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Full Balance (The Peachtree Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Brigham Vaughn

  Stephen grinned and lowered to his knees, grateful for the plush thickness of the rug below them. “Caught on a technicality. I’m going to have to be on top of things if I want to keep ahead of you.”

  “As long as you’re on top of me I don’t care about the rest.” Russ nodded at the box in Stephen’s hand. “What’s that?”

  “A surprise.” Stephen set it aside. “We’ll get to it in a minute. I have it all planned out.”

  Russ wet his lips. “You do, huh?”

  “Mm-hmm.” Stephen unbuckled his belt, then slowly lowered his zipper. “Lie flat.”

  Russ did so, and Stephen knee-walked to straddle his torso. Russ ran his hands up and down Stephen’s thighs. Small shivers worked their way through his body at the touch, even through the fabric, but it had been too long since he’d restrained Russ, and at the moment, he wanted that more.

  As Stephen slowly slipped his belt from the loops, Russ’s gaze tracked the movement in a way that let Stephen knew he was definitely on the same page.

  “Arms up.”

  When Russ obeyed, Stephen leaned forward. It stretched his torso out over Russ’s head and he felt the warm tickle of Russ’s eager breath against his bare chest as he wound the belt around his wrists a few times, then tightened it. Just enough to remind him that he wasn’t allowed to move.

  When Stephen sat back, he took a moment to admire the view. “Well, look at you.” The sight of Russ with his arms stretched above his head and a belt wrapped around his wrists made Stephen sigh with appreciation. He was a lucky, lucky man.

  “I’d rather you fuck me than look at me.”

  “I’m sure you would.” Stephen flashed him a small grin. “And I will. But I have something else in mind first.”

  He stood and retrieved the toy from where he’d set it on the rug. Russ’s eyes narrowed as he watched, but they widened in an expression of shock as Stephen undid the drawstring and drew out the plug. It was heavy glass, weighty. Not meant to be worn when up and moving. But perfect for what he had in mind.

  “I thought you’d forgotten about our talk about playing with a plug again.”

  Stephen’s grin widened. “Oh, no. I most certainly hadn’t. I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity.” He gently rested the toy on Russ’s flat stomach, watching him flinch from the cold, his abs rippling as he tried to shrink away. Stephen reached for the lube. “Thighs wider apart.”

  Russ obeyed. Stephen circled his rim with two slick fingers, teasing for a moment before pushing them in. Russ took them well, so Stephen fucked them in and out slowly, making sure to brush against his prostate every so often. His cock was hard, leaking at the tip, and Stephen smiled at the sight of Russ’s tightly closed eyes and the way he shamelessly rocked into Stephen’s touch.

  He tapped the pad of his middle finger against Russ’s prostate again and he bowed upward, body shaking, as he let out a little cry of need. “Please,” he begged.

  “Please what?” Stephen pushed in deeper, scissoring his fingers wider.

  “I don’t know. Just stop teasing me.”

  “Oh, but I’ve barely begun.” He withdrew his fingers, making Russ whine, and reached for the plug. Russ’s eyes widened, his gaze tracking every movement as Stephen lubed up the toy. “Thick, isn’t it?”

  Russ gulped, nodding. “Yeah.” He sounded a little hoarse.

  “You’re really going to feel it stretch that tight little hole,” Stephen promised as he pushed in, gently easing forward until Russ’s breath caught. He rubbed Russ’s thigh until he relaxed, then pushed forward again. Russ took most of it easily, but as they approached the widest part, he writhed and tensed up.

  “Too much, Stephen.”

  “No, you can take it,” he coaxed. “You’re my good boy, right?”

  “Yeah.” Russ closed his eyes, panting. Little shudders rippled across his body.

  “Then you’ll take it. Just breathe and trust me.”

  Russ took several deep breaths and Stephen applied gentle pressure until the plug slipped in a little farther, Russ’s body stretching obscenely around it.

  “Mmm, just like that. You’re so close. Just relax, baby.”

  Stephen stroked a hand up and down his cock, distracting him as he applied gentle, steady pressure. When the plug slipped in, Russ let out a strangled noise that became a long, drawn out exhalation. “Oh fuck.”

