Patch (The Black Cobras MC Book 3)
Page 13
Cash on the other hand had choked out the other guy. He was lying unconscious on his stomach on the ground. Cash was standing over Gunther and Bones now, pointing it in his direction.
“Ready to go?” Bones asked. I nodded. Even though Samantha and I had parted—I was a little embarrassed, reminded of the fact that these guys had seen me fuss over her already—she reached for my hand then. Her fingers weaved with mine and I didn’t pull my hand away.
“You guys get out of here first, take her out and we’ll follow,” Cash said with his gun still trained on Gunther.
Gunther hadn’t stopped cursing. We had to talk over him. Most of his threats seemed to be directed at Bones who was tightly holding him back.
“We’re going to destroy you.”
“I’m going to personally squeeze the life out of you fuckers.”
“That whore means nothing to us!”
He spat and choked and roared as Samantha and I ran out of the room and then up the stairs into the Clubhouse, her hand still in mine.
“I’m going to take you back to my apartment,” I said and turned to look at her. Once again, she had gone very quiet and all she did was nod.
I sat behind Patch on his bike with no choice but to wrap my arms tightly around him as he rode us to his apartment. The wind was in my hair, fresh cool air swished against my face and I kept breathing in and out deeply, blinking against the wind. I was still in complete disbelief that I was actually out of that cage. Really out here in the world. This was fresh air I was breathing.
I had been so close to giving up. I was convinced there was no way out from the cage, from that room or from Gunther. Tonight, had gone very dark. I almost preferred if Lynch just put me out of my misery and did what he intended on doing to me in the first place. I just wanted to be done with it. I was resigned to my fate.
And now, just when I thought it was all over, Patch and his friends had made an appearance out of nowhere. Bursting in through the door, taking me out of there. I was rescued now. Maybe it was all over, even though there was a part of me that said it couldn’t be this easy.
Neither Patch nor I spoke all the way to his apartment. He could see the condition I was in now, maybe he was disgusted by me. I hadn’t showered or cleaned myself in days. None of the Sons of Satan had cared about providing me with appropriate hygiene standards. I probably stank. I’d barely eaten. My lips were chapped from dehydration. I could barely keep standing or walk up the stairs to Patch’s apartment without his support. I felt pathetic. I hated myself.
Why would he even want to help me? I felt sick to my stomach when he was opening the door. Thankfully, I knew exactly where his bathroom was and without another word, I ran to it so I could get sick with some privacy. I was trying to cling on to any hope of dignity I still had left.
I tried washing and scrubbing my face after that. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t face up to the person I had become. The difference from the person I used to be when Patch first knew me.
I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks now. Hot, they were burning my skin. My hands shook as I tried to wipe my face and neck and arms clean with some toilet paper. Nothing seemed to be working. It felt like I was never going to be clean again.
Then there was a knock on the bathroom door.
“Hey, Samantha, are you okay in there? Are you hungry?”
I stepped out sheepishly from the bathroom. I was still a complete mess. There were rips and tears in my clothes. I felt thoroughly unclean and I’d just gotten sick in the toilet. But the hunger I felt in my belly right now was like nothing else I ever experienced.
Out in the living room, I saw that Patch had set up little plates of food on the coffee table. There were some sandwiches, a bowl full of chips and a big jar of orange juice.
“Sorry, this is all I have in the apartment. I don’t exactly have a fully stocked pantry,” he remarked as I slowly walked towards the food. I hoped he couldn’t see the madness in my eyes right now. My lust for food.
“This is fine, this is great!” I said and quickly picked up a sandwich. I tried not to wolf it down, to still maintain some dignity. But that sandwich was gone in a matter of seconds. Patch didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he poured us both two glasses of orange juice and handed me one. I was chewing on some chips, but I took it from him anyway and drank the juice in one big gulp.
I couldn’t help it. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Please, sit down. You should sit down,” he suggested, nodding his head at the couch. I could sense him trying to watch me closely. I sat down with another sandwich in my hand. It felt like I would never stop being hungry.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t get to you any sooner,” he said. I looked up at him, meeting his blue eyes.
“I really hope you’re not blaming yourself for all this. I was the one who chose to go visit you, to betray Lynch and the club. You didn’t force me into any of that. This is not on you.”
“But I shouldn’t have let you leave our premises, not to go back to that shitstorm. You were trying to help us. I made a bad decision. None of this would have happened to you if I made you stay.”
I gulped down the remaining orange juice. Finally, my belly and my soul were beginning to feel a little settled.
“Please, Patch, stop. This is not your fault. I wasn’t even expecting you to come rescue me. You don’t owe me anything.”
His brows crossed and he glared at me like he was suddenly angered by me.
“What are you talking about, Samantha? How could you say something like that? You tried to help us!”
“It’s not like it did you any good.”
“And that’s because the rest of my club didn’t want to act on the information, you’d passed on to us!” He was growling now.
I looked away from him. I didn’t want to argue. I barely had any strength to sit up straight.
I heard his voice again. He must have seen the exhaustion in my eyes.
