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Full Balance (The Peachtree Series Book 3)

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by Brigham Vaughn

  Full Balance

  The Peachtree Series: Book Three

  Brigham Vaughn

  Two Peninsulas Press

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  ©Brigham Vaughn

  Editing by DJ Jamison

  Formatting by Hank Edwards

  Cover design by Brigham Vaughn

  Cover Images:

  © sebra/Shutterstock

  © LightFieldStudios/Shutterstock

  © LightFieldStudios/Shutterstock

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing 2020

  Author’s Note

  I hope you’re excited to read this book. I have always loved Russ and Stephen, so the opportunity to dive back into their world was exciting and once Austin sauntered onto the page, I knew I was going to love him. Getting to spend more time with Evan and Jeremy who I grew to love in their book, Trust the Connection, was wonderful as well.

  I’d like to thank Allison and Emilee for their feedback on Full Balance. I’d also like to thank DJ Jamison for her fresh new edits, Sally Hopkinson for proofreading, and Hank Edwards for making the formatting pretty.

  Thank you to the readers who are eager for more of Russ and Stephen’s story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve loved telling it.

  This is the final story of Russ and Stephen’s, which is a little bittersweet. But, as always, there were plenty of other supporting characters talking to me so keep an eye out in the future for more stories in this world by signing up for my newsletter or joining my reader group.

































  About the Author


  “We have half an hour to eat before we have to leave for Open Doors,” Russ Bishop said as he ducked into the office carrying the dinner he’d stashed in the break room refrigerator that morning.

  Stephen Parker looked up from his desk, a small frown creasing his forehead. “Shit. Time got away from me today. Okay, I’ll wrap up my work while you get the food out?”


  Five minutes later, food was spread out across Stephen’s desk and Russ dropped into his usual chair with a sigh. “So, your day was as crazy as mine?”

  “Based on how frazzled you look, it was.” Stephen let out a tired chuckle as he pushed away his keyboard. “Hi, by the way.”

  “Hi.” Russ rose to his feet and leaned over the desk to plant a kiss on Stephen’s lips. Stephen cupped the back of his head in his hand to deepen it. There was a little more tongue than was appropriate for work, maybe, but Russ had no complaints. He needed the connection to Stephen more than he was worried about them being seen by their coworkers.

  Russ sat back with a smile and took a moment to enjoy the sight of Stephen rolling up his sleeves. Light glinted off his wedding band and Russ’s smile widened. Two and a half years married and they were still going strong. Life was busy and hectic at times, but they worked hard to find moments like this. While their Wednesday night dinner dates at the office were rushed because they had to get across town to the Open Doors Youth Center where they volunteered twice a week, it was still an important part of their routine.

  His friend Monty had asked him once if he ever got sick of working and volunteering with Stephen on top of living together, but Russ had given him an emphatic no. It allowed them to sneak in just a little more time together when their schedules got overwhelming. He treasured every stolen moment.

  “This is good,” Stephen said as he speared a piece of grilled chicken.

  “I don’t know why you sound so surprised,” Russ teased. “I am a pretty good cook.”

  “You are. I was just surprised you wanted to grill out in January.”

  Russ shrugged. “You like it.”

  “You spoil me.”

  “Husband’s prerogative.” Russ still felt a thrill of pleasure go through him every time that word left his mouth. The honeymoon phase might have long since passed, but he hoped he never lost that sense of excitement about being married to Stephen. “So, tell me about your day?”

  Stephen made a face. “I’d honestly rather not. I want to stop thinking about work.”

  “That’s fair.” Russ chewed a bite of grilled zucchini. “How about our plans for the weekend?”

  Stephen blinked at him. “I wasn’t aware we had some. Did I forget to put something on the calendar?” He reached for his phone, but Russ waved him off.

  “No, I meant we should talk about whether or not we want to do something. You really are frazzled from work, aren’t you?”

  Stephen grimaced. “I am.”

  “Because your role here has changed so much?”

  “Yes. It’s always been overseeing financial reporting and static forecasting, but it’s really been evolving lately to integrate data across departments to come up with actionable insights for the business. Prediction, rather than reaction. Like I told you the other day, I’m spending a lot more time with Jerry to take my data and connect the dots to create a business strategy for the company.”

  “Yeah, it does sound like a lot,” Russ said sympathetically. Jerry was the company’s CEO.

  “It is.” Stephen smoothed a hand over his tie. “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I like that the role is evolving and that there are new opportunities and growth for me, but I’m spending a lot more time scrambling to catch up than I expected. I’m basically overhauling my entire position here. I don’t want to become obsolete.”

