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Full Balance (The Peachtree Series Book 3)

Page 33

by Brigham Vaughn

  “We can’t go off half-cocked,” Russ cautioned him. “We need a plan.”

  “What we need is to know where Austin is!” Stephen shouted.

  “Hey, I know you’re scared,” Russ said. He drew Stephen close and kissed his temple. “I am too.”

  “What if something happened to him?” Stephen said hoarsely. “What if someone grabbed him before he could get into the school or …”

  “We’ll find him.” Russ reassured him though the words felt hollow. “I promise. Whatever it takes.”

  Despite Stephen’s agitation, Russ convinced him to sit down and make a list of places Austin could be.

  They worked through the list methodically, calling the center and speaking to Darius, informing Dan and Marcus, checking with Jeremy, Evan, Addie, and Joseph to make sure none of them had heard from him. They hadn’t, but they’d all grimly assured him they’d call if they heard anything.

  Marcus had told them if there was no word by the end of the day, they’d need to notify the police. It sent a stab of fear through Russ. Because if Austin was officially listed as a runaway, there would be consequences and a real risk it would jeopardize them continuing to care for him.

  “This has to be connected to what happened with his sister yesterday,” Russ said hollowly as they sat the dining room table talking to Marcus on the speakerphone. Russ tried not to stare at the chair where Austin normally sat, empty now.

  “I think so too,” Marcus said. “Let me make some calls.”

  “I don’t know what to do,” Russ said hollowly.

  “Just sit tight,” Marcus said. His voice was soothing. “We’ll find him, I promise.”

  For the next hour, they paced the apartment, arguing. “We should be out there,” Stephen said, fear clawing at him at the thought of Austin alone. “Looking for him.”

  “We don’t know where to look,” Russ argued. “I hate it too, Stephen, but what if we’re out searching blindly and he comes back?”

  “Fine, then you stay home and wait. I’ll go look,” Stephen said. A part of him knew Russ was just trying to get him to think calmly and rationally, but how could he? How could he do anything but tear this city apart when Austin was out there somewhere. Was he alone? Was he scared?

  Stephen’s throat closed at the thought. God, what if he was hurt?

  “I keep racking my brain, trying to figure out how to get ahold of Kellie.” Stephen said with a sigh.

  “We could call her work, I guess,” Russ said. “I haven’t wanted to risk her job. You know Austin said her boss got pissed when Amy Nash did it, but …”

  “This is an emergency,” Stephen said grimly.

  Russ nodded. But when he called, there was just a recording for people to leave a call back number if they were interested in hiring the caterer. He left a message and hung up with a sigh.

  “I doubt we’re going to get any response there.”

  Stephen nodded grimly. “We should call Roy.”


  “The PI we used to hunt down your mother.”

  Russ sighed. “We’re not there yet, Stephen.”

  “I can’t stand this,” Stephen said. He got up and paced. “What about checking that place you found him when he went to look for Kellie last time?”

  Russ sighed. “Fine. I will go look there. You stay here, okay?”

  Stephen sighed but nodded. “Fine. Call if you hear anything.”

  “I will.” Russ pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you, Stephen. We’ll find him, I promise.”

  “I love you too,” he said hollowly. He closed his eyes. And God, I hope you’re right.

  While Russ went to go search, Stephen called the art camp again. “Have you reviewed the security footage?” he asked the minute the director answered.

  “We have, Mr. Parker. There’s nothing there, I’m afraid. We could see Mr. Bishop drop Austin off. He got out of the car and walked toward the building. Before he went inside, he veered off to the east and disappeared out of the camera’s view. We have no more information than that.”

  “Thank you,” Stephen said tightly. He knew they couldn’t give him more information than they had, but goddamn it, this was infuriating. And terrifying.

  “I’m sorry we don’t have more information.”

  “Wait, I had another thought,” Stephen said before he could hang up. “Austin said he’d made a friend there. Toby. Have you spoken to him?”

