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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  He laughed and squeezed one little nipple. "You should charge me."

  "Mmmm... You think you can afford me?" Rig bucked, laughed, so fucking sexy.

  "That mouth and ass? On a gunnery sergeant’s salary. No fucking way."

  Rig laughed, the action making that fine ass milk his prick. "Oh, man. Good thing I like you then. I hear certain Sergeant Souths? Get amazing fucking discounts."

  He growled a little and flexed his thigh muscles, pushing his cock in deeper. "Certain Sergeant Souths? Better only be one fucking Sergeant South gets anywhere near your ass."

  "Mmmm..." Rig stretched backward, groaning low. "There's only one Sergeant South I'd move half-way across country for."


  He used Rig's movements to play his fingers over those sensitive little nipples, pinching the first again and then the second.

  "Oh, fuck." He loved how that made Rig jump and squeeze, made that tight belly flush.

  "So fucking easy," he noted. It wasn't a complaint or an insult.

  "Made for this." Rig smiled at him, nodded, leaned in to give him one of those kisses.

  His eyes held grey as he took Rig's mouth, their tongues sliding together, the taste as familiar as his own. Rig's hands held his head, fingers just stroking and petting. The movements of the long body got faster, the clench around his cock harder.

  He wrapped his hands around Rig's hips, growling when he couldn't comfortably lift with his bad arm. He settled for wrapping it around Rig's cock, letting his Rabbit's motions slide that heat along his palm. Rig groaned, kiss going deeper, hotter and suddenly his shoulder didn't matter, nothing did.

  Nothing but that mouth, that ass.

  His hands tightened, squeezing Rig's cock, his hip. Rock's own hips pushed up, thrusting deep into Rig's ass.

  Rig's cry when he shot? Pure fucking sex.

  Rock let that perfect ass squeeze his come right out of him and he filled Rig with a low moan, relaxing back against the couch as the pleasure faded.

  Rig nuzzled his throat, lips soft as fuck. "If that shoulder's not better Monday, you're taking it to sick call, yeah?"

  He growled and considered making an excuse, but Rig had a point and if he dealt with it Monday, then it likely would be better by the weekend. Rig kissed Rock's jaw, the thank you implied.

  He pet Rig's back. "You want a steak out tonight, Rabbit?"

  "Mmm... that sounds good, Blue. We haven't gone out together in a while."

  "You got some nice shirts clean? I've a hankering to take you up to Cattleman's." Treat Rig to a real nice dinner and then bring him home and fuck him into the mattress. Yeah, that sounded about right.

  "Oooh. I had the grey one pressed at the cleaners." He could feel that grin, the pleased sounds making promises of a fine night ahead.

  "Are my best jeans clean?" He didn't really want to have to put on his suit. It wasn't like this was something formal.

  "Yep. Only thing in the dryer's towels." Rig took good care of them.

  He purred. "Excellent."

  He glanced over at the vcr. "We've got time for a nap before we go."

  "Oh, fucking A." Rig grinned. "You want to stay here or find us the bed?"

  He grunted. "Right here we don't have to move."

  "Mm-hmm." Rig nodded, cuddling in, eyes already closed.

  He shifted a little so his shoulder wasn't bothering him any and let his own eyes close. This was the life.


  Lord, lord.

  Rig got the ice pack and the vicoden and a big old glass of grapefruit juice and took it out to the front room where Dick was sitting. Poor guy, the hummer he'd been riding in blew a tire, threw him out and tore him up -- sprained knee, stitches in one hand, black eye.

  Still, the other guy was still in traction and they were talking surgery, so Rig wasn't bitching.

  Not even a little.

  "Here, take your pill, kid. You want I should put a movie on for you?"

  "Are you staying?" Dick asked, giving him the best kicked puppy look he'd seen in a long time.

  He nodded, pushing the pill again. "Even called Rock and he's picking up burgers from Cal's for supper after he stops in at the hospital and checks on Martinez."