  Russ frowned, reading between the lines. He’d known about the change in Stephen’s duties, but he hadn’t realized exactly how much he was struggling with it. “Are you afraid they’ll make you redundant?”

  “Realistically? No. Has the thought crossed my mind from time to time? Yes.”

  “You’ve always been so confident. Don’t let go of that.” He gestured with his fork. “We can share ties, not insecurities, okay?

  Stephen looked down as if noticing for the first time he was wearing one of Russ’s. “I really do like this tie.”

  “I noticed,” Russ said dryly. “You wear it more than me. But you’re missing my point.”

  “I’m not. I appreciate what you’re saying.”

  “Has anyone here said anything to indicate they’re unhappy with the job you’re doing?”

  “No. In fact, Jerry was thrilled with fourth-quarter sales and pointed out how happy he’d been with the new practices we implemented last year.”

  “Then why are you getting so up in your head about this?�
�� Russ narrowed his eyes. “Is this about you turning fifty-one last week?”

  Stephen sighed. “Probably.”

  “Stephen …”

  “I know. I’m being utterly ridiculous.”

  “Not ridiculous,” Russ said. “Just too hard on yourself. It doesn’t matter to me. You know that, right? You damn well should after all this time.”

  “I do know that,” Stephen said. “I just—”

  “Stephen. No. You are doing an amazing job at work. You have a hot young husband who you more than satisfy in bed. And whose ass you regularly kick at weightlifting. You have nothing to be worried about, okay?”

  Stephen grinned. “A hot young husband, yeah?”

  “Yes.” Russ gave him a little wink. “Or haven’t you noticed?”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed.”

  Russ lowered his voice, although by this time of the evening, the office had probably cleared out. “So, if you don’t stop with this insecurity, I’ll take you over my knee instead of the other way around.”

  Stephen let out a little cough. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I’d try. And you’d put me in my place and we’d both be a whole lot happier.”

  “That I can’t argue with.”

  “So, I think we have our weekend plans set.” He gave Stephen a cheeky little grin.

  Stephen chuckled and replaced the lid on the now empty food container. “I can’t argue with that either.”

  “Good.” Russ was still grinning as he stood and packed away everything from their dinner. Stephen helped and when it was cleared away, he reached for his jacket.

  “Okay, ready to head to the youth center?”

  “One minute.” Russ grabbed Stephen’s tie and tugged him over to the wall next to the door.

  “What are you doing? Are you seducing me at work?” Stephen sounded more amused than upset as he wound his arms around Russ to pull him close.

  Russ settled against his body. “Seducing? No. Stealing a minute to reconnect with you? Yes.” Reassuring Stephen mostly, which he undoubtedly knew but neither of them would say outright.

  “Far be it from me to stop you,” Stephen said. He cupped Russ’s ass as he leaned in for a kiss.

  Russ happily returned the gesture, enjoying the glide of their tongues together and the faint catch of their facial hair as he deepened the kiss. As always, the connection between them was both hot and sweet, arousing and comforting. He felt settled when he was in Stephen’s arms like this. Content. And yet there was still that thrilling shiver of pleasure and anticipation. He knew Stephen felt the same.

  When Stephen ended the kiss and pulled back, Russ let out a little whine of disappointment. They needed to get going, but that didn’t mean he was eager to stop.

  “Is that what you had in mind?” Stephen asked teasingly.

  “It’s exactly what I had in mind,” Russ said as he straightened Stephen’s tie. His tie. If he ever got it back. “I’m shocked by your behavior, though. I believe you told me once that you weren’t going to grope me in the break room.”

  “I’m not. I’m groping you in my office.” Stephen’s hands were still on his ass and he squeezed once for emphasis before he let go.

  “Oh, that makes all the difference,” Russ said with a little laugh. He stepped back reluctantly.

  “It does. Besides, it’s allowed. You’re my husband.”

  “Damn right I am.”

  “My hot young husband.”

  Russ grinned. “Exactly. And don’t you forget it.” He poked Stephen in the chest.

  “As if I could.”

  Russ reached out to grab Stephen’s hand and squeezed.

  “You know, some days I really regret we didn’t decide to retire after our honeymoon,” Stephen grumbled on their way down in the elevators. He glanced at the mirrored wall and smoothed down his hair as if making sure every last strand was in place. “We could have been beach bums in Key West. We could have spent all day every day doing nothing but relaxing and drinking cocktails on the boat.”

  Russ chuckled, making sure his shirt was tucked in, then straightening his own tie as he followed Stephen out the elevator doors. “You’d get bored in two weeks and you know it.”

  Stephen seemed to contemplate the idea as they walked through the lobby toward the parking garage. “I don’t know. There are an awful lot of things we could find to occupy ourselves in the bedroom.”

