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Full Balance (The Peachtree Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Brigham Vaughn

  “Well, when you put it that way …”

  They reached the ground floor but rather than push open the door to exit into the parking garage, Stephen turned to look at him. “There is nothing that could ever make me ashamed of my love or desire for you, Russ.”

  He disappeared through the door and Russ was so gobsmacked by his words that it took him a moment to catch up.

  “I hope you’ve been thinking about this all morning,” Stephen said when they were in the car. “I know I have.”

  He laughed incredulously. “Like I’ve been able to think about anything else.”

  “Good.” Stephen slid a hand along his thigh, grazing the back of his fingers along the length of Russ’s cock. “Because I intend to use you this afternoon. And very, very thoroughly.”

  “Strip for me.” They stood in the bedroom, the midday sun streaming through the windows and making Stephen’s hair gleam as brightly as their wedding rings. Despite the merciless teasing he’d subjected Russ to in the car, Stephen looked perfectly calm and composed. His tie was still neatly knotted and his expression was serene. Russ felt anything but. His skin crawled with anticipation and a shiver of eager apprehension crawled through him. “I said, strip.”

  There was a warning note in Stephen’s voice that made Russ want to obey, so he hastily reached for his tie. He unknotted it with trembling fingers and enjoyed the whispery rasp of the fabrics as he slid it loose from his collar. Every other piece of clothing followed. Slowly, because Stephen enjoyed that. Until he was naked and hard, breathing lightly from anticipation.

  “Shower. And make it quick. No stroking your cock either.”

  Russ’s breath hitched. “Yeah, okay,” he said hoarsely.

  He took a quick, thorough shower to make sure he was ready for whatever Stephen wanted, then dried off as fast as he could.

  Stephen sat in the chair by the bed, sipping a bourbon like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “On the bed,” he ordered. “On your back.”

  Russ did as instructed, the air making his wet skin pebble. Or maybe it was the way Stephen looked at him.

  “Mmm.” Stephen let out a rumbling groan of appreciation when he settled against the soft gray sheets. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Russ ran a hand down his body to stroke his cock, but Stephen shook his head.

  “Did I say you could touch yourself?”

  “No.” Russ licked his lips.

  “Then why are you?”

  He shifted on the bed, his blood already heating. “Because I enjoy challenging you.”

  “I can tell.” Stephen crossed his arms over his chest. “On your hands and knees.”

  Russ raised an eyebrow but did as instructed. He closed his eyes at the first hot, wet swipe of Stephen’s tongue and the feel of his strong hands pushing his cheeks apart so he could go deep. There was a rasp of Stephen’s whiskers as he pushed his tongue inside and Russ let out a low, long moan.

  But just when he thought he might come, Stephen sat back and the sensation of his tongue was replaced with a the light sting of his hand. And then he alternated between the two until Russ felt flushed and feverish.

  “Fuck me, Stephen,” he begged.

  Stephen chuckled and the sound made Russ scrunch his eyes tightly closed because he knew Stephen was going to tell him no.

  “Oh, you’re not getting off that easy, baby. I bought you a new plug,” he rasped. “Something you can wear for a little longer, so I’m going to open you up for that.”

  “Mmm.” Russ squirmed.

  “I think someday I’ll take you dancing again. Make you wear the plug while we’re out in public. Would you like that?”

  All Russ could do was moan his agreement. At the thought of what Stephen described. At the feeling of his thick fingers pushing the slippery gel inside. At the knowledge that he’d do anything Stephen wanted.

  Stephen worked him open quickly, scissoring his fingers wide and twisting in a way that made him gasp every time he did it. “Show me how much you want it,” Stephen ordered.

  Shameless, Russ’s hips rose and fell as he fucked back on Stephen’s fingers. He didn’t care what he was filled with, he just needed something.

  But when he felt the blunt pressure of the slick toy against his hole, he had to breathe through the stretch. It was harder and more unyielding than Stephen’s cock and it had been a while since he’d taken a plug of any sort.