  “How do you feel?”

  He shifted restlessly. “Full. God, so full.”

  “Perfect. That’s just what I wanted.”

  Stephen twisted his wrist as he stroked Russ’s cock with one hand and tapped the base of the plug with the other. “Oh God.” Russ threw his head back. “I … fuck, Stephen.”

  “I bet I could make you come, just like this,” Stephen teased.

  “Please.” There was heated desperation in Russ’s voice.

  Stephen sat back and let go. “I could but I think I’ll feed you my cock instead.”

  Russ let out a needy whine, but as Stephen lowered his zipper, he licked his lips. Stephen straddled Russ’s chest, still dressed in jeans and briefs. Russ being completely naked made the act feel so much dirtier. He leaned over, bracing himself on one arm, and fished his cock out. He rubbed the tip against his lips, leaving a shiny trail in its wake.

  “Open,” he said huskily.

  He pushed inside the warm wetness of Russ’s mouth and his pulse leapt at the sweet glide of his cock along Russ’s tongue and his wide, trusting gaze. He had no control over any of it. He was completely at Stephen’s mercy. The angle was all wrong for Stephen to go deep but how helpless Russ was more than made up for it. He felt a powerful thrill run through him as he slowly rocked in and out of Russ’s mouth.

  His head swam from both the stimulation and the power, sending his arousal into overdrive. He pushed the urge to come away, but when he couldn’t take another second of pleasure before he spilled into Russ’s mouth, he eased out. Russ let out a small noise of disappointment.

  “I love when you’re so hungry for my cock,” Stephen said huskily. “Tell me how much you need it.”

  “Please, Stephen.” He shifted restlessly. Stephen wondered how hard he was. If his cock was leaking from the constant pressure of the plug against his prostate. “Please, I need it.”

  “What do you need?”

  “Your cock. Your cum. Please.”


  “Anywhere.” He licked his lips. “My mouth, my ass, I don’t care. I just need it. Need you.”

  “Mmm. Such a greedy boy.”

  “Just for you.”

  Stephen smiled at that thought and shifted back to stand.

  “Hands and knees on the ottoman.” With his wrists still bound, it took some work for Russ to get up and into position. But when he did, Stephen let out a groan.

  “You beautiful, beautiful boy,” he said huskily. “I am a lucky man.”

  “No, I am.” The look in Russ’s eyes was heated and Stephen knew he meant every word. God, how had he found a man who took everything he dished out and begged for more? Thanked him for it.

  Stephen smirked. “The question is, will you still be saying that when I’m done with you?” Russ’s gulp was audible. “Can you hold that position for a while?”

  “Yeah.” It came out hoarse and raspy.

  “Good. Then brace yourself.”

  The ottoman was the perfect height for Stephen to stand and spank Russ, so he drew back his hand and swatted him. He let out a little yelp that dissolved into a moan. Stephen knew every swat must be nudging the thick glass toy against his prostate and driving him crazy. So he swatted him again and got lost in the rhythm of it all until Russ’s ass was pink and warm and he let out constant little noises of need.

  But he hadn’t asked for him to stop, so Stephen kept going, pushing Russ further.

  “I can’t …” Russ finally said and there was an edge to it that stilled Stephen’s hand. “I can’t take much more,” he said with a gasp. “Please
, Stephen.”

  He rubbed Russ’s ass, soothing the sting for a moment before he reached for the base of the plug. Russ shuddered as he gently worked it loose. Stephen set it on a towel he’d brought out, then took a moment to survey Russ, checking in to see how he was doing. His head was turned to the side to look at Stephen and the look in his eyes was full of need. He panted and his body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. His wrists were still bound and by now, his shoulders must be aching. “Do you need me to free your wrists?” he asked quietly. He skimmed a hand down Russ’s back, feeling the tremble in his body.

  “No, just fuck me,” he whined.

