‘The Children of Heaven and Earth: Ko Nga Tama a Rangi—Tradition Relating to the Origin of the Human Race’, from Polynesian Mythology, 92–97
Grossmann, Edith Searle, 2, 4, 1085, 1123
Angela: A Messenger, 2–3
The Heart of the Bush, 136–42
Guthrie-Smith, H., 1085, 1124
Tutira: The Story of a New Zealand Sheep Station, 8, 275–7, 1085, 1098
Habib, Rowley, 719, 720, 1085, 1124
‘The Raw Men: For the Maori Battalion’, 566–7
Haley, Russell, 957
Hall, Bernadette, 15, 1085, 1124
‘Anorexia’, 893
‘Omakau’, 1017–18
‘Poem in the Matukituki Valley’, 888
Hang on a Minute Mate, 494–9
Hapeta, Dean [Te Kupu], 1085–6, 1124
‘Hardcore’, 883–4
‘Hardcore’, 883–4
Harlow, Michael, 1086, 1124
‘The Nannies Are Coming!’, 702
Hawken, Dinah, 1086, 1124
‘Hope’, 852–3
‘Light Is the Word for Light’, 853
‘The Tug of War’, 794
Headley, Henry, 1, 1086, 1124
‘An Invocation to Melancholy: a Fragment’, 26–27
Heaphy, Charles, 1101, 1104; see also Te Horeta [‘Taniwha of Coromandel’] Heberley, James ‘Worser’, 14–15, 1086, 1124
‘Reminiscences’, 31–33
Henry Ancrum: A Tale of the Last War in New Zealand, 18, 77–81, 1090
Hicksville, 834–9, 1076, 1087
Hilliard, Noel, 17, 1086–7, 1125
Maori Girl, 8, 17, 574–83, 718, 1086
‘Hira’, 169–75
Holcroft, M.H., 1087, 1125
The Deepening Stream, 323, 1087
‘Home Thoughts’, 324
‘Hone Tiki’, 11
‘Hope’, 852–3
‘Hori’ [pseud. W. Norman McCallum], 11, 1087, 1125
Flagon Fun, 509–12
Horrocks, Dylan, 1076, 1087, 1125
Hicksville, 834–9, 1076, 1087
‘House and Land’, 324–5
‘Houses by the Sea’, 5
How to Live Elsewhere, 15, 951–64
‘How to Take Off Your Clothes at the Picnic’, 664
‘Huia’, 1021–2
Hulme, Keri, 9, 10, 1087, 1126
‘One Whale Singing’, 729–36
‘The Pluperfect Pā-wā’, 7, 848–51
humour, 6, 7, 11
Hunt, Sam, 1087, 1126
‘A Valley Called Moonshine’, 644
‘Porirua Friday Night’, 628–9
‘Requiem’, 760
Hyde, Robin, 4, 5, 17, 206, 1087–8, 1092, 1126–7
‘Arangi-Ma’, 280
‘East Side’, 236–7
‘Houses by the Sea’, 5
Passport to Hell, 217–21
‘The Beaches’, 5, 270–4
The Godwits Fly, 241–2
‘The Last Ones’, 325–6
‘What is it makes the stranger?’, 238–41
identity, national, 9, 11–12, 100, 323, 487, 620, 703, 722
Ihimaera, Witi, 9, 1088, 1127
‘A Game of Cards’, 686–90
Bulibasha, 10, 868–74
‘Maori Life and Literature: A Sensory Perception’, 10, 716–22
‘Immigrant’, 810, 956
In a Fishbone Church, 7, 842–8, 1076
Ireland, Kevin, 1088, 1127
‘Animals and Engines’, 681–3
‘I’ve Had Any Number of Gay Women Friends’, 810
Jackson, Anna, 1088, 1128
‘Huia’, 1021–2
‘Moa’, 1023–4
‘Takahe’, 1022–3
Jerusalem Sonnets, 623–8
Johnson, Louis, 16, 1072, 1075, 1088–9, 1128
‘Magpie and Pines’, 388
‘Song in the Hutt Valley’, 386–7
Johnston, Andrew, 1089, 1128
‘Sol’, 1068
‘The Present’, 1052
Jones, Lloyd, 1089, 1128
Mister Pip, 15, 1000–5, 1089
The Book of Fame, 986–91
Joseph, M.K., 1089, 1128–9
‘Drunken Gunners’, 438
‘Secular Litany’, 393–4
Judge’s Report, Te Ao Hou Literary and Art Competitions, 568–9
Kavan, Anna, 14, 1089, 1129
‘New Zealand: Answer to an Inquiry’, 316–19
Kemp, Jan, 1089, 1129
‘Against the Softness of Woman’, 667
‘Quiet in the Eye, New Hebrides to Fiji 1974’, 635–6
Kendall, Thomas, 1089–90, 1129
Letter to Josiah Pratt, 27–29
Kennedy, Anne, 1090, 1129
‘Blackout’, 944
‘Whenua (1)’, 8, 942–4
‘Kevin’, 1050–1
Kidman, Fiona, 4, 1090, 1129