  “Look at that,” Stephen said. “Dripping all over the sheets. You’re so desperate to be filled, aren’t you?”

  “I need it,” he pleaded.

  “You’re almost there,” Stephen said, and Russ closed his eyes and breathed as he applied steady pressure. With a gasp, Russ took it deep and felt his cock throb as it settled securely inside him, pressing right against his prostate.

  “Mmm, well done,” Stephen said. “How does it feel?”

  “So good,” he said with a gasp. “Oh, fuck, Stephen. I need …”

  “What do you need?”

  “To come. Let me come.”

  “Oh no.” Stephen chuckled. “I promised you a spanking first.”

  And Russ buried his head against the sheets and groaned out his pleasure as Stephen delivered stinging swats that jolted the plug with every smack. His head was white and fuzzy and every bit of him from his knees to his hips was alive and humming with pleasure. The sharp pop of Stephen’s skin against his, the gentle thud of Russ’s balls as they smacked against his inner thigh with every jolt, the pulse of the blood filling his sensitive cock all threatened to push him over the edge.

  “I can’t last much longer,” he gasped.

  “You know what I think?” Stephen’s tone was infuriatingly calm. Russ shook his head. “I think I should buy you a nice little cock ring too. Then you won’t need to hold back. You just won’t be able to come.”

  “You’re evil,” Russ gasped as Stephen used his fingers to circle Russ’s dick and balls, making his own version of a cock ring.

  Stephen let out a little chuckle. “I sure am.”

  The stinging smacks of his hand stopped, and Russ was just enjoying the warm low throb of his ass when he felt Stephen’s teeth on his ass cheek. Russ howled and bucked against him as he sucked.


  “There, now you have my mark on you too.”

  Russ shuddered. “God, Stephen, please. Please, I’ll do anything if you just fuck me.”

  Stephen teased him for a little while longer and he was nearly out of his mind by the time Stephen pushed inside him. He let go of Russ’s cock to fuck him hard and fast and just as Russ was about to beg to come, Stephen growled, “Come while I fill you, boy,” and Russ bucked hard against him, everything going white in his head as he painted the sheets and howled his pleasure.

  “When we first met, did you ever think we’d be doing this?” Russ asked a few minutes later when they were under the warm water. Stephen had replaced the plug immediately after filling him and it was a constant reminder of what they’d just done.

  “I was going to ask which part of this you meant, but the more I think about it, the more it’s an unequivocal no. I never dreamed I’d have sex with you, much less the rest of this.”

  “Married, kinky sex in the middle of the day because we have no privacy when the teenager we’re raising together is home?”

  “Precisely. None of those things factored anywhere into my plans,” Stephen said dryly.

  Russ looped his arms around Stephen’s neck. “Any regrets?”

  Stephen pressed their foreheads together. “Not a one.”

  “I want you to make us lunch,” Stephen said as they left the bathroom twenty minutes later.

  Russ gave him a slightly puzzled glance. “Aren’t you going to take the plug out?”

  Stephen smirked and shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Oh.” Russ’s eyes widened. They’d never done anything like that before. “Wow. Okay.”

/>   Stephen leaned in and spoke quietly, his lips brushing Russ’s temple. “You can always say no, if you want anything to stop.”

  “I know that,” Russ said as he drew back. “And let me be clear, that is very much a yes.”

  “Good.” Stephen pulled on a pair of pants. “Then I am going to enjoy a drink while you prepare our lunch. Naked.”

  Russ gulped.

  Making lunch wasn’t difficult. It was just assembling a salad with some already grilled chicken. But as Russ bent over to pull the lettuce from the crisper drawer and reached for the knife to chop the cucumbers, he could feel the plug as it sent a jolt through him and Stephen’s gaze on his body.

  He sat at the island, sipping a bourbon with a smug, self-satisfied smile on his face.

  Russ’s face was hot as he chopped and piled the vegetables in a bowl. Partly because he was on display. And partly because he was enjoying this so much. This … whatever this was that he and Stephen did, was something he’d never imagined doing. Then again, he’d never trusted anyone else the way he trusted Stephen. He’d never been vulnerable this way.

