Flames of Love

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Flames of Love Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  “Be careful.” She’d never seen him move so fast, and his intensity frightened her. He was literally going to walk into a fire. Oh God, he could die. His job hadn’t felt real until that moment. Even when she saw him with soot all over his body, he hadn’t been flushed with adrenaline, preparing to go into a fire. She wanted to cling to him and plead with him to be careful, maybe even not go. No. She would never ask that. She wasn’t that selfish. But she couldn’t keep her thoughts completely trapped inside her.

  “Cash,” she said a little breathlessly, “I’m counting on you to come back.”

  He leaned over the bed and kissed her—a quick peck. “Love you, babe. You can always count on me.”

  She didn’t think he realized what he said. His eyes darted frantically around the room as he shoved his feet into his socks, then hurried into the living room. She threw on a T-shirt and followed him out.

  He opened the door and pulled her into another quick kiss. “Don’t look so shocked. I told you I was falling for you. Gotta go.” He pulled the door shut behind him, leaving her stunned, frightened…and happy.

  TWO ENGINES WERE on the scene when Cash arrived at the fire. He’d seen the billowing black smoke from several blocks away, and his mind instantly flashed to Chuck and Samuel—and then to the look in Siena’s eyes when she’d said she was counting on him to come back.

  Chief Weber brought him up to speed. “You’re with Mike and, Cash, I’m not fucking around. This is a big one. Another engine is on its way. We need you focused. Don’t pull any shit and risk our men’s lives.”

  Cash thought of Siena waiting for him that evening and his talk with Regan. “Got it, Chief.”

  Chief Weber grabbed his arm. “Cash, don’t fuck this up.”

  It wasn’t a threat. It was an ultimatum, and Cash read it loud and clear. “I got this, Chief.” He pulled his arm from his grasp and slapped Mike on the back. “Let’s go.” As they headed toward the entrance, Cash had a million things going through his mind. Thank God it’s a warehouse and not an apartment building. Don’t fuck this up. Siena’s waiting for me. I have something to lose.

  It was a fast-moving two-alarm fire, and it ripped through the two-story warehouse at record speed, burning everything in its path. The warehouse was filled with building materials, making their jobs even more dangerous. Dozens of firefighters fought the blaze from every angle with crews inside, crews on ladders outside putting out the flames from above, and entering the second floor through the windows. Cash heard a loud crack before he realized where it had come from. The ceiling crashed, sending three firefighters down to the first floor, flames coming at them fast. In the blink of an eye, he and Mike were there, carrying the guys to safety. They were blinded by the dense smoke and made their way out by following the path they’d memorized on the way in and the shouts of the team at the entrance. Cash ran back toward the building, coughing, having trouble breathing. He fought the idea of putting on the goddamn breathing apparatus with all he was worth. The chief’s voice ran through his mind: Don’t fuck this up. It was followed by Siena’s: I’m counting on you to come back. With that thought, he pulled on his goddamn breathing pack and headed back into the fire.

  It took more than two hours for them to extinguish the blaze. Cash stood beside Tommy, looking at the burned warehouse, their bodies black with soot and covered with sweat. He was still riding the adrenaline rush.

  “Mike said you used your breather.” Tommy wiped his forehead with his forearm.

  Cash looked down and realized he was rubbing the tattoo on his arm. “Yup.”

  Tommy nodded. “That’s good, Cash. I’m proud of you.”

  Cash slid him a look that said, Proud of me? Shut the hell up.

  Tommy draped his arm around his shoulder and said, “You shut the hell up. I was sure this would be your last fire.”

  Cash elbowed him in the ribs, and Tommy dodged it with a laugh.

  “What? You can be a stubborn ass when you want to.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” Cash climbed onto the truck and sighed when he sat down.

  “Only when it can cost you your job.” Tommy stared at him so long Cash felt a path burning between them.


  “I just want to know. Was it Regan, the chief, or Siena who finally got to you?”

  “Why do you care?” Cash pulled out his phone.