True Stars, 784–8
‘Killers’, 539–43
Kipling, Rudyard, 960, 1090, 1099, 1130
‘One Lady at Wairakei’, 199–205, 1090
Kirby, Joshua Henry, 1090–1, 1130
Henry Ancrum: A Tale of the Last War in New Zealand, 18, 77–81, 1091
Kirkland, Hilaire, 1091, 1130
‘Aubade’, 666
Knox, Elizabeth, 6, 15, 1091, 1130
Daylight, 15, 998–1000
The Vintner’s Luck, 861–8, 1091
Kohere, Reweti T., 1091, 1130
The Autobiography of a Maori, 460–2
Kowhai Gold, 9, 206, 1082
Krishnan’s Dairy, 914–22, 1099
Landfall, 719, 1074, 1078–9, 1081, 1083, 1086, 1096, 1098, 1102, 1108
‘Landfall in Unknown Seas’, 312–14
‘land-mine casualty Amman 1970’, 18, 699
‘Latter-Day Geography Lesson’, 242–3
‘Latter Day Lysistrata’, 665–6
Lawlor, Pat, 1091, 1130
Maori Tales, 280–1
Lawson, Henry, 1091–2, 1130
‘A Daughter of Maoriland’, 176–81, 1091
Lee, John A., 1092, 1130–1
Children of the Poor, 288–91, 1092
Leggott, Michele, 4, 16, 1092, 1131
‘Blue Irises’, 889–92
‘Mirabile Dictu’, 1066–8
Letter to Charlotte Brontë, 56–59
Letter to His Excellency the Governor from the Runanga assembled at Ngaruawahia, 86–87
Letter to Josiah Pratt, 27–29
Letter to Prince Alfred, 97–99
‘Light Is the Word for Light’, 853
‘Like a Mexican’, 970–85
Listener, 719, 1072, 1077, 1084, 1087, 1093, 1094, 1096, 1102, 1108
‘Living Here’, 711–12
‘Living with a Cabbage-tree’, 18, 646
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 15, 16
‘Loop’, 1063
‘Luminous’, 1057–61
Lye, Len, 1092, 1131
‘Dazing Daylight’, 275
Macalister, John, 7
A Dictionary of Maori Words in New Zealand English, 7–8
Mackay, Jessie, 6, 17, 1092–3, 1131
New Zealand Rhymes Old and New, 196–7
‘Poet and Farmer’, 6, 121–2
‘The Charge at Parihaka’, 6, 12, 130–1
‘The Noosing of the Sun God’, 9, 184–7
magic realism, 487
‘Magpie and Pines’, 388
‘Make Sure’, 7, 842
Makereti, Tina, 10, 14–15, 1093, 1131
‘Skin and Bones’, 1033–5
Male, John, 1093, 1131
‘Girl with Her Hair Cut Short’, 435–6
‘Sangro in Flood’, 437–8
‘Three poems—Tunisia, April 1943’, 18, 436–7
Man Alone, 10, 14, 291–6, 326–30, 331–38, 1097
‘Man Alone’ themes, 487
Mander, Jane, 1093, 1131
‘New Zealand Novels:
The Struggle Against Environment’, 297
Manhire, Bill, 5–6, 956, 1070, 1073, 1074, 1091, 1093, 1131–2
‘1950s’, 949–50
‘Dirty Silence: Impure Sounds in New Zealand Poetry’, 12–13
‘How to Take Off Your Clothes at the Picnic’, 664
‘Kevin’, 1050–1
‘Milky Way Bar’, 840
‘Phar Lap’, 8–9, 12, 714–16
‘Without Form’, 1068
‘Zoetropes’, 817
Manifesto to The Word Is Freed, 617–19
Maning, F.E., 1093–4, 1132
Old New Zealand, 10, 33–38, 1094
Mansfield, Katherine, 1, 5, 6, 16, 206, 241, 703, 828, 930–3, 934, 956, 958, 1094, 1132
‘A Married Man’s Story’, 1
‘An Indiscreet Journey’, 18, 207–17
‘At the Bay’, 5, 244–70
‘Millie’, 154–7
‘Out here it is the Summer time’, 198
The Notebooks, 117–19
‘The Tiredness of Rosabel’, 131–5
‘The Woman at the Store’, 109–16
Māori: anthropological and other interest in, 39, 100, 206, 717, 1084–5;
cosmology, 9–10, 19, 1090;
language, 7–12, 15–16, 43–45, 100, 165, 168, 206, 720, 1090, 1091, 1105;
oral literature and tradition, 9–10, 19, 39, 89–90, 484–6, 717–18, 722, 1075, 1085, 1105;
renaissance, 10, 15, 1100
Maori Girl, 8, 17, 574–83, 718, 1086
‘Maori Life and Literature: A Sensory Perception’, 10, 716–22
