works. Auckland: Godwit, 2011.
Julius Vogel
Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny. London: Hutchinson, 1889; intro. by Roger Robinson. Auckland: Exisle, 2000.*
Edward Gibbon Wakefield
A Letter from Sydney, the Principal Town in Australasia, together with the Outline of a System of Colonization. Ed. Robert Gouger. London: Joseph Cross; Simpkin and Marshall; Effingham Wilson, 1829.*
The British Colonization of New Zealand: Being an Account of the Principles, Objects, and Plans of the New Zealand Association: together with Particulars Concerning the Position, Extent, Soil and Climate, Natural Productions, and Native Inhabitants of New Zealand. London: John W. Parker, 1837.
John P. Ward
Wanderings with the Maori Prophets, Te Whiti and Tohu (with illustrations of each chief): Being a Reminiscence of a Twelve Month Companionship with them, from their arrival in Christchurch in April 1882, until their return to Parihaka in March, 1883. Nelson: Bond, Finney and Co., 1883.*
Jean Watson
Stand in the Rain. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1965.*
The Balloon Watchers. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, 1975.
The World is an Orange and the Sun. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, 1978.
Address to a King. Wellington: Allen & Unwin; Port Nicholson Press, 1986.
Three Sea Stories. Wellington: Daphne Brasell Associates Press, 1994.
Ian Wedde
Homage to Matisse. London: Amphedesma Press, 1971.
Made Over. Auckand: Stephen Chan, 1974.
Earthly: Sonnets for Carlos. Auckland: Amphedesma Press, 1975.*
Pathway to the Sea. Christchurch: Hawk Press, 1975; repr. in Castaly, 1980.*
Dick Seddon’s Great Dive: A Novel. Dunedin: John McIndoe, 1976.
Spells for Coming Out. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1977.
Castaly: Poems 1973–1977. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1980.
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