Thanks also to Victoria University Press and Keely O’Shannessy for permission to reproduce part of the cover art of The Rehearsal by Eleanor Catton; Sarah Maxey and Random House New Zealand for a slice of the cover of The 10PM Question by Kate De Goldi; and Penguin Group (NZ) and Keely O’Shannessy for the cover of Wulf by Hamish Clayton.
We have made every effort to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission, but we apologise in advance for any errors or omissions and would be grateful to be notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future reprints or editions of this book.
‘1950s’, 949–50
‘A Balanced Bait in Handy Pellet Form’, 18, 684–5
A Book of New Zealand, 9
A Book of New Zealand Verse 1923–45, 3, 9, 1072, 1078, 1086, 1102
‘A Bush Section’, 18, 103–8
‘A Colonist in his Garden’, 8, 285–8
‘A Daughter of Maoriland’, 176–81, 1091
A Dictionary of Maori Words in New Zealand English, 7–8
‘A Fall of Rain at Mitimiti: Hokianga’, 643
‘A Fitting Tribute’, 548–63
‘A Game of Cards’, 686–90
‘A Glorious Morning, Comrade’, 647–52
‘A Great Day’, 371–5
A Letter from Sydney, 2, 46–47, 1106
‘A Married Man’s Story’, 1
‘A Place Where No One Knows Your Face’, 925–9
‘A Problem While Translating the Treaty of Waitangi’, 887
‘A Scene from the Past’, 9, 10, 158–61, 1097
‘A Small Ode on Mixed Flatting’, 614–17
‘A Swim with Mum’, 18, 1049–50
‘A Valley Called Moonshine’, 644
Adams, Arthur H., 1069, 1109
‘The New Woman’, 123
Adcock, Fleur, 956, 1069, 1075, 1080, 1109–10
‘Against Coupling’, 668
‘Immigrant’, 810, 956
‘Wife to Husband’, 595–6
‘Against Coupling’, 668
‘Against the Softness of Woman’, 667
Agnes Grey, 55–56, 1074
Alexander, W.F., 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 18, 1107, 1108
All Visitors Ashore, 746–50
‘Alofa’, 968–9
‘Along Rideout Road That Summer’, 7, 597–609
Amato, Renato, 15, 1069, 1110
‘One of the Titans’, 521–4
‘Among Strangers’, 529–31
‘An Indiscreet Journey’, 18, 207–17
‘An Invocation to Melancholy: a Fragment’, 26–27
‘An Old Chum on New Zealand Scenery’, 119–21
‘An Olive Tree in Dalmatia’, 512–21
‘An Ordinary Day Beyond Kaitaia’, 636–40
‘And My Heart Goes Swimming’, 913, 1098
Anderson, Barbara, 7, 1069–70, 1110
‘Commitment’, 803–8
‘Fast Post’, 904–10
Angela: A Messenger, 2–3
‘Animals and Engines’, 681–3
Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny, 124–29, 1106
‘Anorexia’, 893
anthologies: gay, 1107;
Māori, 719, 721;
poetry, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 18, 196–7, 206, 1069, 1081, 1082, 1086, 1093, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1103;
short-story, 9, 1081, 1096
Anthony, Frank S., 7, 1070, 1110
‘Some Pioneering’, 282–4, 1070
‘Arangi-Ma’, 280
‘Arawata Bill’, 415–29
Arena, 1072
As the Earth Turns Silver, 1030–2, 1108
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia, 1070, 1110
Spinster, 444–52, 1070
‘Astrid of the Limberlost’, 819–23
‘At Joachim Kahn’s’, 319
‘At the Bay’, 5, 244–70, 932, 958
Atwood, Margaret, 3, 953
‘Aubade’, 666
Auckland Star, 11, 550, 1087, 1097
Auckland Weekly News, 718
Auden, W.H., 15, 311, 955–6
Australasia, 29–30
Australia, writing in, 3, 5, 14, 100, 196, 1069, 1102, 1103
Avia, Tusiata, 1070, 1110
‘Alofa’, 968–9
‘Wild Dogs Under My Skirt’, 967–8
Aylmer, Isabella E., 1070–1, 1110