  “You are such a needy boy,” Stephen said, shaking his head as he tried to sound stern. But his own cock pulsed with need, the pressure in his balls heavy and urgent, urging him to drive into Russ and fuck him until he came apart. Stephen stripped out of his remaining clothes and tossed them on the couch. Russ watched him avidly, need pouring from his gaze as he shifted on the ottoman.

  Russ let out a little groan as Stephen pressed in, enjoying the tremors that rippled up and down his body as he widened his stance and took every inch.

  “I love you,” Stephen whispered as he sank inside.

  The plug had opened Russ up so he wasn’t as tight as usual, but it meant Stephen could fuck him hard without easing him into it. The first deep stroke made Russ gasp, and if Stephen hadn’t been gripping his thighs, he might have unbalanced him. But he dug his fingers into Russ’s hips and fucked him with driving thrusts, knowing he was sensitive and on the edge. There had been too much build up for more teasing. For either of them.

  For a few minutes, there was nothing but the slapping of their skin together and the harsh pants they both let out. When Russ shuddered underneath him, Stephen couldn’t hold back any longer. “I’m going to fill you up, but you’re not allowed to come yet, do you understand?”

  Russ groaned and buried his head against the ottoman. “Stephen …”

  “Trust me,” he coaxed breathlessly as he fucked Russ with a single-minded determination.

  Russ trembled beneath him, but he gasped out, “I trust you,” and a moment later Stephen emptied inside him with a shudder and a small cry of pleasure. Breathing hard for a moment, he stilled but left his cock in Russ’s ass, feeling the small, needy movements Russ made, desperately wanting more.

  “I’m going to plug you again,” he murmured. Russ let out a little groan, but he nodded. “And then I’ll let you come.”

  “Okay,” he said breathlessly.

  Russ was very still as Stephen eased out. Pearly white liquid trickled out of him and the sight made Stephen’s blood heat. He reached for the plug and eased it inside Russ, his cum slicking the way. It slipped in far more easily this time, but a shudder wracked Russ’s body as he seated it fully.

  “Oh fuck,” Russ gasped. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  Stephen smiled as he reached around Russ’s hip and circled his cock. His hands were slippery enough to stroke him easily and he coaxed Russ, knowing it would take very little to make him tip over the edge. “Now, come when you’re ready.”

  Just a few short strokes later, Russ came with a hoarse shout and Stephen cupped his hand around the tip to catch the rush of fluid.

  “Stand,” he ordered as he stepped back. Russ knelt there, panting for a moment, before he raised upright—hands still bound—and got to his feet. Russ swayed a little, so Stephen steadied him with a hand between his shoulder blades.

  “Clean my hand up.” He held his palm out to Russ, whose eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he dipped his head and lapped at the cum there. When he’d licked Stephen’s palm and fingers clean, Stephen worked the belt loose from his wrists, and crushed their bodies tightly together, kissing him deeply.

  “What do you think?” he murmured.

  “I think I need to sit down, or my legs might give out on me,” Russ said with a tired little laugh. “Shit. You really worked me over there, Stephen.”

  He smiled—a touch smugly—and grabbed a throw blanket from the couch. He spread it out and gently guided Russ toward it. “Get comfortable.”

  Russ settled on the couch with a relieved sigh and Stephen stretched out beside him. They’d purposely bought furniture wide enough that they could lie side by side. Stephen draped another blanket over them, and Russ cuddled close.

  Stephen slotted his thigh between Russ’s and ran a hand up and down his back. Russ let out a contented sigh.

  “I swear it just gets better with time,” Stephen said.

  Russ kissed him. “Me too. I had no idea married sex would be so good. If I did, I might have been more eager to get married when I was younger.”

  Stephen chuckled.

  “This is going to change, won’t it?”

  Stephen slipped an arm around his waist, pulling him even closer as he studied his face. Russ’s expression was soft but there was a little edge of worry in his gaze.

  “It will,” Stephen said, knowing he was talking about how becoming parents would change their sex life. He ran his thumb across Russ’s cheek. “We’ll have additional responsibilities and stressors. Much less privacy. But it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’ll be tougher but that doesn’t mean we can’t find some benefits along the way.”

  “Like what?” Russ gave him a curious, inquisitive look.

