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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  Rock half laughed half moaned, pushing hard into him. He groaned, squeezing and releasing, determined to drive Rock over the edge. His Blue roared, eyes going wide as he was filled deep.

  "Mmm... yeah." He grinned, licked at Rock's lips.

  Rock purred, one arm holding him close, the other wrapped around Dick. "Fuck, yeah."

  "Definitely a two ticket ride."

  Rock laughed, prick jerking inside him. He winked, settling in Rock's arms. Rock rumbled, holding him and Dick close.

  He looked over the back of the sofa, Grimmy and Lucy snuggled together, sound asleep, Grimmy's tail in Lucy's mouth.

  Oh yeah. Cute.

  December 2004

  The kid was off doing something and they were finally alone. Finally. He dug the flyer out of a drawer of his desk and settled on the sofa. Rig nudged Rock's leg with his own. "I know what we're getting Dick for Christmas."

  He held out the flyer with the litter of puppies, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.

  Rock looked from the flyer to him and back again. "We're getting the kid a picture of dogs?"

  "Nope. A puppy." He grinned over, winked. "He loves Grim to death. He'd be over the moon."

  "But we have a dog." Rock was wearing 'but I am being reasonable' expression.

  "Yep. But Grim's not a puppy and not Dick's." One day he'd find the dog that Rock would fall in love with. One day. "You want me to get you one, too?"

  Rock gave him a horrified look. "No. No, I'm just fine." His Blue grumbled and looked at the flyer and groused about the price.

  "I'm not walking anybody. I'm not cleaning shit up off the kitchen floor and the first time I step in it, the dog is gone. And it's from both of us -- the kid's gift taken care of."

  Rig smiled, leaned up and took a kiss. "Works for me, Blue. So works for me."

  Growly bastard honestly thought he believed for a second that Rock wouldn't treat the puppy good.

  "And I want chocolate pie for dessert tonight." Rock was almost pouting.

  He licked that fine pout, rubbing just a little. "I can do that."

  He could see the bulge in Rock's jeans growing, could smell the want on his Blue. "What about tomorrow night?"

  "Mmmm..." God, Rock was adorable. Fucking hot. "Chili and cornbread? Homemade brownies for dessert?"

  "Oh, brownies are almost as good as chocolate pie. If there's icing on them." Rock's arm went around him, pulling him against the hard body. "I might even be willing to open the back door a time or two for the mutts if there's chocolate cake on the menu soon. And cobbler. And some of those pecan things."

  He straddled Rock's thighs, settling in. "I might even make you fudge."

  Rock purred, hands sliding to his ass and rolling him against that thick bulge. "Yeah? 'Cause I've been a good boy this year, Rigger."

  "You have been. Very good, Blue." He smiled against Rock's lips, tongue sliding in to taste.

  Rock didn't answer, just tugged him even closer and sucked on his tongue. Heat and pleasure just filled him right up and he framed Rock's face with his hands, snuggling close. That solid chest rumbled against him, Rock happy, horny, and showing it.

  He was pushed away long enough to have his sweater and turtleneck pulled over his head, Rock's thick fingers working open his jeans. He returned the favor, unbuttoning the flannel shirt, humming happily when his fingers found skin.

  "Gonna let me fuck you?" Rock asked, one hand wrapping around his prick, the other finding his titties and working them.

  "You know it." He got Rock's jeans open, fingers stroking that hot, fat prick.

  Groaning, Rock pushed up into his hand. His Blue leaned forward, mouth closing over one of his nipples as the cushions were searched.

  "Oh." His head fell back, pushing towards that hot mouth.

  Rock nibbled and sucked, licked and tugged, mouth moving slowly and deliberately. Rig made some damned embarrassing noises, cock hard as stone, nipple just on fire.

  Rock just purred and shifted him off those amazing thighs, tugging down his jeans before pulling him back onto Rock's lap. All without losing contact with his nipples.

  "Oh. Oh, Blue. Need you." He wasn't too proud to beg. Hell, any man worth his salt would beg for that cock.

  "Right here, Rig. It's all yours." Rock's fingers slid to his ass again, this time pushing along his crack to his hole.

  He arched, spread to let Rock in. "Hell, yeah."

  Two of Rock's fingers, slick and hot, slid into him, spreading him fast. Nodding, panting, Rig rode Rock's fingers, taking him deep, hard. Rock searched out his gland, growling, looking pleased as he hit it, making Rig jump.