Distant Homes; or the Graham Family in New Zealand, 48–52, 1070
Baker, Hinemoana, 1071, 1111
‘Methods of Assessing the Likely Presence of a Terrorist Threat in a Remote Indigenous Community’, 950–1
‘Ballad of Calvary Street’, 384–5
Ballantyne, David, 15, 1071, 1076, 1111
Sydney Bridge Upside Down, 543–8, 1071
Barr, John, 1071, 1111
‘New Zealand Comforts’, 59–60
Bathgate, Alexander, 1071, 1111
‘Faerie’, 195–6
Batistich, Amelia, 15, 1071–2, 1111
‘An Olive Tree in Dalmatia’, 512–21
Baughan, Blanche, 5, 18, 1072, 1111
‘A Bush Section’, 103–8
‘Pipi on the Prowl’, 163–9
‘The Old Place’, 145
Baxter, Archibald, 527, 1072, 1111
We Will Not Cease, 221–36, 1072
Baxter, James K., 8, 16, 17, 956–7, 1069, 1072, 1075, 1085, 1087, 1088, 1095, 1103, 1111–12
‘A Small Ode on Mixed Flatting’, 614–17
‘Ballad of Calvary Street’, 384–5
Jerusalem Sonnets, 623–8
‘On the Death of Her Body’, 596
‘Pig Island Letters’, 525–8
‘Poem in the Matukituki Valley’, 406, 429–30
‘Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry’, 405–7
‘The Ikons’, 6, 644–5
‘The Maori Jesus’, 584–5
‘Beautiful Golden Girl of the Sixties’, 752–4
Belich, James, 4, 1090
Best, Ensign Abel Dottin William, 17, 1073, 1112
The Journal of Ensign Best, 45
Bethell, Ursula, 5, 1073, 1112
‘Detail’, 279
‘Erica’, 278
‘Pause’, 277–8
‘Primavera’, 321
‘Response’, 279
‘Time’, 277
biculturalism, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 486, 719–20, 722, 1095
‘Blackout’, 944
Bland, Peter, 1075, 1088
‘Blue Irises’, 889–92
Bornholdt, Jenny, 5, 16, 1073, 1097, 1098, 1112
‘Make Sure’, 7, 842
‘The Boyfriends’, 808–9
‘The Jersey’, 6, 1036–40
‘Undone’, 1051
‘Wedding Song’, 922–4
Bracken, Thomas, 11–12, 1073, 1112–13
‘God Defend New Zealand’, 11–12, 1073
‘New Zealand Hymn’, 11–12, 54–55
‘The March of Te Rauparaha’, 9, 15, 194–5
Brasch, Charles, 6, 206, 1073–4, 1078–9, 1113
‘Forerunners’, 330
‘The Islands (2)’, 315–16
‘The Silent Land’, 314–15
Bridge, Diana, 1074, 1113
‘Diary: September 20–21’, 997–8
Brontë, Anne, 1074, 1113
Agnes Grey, 55–56, 1074
Brontë, Charlotte, 15, 56–59, 1074, 1104
Brown, James, 1074, 1113
‘Cashpoint: A Pantoum’, 840–2
‘The Language of the Future’, 1064–6
Browning, Robert, 16, 359, 1074, 1080, 1113
‘Waring’, 55
Brunton, Alan, 1074–5, 1113–14
Manifesto to The Word Is Freed, 617–19
‘Note d’un Poète’, 563
Bulibasha, 10, 868–74
‘Burning the Liberty Bodice’, 664–5
Bush, Rachel, 1075, 1114
‘The Strong Mothers’, 1046–7
Butler, Samuel, 1075, 1114
/> Erewhon, or, Over the Range, 63–67, 1075
‘Cabin Fever’, 13, 829
Camp, Kate, 1075, 1114
‘Personal Effects’, 1053–4
‘Unfinished Love Theorem’, 924
Campbell, Alistair Te Ariki, 1072, 1075, 1088, 1114
‘Soul Traps’, 757–9
‘The Return’, 431
Campbell, Thomas, 1–2, 1076, 1114
‘Song of the Emigrants to New Zealand’, 52–53, 1076
Canada, writing in, 3, 14, 100
Cancer Daybook, 894
Cape, Peter, 7, 1076, 1114
‘Down the Hall on a Saturday Night’, 17, 488
‘Cashpoint: A Pantoum’, 840–2
Catton, Eleanor, 1076, 1115
The Rehearsal, 1055–7, 1076
Caxton Press, 3, 5, 1074, 1078, 1082, 1083, 1086
‘Centennial’, 341
‘Charlotte O’Neil’s Song’, 745–6
Charman, Janet, 1076, 1115
‘two deaths in one night’, 755–6
‘Chaucerian’, 322
Chidgey, Catherine, 1076, 1115
In a Fishbone Church, 7, 842–8, 1076
Children of the Poor, 288–91, 1092
‘Chinese Colours’, 965–7
Christchurch Press, 1075, 1081, 1085, 1097