‘Maori Songs’, 484–6
Maori Tales, 280–1
‘Maori to Pakeha’, 911–12
Māori writers and writing, 9, 10, 383, 487, 568–9, 620, 703, 716–22, 1088, 1098, 1106
‘Maoriland’ writers and writing, 3, 17, 100, 197, 206, 703, 951, 1071, 1085, 1107, 1108
Maorilander, 1100
Marshall, Owen, 1094, 1132–3
‘Mumsie and Zip’, 761–7
‘The Rule of Jenny Pen’, 767–81
Mason, Bruce, 1094–5, 1133
The End of the Golden Weather, 408–13, 1095
Mason, R.A.K., 1082, 1095, 1106, 1133
‘Latter-Day Geography Lesson’, 242–3
‘Old Memories of Earth’, 243
‘Song of Allegiance’, 320
‘Sonnet of Brotherhood’, 244
‘Sonnet to MacArthur’s Eyes’, 439
Mate, 1072, 1088
mateship, 311
Mazengarb Report, see ‘Report of the Special Committee on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents’
McAlpine, Rachel, 1095, 1133
‘Burning the Liberty Bodice’, 664–5
McCallum, W. Norman, see ‘Hori’
McCauley, Sue, 1095, 1133
Other Halves, 796–803, 1095
McGee, Greg, 1095, 1133
Foreskin’s Lament, 708–11, 1095
McGlashan, Don, see Front Lawn, The
McQueen, Cilla, 1095, 1133–4
‘Living Here’, 711–12
‘Vegetable Garden Poem IV’, 825
McQueen, Harvey, 9
Me and Gus, 282, 1070; see also ‘Some Pioneering’
‘Mending the Bridge’, 354–5
‘Methods of Assessing the Likely Presence of a Terrorist Threat in a Remote Indigenous Community’, 950–1
Middleton, O.E., 1095–6, 1134
‘Killers’, 539–43
migrancy, 13–14, 15, 39, 299–300, 350, 512–13, 516, 810, 941, 954–64, 1071–2, 1080; see also expatriation
Mila, Karlo, 1096, 1134
‘On Joining Pasifica’, 1062
‘Milking Before Dawn’, 414–15
‘Milky Way Bar’, 840
‘Millie’, 154–7
‘Mirabile Dictu’, 1066–8
Missionary Register, 19
Mister Pip, 15, 1000–5, 1089
Mitchell, David, 1096, 1134
‘my lai/remuera/ponsonby’, 700
‘ponsonby/remuera/my lai’, 701–2
‘th oldest game’, 621–3
‘Moa’, 1023–4
modernism, literary, 4, 5, 6, 311, 487, 1092, 1102
‘Morepork’, 389
Morrieson, Ronald Hugh, 7, 15, 1096, 1134
‘Cross My Heart and Cut My Throat’, 659–64
The Scarecrow, 532–9, 1096
Morris, Paula, 10, 1096, 1134
‘Like a Mexican’, 970–85
Mulgan, John, 10, 1096–7, 1134
Man Alone, 10, 14, 291–6, 326–30, 331–8, 1096–7
Report on Experience, 433–5, 1097
multiculturalism, 14–15, 17
‘Mumsie and Zip’, 761–7
‘my lai/remuera/ponsonby’, 700
national anthems, 11–12, 45, 54–55, 989, 1073
nationalism, cultural and literary, 2–4, 5, 10, 12, 100, 206, 311, 383, 620, 1075, 1100
‘New Zealand: Answer to an Inquiry’, 316–19
‘New Zealand Comforts’, 59–60
New Zealand Gazette, 45, 1076
‘New Zealand Hymn’, 11–12, 54–55
‘New Zealand Novels: The Struggle Against Environment’, 297
New Zealand Rhymes Old and New, 196–7
New Zealand Saturday Advertiser, 11
New Zealand Verse, 2, 1107, 1108
Newton, John, 1097, 1135
‘Opening the Book’, 824
‘Trout-fishing and Sport in Maoriland’, 945–7
Ngā Pou Wāhine, 882
Ngā Uruora—The Groves of Life, 8, 854–8, 1097
Ngata, Apirana, 9, 10, 461, 874, 1097, 1135
‘A Scene from the Past’, 9, 10, 158–61, 1097
‘Maori Songs’, 484–6
‘Night’, 433
‘Night Piece’, 432
‘No Ordinary Sun’, 565
‘Note d’un Poète’, 563
‘Notes by the Way’, 341–2, 1101–2
Novel About My Wife, 991–5
O’Brien, Gregory, 6, 1073, 1097, 1098, 1135
Diesel Mystic, 860–1
‘For Te Whiti o Rongomai’, 1024–9
‘Old Memories of Earth’, 243
Old New Zealand, 10, 33–38, 1094
‘Omakau’, 1017–18
‘On Joining Pasifica’, 1062