  “Our sex life is amazing, but even that wouldn’t be enough. You’d miss the intellectual challenge of a career.”

  “Fine, we could go into business and open a cocktail hut. Serve piña coladas to tourists.”

  “In two months, we’d have bought out the competition and turned it into a franchise.”

  “You might have. I’m getting less cutthroat in my old age.”

  “Okay.” Russ snorted. “First of all, you’re only fifty-one. That is not old age. Second, you’ve never been cutthroat. Business savvy, yes, but not cutthroat. Which is why I love you.”

  A contemplative expression crossed Stephen’s face. “I probably would have negotiated a good deal for buying out the other businesses. Fair market share and all that.”

  “Exactly.” He pushed open the door. “Either way, I find it difficult to believe you’d be content merely sipping drinks on a beach, no matter how occupied I kept you in the bedroom.”

  “You’re probably right,” Stephen said with a rueful-sounding little sigh. “Ahh well, a man can dream.”

  “I think we just need a vacation.” Russ shivered as he rounded the corner and the wind snaked down the back of his jacket. “No, scratch that. I know we need a vacation. Somewhere warm.”

  “Somewhere I can get you naked?” Stephen’s tone was hopeful.

  “It was my understanding that was your definition of a vacation, yes,” Russ teased.

  “I don’t hear you complaining about the vacations I plan.”

  “I never said I was.” He shivered again but this time it was at the memory of their stay in the Virgin Islands last year. Russ had spent a lot of that trip with his face down, ass up, happily getting nailed by his husband. He wouldn’t have had it any other way. “Yeah, we need another vacation,” he said hoarsely.

  “I’ll start searching for flights to Puerto Rico.”

  “I knew I married you for a reason.”

  “Not my bank account or my dashing good looks?”

  “Well, the bank account does help with those first-class flights,” Russ teased. “And the dashing good looks mean I don’t mind being seen on your arm.”

  “Such a shallow man. I married for love and you just want me for my body.”

  “Come on,” Russ said with a little laugh as he reached for the Mercedes door handle. “They’re waiting for us at the center.”

  They made it across town in plenty of time, then shared a brief kiss in the lobby of the Open Doors building. “See you in a few hours?” Stephen asked.

  “See you then.”

  Stephen went off in one direction while Russ headed in the other to one of the conference rooms that had more or less become the ad hoc marketing office.

  “Hey, Dan,” he said as he passed the director in the hallway. Typically, cool and calm, Dan Walsh looked a little frazzled today too. There seemed to be something in the air.

  “Oh, hey, Russ. How are you?” he asked. He glanced up long enough to give Russ a distracted smile, then looked down at his phone again.

  “Fine. How are you? You look a little stressed?”

  Dan slowed to a stop and ran a hand through his hair. “I am stressed today. The person who is supposed to staff the desk at the drop-in center canceled last minute and we’re already short-staffed. I can’t get anyone to come in to fill in.”

  “What would you like me to do to help?” Russ asked. “I could make some more calls or …”

  “Would you mind going over there actually?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “I’ll be by in a couple of hours, b
ut I have a huge meeting this evening and it’s crucial for funding and—”

  “Hey, I’ve got this,” Russ said. He really didn’t know what ‘this’ entailed but he’d figure it out.

  Relief crossed Dan’s face. “You’re a lifesaver. Darius is a staff manager there. He should be able to run you through what you need to do. Mostly it’s just keeping an eye on the kids and making sure they sign in properly.”

  “Sure, consider it taken care of,” Russ said easily. “Do you want Stephen to come too?”

  “No, I need him at the meeting, if that’s fine with you.”

  Russ shrugged. “We’re here to help out in whatever way benefits the center and the work you do here.”

  The tension on Dan’s face eased and he gave Russ a genuine smile. “Thank you. I appreciate this so much.”

  “No problem. As soon as I let Stephen know, I’ll head over there.”

  Russ filled Stephen in, and he nodded and fished the Mercedes’ keys out of his pocket. “Sounds good. Maybe Dan can give me a ride over there once he heads to the drop-in center? If not, I’ll find something to occupy myself here and you can pick me up after you’re done there, if that works for you.”

  “Perfect,” Russ said. He snuck in a quick kiss as he took the keys. “Thanks.”

  The drop-in center was in a big, old house in a neighborhood not far from Grant Park. The large front porch filled with comfy furniture appeared inviting, though it was too cold for anyone to be enjoying it at the moment. When Russ pushed open the door to reveal what had clearly been the foyer of the home, an attractive black man in his forties looked up from the desk inside. He gave Russ a relieved smile as he rose from his chair. “You must be Russ. Dan texted me to say you were on your way over.”


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