‘City and Suburban’, 591–5
Clarke, John [Fred Dagg], 7, 1076, 1115
‘The Gumboot Song’, 685–6
Clayton, Hamish, 15, 1076, 1115
Wulf, 1018–21, 1076
Coal Flat, 17, 585–8, 1098
Cochrane, Geoff, 1076, 1115
‘Loop’, 1063
‘That Winter with Celeste’, 1063
Colborne-Veel, Mary, 6
Colenso, William, 1077, 1107, 1115
‘The Authentic and Genuine History of the Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi’, 42–45
colonialism, 3, 13, 39, 206, 311, 383, 941, 1106
Colquhoun, Glenn, 1077, 1116
‘A Problem While Translating the Treaty of Waitangi’, 887
‘Come All You Tonguers’, 30–31
comic books and writing, 7, 396, 468, 834–9, 949, 958, 1087
‘Commitment’, 803–8
‘Conversation with My Uncle’, 308–9
Cook, Eric, 1
Cook, James, 1, 17, 20–21, 25–26, 339, 716, 1077, 1104, 1109, 1116
The Voyage of the ‘Endeavour’, 21–24
‘Cook’s Visit’, 1, 20–21
Cousins, 884–7
Cox, Nigel, 1077, 1116
The Cowboy Dog, 14, 1013–17, 1077
Crawford, James Coutts, 8
Cross, Ian, 1077, 1116
The God Boy, 462–7, 1077
‘Cross My Heart and Cut My Throat’, 659–63
Crump, Barry, 6, 7, 1078, 1107, 1116
Hang on a Minute Mate, 494–9
Curnow, Allen, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, 206, 405, 1012–13, 1072, 1078, 1079, 1081, 1086, 1088, 1093, 1116–17
‘A Balanced Bait in Handy Pellet Form’, 18, 684–5
A Book of New Zealand Verse 1923–45, 3, 9, 1072, 1078, 1086, 1102
‘At Joachim Kahn’s’, 319
‘House and Land’, 324–5
‘Landfall in Unknown Seas’, 312–14
‘The Bells of Saint Babel’s’, 1007–12
‘The Parakeets at Karekare’, 826
‘The Skeleton of the Great Moa in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch’, 340
‘The Unhistoric Story’, 339–40
‘Trees, Effigies, Moving Objects’, 640–1
‘You Will Know When You Get There’, 6, 827
Curnow, Wystan, 1078, 1117
Cancer Daybook, 894
Currie, A.E., 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 18, 1107, 1108
Dagg, Fred, see Clarke, John
Daily Southern Cross, 9–10, 15, 63, 67, 77, 97–99
Dallas, Ruth, 18, 1078–9, 1117
‘Deep in the Hills’, 414
‘Living with a Cabbage-tree’, 18, 646
‘Milking Before Dawn’, 414–15
‘Pioneer Woman with Ferrets’, 683–4
Davies, Norman, 4–5
Davin, Dan, 9, 18, 1079, 1118
‘The Quiet One’, 469–78
Davis, Leigh, 1079, 1118
Willy’s Gazette, 754–5, 1079
Daylight, 15, 998–1000
‘Dazing Daylight’, 275
De Goldi, Kate, 1079, 1118
The 10PM Question, 1041–6, 1079
de Montalk, Stephanie, 1079, 1118
‘Fourteen Thousand Miles’, 1006
Declaration of Independence of New Zealand, 40, 1109
‘Deconstructing the Rainbow Warrior’, 793
‘Deep in the Hills’, 414
Derrett, Rod, 1079, 1118
‘Puha and Pakeha’, 589–90, 1079
‘Detail’, 279
Devanny, Jean, 1080, 1118
Point of Departure, 298–301
The Butcher Shop, 301–8, 1080
‘Diary: September 20–21’, 997–8
Diesel Mystic, 860–1
‘Digger’s Farewell’, 146
‘Dirty Silence: Impure Sounds in New Zealand Poetry’, 12–13
Distant Homes; or the Graham Family in New Zealand, 48–52, 1070
Domett, Alfred, 6, 16, 197, 1074, 1080, 1118
Ranolf and Amohia, 68–76, 1074, 1080
‘Dominion’, 13–14, 343–54, 1082
Dominion (newspaper), 1077, 1087–8
‘Double-Bunking’, 310
‘Down the Hall on a Saturday Night’, 17, 488
‘Driving into the Storm: The Art of Poetry’, 781–3
‘Drunken Gunners’, 438
du Fresne, Yvonne, 1080, 1119
‘Astrid of the Limberlost’, 819–23
Duckworth, Marilyn, 5, 1080, 1119
‘Among Strangers’, 529–31
Duff, Alan, 18