  "Fuck. Again. Oh, Blue. Damn." He held on, fingers squeezing, eyes just rolling.

  Rock gave him what he wanted, what he needed, playing him like a fiddle until he was sure he was going to come. Rock seemed to know just how far to push it though and just before it was too late those fingers were gone, Rock holding his own prick. "Come and get it, Rigger."

  He waited until the need eased a little, then shifted, hands steadying himself as Rock pushed inside him. Oh, those blue eyes just looked right into him, burned through to his soul as Rock's heat filled him.

  Fuck, yeah. He smiled, couldn't help it; he fucking lived for this man. Rock purred, hands sliding to circle his waist, digging into his skin as he was encouraged to ride. And hell, yes, he rode, moving sure and firm, ass squeezing Rock's prick. Rock's head fell back with a moan, those strong hips pushing up into him, meeting the movements of his body.

  "Yeah. Made for this." His hands started traveling, exploring. Rock purred, pushing into his touches, eyes holding his, bringing them together again and again.

  "Oh." He rode, bucking, heat growing inside him.

  One of Rock's hands slid down and circled his prick letting his own motions drive his cock through the heat of Rock's hand. He watched those eyes, just lost and found all at once and fuck, wasn't he happier than a pig in shit. They moved together for a long time before Rock's hand squeezed his cock, increasing the friction.

  "Yeah..." The heat ratcheted up, his breath coming faster.

  "Come on, Rabbit. Come on my cock. You know how much I like that."

  "Uh-huh." He nodded, teeth catching his bottom lip as he jerked, shot.

  Rock groaned, cock nudging past his gland as Rock followed him.

  He just hummed, melting some, cuddling. Rock settled back, hands hot on his ass.

  "A puppy, huh? Well at least we won't have to wrap it."

  * * *

  Rock cursed himself out.

  Here he was again, buying his fucking gift for Rig with only a couple of days to spare. He'd spoken to Dick that morning. Fucking kid had already bought his Christmas gifts. What self-respecting guy didn't wait until the last minute? He'd gone in with Rig for the kid, but now he was left him high and dry and on his own for Rig.

  He knew what he was getting the man, that wasn't the problem. It was the fucking crowds of falsely cheerful and downright pushy people.

  Made him fucking grumpy.

  It had been a shitty day on base, too.

  He pushed his way through the crowded sidewalk and into the cellular store, heading straight for the counter. No fucking browsing for him. He wanted the best phone they had and he wanted whatever damned plan would let him prepay the first year and a whack of long distance. If they couldn't do that for him he'd take his fucking business elsewhere.

  He watched the clerk's eyes light up like a fucking Christmas tree when he told the little geek what he wanted.

  Well at least someone was enjoying the holiday shopping season.

  * * *

  "I'm wrapping my gifts, Rock, you want me to do yours for Rig at the same time?"


  He had to hold back his chuckle at the look on the kid's face. "I've got it all taken care of."

  "You sure?"

  "I'm sure."

  Fuck, the kid was green -- the malls were lousy with little booths sporting cheerful
high school girls who'd wrap your gift to raise money for cheerleading uniforms or the band or whatever.

  Of course for now, that could be his little secret.

  * * *

  Just a few days until Christmas and the place smelled amazing, Rig had started getting stuff made a couple days ago. Just a dish or two every night.

  Dick had decided that he should make something, too. Something they used to have at home every year. The only thing he could think of was the mince pies Mrs. Watson used to bring every year. So he'd looked up the recipe on the internet -- he didn't think there was anything you couldn't find there -- and was spending an afternoon off making... a mess.

  It sure wasn't putting him in the Christmas spirit. In fact he was starting to feel as grouchy as Rock had over the lights.

  Rig wandered in, peeked over his shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?"

  "Screwing up mince pies." He turned his head, brushing his lips against Rig's. Oh, that made him feel better.

  "Mmm... bet I can help." Rig deepened the kiss.

  He moaned, opening his mouth wide for Rig. Oh yeah, this helped, or at least made him not care. Rig's hand cupped his jaw, drew him closer, tongue fucking his lips.

  He turned so his growing cock was snugged up against Rig's, mince pie disaster forgotten. Rig moaned, free hand landing in the small of his back, tugging him closer. He shivered and opened up wide, moaning softly. There was nothing like this, nothing like being the center of Rig's attention, Rig's hunger.