  “We have. He has no idea what’s going on. Toby was in class all day today and hasn’t heard from Austin. He even let us check his phone. He said the last time they talked, he was excited about what they had planned for today.”

  “Damn it,” Stephen muttered. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, Mr. Parker. Please let us know when you find him.”

  “I will.” Stephen hung up without another word and resumed pacing. Wait, the phone. Wasn’t there an option to trace a cell phone location? Can we call the cell phone company to track it?

  The sound of the key in the door sent his heart leaping into his throat, hoping it was Austin, but it was Russ, looking exhausted and grim. “Nothing. I looked everywhere. I even asked at the burger place where we ate last time if they saw a kid who looked like him near there. They hadn’t. I checked around the Nashes old place too, though that was a long shot. The neighbor was nice but said she hadn’t seen Austin since he moved here.”


  Russ strode over and pulled him close. “I think we need to call the police soon.”

  “Probably.” Stephen’s heart clenched at the thought. An endless parade of horrible scenarios marched through his head. “I’m scared, Russ.”

  “Me too,” Russ said.

  They stood there in silence until the ringing of Russ’s phone startled them both. Marcus’s name flashed on the screen. Russ’s fingers were clumsy from fear as he connected the call and put it on speakerphone.

  “Tell me you have some information, Marcus,” Stephen said tightly.

  “I do. I need you to come to Emory Hospital Midtown.”

  “Austin?” Stephen’s heart leapt into his throat.

  “No, Kellie. Austin’s here with her though.”

  “Is he okay?” Russ whispered.

  “He’s safe but pretty shaken up. He needs you.”

  “We’ll be right there.”


  “What the hell happened?” Stephen asked the moment they burst through the doors of the Emergency Room and spotted Marcus pacing nearby. “Where’s Austin?”

  Russ settled a hand on Stephen’s arm and squeezed.

  Marcus dragged a hand across his face. “The best we can tell, Kellie was sleeping in her car in an empty lot. Last night or early this morning, someone broke into her car, probably thinking it was abandoned. Austin found her this morning and she was unconscious. He called 9-1-1 and rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital. A nurse eventually talked him into calling me.”

  “Was she …” Russ wasn’t sure how to ask if she’d been raped, but she was a vulnerable young woman and the thought of Addie’s assault was there in his head.

  Marcus shook his head. “No, it looks like the person just grabbed what they could and ran. We don’t think they hit her intentionally. She likely got shoved and hit her head on the pavement. She’s pretty groggy, so she can’t give a totally clear account of it, but that’s the theory police are working with at the moment, anyway.”

  “Jesus,” Russ said. “She’s awake though?”


  “Where’s Austin?” Stephen demanded.

  “He’s in the room with Kellie.”

  “I’m glad they let him in to see her,” Russ said.

  Marcus let out a humorless little chuckle and rubbed a hand over his bald head. “I had to do some fast talking.”

  “Can we see him?” Stephen closed his eyes as his voice cracked. “I know he’s fine, but … I need to see him soon.”

  Russ knew the feeling. H
e wasn’t going to be okay until he clapped eyes on Austin and could see for himself that he was safe and okay. His sister’s been attacked, he isn’t going to be okay, Russ reminded himself grimly.

  “Let me see if I can sweet talk a nurse into letting us all set up camp in one of the smaller, private waiting areas and I’ll let Austin know you’re here, okay?” Marcus strode off without waiting for an answer.

  Russ drew Stephen away from the doors and into the chairs nearby. He wrapped an arm around him, squeezing tightly. Stephen leaned on him and Russ took a few deep breaths while they waited. Despite the fear and worry still churning in him, he smiled to himself as he watched Marcus lean on the counter and shoot the nurse a smile. The change that came over her was nothing less than astonishing. She had to have been at least sixty-five but by the time he walked away, she was glowing like a college co-ed.

  “What did you say to her?” Russ asked, amused.

  “Trade secret.” He winked. “But we can go back to the other waiting area. No one else is using it right now.”

