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Flames of Love

Page 27

by Melissa Foster

  He closed the distance between them. “I know that. Goddamn it, Siena. I don’t think you like Gunner in that way. And I know you fucking love me.”

  She rose and stared him down. “Then what the hell is all this?”

  “How should I know? I thought the whole Gunner thing was over.” Anger rolled off his broad chest, forming a wall between them.

  “It was.”

  “Was being the operative word.” He narrowed his eyes and took a step closer. “This isn’t even about Gunner. It’s about what you are willing to give up or compromise for your career.”

  “Damn it, Cash. How did we get from there”—she pointed to the bedroom—“to here?”

  He put his arms around her, and Siena felt his heart hammering against her chest. She didn’t want to argue and was too confused to try to figure out any of this. Cash’s hand slid up her back and cupped her head.

  “I think this is one of those times when we need to call a truce and take a step back. We don’t need to figure this out right now, do we?”

  His whisper was in such sharp contrast to his tight muscles and racing pulse that she had to lift her eyes to his.


  He kissed her forehead. “Okay, then we take a deep breath and try to enjoy some time together.” His voice was gravelly, with an undercurrent of hurt and something more. Anger? Disappointment? She wasn’t sure. He wiped her tears with his hand. “Everything happens for a reason, right?”

  “According to Vetta.”

  He nodded. “Well, I say we live in Vetta’s world for a little while.”

  “Do you still want me here? Do you still want to go with me to Colorado this weekend? I won’t hate you if you ask me to leave.” Please don’t ask me to.

  “Babe, I want you with me every minute of every day. That’s the problem.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY passed with quiet contentment. Siena and Cash managed to take the issue with Jewel off of the table and focus on enjoying their time together. They went to the market and shopped for foods they both enjoyed, took walks, and skipped dinners in lieu of making love. They got up afterward and nibbled on snacks until they fell back into each other’s arms. By the time Friday arrived, it would appear to a stranger that the discussion about Gunner had never taken place, but Cash’s insides had been churning ever since.

  As the plane descended, Cash felt Siena squeeze his hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I hate that we have to spend two nights apart.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, and Cash’s body reacted with a rush of love for her. He draped his arm around her, pulling her closer, wishing he could rip out the armrest and feel her entire body against him. He’d been stewing over their discussion, and not bringing it up was killing him. On the one hand, he didn’t want to keep her from such an incredible opportunity, one that meant more income than he’d ever dream of seeing, for sure. And on the other hand, he loved her completely, and the idea of being the guy in the background would never work for him. He was a lot of things, and yes, maybe he was a softy when it came to Siena. He sure as hell had never been before her. But when it came to respecting their relationship, he wasn’t going to back down. He also knew what that meant. Nobody—male or female, in his world—would willingly walk away from ten million dollars for someone they had just fallen in love with. Even if that love was so consuming that they could barely breathe without each other. He closed his eyes for a beat as the plane landed and felt in his heart that Vetta was probably right. Maybe he and Siena had fallen in love for a reason. To pull the reins in on his riskiness so he didn’t kill himself or someone else and to bring her career to the next level. Fuck, that sucks.

  “Are you afraid of landings?” Siena asked.

  His eyes shot open. “No. Why?”

  “Your entire body is like one big, tense muscle. And your jaw is clenching.” She touched his thigh. “Feel that.”

  She knew him so well now that it hurt even more to think about losing her, and that brought walls up around his heart.

  “I’m fine.” Damn it. Don’t be a dick.

  “Okay, relax. So, what’s the plan? You’ll drop me at Savannah’s dad’s house and then go to Gage’s, right? Then you’ll pick me up Sunday morning?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Where exactly does Gage live?”

  He knew she was trying to bring him down from his frustration. It was just another thing about her that he loved. Most people would go mute around his tougher side, but not Siena. She coaxed him out of it every time. But this time he wasn’t so sure she could. Knowing that Jewel would eventually make her decide about Track Sports—and Gunner. The flames were lit. The burn was raw. It was just the scar that hadn’t set in yet.