  “Like it may bring us even closer.” He took Russ’s hand and brought his palm to his lips. “It may deepen our relationship further.”

  “I like that.” Russ pulled him closer.

  “I think going into this with our eyes wide open is our best chance of success. We need our relationship to stay solid so we can give whoever we bring into our lives the best, most stable home we can. Which means working together to solve problems.”

  “Agreed,” Russ said.

  “No running away.”

  Russ gave him a wry grin. “Got it.”

  “Hey, that’s not just a reminder for you,” Stephen said gently. “I’ve pushed you away at times too. And I think this will probably bring up a lot of baggage we both have about the ways we were raised.”

  “True.” Russ’s expression turned serious.

  “So we can’t let that overwhelm us. Or come between us.”

  “Absolutely.” Russ hesitated. “Are you excited about this at all though?”

  “About the idea of becoming parents? Yeah, I am,” Stephen said. “I remember how satisfying it was to see Evan grow into himself, and he was an adult and only with us for a month and a half. The idea of being able to watch that growth over years in someone who needs it even more, well, that’s a challenge I never expected to take on. But I am excited about it.”

  “Me too.” Russ grinned. “I am really looking forward to calling my sister and telling her she’ll be Aunt Addie.”

  Stephen chuckled. “I look forward to that as well. Jeremy is going to be shocked. That should be fun.”

  “We have a lot to look forward to, don’t we?”

  “We do.” Russ pulled him in for a kiss and Stephen went willingly. “Thank you for making this a very happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “You know, if someone had asked me five years ago how I’d feel about making the person I’m married to a father, I would have kindly assured them they were very, very confused,” Stephen said dryly.

  Russ’s laugh was loud and genuine. “I would imagine.”

  “And yet …” Stephen couldn’t quite finish the thought. His heart was too full.

  Russ smiled as if he understood. So Stephen leaned in to kiss him again. They had the whole night ahead of them to celebrate this happiness. Why not take the time while they had it?

  Their lives were about to change in a very big way.


  I need help.

  Russ stared down at the message on his phone. He’d been staring at it for the past thirty seconds. He had no idea who had sent it or why. He didn’t recognize the number. But if someone really needed help,
he didn’t want to ignore it either. He just wasn’t sure how to respond.

  How can I help you? And who is this? he finally typed.

  Austin. From Open Doors.

  Russ sat up straight. What’s wrong?

  I’m in trouble.

  Russ was tired of playing cryptic text tag. Is it safe for me to call?


  “What’s going on?” Russ asked as soon as the call connected.

  “I don’t know where I am.” Austin’s voice wobbled. “I think I’m lost, and I can’t get ahold of Kellie.”

  “Okay. Can you start at the beginning?”

  “My foster mom and dad are getting rid of me. They’re moving and they don’t want me anymore. And I don’t want to be in another home.” Austin gulped. “So I left. I went to find Kellie, but I’ve been walking around forever and she’s not at work and her car’s not where it usually is and she’s not answering her phone. And now I’m lost, and I don’t know where in Atlanta I am, and it’s getting dark and some guy just gave me a weird look and …” His voice wobbled. “I need help.”

  Oh shit. Needing help was an understatement. “Okay, I am going to come find you,” Russ said as he brought up a map on his browser. “Are you on a sidewalk?”


  “Okay, so I want you to go to the nearest corner. Whichever one is closest, it doesn’t matter. I’ll stay on the line while you do.”


  For a minute, he could hear the sound of Austin’s light breathing and the occasional hitches in it. Russ’s heart hurt, imagining the boy walking alone, trying to keep his tears in check.

  “What does it look like around you?” Russ asked, keeping his tone soft and soothing. “Is it a neighborhood with houses? Or are there stores? A highway? Can you describe it to me?”

  “Um, houses here. There were stores on the street I was on before. A tire shop, I think? And maybe a food place. Subway or something. I don’t know. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  “Can you see the corner yet?” Russ asked.

  “Not yet. It’s a really long street. Wait, I think I see something. Peachtree! The sign says Peachtree.”


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