  “It’ll be okay,” Russ said softly as they waited in the private waiting room for Marcus to return with Austin. He patted Stephen’s thigh. “It’ll be okay.” He didn’t know if he was saying it for Stephen or for himself.

  A few minutes later, the door opened, and they rose to their feet as Austin walked in ahead of Marcus, his head down. He looked scared but otherwise okay.

  “Oh, thank God,” Stephen said roughly. “You’re safe.”

  Russ took one step toward Austin then hesitated. “How’s Kellie do—” His words were cut off by Austin darting forward, his body slamming against Russ’s. “Hey, you okay?” he asked softly.

  “I’m so sorry.” Austin muttered against his shoulder and burst into tears. Russ held him close, rocking him a little as Austin let out a wordless wail. All Russ could do was hold him tightly, his own eyes filling as Austin sobbed like he’d never stop. Stephen wrapped his arms around both of them and held on with an iron grip. Russ felt a little of the fear that had filled his chest since he’d learned Austin was missing begin to recede. He smelled Austin’s shampoo and was finally able to draw in a deep breath. The first he’d managed all day.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” Russ said. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

  But Austin only cried harder.

  Eventually, Austin’s shuddering sobs slowed, and Stephen stepped back. All of their eyes were damp as Russ pulled back far enough to look Austin in the face. Austin’s eyes were red, and Russ was pretty sure his suit coat was covered in snot, but he truly didn’t care. Austin was safe. Clearly upset but safe. That was all that mattered.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Stephen said roughly. He smoothed his hand across Austin’s red hair and Russ saw the tremble in his fingers. “You really scared us today.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” Austin whispered.

  “Come on,” Russ coaxed. “Let’s all sit down and talk a little.”

  With an arm still around Austin’s shoulders, Russ steered him to one of the small couches and he and Stephen took a seat on either side of him. It was snug, and they all were squashed together but Russ was glad. He needed Austin close right now. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to let him go again. “What happened this morning?” he asked softly. “You didn’t go to camp.”

  “I know.” Austin looked down at his lap. “I was just really mad about yesterday.”

  Russ sighed and hugged him closer. “I know.”

  “And I thought you’d want to get rid of me. That after what I did yesterday, you’d be mad at me and want me to leave.”

  “We were disappointed in your behavior,” Stephen’s voice sounded thick. “But we would never, ever want you to leave.”

  “I thought you’d want someone who was easier. Someone you could adopt. My dad hasn’t signed the papers and—” He gulped.

  “Hey, we don’t know that we can’t adopt you,” Stephen said. “And it doesn’t matter. Not in our hearts. You are ours, okay? We want you to be here. Whatever the paperwork says, you’re our son. You have to believe that.” He kissed Austin’s forehead. Austin crowded a little closer to him.

  “But I said really mean things last night.” Russ’s heart broke as Austin started crying again. “I didn’t mean it. I was just mad.” He turned tear-filled eyes on Russ. “I promise I don’t hate you.”

  “I know you don’t.” Russ leaned in and kissed the top of his head. “I’m not angry, I swear. It hurt that you ripped the comic and said we weren’t family, but I understand why you did it.”

  “I didn’t want to leave,” Austin cried harder. “I just didn’t know what else to do. Everyone—everyone leaves me. Even Kellie. And I was so bad last night, I thought you’d send me back and—” He gulped, his whole frame shuddering a little.

  “Oh, Austin.” Stephen’s voice cracked.

  “I know things have been really shitty for you,” Russ said softly as a thought occurred to him. “That you’ve had a lot of people who have let you down. But like I told you before, my mom left me and my sister. And after we started dating, I got in a fight with Stephen and I left for a few days. And you know why?”

  Austin shook his head.

  “I left because I thought it would hurt less if I left him than if he left me.”

  Austin looked up at him. “Oh.”

  “You think maybe that’s why you left us?”

  Austin kicked at the carpet, his brow furrowed.