  “Mount Grail Road. Top of the mountain.”

  The plane touched down, and Siena picked up her purse and set it in her lap.

  “Which means nothing to me. I know exactly one driveway in Weston. Hal Braden’s. Lucky for me I’ll have you to chauffer me around.”

  He almost said, Always, but he had to get used to the idea that he might not always be there with her. He kissed the side of her head. “Lucky for me. At least this time I know you’re prepared for the weather.”

  “Yeah, well, I have a handy-dandy fireman who makes sure I am.”

  They came down the ramp hand in hand and went to gather their luggage. Cash slung his black duffel bag over his shoulder and carried the rest of their luggage to the rental car desk.

  “Why do you insist on bringing that duffel bag? It’s not like they’re calling for a snowstorm.”

  It was his go-bag. The bag he’d had with him when he’d rescued Siena from the storm the first night they’d met, and he took it with him anytime he was in a car or on a trip.

  “Wait. Don’t tell me.” She bumped her hip against his and put her hand flat on his stomach.

  God, I love your touch.

  “Because being prepared is everything.” She kissed his stubbly cheek.

  Which is exactly why my walls are going back up.

  SOME TRIPS BROUGHT couples closer together and some tore them apart. Siena and Cash had become so close since they’d met that she could feel changes in his mood like changes in the wind. The air around him would shift, his facial features tensed or became softer, more relaxed, his breathing became fast or shallow, and his eyes were like windows to his heart. Since their talk on Wednesday, she’d seen him go through every emotion under the sun, and she’d known he was fighting against himself to keep whatever was going on in that handsome head of his under wraps. But now, riding in the car with him, the shift in energy felt like a fissure between them, and it scared her.

  “Cash, since we’re going to be spending two nights apart, do you want to talk about stuff?” She slid her hands beneath her thighs to keep from fidgeting. She’d noticed that he reacted to her moods, and if he knew she was nervous, he’d probably clam up to avoid stressing her out before arriving at the Bradens’ ranch.

  “Not really.”

  Ouch. “But this whole thing with Jewel is a little like the elephant in the car, right? Or is that my imagination?”

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter and narrowed his eyes, which never left the road. “Do you really want to do this now?”

  “Well, no. I don’t really want to do it ever, but…”

  “Look, Siena. We’ve practically moved in together, and you’re about to see your family and celebrate one of the biggest days in Savannah and Jack’s lives. Let’s not spoil it. We’re fine. All this shit with your career will figure itself out, and we’ll see where we end up.” He glanced at her, then back at the road. “None of it will change my feelings for you.”

  Despite his reassurance, the fissure was beginning to feel like a ravine—and she had no idea how to cross it. “But you said you couldn’t be the guy in the background.”

  He didn’t respond, and she could practically feel his muscl
es flexing beneath his parka. She knew damn well that he’d never put her in the position she was putting them in. Even if she might be jumping the gun. She knew she wasn’t. She knew Jewel too well. She wouldn’t have pushed Siena if she didn’t see a contract on the horizon. Track Sports. That would be huge, equivalent to her Revlon contract, only she’d be paid much more. Any model would jump at the chance, and she wondered if most guys would be as adamant as Cash about the whole Gunner thing. She didn’t think so. Then again, she wasn’t in love with most guys. And if she were honest with herself, she’d admit that she didn’t even want to make the concession and date Gunner. But it was a lot to give up—if she were even offered the opportunity.

  By the time they reached Hal Braden’s ranch Siena decided she’d call Jewel later. She needed to know exactly what she was facing. Maybe she didn’t really mean she had to keep seeing Gunner. Maybe she’d misread the whole thing. The thought made her breathe a little easier.