  It was like Christmas everyday when Rig made love to him.

  That tongue licked and tasted, making him shudder, making him need. He rubbed against Rig. "Want you," he murmured, hands sliding into the back of Rig's scrubs, grabbing that sweet as fuck ass.

  "Got me." Rig nibbled his bottom lip.

  He laughed softly and squeezed Rig's ass. "It seems I do."

  "Mmm... feels good." Rig wiggled, leaned for a kiss.

  He let his hands slide around, one cupping Rig's balls, the other wrapping around Rig's prick. "Can I have this for Christmas?"

  "You know it." Rig moaned, pushing toward his touch.

  He sank to his knees, looking up at Rig as he tugged the scrubs down.

  "Oh. Dick..." Rig groaned, lips parted, panting. "You look hungry."

  "Starving, Rig." He opened his mouth, licked at Rig's cock and then took the head in.

  Rig arched, took his mouth nice and easy, prick sliding on his tongue. He moaned around Rig's cock, sucking, taking the sweet heat.

  Rig's hand stroked his head, petting. "Oh. Oh, yeah. So fucking sweet."

  He hummed, sucking a little harder, letting his tongue play over Rig's cockhead.

  "Yeah..." Rig groaned, starting fucking his mouth.

  Oh yeah, happy Christmas to him. He slid his hands back to Rig's ass, holding, encouraging the movements. Rig moaned, cock swelling, jerking on his tongue. He pulled harder, head bobbing.

  Heat and salt filled his mouth, Rig groaning low. He swallowed it all down and then licked Rig clean.

  "You taste so good," he murmured.

  "You make me feel good." Rig grinned down, stroked his face. "We could fix the pie. Or... we could go fuck like bunnies and order one from the bakery."

  He grinned back. "Like there's even a choice there."

  Those grey eyes just danced. "Just got to know your priorities."

  Laughing, he stood, sliding along Rig's body. "You got that right."

  "You know it." Rig gave him a long, deep kiss.

  "Let’s go show Santa just how good we are," he teased, taking Rig's hand.

  "Mmm... I was a very good boy."

  Dick nodded and grinned. "Yeah. Hell, yeah."

  Fingers brushed across his ass. "Tell me it's Blue's turn to wash up."

  He giggled. "It is. Merry Christmas!"

  * * *

  Mmm. Chocolate pie.

  Rock was a happy man.

  His unit had been sent home early for the holiday, Rig had the day off and had taken an hour out of cooking to suck him blind. Dinner had been fucking awesome and now there was chocolate pie.

  Much as he enjoyed spending the holidays with Rig's family, this was a pretty fucking sweet Christmas eve. Especially the not having to leave the couch to fuck his lovers part.

  He put his plate down, having practically licked it clean and lay back against the couch with a groan. "That? Was a fucking beautiful thing, Rig."

  "Thank you, sir." Rig grinned, cuddled in close.

  He chuckled. "Oh, I think you outrank me in the kitchen."

  Dick half chocked on his pie.

  "I'm a civilian. I outrank you altogether."

  "Not in bed." He was head stud in bed.

  "No? My mouth doesn't count?"

  "Your mouth counts. I'm just that good." Poor kid was definitely choking on his pie. Which was too bad, dead men didn't get laid.

  "Are you? Good enough to outrank me? I mean, the kid, he's still fresh." Rig looked over at Dick, winked. "But me?"

  He sat up, growling a little. "You saying you don't think I am?"

  Those grey eyes were just twinkling. "I'm saying you'll have to prove it, stud."

  He snorted. "That happened to be next on my list."

  Dick wiped some tears from his eyes, kid had been laughing that hard. "Is that a naughty or nice list, Rock?"

  "Nope, I just do naughty." He gave the kid a wink and grabbed Rig around the waist, hauling him in for a hard kiss.

  Rig came easy, snuggling up to him with a happy little crow, lips parting like the pure-D slut his Rabbit was. He took that mouth like he always did, no holds barred invasion of his tongue into that magic heat. Oh yeah, this was better even than chocolate fucking pie.

  Those long hands slid around his neck, up to cradle his head and hold on. They were wearing too many fucking clothes, but the kid was there to take care of that and sure enough pretty soon Dick's hands were working off their clothes, exposing all that warm skin for his hands.