  “Well, the way I see it, if it was Regan or the chief, then it may not be a permanent change. You know, make little changes to keep your job, but in a week you might be back to barely breathing and hotdogging it. But if it’s Siena, that’s a whole different ball game.”

  He looked at his phone and was surprised to see a text from his brother Duke. U at that fire? He should have figured that after telling Duke what he was going through, he’d be on his case. He’d always looked after Cash, and Cash knew he always would. He texted back. Yeah, and I used the fucking mask, so u can go back 2 work now.

  He texted Siena before responding to Tommy. Just wanted 2 let u know I’m fine.

  Tommy’s blue eyes were locked on him, and he knew he wouldn’t get away without answering. He shrugged. “Some of each, I guess.”

  Tommy shook his head and grinned. “You’re an ass, you know that?”

  He laughed and read Siena’s response. Whew. I was worried. My place? 5?

  He wondered what was going through her mind right then. He hadn’t planned on saying what he had before he’d left, but once the words were said, he knew they were true. Siena had been shocked, and he figured that shock would do one of two things as it simmered through the afternoon. It’d boil to full-blown fear and she’d put space between them, or it would make them even closer. Either way, he wasn’t upset with himself for saying that he loved her. He did, and that was what drove him to put on the fucking mask.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  THE WIND BLEW Siena’s hair across her face, and she fought the urge to cringe as it sliced into her bare legs. Photographers loved making contradictory statements with their pictures. Featuring girls in bikinis while lying on ice or women wearing summer outfits in the middle of a snowstorm. She’d been standing in the middle of some rich guy’s yard for two hours already, wearing lingerie with high heels, the wind whipping against her flesh, wishing her body would go numb, but it refused. It didn’t help that all she had been able to think about all day was Cash telling her he loved her and then running into a fire.

  “Lovely, Siena. That’s perfect.” Henri Carpa was a heavyset man with a full beard, and one of the leading photographers in the industry. “Now, we’re going to take a few more shots with the bushes in the background.”

  It was an honor to be chosen for the shoot, but that didn’t stop Siena from hating Henri just a little each time the wind blew. They finally brought out the male model, Rodelpho Morenz. He moved with powerful grace across the lawn in his thick white robe. Siena had worked with him before, and with his high cheekbones and deep-set, piercing blue eyes that were every bit as electric as hers, he was devastatingly handsome. His dark hair was slicked back from his face, which made him look like a Greek god, and if that wasn’t enough, when he dropped the robe from his shoulders, into the hands of an assistant, every muscle on his body looked as though it had been painted on. She watched him come closer, knowing she’d be pressed against his body in all sorts of compromising positions, which would thankfully bring warmth to her freezing limbs. She also knew that all those delicious looks fell to pieces the minute he opened his mouth, because Rodelpho had been blessed with a higher-pitched voice than most women Siena knew. The first time they’d worked together she couldn’t get past the distraction of it. Now his voice was just part of the total package that was Rodelpho. He was a nice man, and at the moment, a welcome means for heat.

  “Nice to see you again, Siena.” He air-kissed her cheeks.

  While on shoots, Siena and the other models were hypervigilant about makeup and hair, as messing with either could add significant t
ime to the shoot.

  “Hi, Rod.” She tried to keep her teeth from chattering. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Really? I figured it was just the tundra-like weather.” He glanced at her breasts and winked.

  Same old Rod. Their playful banter had begun during their first shoot, and now, three years later, it was still one of the things she enjoyed most about working with him. Though he was attractive, Siena had never been sexually attracted to him. In fact, she hadn’t been sexually attracted to any of the models she worked with. As she analyzed that thought and her mind drifted to Cash, she realized that maybe it wasn’t just male models she wasn’t attracted to. It was all men who cared too much about what they looked like, or lived as if they did. It struck her as an odd thought for a model to have about other models. Even so, it was the truth of the matter. She eyed Rod as the makeup artist touched up his brows. Sure, he was well built, handsome, nearly perfect, if judged by looks alone. Cash was rugged, heavily built, virile, and red-blooded brave. He was handsome, but he was so much more. He was caring, tender, romantic, and without a doubt, strong willed. Cash was perfect inside and out, and she couldn’t wait to be back in his arms again.