Duggan, Eileen, 5, 1080–1, 1119
‘Night’, 433
‘The Bushfeller’, 282
‘The Tides Run Up the Wairau’, 275
Duggan, Maurice, 6, 1081, 1119
‘Along Rideout Road That Summer’, 7, 597–609
Duignan, Kate, 1081, 1119
‘Four Reasons to Come to Scotland’, 995–7
Earthly: Sonnets for Carlos, 18, 629–33, 699
‘East Side’, 236–7
Edmond, Lauris, 1081, 1119–20
‘Going to Moscow’, 811
‘Latter Day Lysistrata’, 665–6
‘The Names’, 759–60
Edmond, Murray, 1081, 1120
‘Psyche at the Beginning of Spring’, 633–4
‘Shack’, 713–14
Eggleton, David, 12, 1081, 1120
‘God Defend New Zealand’, 12, 704
‘Painting Mount Taranaki’, 789–92
People of the Land, 12
‘E.H.’, 1, 24
Eldred-Grigg, Stevan, 1082, 1120
Oracles and Miracles, 741–5
‘Elegy on Captain Cook’, 25–26, 1100
‘End of the River’, 610–14
Erewhon, or, Over the Range, 63–67, 1075
‘Erica’, 278
‘Exam Failure Praying’, 750–1
expatriate writing, 10, 206
expatriation, 703, 1069; see also migrancy
‘Faerie’, 195–6
Fairburn, A.R.D., 13–14, 16, 1082, 1088, 1093, 1095, 1120–1
‘Dominion’, 13–14, 343–54, 1082
‘Rhyme of the Dead Self’, 309
Farrell, Fiona, 1082, 1121
‘Charlotte O’Neil’s Song’, 745–6
The Skinny Louie Book, 938–40
‘Fast Post’, 904–10
Fell, Cliff, 14, 1082, 1121
‘The Adulterer Becomes a Roadie for the Clash and Thinks About Sleeping with their Girlfriends’, 1054–5
‘The M at the End of the Earth’, 15, 965
Figiel, Sia, 7, 1082, 1121
Where We Once Belonged, 17, 875–82, 1082
Flagon Fun, 509–12
‘For All the Saints’, 479–84, 1103
‘For Te Whiti o Rongomai’, 1024–9
‘Forerunners’, 330
Foreskin’s Lament, 708–11, 1095
‘Four Reasons to Come to Scotland’, 995–7
‘Fourteen Thousand Miles’, 1006
Frame, Janet, 6, 18, 828, 897, 1099
French, Anne, 1082, 1121
‘Cabin Fever’, 13, 829
‘The evader writes a lyric poem’, 794–5
‘The lady fishermen’, 795
‘Fretful Sleepers: A Sketch of New Zealand Behaviour and Its Implications for the Artist’, 394–7, 1098
Front Lawn, The [Don McGlashan and Harry Sinclair], 1083, 1121
‘Tomorrow Night’, 818–19
F.S., see Sinclaire, Frederick
Gaskell, A.P., 1083, 1121
‘School Picnic’, 452–60
Gee, Maurice, 6, 7, 1083, 1121–2
‘A Glorious Morning, Comrade’, 647–52
Plumb, 658–9
The Big Season, 489–94, 1083
‘Girl with Her Hair Cut Short’, 435–6
Glover, Denis, 4, 5, 7, 11, 16, 206, 407, 1078, 1083, 1088, 1122
‘Arawata Bill’, 415–29
‘Centennial’, 341
‘Home Thoughts’, 324
‘Sings Harry’, 7, 363–70
‘The Arraignment of Paris’, 4, 357–63
‘The Magpies’, 5–6, 356–7
‘The Road Builders’, 355–6
‘God Defend New Zealand’ (Bracken), 11–12, 1073
‘God Defend New Zealand’ (Eggleton), 12, 704
‘God Save the Queen’, 11–12, 45, 1073
‘Going to Moscow’, 811
Golder, William, 1083, 1122–3
‘Thoughts on the Wairarapa’, 60–62
Goodbye Forever, 397–404
gothic themes in writing, 15, 16, 487
Grace, A.A., 9, 1084, 1123
‘Hira’, 169–75
‘Hone Tiki’, 11
Grace, Patricia, 9, 719, 720, 1084, 1123
Cousins, 884–7
‘Parade’, 693–8, 722
Potiki, 723–8
Grace-Smith, Briar, 1084, 1123
Ngā Pou Wāhine, 882
Great Britain, writing in, 4, 14, 100, 311, 359–60, 1069
Green, Paula, 1084, 1123
‘Waitakere Rain’, 942
‘Green Lions’, 237–8
Gretton, H.W., 1084, 1123
‘Double-Bunking’, 310
Grey, George, 11, 45, 1084–5, 1104, 1123
Preface to Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as Furnished by their Priests and Chiefs, 87–91
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