“I’m going to draw you a bath. You should relax.”
I stripped down to nothing and wrapped a large fluffy towel tightly around me. Patch was in the bathroom, drawing up the bath and I lingered outside, still a little nervous about going in.
He’d already seen me naked…twice. That wasn’t the problem.
I was ashamed of my body now. I was self-conscious of the way I looked after these days locked up in that filthy cage. I knew I’d already lost a lot of weight. My skin looked dry and ragged. My red curls were a tangled up mess. Did I really want him to see me like this?
I could hear the water running inside. Patch had been nothing but kind to me. He’d saved my life. How would I ever thank him? Certainly not by presenting myself in this state to him!
But I had no choice but to step into the bathroom now. He was crouched next to the bath and looked over his shoulder at me.
“Sorry, I don’t have any products you might have liked to use. Just some bubbly soap I haven’t ever used.” He held up a bottle and I smiled.
“That’ll do, thanks,” I said and went towards him. Patch stood up, towering over me as I clutched on to the towel wrapped around me.
“I’ll leave you to it. Take as much time as you need,” he said and was about to step past, but I stopped him.
“Do you mind staying?” Our gazes met. Could he see the pleading look in my eyes? “It’s just that…I don’t want to be alone right now.”
He turned to me fully and nodded. I was relieved. I started to take my towel off and he looked away. I quickly slipped into the bath, happy that he hadn’t seen me naked tonight, not in this condition.
I sank into the bubbly water, allowing the bottom half of my hair to soak in the warmth. I nearly sighed aloud with how good this felt. I wasn’t prepared to feel like this. This good!
How had he known exactly what to do to make me feel like this? A guy like Patch of all people! I didn’t know he had any idea o
f how to take care of someone, especially a vulnerable woman.
He sat down cross-legged on the bathroom floor while I sank into the water. A soft smile was beginning to form on my face as I finally started to realize that I was safe. I was alive. Lynch or Gunther were not going to be able to get to me now.
I looked at Patch who was still watching me closely.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but what were they about to do? What did we walk into? Everyone else had left the Clubhouse, except those two bastards.”
I gulped and licked my lips as I stared back at him, and then I took in a deep breath.
“Gunther wanted me to have sex with him, he said it was the only way for me to stay alive,” I admitted. Patch was staring at me, like he was in disbelief. I could feel my cheeks straining under the pressure of my own burning blushes. I was ashamed to talk about it, especially with Patch.
“And his friend? The other guy.”
I shrugged, carefully covering my limbs with more of the bath water.
“He was there for security or something, I don’t know. I’d tried to hold out all these days. I wasn’t going to give in. I felt like any other torture would have been better than forcing myself to endure Gunther. But tonight, after Lynch and the others left, I started to feel like Gunther was right. The only way for me to stay alive was probably to keep him happy. He’d managed to get into my head.”
I couldn’t look at Patch while we spoke. He was glaring at me, but I looked away. There was some silence between us as I let the words sink in. The realization of how close I was to demeaning myself. To sinking that low as to sleep with Gunther. Not that I was proud of any of my other actions in the past years. To the kinds of things that Lynch had subjected me to.
Then I noticed movement from the corner of my eyes. Patch was making a move towards me. He was reaching for me. He gently caressed my fingers that were gripping the sides of the bathtub with the back of his hand.
“It doesn’t matter now, Samantha. You’re here and I’m going to make sure you stay away from them. You’re never going to have to see them again.”
I felt like I was sinking into Patch’s eyes now. I was warm and finally clean; my stomach was full, and I felt safe. I was just realizing that this was the best I had felt in a very long time. Which was ironic since before this it had been probably the worst night of my life.
A smile flickered on my face while he stared back at me.
“You have no idea how thankful I am that you came to rescue me. I wasn’t expecting that to happen. I thought I was going to die in that cage.”
His grip on my hand tightened and he seemed to draw himself closer to me. I was sitting up in the bath now, soapy and wet…but I wanted him. He was so close to me; I could breathe in his masculine scent. A combination of his aftershave and sweat. Was he thinking what I was thinking?
“I wasn’t about to leave you there. I went to you as soon as I found out where you were, that they were holding you. I just want you to be safe, Samantha,” he said. My body seemed to unwind; every taut muscle was loosening in me. I couldn’t remember the last time someone’s words like that had made such a difference to me.
I leaned towards him. Some of the bubbly water splashed in his direction, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“And I should’ve known I could always rely on you,” I replied.
Maybe Patch was waiting for the first move from me, because now it felt like we’d been staring at each other for a very long time. A portion of my torso was out of the water, the bubbles just about covered my taut nipples. I was aching for him.
He drew in a deep breath and seemed to clench his jaw. I realized he wasn’t going to make the move. Maybe he was worried about my condition. Right now, I was fine! The only thing I could think about was having him and being one with him. Didn’t he know that? Couldn’t he see that in my eyes?
I leaned towards him and my lips parted. Now he knew what I wanted, and he leaned towards me too. Within seconds our mouths met with lightning speed and he groaned as our lips moved together. That was all he needed to know.