  “Look, you don’t have to answer that right now,” Russ said softly. “Maybe you don’t know the answer or you don’t want to say it aloud. But think about it, okay? Because that’s something you need to figure out. We want you to understand so if you get that feeling again—like you’ve gotta run—that maybe you can sit and think about it for a little bit instead. You can tell us you need a little space, okay? But running like that … well, you know Stephen’s already got gray hair and I’m starting to get some. We don’t need anymore.” He gently knocked shoulders with Austin who gave him a weak smile.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “But if you do want to talk about it, we’d like that. We want you to feel like you can come to us when you have a problem.”

  “I know.”

  “And please, promise you won’t leave like that again,” Russ said. “We were so scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Of losing you.” Russ’s voice cracked. “Of something terrible happening to you. There are a lot of things we were afraid could have gone wrong. We’ve been terrified all day.”

  “We love you, Austin. God, we love you so, so much. We just want you to be safe and happy,” Stephen said thickly.

  He leaned against Stephen.

  “Can you tell us more about what happened when you found Kellie today?” he asked softly.

  Austin shrugged and looked down at the floor. “I saw her car in a parking lot, and I wanted to talk to her. But I found her lying on the ground and …” He swallowed hard. “She wasn’t moving, and she didn’t wake up when I shook her.” His whole body shuddered as he wiped at his face with his sleeve. “I thought about my mom and …”

  Russ met Stephen’s gaze over Austin’s head and the sadness and horror on his face was exactly what Russ felt.

  “What did the doctor say about how she’s doing?” Russ asked softly. “Did they talk to you?”

  “A little bit. They said she had a concussion and they’re doing some more tests and will keep her here for a while.”


  “Austin?” Marcus poked his head in the room. “Kellie’s back in her room if you want to see her. She said you guys can come in too.” He nodded at Russ and Stephen.

  “Sure.” Russ stood immediately but when Austin ran to the door, Stephen moved more slowly.

  “Give us a minute, Austin,” Stephen said quietly. “I want to talk to Russ about something.”

  He gave them a puzzled look but disappeared through the door with Marcus, who
settled a hand on his shoulder.

  “What do you think about Kellie coming home with us?” Stephen asked. “Just for a few days while she’s recovering. I know it isn’t ideal, but I can’t stand the thought of her staying in her car after this. I can’t live with that.”

  Russ thought of the pounding head and queasy stomach he’d had after he’d been in this ER for a much less severe injury and grimaced at the thought. “Yeah, agreed. We’ll make it work.” They could sleep on an air mattress or on the couch for a few days while she took their bed.

  “Thank you.” Stephen pulled him close.

  “Why is it everyone in your life ends up with a head injury?” Russ muttered.

  Stephen gave him a wan smile. “I don’t know, but I’d like it to stop.”

  Russ traced his fingers across his face. “You look exhausted.”

  “Thanks.” He sighed. “I do feel exhausted though.”

  “Me too,” Russ said with a sigh. “This kid is seriously aging me.”

  “Tell me about it.” Stephen took a deep breath, then let it out noisily. “Okay, you ready to go talk to Kellie?”

  “I think I am going to keep my mouth shut as much as possible this time,” Russ said grimly. “You can do the talking.”

  When they walked into Kellie’s room, Dan was on the far side of the bed and Austin sat in the chair next to it, clutching her hand. She was dressed in a hospital gown and with the beanie off, she looked so much more vulnerable. Russ could see her roots growing in, reddish like Austin’s but she looked pale and tired too, and there was a bandage on the back of her head.

  “Hey, Kellie,” Stephen said softly. “We just wanted to stop in and see how you’re doing.”

  “Not great,” she said with a weak smile. “But I’ll be okay. I’m just glad Austin found me. Did he tell you what happened?”

  “Marcus told us a little.” He glanced at Austin. “We’re still not sure how Austin found you. There are multiple places where you park your car to sleep, right?”

  “Yeah. The police make the rounds and clear cars out, so I try to vary it a lot.”


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