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Page 8

by Becky Barker

  Drea turned to go. “Thanks, nice seeing you.”

  Noah didn’t like the tug of regret he felt watching her walk away from him. Nor did he like the number of male glances she attracted with her confident sashaying stride. “We’re due back in the arena soon,” he called. She acknowledged his reminder with a wave.

  “So that’s the infamous Andrea.”

  He dragged his attention back to Shelly but he didn’t care for the speculative gleam in her dark eyes. “That’s Andrea. Didn’t you graduate with Zack?”

  “Yes but I remember his sister being pudgy with pigtails and braces. I guess ugly ducklings do turn into swans.”

  He nodded but didn’t comment. “Is she the reason you haven’t been to see me lately?”

  He held her steady gaze. “Part of the reason. We’ve been slammed too. Zack, Drea and their sister Cheyenne have all moved home to help with the ranch. I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in years.”

  “That’s good to hear. I know you really needed more help.”

  He gathered up his trash and tossed it in the can then took Shelly’s arm. When his gaze followed Andrea’s retreating form it roused her curiosity even more.

  “She seems nice, she’s beautiful and she’s certainly wowed the crowd today. How involved are the two of you?” Shelley asked.

  He knew she wanted him to deny involvement but he wouldn’t lie. “It’s complicated.” After a long pause, she said, “Aren’t they always?”

  “Not with you and me,” he reminded her.

  Shelly smiled. “No, it’s never been complicated and I don’t want it to be. You know you’re always welcome at my place.” She dropped her voice. “Or in my bed if you’re experiencing some serious frustration. No strings attached.”

  He chuckled and brushed a finger across her cheek. “I know, and that means a lot.”

  “Not commenting on the frustration part?”

  “I’m dealing but thanks. The sixteen-hour days don’t leave much time for anything else.” He wished the long hours of work lessened the frustrated desire but he didn’t want to have that discussion.

  Shelly took a hint and changed the subject. “I hear the announcer testing the microphones, so you’d better get back to the arena.”

  “Are you competing this afternoon?”

  “I think the competition is way out of my league,” she teased.

  Noah flashed her a surprised look but she just gave him a wink and turned toward the grandstand. He left her at the bleachers and returned to the arena.

  As the afternoon progressed clouds began to blot out the sun and the wind whipped up whirlwinds of dust. A storm slowly approached, making the horses restless and less cooperative for their riders. By the time the final class finished it was sprinkling. The bleachers cleared and everyone hurried to load their trailers.

  Andrea had pulled her long-sleeved shirt back over her arms and struggled to keep her hat on her head. She’d fought the wind and continued helping him without complaint. Noah had to shout at her to be heard over the thunder.

  “I have some things to finish up here. You can wait in the truck.” He started to hand her his keys but she shook her head.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll catch a ride with Trace.”

  He nodded and watched as she turned to run across the arena. He saw Trace on the other side of the track and felt an unreasonable sting of jealousy. Grinding his teeth, he cursed himself for feeling anything.

  Chapter Five

  Sunday’s rain and the resulting mud made it impossible to get around the ranch on wheels so the next few days all the staff worked on horseback. Andrea loved to ride and it came easily to her but her muscles protested loud and long. By Wednesday night every inch of her body ached. She grabbed a quick sandwich and headed for bed before dark.

  After a long hot shower she slipped a pale blue nightgown over her head. The hem fell just above her knees and the fine cotton fabric clung to her damp curves. She towel-dried her hair and combed out the tangles, noticing the streaks of sun-spun gold. Her hairdresser couldn’t have done a better job with expensive frosting techniques. Still, her hair badly needed conditioning. She promised to give it more attention when she had time. Tired of the endless braids, she left it loose and flowing over her shoulders.

  Tomorrow she planned to sleep late. Noah had ordered her to take a day off and she hadn’t argued. The tension between them had escalated since the horse show. Every touch, every glance, shot sparks. They’d both reached their limits of tolerance.