  And to have skipped work to do it …

  “This feels obscene,” he said a few minutes later as he tossed the salad with a light vinaigrette.

  “Wearing a butt plug while you fix me lunch?” There was a smugness in Stephen’s voice that made Russ doubly aware of how much power he had at the moment. And how much that excited him.

  “Well, that too.” Russ shifted, feeling the weight of it, the reminder that Stephen had filled him with cum and plugged him and God that was hot. “But I meant playing hooky in the middle of the day to do kinky things with my husband. This is not how a responsible adult behaves.” His voice was teasing but there was a sliver of truth to it. He was a father now, for fuck’s sake.

  “I think you’re wrong.” Stephen got down from the stool and came to stand beside Russ. His hand was warm against Russ’s air-chilled skin as he swept his palm up and down the length of Russ’s back.

  Russ shivered as he turned to look him in the eye. “Oh you do, do you?”

  “I do.” Stephen’s tone was grave.

  “How do you figure?”

  “I think a responsible adult takes the time to do what they need to for their mental and emotional well-being. Being so focused on taking care of everyone else around you isn’t healthy. Neither is neglecting your relationships.”

  “Was I neglecting our relationship?” Russ asked, surprised.

  “No.” Stephen settled his hand at the back of Russ’s neck and squeezed gently. “Of course not. I’m just saying, this is good. We’re being proactive and taking some time together. Just us. That’s healthy. And if spending time with your husband to unwind isn’t being a responsible adult, I don’t know what is. Butt plug or not.”

  “You make a lot of excellent points,” Russ said with a smile. “I’ve just never done anything like this.”

  “Neither have I. I’m flying blind here, Russ. You tell me to stop pushing and I will.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want you to stop pushing. I’m enjoying this. It’s just …” He bit his lip, trying to put into words how he’d felt. “It’s hard to reconcile this—this need to be told what to do. This love of you being in control and all of that with who I am in the rest of my life. I’m a man with a career and a husband and a son now and …”

  “It feels like you should pick one or the other?”

  “Kind of,” he admitted. “And I know that doesn’t really make sense. Because clearly, I can have both. Be both. But …”

  “You feel a little uncomfortable and guilty about it?”

  “No,” he protested, then sighed. “Maybe. Yeah, I guess.” He turned to face Stephen. “But that’s ridiculous, right?”

  Stephen pulled him close and it felt even more obscene to be having this conversation naked with a plug in his ass when Stephen had pants on but it felt right too and he just decided he was going to have to learn to live with the contradictions in his head.

  “It’s not ridiculous,” Stephen said. “If you feel that way, you feel that way. But you have to decide if you want to keep going. And if you want to keep going, you need to find a way to accept that it’s just who you are. Who we are. We can be good parents to Austin and kinky in the privacy of our own bedroom.”

  Russ raised an eyebrow and gestured to the room. “Or the kitchen.”

  “Or the kitchen,” Stephen said with a laugh. “When Austin’s at school.”

  “So, I just have to stop feeling weird about it?”

  “I don’t know that it’s ever so easy to just let go of those things,” Stephen said. “But try. Because I hate to see you conflicted about what we do.”

  He nodded. “I will.”

  “Now,” Stephen said. “Do you want to go take that plug out? Or do you want to leave it in while we eat our lunch?”

  Russ took a moment to think and there was only one clear answer. “Leave it in.”

  The rest of the afternoon dissolved into a blur of kinky, messy, hot sex that left Russ so wrung out and blissed out and fucked out he felt like he would just melt into a puddle of goo. When they finally lay sprawled out on the bed, sweaty bodies pressed together, having just woken up from a nap, Russ murmured, “Maybe we should schedule this quarterly.”

  Stephen snorted. “Yes, I’ll be sure to have Elizabeth add ‘kinky sex date with my husband’ to my calendar.”

  “She’d just laugh and do it.”

  “She would.”

  Russ rubbed his chest affectionately. “Fuck. That was …” He stroked his palm across Stephen’s chest.