‘On the Death of Her Body’, 596
‘Onawe’, 9, 162–3
Once On Chunuk Bair, 705–8, 1100–1
‘One Lady at Wairakei’, 199–205, 1090
‘One of the Titans’, 521–4
‘One Whale Singing’, 729–36
‘Opening the Book’, 824
Oracles and Miracles, 741–5
Orbell, Margaret, 9, 719
‘Original Lines’, 15, 63
‘Original Poetry’, 67
‘Ornamental Gorse’, 8, 859
Orsman, Chris, 1097, 1135
‘Ornamental Gorse’, 8, 859
‘The Polar Captain’s Wife’, 1049
Orsman, Harry
The Dictionary of New Zealand English, 17
O’Sullivan, Vincent, 18
Other Halves, 796–803, 1095
‘Out here it is the Summer time’, 198
‘Owed to Joy’, 910–11
Oxford University Press, 1079, 1082
‘Painting Mount Taranaki’, 789–92
Pakeha Maori, 10, 14–15, 17, 34–35, 1100
‘Parade’, 693–8, 722
Park, Geoff, 1097–8, 1135
Ngā Uruora—The Groves of Life, 8, 854–8, 1097
Passport to Hell, 217–21
‘Pathway to the Sea’, 669–79
‘Pause’, 277–8
Pearson, Bill, 1098, 1135
Coal Flat, 17, 585–8, 1098
‘Fretful Sleepers: A Sketch of New Zealand Behaviour and Its Implications for the Artist’, 394–7, 1098
Pemmican Press, 1097
People of
the Land, 12
‘Per Diem et per Noctem’, 431–2
Perkins, Emily, 1098, 1135
‘A Place Where No One Knows Your Face’, 925–9
Novel About My Wife, 991–5
‘Personal Effects’, 1053–4
‘Phar Lap’, 8–9, 12, 714–16
‘Pig Island Letters’, 525–8
‘Pioneer Woman with Ferrets’, 683–4
‘Pipi on the Prowl’, 163–9
Plumb, 658–9
‘Poem in the Matukituki Valley’ (Baxter), 406, 429–30
‘Poem in the Matukituki Valley’ (Hall), 888
‘Poet and Farmer’, 6, 121–2
Point of Departure, 298–301
Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as Furnished by their Priests and Chiefs, 87–91, 92–97, 1104
Pompallier, Bishop, 16
‘ponsonby/remuera/my lai’, 701–2
Pope, Quentin, 9, 206
‘Porirua Friday Night’, 628–9
postcolonial literature, 703
postcolonialism, 6, 11, 12–13
postmodernism, 941, 850, 1078
Potiki, 723–8
Potiki, Roma, 1098, 1135
‘And My Heart Goes Swimming’, 913, 1098
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 1098, 1136
Australasia, 29–30
Preface to Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as Furnished by their Priests and Chiefs, 87–91
Price, Chris, 1098, 1136
‘What I Know About Curnow’, 1012–13
‘Primavera’, 321
provincialism, 487
‘Psyche at the Beginning of Spring’, 633–4
‘Puha and Pakeha’, 589–90, 1079
puritanism, 301, 383, 407, 487, 620, 719
‘Quesada’, 657
‘Quiet in the Eye, New Hebrides to Fiji 1974’, 635–6
‘Rain’, 642
Rajan, Jacob, 1098–9, 1136
Krishnan’s Dairy, 914–22, 1099
Ranolf and Amohia, 68–76, 1074, 1080
‘Reading the Maps: An Academic Exercise’, 811–16
realism, 5, 487, 828, 1094; see also magic realism; social realism; surrealism
‘Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry’, 405–7
Reeves, William Pember, 3, 196, 1099, 1108, 1136
‘A Colonist in his Garden’, 8, 285–8
‘An Old Chum on New Zealand Scenery’, 119–21
‘The Passing of the Forest’, 101–2
Reid, J.C.
A Book of New Zealand, 9
‘Reminiscences’, 31–33
‘Removing the Subsidy on Butter’, 948
‘Report of the Special Committee on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents’, 468–9, 1109
Report on Experience, 433–5, 1097
‘Requiem’, 760
‘Response’, 279
‘Reunion’, 1047–8
‘Rhyme of the Dead Self’, 309
The Auckland University Press Anthology of New Zealand Literature Page 157