  She kept visualizing him with Shelly Hastings. Were he and the shapely brunette involved in a serious relationship? The smiles they’d shared suggested they were lovers as well as friends. So why had he come to her balcony that first night home? Had he been cheating then? Was it beyond him to be faithful to one woman? Had he since ended things with Shelly? Andrea chastised herself for caring. She shouldn’t let it bother her but it did. Not being able to get it out of her mind made her irritable as hell.

  Dusk had fallen, leaving her room bathed in shadows. Tossing back the covers of her bed, she stretched out on the cool sheets. What started as a sigh became a long moan. Her butt and thighs were seriously sore from so much riding. If she had any money she’d offer every penny to a masseuse with magic hands.

  Not seconds after that thought a tall, broad-shouldered form appeared at the sliding door of her balcony. When Noah let himself into her room her heart began to thud against her chest. Despite her exhaustion her body came alive with anticipation. Her skin tingled, her breasts plumping, nipples hardening.

  He’d come straight from his shower. His hair and skin still glistened with dampness. His jeans rode low on his hips, an obvious afterthought as they weren’t even fastened. She wondered if he was naked under the denim, and the possibility sent heat surging to the very core of her.

  “Thought you might need some liniment tonight,” he said, showing her the bottle in his hand. “It stinks but it works, and you aren’t used to riding as much as you have this week.”

  For a few long seconds Andrea watched him with half-closed eyes, unable to think of a thing to say. Her fertile mind tangled masseuse and Noah together in sheer erotic fantasy. When she didn’t respond he walked quietly to her bedside table and put down the bottle.

  She didn’t know whether to make him leave or beg him to stay. Working so closely with him yet rarely being alone had made her ache for his undivided attention. He hadn’t said or done anything suggestive but everything about him left her wanting. His self-discipline, his determination, the potency of his impressive physical strength had given her an irresistible yearning to spend more time with him.

  He turned to go and she reached out a hand to halt him. He paused, glancing down at her fingers resting on his forearm. She didn’t move them and he didn’t shift out of her reach. Time stood still as they silently weighed the pros and cons of inviting more intimacy.

  “We’re both exhausted,” he said.

  “Yes.” Her response was little more than a breathy whisper, her throat tight, her mouth dry.

  Noah seemed torn too. He looked toward the door and then down at her. After a long heart-stopping moment he said, “I could help you with the liniment.”

  His hands. On her body. An erotic fantasy.

  “Yes.” She managed another monosyllabic response.

  He moved back to the table, opened the bottle and poured liniment in his hands.

  “Turn over.” His voice sounded strained to her ears but the deafening cadence of her pulse made it hard to be sure.

  Andrea rolled onto her stomach, giving him room on the bed but he didn’t sit beside her. He put one knee on the mattress and leaned over her, starting at her ankles and working the lotion onto her calves with slow, unhurried strokes. His calloused hands chafed her skin while his open-palmed caresses soothed the tender flesh. Her fingers and toes curled when he applied more lotion to her thighs, slowly working his way up to her buttock

  She felt the coolness of air and then the heat of his touch as his hands slid beneath her gown to bare skin. Her heart pounded in her chest as her breasts swelled even more, her nipples poking at the sheets. It took all her willpower to keep her legs from thrashing against the sheets as he continued the slow, thorough seduction of her senses.

  The liniment had a pungent odor but the scent got all tangled with the clean, spicy scent of the man leaning over her. She would never smell it again without remembering the feel of Noah’s hands on her body, rubbing and calming while totally inflaming. Andrea heard a low, purring sound and then realized it came from somewhere deep in her soul.

  “You like that?” His voice had gone hoarse.

  She liked it all right. And wanted more. So much more. The throbbing between her legs increased with every stroke of his long, strong fingers. He kneaded her buttocks with a firm, tight grip that almost drove her over the edge. When he grasped her hips she undulated, allowing his fingers to brush her belly. Tension sung across raw nerves. Her body tense, her breathing ragged, she finally flipped onto her back and out of his reach but that didn’t slow his sensual assault.