  "Mmm..." Rig's belly rubbed against his, so warm.

  He purred into the kisses, hands slipping to Rig's ass, squeezing that fine piece of flesh. Those grey eyes smiled at him, tongue sliding along his bottom lip.

  "Lift up a little," Dick ordered, fingers on his waistband. Grinning, he did, and the kid pulled his sweats right off.

  "You got everyone naked now, kid?"

  "I do."

  "Then get over here and fuck with us."

  Laughing, Dick pushed into their kiss, hands sliding on his and Rig's skin. Rig smiled, drew Dick in for a long, deep three-way, tongue sliding along their lips.

  Oh yeah. They couldn't do this at Momma's.

  He got a handful of the kid's ass, too, holding and squeezing both of them, shifting them all until their pricks slid together. Fucking awesome.

  Rig's fingers were sliding, petting his head, the kid's shoulder, both their nipples. He slid his hands around to find their pricks, groaning happily as he found them, the heat of them burning his palms. Rig's moan pushed into his lips, Dick's following behind, deeper, rougher.

  "Need," he growled, his own prick throbbing. It was time to take one of them and then he'd do the other. He'd show them who the stud around here was.

  "Hungry bastard." Rig slid back, down along the kid's back, Dick's eyes going wide.

  He chuckled. "You seem pretty hungry yourself, Rigger."

  Dick just nodded, almost squeaked and he knew that talented mouth was getting the kid ready for his cock.

  Rig's fingers wrapped around his cock, tugged and rubbed. He growled, hips pushing into that touch. He and the kid locked lips, tongues fighting, pushing together and sliding.

  Rig shifted, moving the kid and sliding his cock right into Dick's heat. "So fine..."

  "Fuck!" He groaned, hips pushing up, nailing Dick's ass and that sweet gland first fucking try. Oh yeah. He was the stud.

  Rig's lips nibbled at his fingers where they were wrapped around Dick's hips. That mouth was something else, gave
him a damned good run for his money in the stud department. Still, he had the prick that was going to do them both.

  The kid was slamming down on him, moaning and groaning, lighting the whole place up with his pleasure, his sounds. Rig's lips started moving, sliding up Dick's ribs, finding one nipple.

  "Rig!" Dick cried out, body going tight around his cock. It made him growl, made him push harder.

  Rig's fingers found his balls, circled them, stroked him. "Mmm... yeah."

  "Yeah," he agreed, legs spreading some, hips pushing up harder as his hand dropped down to tug on Dick's cock. Kid went nuts, bouncing on him like he was a fucking trampoline. Rig grinned, working Dick’s balls, teeth sliding on the kid's shoulder, watching those grey eyes all lit up.

  "Oh! Fuck! Rig! Rock!" The kid jerked, squeezed his cock tight again as Dick shot.

  Rock purred, kept moving inside the kid, making him jerk and shiver.

  "Mmm... so fucking hot." Rig nodded, hummed.

  Dick gasped and nodded, sinking against him. He stroked the kid's back a few moments, letting him come down before making him shift over so Rig could have his turn.

  Rig chuckled, grinned at him, leaning in to take a long, deep kiss. He moaned right into the kiss. Yeah. Round fucking two for the stud.

  Dick shifted and started getting Rig ready for him. Rig's hands were warm, cradling his head; that kiss was driving him out of his fucking mind. Wasn't too long at all before Dick was stroking his cock, slicking it up again. Then the kid was lining him up with Rig's ass and he pushed right in.

  Rig's happy moan pushed right into his lips, eyes just rolling. "Yes..."

  "Yeah, right here, Rig. Right fucking here." He started to thrust up into Rig, pushing hard.

  Rig's eyes fastened on his, ass rocking, working, squeezing his prick.

  He growled. "Fuck yeah."

  "Made for this." They rubbed together, shoulder to hip, both hot as hell. He nodded, hands wrapping around Rig's waist, bringing him down harder.

  "Oh. Fuck..." Rig swallowed hard, eyes rolling, body clenching tight.

  "Kid. His cock." Dick nodded, hand wrapping around Rig's prick.

  "Mmm... The tip, Dick. Please." Oh, fucking sexy.

  Instead of working it with his fingers, Dick bent, mouth wrapping around the tip of Rig's prick, cheeks hollowing out.


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