  Snow flurries blew through the chilly air, landing on the six inches of snow that covered the ground. Cash, being the prepared boyfriend that he was, had checked and rechecked the weather before they’d left New York, and Weston was expected to have a few flurries, but nothing major. Cash opened the back of the Land Rover they’d rented, and Siena reached for her bag. He placed his hand gently on her hip and pressed his cheek to hers. She nearly melted, thankful for the intimate embrace after the chilly ride over.

  “I love you, Siena,” he whispered against her neck before pulling her close.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I want you to focus on your family and friends. Have a great time. Don’t worry about us, okay?” He searched her eyes, and she felt her heart swell. “Remember, we’re living in Vetta’s world. The right thing will happen, whatever it is. But don’t let it ruin your visit. I’m sorry I was grumpy on the way over.”

  She kissed him softly. “I know. We’re both confused, but I’m glad you came with me. Knowing you’re so close is much better than thinking you’re all the way back in New York. I know that seems silly, but...” She shrugged. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and ignored it. She wanted every second she could possibly have with Cash, and if it was Jewel, she’d just as soon not know what she had to say. At least not right then.

  “It’s not silly. It’s why I came.” He hoisted her bags from the car. “It’s love, babe. Come on. Let’s get you inside before your lips turn blue.”

  Hal answered the door wearing a thick flannel shirt with a white T-shirt underneath, a pair of Levi’s, and a welcoming smile. “Siena. We’re so glad you made it.” He opened his arms and she fell into them. She’d loved Hal the minute she’d met him the day Savannah and Jack celebrated their engagement. At six foot six with thick hair that was more gray than black, kind, dark eyes that were mirrored in each of his handsome sons’ faces, and shoulders almost as wide as the doorframe, he was like a big, comfortable bear.

  “It’s good to see you, Hal.”

  “Now, y’all come on in out of the cold and introduce me to your handsome beau.” Hal held a hand out to Cash. “Hal Braden.”

  “Cash Ryder, sir.” Cash shook his hand as Hal’s eyes ran between the two of them.

  “Nice to meet you, Cash. Are you staying with us this weekend?”

  They left their shoes with the others near the door and walked into the spacious two-story ranch-style house. Hardwood floors paved the way from the spacious foyer to the open living room and the entrance to the kitchen. Siena looked around the room, remembering the last time she was there, when Savannah announced her engagement and Savannah’s brother Hugh got married in their backyard. It was so romantic, she’d actually cried.

  “No, sir. My brother lives up the mountain. I’ll be staying there.” Cash settled his hand on the small of Siena’s back, and she filled with pride. She loved who Cash was. She knew he’d treat everyone with equal respect, from waitresses to businessmen, which was more than she could say for some of the wealthy men she’d been set up with in the past.

  “Well, probably a good thing. Too many women in one house can drive a man to drinking.” Hal winked at him as Savannah came out of the kitchen and squealed.

  “You’re here!” She hugged Siena. “And you brought the handsome fireman!” She hugged Cash and laughed. “I’m kidding, Cash. I’m so happy you came.”

  “Nice to see you again, Savannah. I’m not staying. I’m going to stay with my brother Gage. I’m just saying hello; then I’ll leave you ladies alone to celebrate.”

  “He lives here? What a coincidence.” Savannah looked toward the kitchen. “Do you have time to meet a few people before you go?”


  She guided them into the kitchen, and Siena saw Hal hold Cash back for a second and whisper something to Cash that she couldn’t decipher. Whatever it was, it brought another shift in the air around him. An unusual shift she couldn’t read.

  Treat and Rex, two of Savannah’s older brothers, pushed away from the counters where they’d been leaning to greet them. Treat was the same height as Hal, and he had three inches on Rex. They shared the same black hair, though Rex’s was tucked beneath a Stetson and hung to his collar while Treat’s was cut short, more businesslike. Treat owned resorts all over the world, but when he’d fallen in love with Max, his now pregnant wife, he’d settled down on a neighboring property and helped his father part-time with the ranch while running his business from Weston.