  He grasped her by the knees and continued to rub the soreness out of her joints. Her gown hitched upward and uncovered the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. She watched his eyes go dark with passion as he gazed at her bared flesh.

  When his hands caressed higher on her legs she moaned again. He gave her one last, searching look before easing them apart and dropping his head. With his mouth near the nest of hair, he blew cool air on the overheated flesh. Then his tongue dipped into her damp softness and continued to caress her. Andrea clutched at the sheets, tension escalating and making her mindless with need. His hands slid under her hips, tugging her closer to his mouth while she rocked beneath him. She moaned and twisted, grasping fistfuls of his hair as he drove her higher and higher.

  A long, low cry of release filled the night when he pushed her over the edge. As she panted for air he nipped and licked and teased her with his tongue until a second orgasm trembled over her. She screamed and nearly came off the bed.

  “So sexy, so damned sexy.”

  His gruff whisper barely penetrated her satiated senses. Andrea collapsed against the bed, limp and exhausted but he didn’t stop there. He slowly pulled her nightgown over her arms and tossed it aside. While her chest heaved he cupped her breasts and lapped at her nipples like a hungry cat, his tongue lashing with long wet strokes, his mouth hot and searing. First one and then the other, he bathed them with caresses. Then he sucked each one deeply into his mouth, drawing her body as tight as a bow.

  Weak and trembling, Andrea didn’t think there was any way he could rekindle her passion but Noah proved her wrong. When her breathing quieted a little he used his teeth to pluck at her nipples, sending stinging tension throughout her body. Her legs began to shift restlessly and he pinned them with his strong thighs. She felt the roughness of denim against supersensitized skin and she wanted him naked.

  Grasping the waistband of his jeans, she tugged them low enough for him to kick them off his legs. As she’d suspected, he was gloriously naked without them. She felt the hard ridge of his erection as he eased himself across her hips again. Her breath caught in wild anticipation at the thought of having him buried inside her. A deep throbbing ache pulsed between her legs.

  “Noah!” she coaxed, arching her body closer to his in feminine demand.

  “This time you have to tell me what you want,” he ordered gruffly. “Tell me you want me inside of you. Deep inside of you. Tell me!”

  “Yes, I want you! Please, Noah, please!”

  The words barely passed her lips before he thrust into her welcoming heat. She gasped and shuddered, her body quickly adjusting to the thickness of him and the depth of his penetration. For a long throbbing minute they both stilled, each absorbing the pure pleasure of the intimate penetration. Then he began to thrust faster and harder. She matched his movements with all her strength but quickly spiraled into another orgasm and then another. By the time he stiffened and cried out his release she was quivering with a different, amazing sort of exhaustion.

  She closed her eyes, her body going completely limp. Sometime later she felt Noah stirring and his weight being lifted from her chest. Then she sank into a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

  * * * * *

  Late the next morning Andrea began to dream of Caroline, her beloved big sister. Memories conjured images of Caro the last time she’d seen her alive. She’d been racing through the house, sobbing and hysterical. Andrea had asked her what was wrong but all she’d say was “ask Noah”. She’d warned Drea to be careful or her heart would be broken too. Then she’d dashed out of the house and jumped into her sports car, driving with a wild recklessness that had gotten her killed.

  A sob woke her from the awful, recurring dream. Of hearing that her sister had slammed her car into a tree and died instantly, taking her unborn child with her. Trembling and sweating, Andrea tried to shake off the guilt and heartache that always accompanied the memory.

  The family hadn’t known about the pregnancy, nor the identity of the unborn baby’s father. Andrea had blamed Noah, accusing him of carrying on affairs with both Bartell sisters. He’d denied it but had obstinately refused to discuss Caro, her baby or the wreck. Devastated by his duplicity and unable to cope with the emotional strain, she’d left home without a backward glance.