  “Was …” Stephen prompted.

  “Amazing?” Russ offered. “I don’t know, give me a while to recover before you make me string coherent thoughts together.”

  Stephen chuckled. “You know, I think I may need to invest in a gag for you though.”

  “Hey, I was only loud because I could be,” Russ protested.

  “Sure,” Stephen teased. “Not because I make you come so hard you black out?”

  “No, definitely not that.”

  “Didn’t think so.” Stephen kissed his forehead.

  “I’m just saying, today was amazing and to hell with worrying about how to reconcile your good boy in the bedroom and a dad outside of here. It’s who I am. And I’m going to stop feeling weird about it.”

  “Good.” Stephen rolled him onto his back and Russ happily wrapped himself around Stephen’s body as he pressed him down into the mattress.

  “Don’t tell me you want to fuck me again though,” Russ said. “I think I’ve reached my limit. At least for the afternoon.”

  Stephen smiled down at him. “Did I wear you out?”

  “You did. You absolutely did.”

  “Just as well.” Stephen gave him a quick kiss. “Because it’s just about time to be responsible adults and pick our kid up at school.”

  Russ glanced at the clock and groaned. “Damn it.”

  “What are you both doing here?” Austin said as he slid into the backseat of the car on his last day of school for the summer. He’d been expecting just Stephen like usual and the sight of Russ made a knot of anxiety settle in his stomach. “Am I trouble?”

  “No! Of course not,” Russ said, twisting around in his seat to look at him. Austin eyeballed him. He looked weird. He was grinning a lot and he was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. It wasn’t what he had on when he dropped him off this morning.

  “Do you want to talk to me about something? Am I leaving?” He gave Russ a suspicious look as he put his seatbelt on.

  “No! No, this isn’t about you at all, Austin. I promise,” Russ reassured him. “Stephen and I had plans this afternoon and came home early, so we thought we’d both come get you.”

  “What kind of plans?”

  “Grown-up plans. The kind you really don’t want to know about.” Russ looked out the front of the car as Stephen pulled away from the curb.

ustin wrinkled his nose as he put the pieces together. “Oh. Eww. Too much information.”

  Russ’s ears turned red. “Stephen and I love each other. It’s a normal part of a healthy relationship.”

  Austin stuck his fingers in his ears. “Ugh, seriously. Stop talking. Just … don’t say anything else. I’m begging you. You’re scarring me for life.”

  Russ laughed. “Then maybe you shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want answers to,” he teased. “And we will be having a safe sex conversation at some point in the near future.”

  He groaned and flopped his head back to stare at the ceiling. “Oh God, kill me now.”

  Russ looked over at Stephen. “I think Austin’s being a touch overdramatic.”

  “He must take after you then,” Stephen said. “Because it definitely didn’t come from me.”

  “Hey! I’m not overdramatic.”

  Stephen raised an eyebrow at Austin in the rearview mirror and Austin laughed.

  “You do know I’m not your bio kid, right?”

  “Details,” Stephen said. “You’ve been spending enough time with us you’re starting to act like us is all.”

  “Ugh.” Austin threw his backpack on the seat beside him. “Why couldn’t I have gotten cool parents?”

  “Hey, we’re cool.”

  Austin snorted. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Sorry, kid,” Stephen said. “Cool or not, I think you’re stuck with us.”

  “Ugh. Fine.” But Austin smiled a little. That actually didn’t sound so bad.

  “Now, what do you think about stopping for ice cream on the way home?” Russ asked. “To celebrate the end of the semester. We know you’ve been working really hard.”

  “Heck yeah,” Austin said. “I want like three scoops.”

  “The scoops are pretty big,” Stephen said. “How about two?”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Oh, hey, Austin?” Russ twisted in his seat again. “I have some good news for you. You know that art camp we looked into for the summer?”

  “Yep.” He sat forward eagerly. It looked awesome and he wanted to go so bad. He couldn’t wait to spend every day doing art. They didn’t have that software he really liked but they had other ones plus digital design classes that looked super cool.


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