  “Siena.” He embraced her, then kissed each cheek. “You look beautiful.” He held a hand out to Cash. “Treat Braden, and this is Rex. We’re Savannah’s brothers. Well, two of them, anyway.”

  “Cash Ryder.” He shook their hands. “Nice to meet you.”

  Rex tipped his hat after shaking Cash’s hand and hugging Siena. He made a career of helping his father run the family thoroughbred business, and his body bore the fruits of his labor. While Treat standing by himself would have been a formidable presence with his broad shoulders and hard body, Rex’s strength rippled beneath his tight gray T-shirt and snaked down his forearms in mountains and valleys. Six-pack abs were only a piece of his cowboy allure. And when his dark-haired girlfriend, Jade, came up behind Siena and hugged her with another squeal, then went to Rex’s side, she thought they were the perfect couple. Just like her and Cash.

  She reached for Cash’s hand.

  “Who’s this handsome stranger?” Jade asked. She raised her eyebrows at Siena.

  “This is my boyfriend, Cash.”

  “Cash? Great name. You know what they say: You can never have too much money or—”

  “Hey.” Rex pulled her into his arms. “You got enough of the or.”

  “See why I do that? Look what it gets me.” She was a petite woman, and when she rose up onto her tiptoes, Rex lowered his lips to hers. “You know I only have eyes for one sexy cowboy.”

  Siena squeezed Cash’s hand. That’s how she felt about him. She only had eyes for Cash.

  “Where’s Max?” Siena looked around for Treat’s wife.

  “Right here.” Max came through the door and embraced Siena. “Great to see you again.” Her belly came between them, and Siena reached for it, then hesitated. “Oh, go ahead. Everyone does.” She smiled at Cash. “Hi. Cash, right?”

  He nodded. “Congratulations on your pregnancy.”

  Max brushed her dark hair from her shoulders and smiled at Cash, then looked at Treat. “Thanks. We’re really excited.”

  “Okay, babe, I’m going to let you visit and head up the mountain.”

  Siena held tightly to his hand. She wanted him to stay, but this was Savannah’s party, not hers.

  “Cash, the men are all getting together tomorrow night while the girls celebrate. Why don’t you and your brother join us?” Treat turned to Rex. “Have we decided where we’re going?”

  “What’s wrong with here?” Rex looked at their father.

  “Here? Aw, hell, Rex. You guys’ll be up all night, and I’m an old man.” Hal
leaned against the wall and kicked one ankle over the other. “How about your place?”

  “No can do, Hal,” Jade said. “We’re in the midst of painting, so the furniture is all misplaced. What about Treat’s? I can’t believe you guys didn’t figure all this out earlier.”

  “I tried, but Treat said Rex was taking care of it,” Max said with a smirk.

  Rex eyed Treat. “He did, did he?”

  “Um, I don’t know what you guys had planned, but if you can make it up the mountain, I know Gage has his buddies over every week for poker night, so he’s used to having his house overtaken by a bunch of guys. I’m sure he won’t mind if you meet there. There’s not much around except woods, beer, poker, and…” He shrugged. “I mean, unless this is a stripper party…”

  “Um, that would be a hell no, thank you very much,” Savannah said.

  Treat and Rex exchanged a glance.

  “Is he married?” Treat asked.

  “Treat.” Max settled her hand on her burgeoning belly.

  “I’m only asking because if he is, it’s not his brother he has to ask.” Treat placed his hand on her shoulder. “We could have it at our house.”

  “What a bore,” Rex said. “No offense, but I vote for poker on the mountain.”

  “See, you should have let me plan it,” Max said, patting Treat’s hand. “Poor Jack is going to be disappointed that you guys didn’t go all out for him.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Savannah asked. “Jack hates this kind of thing. Besides, his brothers aren’t here, so it’s not like it’s his bachelor party. His idea of a fun evening is sitting around with a beer, talking about surviving something. Anything.”


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