His arms were winding around me in the next moment. He was pulling me out of the water. The water from the tub splashed everywhere but Patch didn’t care. He fell back and I was on top of him, soaking wet and wetting his clothes too. I was naked and he was not, but it didn’t matter. It was like he was burning through those clothes anyway.
Our mouths were fused and I fumbled with taking off his jacket and his pants. He helped me along the way while I lay stretched out on top of him on the bathroom floor. His hands were everywhere. On his own clothes, on my body, firmly clutching my butt, then tracing the shape of my hips, then his fingers were in my hair. It was like he couldn’t get enough of touching me. No other man could make me feel like this, I knew. I felt beautiful and special in his arms. Despite all the trauma I’d endured.
Then he was naked. All his clothes were damp and lying in a heap next to us. I wanted to look at him, so I slowly started to pull away.
Patch was underneath me. Naked. His bulging biceps on display, his six-pack abs chiseled into his torso like someone had drawn it on his skin. Patch was covered in tattoos and he was breathing in and out sharply.
Between his muscular thighs was his big throbbing cock. I sat down on him with my legs thrown on either side of him, my wet pussy brushing against the light dusting of dark hair underneath his navel.
I placed my hands on his wide muscular chest and started rubbing myself against him.
This was what my body wanted, and I was going to give it to me. My pussy brushed and rubbed against his stomach. His mouth was a little open, his eyes were dark and focused on me. On my face at first and then he looked down at the way my breasts were moving. Rising and falling. My shoulders heaving.
His hands reached up for them. He pinched my pink erect nipples with his fingers, and I moaned aloud and then bit down on my lip. He pinched harder; he liked the sound I made.
Me rubbing my pussy against him was soon not enough. Patch was like a drug and now I needed a higher dose of him. I kept moving against him, my hands feeling the muscles of his torso. My clit was getting swollen and I was restless.
His hands were all over me too, exploring my breasts, my waist and butt and then finally, his fingers found what I wanted him to find. My wet swollen pussy. Smoothly, he slipped his forefinger into me and I moaned again. He pushed in deeper and I leaned towards him.
He was looking into my eyes. Our gazes were fixed. I couldn’t look away from those deep blue eyes. He was making me feel things now that I’d never felt before. His middle finger joined the other one. With slow movements at first, he explored me, thrusting his finger in and out of me and then he started thrusting harder.
In and out. I moaned loudly, my hands gripping his chest tighter now as he started pumping his two fingers deep in me. His thumb found my clit and while he pleasured my pussy, he pleasured my swollen sensitive clit too and I knew I would explode.
This felt good. Very good!
I couldn’t focus on anything else. Nothing mattered…not my experiences from the past or what was going to happen next. It was just this orgasm I was about to have, and I came with a loud, violent shudder.
It was like a huge wave crashing into me and my whole body took over while he thrust and thrust.
I was gripping his shoulders, jerking my body up and down while his fingers slithered in and out of me. I could hear his fingers slapping against the juices. Diving deep inside and his thumb making my clit shudder.
I had my mouth open as I came, I was staring at him, murmuring his name and then finally when I was done…it felt like I was a whole new person. I was in shock. It was like every time we had sex, my orgasms got stronger and more powerful. I stared at him while Patch lay himself back down on the floor.
I knew exactly what I was going to do next. This wasn’t over yet.
I lifted myself, just enough so I could slide back down his legs
till I caught his cock with both my hands. That caught his attention and he jerked up again. Maybe he wasn’t expecting me to make such a quick move!
I rolled my hips, moving my body and rocking it over him while my hands stroked his big throbbing cock.
“Fuck, Samantha!” he groaned, and I could see all the muscles in his body tensing. His shoulders, his arms, his stomach. I could feel my pussy starting to tense up with desire too. My first orgasm wasn’t enough. I wanted more, and this time I wanted it to be me who guided him.
I’d stroked his cock sufficiently. He was hard as stone, big and throbbing tensely in my hands, and all I had to do was lift myself up and slide over on him. I felt his cock part the folds of my pussy as he started to enter me. Inch by inch he pushed deeper into me till I was sitting on his cock with it fully inside me.
We both groaned as I started moving. Rocking over him. He curled himself up towards me, grabbing me by my shoulders as I started to slam into him. Our bodies were colliding together. His cock was diving in and out of me and I was guiding him. Ramming myself on to him. I moaned and he grunted and from the redness and that intense look in his eyes I knew he was going to come soon.
“You are fuckin’ beautiful!” he groaned, and his fingers dug into my soft skin while he held on to my arms tightly. I felt him explode but I kept moving.
I let myself go too, a second time. I didn’t even realize I had it in my body to do that, but I moved and shook over him and he groaned and roared while he shot inside me.
I could feel that warmth and the stickiness spreading deep within. He was filling me up, shooting deep and slowly the jerking and thumping of our bodies together started to subside. His breathing was still harsh and raspy but mine was becoming softer too.
We were done. Our orgasms were over. I let out a huge sigh…less of relief and more of satisfaction. It felt so good, my body still shook from the aftereffects.