  The photo shoot ran late, and she texted Cash from the cab on the way to her loft.

  Shoot ran late. I’ll be there by 5:20. Sorry! Xox.

  She thought about those three little letters. Xox. Kisses and hugs, and it brought back the chill that ran though her when Cash had said he loved her. She wondered if things would be weird between them now. She hadn’t said it back, and she definitely felt her heart wrapping itself around him, but she didn’t want to be one of those girls who claimed their love because their boyfriend did. She wanted to say it when it felt right, and she made a promise to herself that that was exactly what she’d do.

  Her phone vibrated with a text from Cash. No worries. I’m here. She loved knowing he was going to be there when she got home. Oh God, she loved so much about him. But it was all so fast—and that scared her as much as it excited her. Her phone vibrated again, this time with a text from Willow.

  Girl, u r all over the press.

  Her stomach tightened as she texted back, wishing she could tell Willow the truth.

  I saw.

  She hoped that short answer would nip the conversation in the bud.

  Her phone vibrated again a second later with Willow’s response. Gotta get me a newsworthy date!

  Siena laughed, wishing she could text, You can have Gunner! Instead she texted, You won’t have 2 look long. Guys kill 2 go out w/you. Ur gorgeous!

  Willow’s response brought another laugh. I know. Siena didn’t respond. She had forgotten her gloves. She was freezing, her muscles ached, and she was dying to see Cash. She didn’t want to be distracted by her cell phone. As she paid the cabbie, Cash met her in front of her apartment building with a black backpack over his left shoulder, his arms open wide, and a to-go cup in each hand.

  Perfect. Inside and out.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  CASH FOLDED SIENA into his arms. “How’d you make out?”

  She looked up at him and laughed. “Man, I knew I forgot to do something. I didn’t realize I was supposed to make out. I was saving all my kisses for you.” She pulled out of his arms. “Let me just grab a cab and I’ll go back to Rod.”

  “Get over here.” He snagged her arm and pulled her back to him, then trapped her laugh with his lips and kissed her hard. He deepened the kiss as she pressed her body to his. When their lips parted, she was breathing heavily.

  “Wow.” She blinked up at him.

  “Just a little reminder of what’s waiting at home for you.” He handed her a cup, and she could smell warm cocoa in the steam. “I figured you’d be cold.” He touched her bare fingers. “Seeing how you’re not the best at being prepared.”

  “Do you mind?” she asked as they walked inside and took the elevator upstairs. “I’m still riding the high of that kiss. Don’t shoot me down so quickly.”

  “It’s not your fault. I should have reminded you before I ran out.” He held her cup while she opened the door to her loft.

  “I’m a big girl. I should remember.”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking that’s a long shot. Even I need reminders about stuff sometimes.” Like not to take risks that endanger my fellow firefighters. Or myself.

  After they hung up their coats, Siena asked, “Do you mind if I put on something more comfy?” She waved him toward the bedroom.

  “Okay, but I’m not really in the mood. I like a little foreplay first,” Cash teased as she walked into her closet. She came out in a pair of sweatpants, thick, fuzzy slippers, and a sweatshirt, looking all kinds of adorable. “Now, that is hot.”

  “You dirty boy. I was freezing,” she said with her pouty lower lip sticking out.

  She cuddled against him and he had to kiss her again.

  “We’d better get out of this particular room, or my mind isn’t going to think you’re just adorable. It’s going to wander to what you have on under there.” They walked hand and hand past the kitchen counter, and Cash said, “Keep on moving, because that counter holds dangerous memories.”

  She laughed. “The couch is pretty safe.”

  “For now.”

  Siena sat on the couch, her back against the armrest, her knees pulled up to her chest.

  “Let me grab you a blanket. Where do you keep throw blankets?” He looked around the sparse living room.