  Now she sat up in bed and swiped tears from her cheeks. A knock at her door had her grasping the sheet to cover herself. When it swung open Noah appeared, stilled and stared at her for a minute before speaking.

  His expression turned grim. “I guess I don’t have to ask if you’re upset about last night,” he charged gruffly.

  She started to explain the nightmare but he cut her off.

  “Nanette asked me to wake you for lunch.”

  He pulled the door closed, effectively ignoring any response she could have made. She sighed and fell back against the pillow. Damn. Double damn.

  He’d been so incredibly tender last night, so attuned to her needs, so unselfish with his loving. She’d wanted him so badly and he’d given her what she wanted, plus a whole lot more. Her skin still prickled in all the intimate places he’d kissed and caressed.

  Maybe the dream was a subconscious warning to beware. Caroline advising her from the grave? She didn’t dare fall into the same old trap or make the same mistake. It would surely kill her this time. Their breakup had cost her half her heart and soul. She couldn’t afford to lose the other half, couldn’t trust Noah with more than her body.

  Did he even want more? Had he ever wanted anything but her willing body? She’d never known what he wanted more, her heart or her inheritance. Neither time nor experience had changed that basic fact. He remained an enigma despite all the years they’d known each other.

  Her stomach chose that minute to growl hungrily, so she climbed from bed, quickly freshened up and pulled on a simple yellow sundress. The soft cotton fabric felt cool and comfortable against her skin. Her hair, now a wild tangle of kinky strands, couldn’t be brushed into any acceptable style so she pulled it off her neck and clipped it to the back of her head with a giant plastic claw. After applying a touch of makeup to her eyes and lips she headed downstairs.

  Everyone had gathered in the dining room and took their seats after she arrived. Zack planned to drive to his office in San Antonio so most of the conversation flowed around his new engineering firm. They also discussed various ongoing projects and the completion of most of the property upgrades. She and Chey made plans to go over some fashion designs later in the day.

  “How’s the computer work going?” she asked.

  Chey responded, “Nanna and I got all the financial information transferred to the computer but it will take a while longer to get the livestock records done.”

  “We’d both feel better if you take a look at the spreadsheets when you have time,” said Nanette. “We think
we’ve set things up right but I don’t know much about the computer and Chey doesn’t know much about the finances.”

  “I’ll take a look after lunch but I don’t know much more than you guys. I guess however we set it up will have to be our new norm.”

  When they’d finished eating and everyone started heading in different directions, Andrea asked Noah if he could spare her a minute. He seemed hesitant but followed her to the ranch office. She quietly closed the door behind them before heading to her aunt’s big desk.

  The atmosphere in the room crackled like the lightning of a brewing thunderstorm. She often wondered what it was about their chemistry that put her senses on high alert whenever he was near. Why did her body respond so intensely to this one man? Her skin prickle? Her nerves sing? They both knew they were ill-suited for a long-term relationship. Most of their lives had been spent in one competition or another, yet hormones or chemistry or some wicked trick of fate kept the physical attraction sizzling.

  He moved to the fireplace and stretched an arm across the mantel. She supposed he’d put in five or six hours work already and then showered before lunch. Clean-shaven and too sexy for words in tight, faded jeans that accentuated narrow hips and strong thighs, he looked better than any male model she’d ever met. His chest-hugging green tee shirt revealed every powerful ripple of muscle when he moved. His hair, almost silver from the sun, had a natural tendency to wave when it grew longer. The whole male package did crazy things to her libido when she really needed to keep a clear head.

  “Don’t you ever wear a bra?”

  The question had her sucking in a breath and balling her hands into fists. His brooding gaze made her nipples pucker against the soft fabric of her dress. A shaft of desire arrowed to the pit of her stomach, making her feel raw and exposed. She glared at him and he glared right back. Instead of making things better between them, the wild sex they’d shared last night had left them both feeling more restless and irritable.

  “What’s wrong with my breasts?”


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