  “Do guys even know about throw blankets?” She pointed to the closet by the door. “Up top, in there.”

  “Throw blankets? My mom has one draped over every couch and chair in the house, and she had them in each of our bedrooms when we were growing up. We were like the throw blanket family.” He covered her with a chenille blanket and lifted her feet onto his lap.

  “Want some wine? My brother Kurt gave me a nice bottle a few months ago, and I almost forgot about it until just now.” She moved to stand, and Cash put his hand on her leg.

  “I’ll get it. Relax. Just tell me where it is.” He found the bottle on a wine rack he had somehow overlooked near the kitchen, and he poured them each a glass, then carried the bottle and the glasses to the coffee table. “I’m taking mental notes. Screaming orgasms when you’re flirty, wine when you’re cold.”

  She smiled as she took the glass. “How do you know it’s not screaming orgasms when I’m flirty and wine when I’m a sure thing?”

  “I didn’t, but I’m making another note.” He lifted her feet onto his lap again and rubbed her foot as they talked. “Tell me about your shoot.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It was so cold. We were shooting lingerie outside, and I swear, I’ve never been so cold in my life.”

  “Were there pink panties involved?” He arched a brow.

  She pushed his stomach with her foot. “I don’t get to choose my shoots. No pink panties. Black and cream lingerie. I’ll model it for you later if you want.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Now I understand the perks of dating a model.” He leaned in for another kiss. “I might just take you up on that.”

  “You’ll love this. The guy I modeled with is really hot, but he—”

  He held his palm up. “Stop. Please. Don’t overestimate my ability to deal with this stuff.”

  She smacked his arm. “Really? If you’re going to date me, you have to be able to deal with all of my career, not just the parts you want to know about. The same way that I have to deal with knowing you could die in a fire, or that you probably get hit on by a zillion women because you’re a fireman. And when that calendar comes out, there’ll be women all over New York doing God knows what to your picture.”

  He moved closer to her. “Is that jealousy I hear? Does the green-eyed monster live somewhere in that beautiful body of yours? I don’t believe it.”

  Siena crossed her arms. “I am only human. Just like you. And don’t change the subject. This is about you accepting my job.”

right. But do I have to hear about the hot guys? Couldn’t you lie to me and say they’re ugly?”

  “You’re such a pain. I was going to say his voice was higher than mine, and no, I won’t lie. If you love me…” She narrowed her eyes and held his stare. “Then you have to trust me. I should be able to say anything to you without fear of you being jealous.”

  “Oh, I do love you. More with each frustrating second.” He rose from the couch and paced.

  “Wait. You love me, but you’re leaving?”

  He returned to her side and crouched beside her. “I’m not leaving. I was pacing. Baby, I have no doubt that what I feel for you is love.” He could see her holding her breath, waiting for the but. “Breathe, baby.”

  She let out a breath. “Sorry. You love me?”

  “I do. It’s fast, and I don’t expect you to miraculously say it back. But you know, life goes by quickly, and when I felt it, I said it. When I walked out that door, I was glad I did. I wanted you to know—just in case.”

  “Just in case…you didn’t come back?”

  “Fires are dangerous. But what we were just talking about, love, jealousy, that’s really important.”

  “More important than you getting killed in a fire? Cash, that’s pretty important.”

  “It is, and we can fret over it some other time, but right now we need to talk about that other stuff. Baby, if you think any man can handle hearing about the woman they love being in a half-naked man’s arms—a man she describes as hot—and not be jealous, you’re way off base. Part of loving someone is caring enough about them to not want them to be with someone else. It’s not rational. Hell, it might not even be fair, but just as I have to accept hearing about hot guys, you’ll have to accept hearing that I’m jealous. It doesn’t have to break us up. I won’t tell you not to model or not to be in pink panty shoots, but when you tell me the guys are hot, give me the space to cringe and take my ego slap. Hell, you’d be wise to throw in a compliment here or there about how I’m handsome too. That would buy you big bonus points.”


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