  Dick dutifully took the pill and drank all the juice. "I thought he was dead for a minute there. Shit, I thought we'd been shot at."

  "Oh, no one's dying on my watch, now. You're a baby. You'll live forever."

  Rig just hope Rock worked out all his fury before coming home. The man was pissed and hunting someone's head for not checking out the vehicle.

  Dick grinned at him, eyes already starting to go a little soft. "Not sure I want you thinking of me as a baby."

  "Mmm... with that long, pretty cock? I don't think that's an issue."

  "Oh." Dick beamed at him, leaning back on the couch, pretty cock in question starting to make a dent in the kid's sweats.

  "You want a hand with that before you take a nap?" He settled down in front of Dick, icing the hurt knee.

  "A hand? Oh!" Dick grinned at him. "Yeah. I bet Rock would say that's the best cure, right?"

  "Nope. Rock would say a good blowjob was." He nuzzled Dick's belly, soft and easy.

  Dick's giggle turned into a soft moan. "You gonna give me one?"

  "You ever once heard me turn my marines down?"

  "Um... " Dick actually looked like he was trying to figure it out. "No?"

  "Well, then." He chuckled, eased Dick's sweats down. "Just close your eyes and feel and I'll take care of you."

  He started by licking a long line up the thin shaft, just dragging his tongue along. Dick moaned and then groaned, those sweet porno noises starting right up for him.

  Rig didn't hurry it along, just spent his sweet time, fingers stroking the soft sacs, tongue licking and lapping at the tip. So strong, so fucking full-on male.

  Dick's uninjured hand dropped into his hair. "So good, Rig." The words were just slightly slurred, Dick sounding like he was floating on sensation.

  "Mm-hmm." Rig nodded, hummed a little. It was good and all his whenever he needed. He slowly took Dick all the way in, slowly sucking, deep throating.

  Dick cried out, hips jerking before the kid settled back, fingers opening and closing on his head.

  "Mmm..." Yeah, kid. That's it. Just feel...

  He kept it up, driving Dick higher and higher and then backing off.

  Dick's noises grew higher, more intense, desperate, as he worked the long cock. "Rig. Fuck. Oh."

  He rolled Dick's balls, squeezed so easy.

  "Fuck, Rig. Need to come."

  He nodded, swallowed hard, head just bobbing. Come on. Come on.

  Dick cried out, hips bucking as heat filled hit the back of his throat.

  Rig swallowed Dick down, cleaning the kid's cock thoroughly before dropping another soft kiss to the tip. Dick was already dozing, head lolling and Rig tucked him into his sweats. The hand in his hair slipped away, a soft smile on Dick's face.

  Grimmy started barking as the front door slammed open.

  "Shh!" He got up, grabbed Grim's muzzle. "He's sleeping, now."

  "You going to hold my muzzle like that, too, if I don't hush?" Rock asked, closing the door with less force than he'd opened it with.

  "Nah, I'll just kiss you quiet. Wanna beer?"

  "That's not incentive to be quiet," Rock noted. "And yes. Reaming idiots new assholes is hard work."

  "How's Martinez?" He did get that kiss, took the food from Rock's hands.

  "In surgery. He'll live." Rock growled. "Couple of kids could have been killed because some prick in the motorpool wasn't doing their fucking job."

  Rock went over and looked down at Dick. "He on anything?"

  "Yeah. Vicodin. Blowjob." Rig winked. "He's off regular duty for ten days, but he can go in starting Monday on light duty."

  "He could be where Martinez is." Rock was still growling, obviously not feeling he had reamed enough assholes for the day.

could, but he's not."

  Rig drew Rock into the kitchen, got the man a beer and got him sat down. "You find out who fucked up the hummer?"

  "Asshole in charge of the motor pool wouldn't give me a name, said he'd deal with his own people in his own way." Rock glared. "I want to hear heads have rolled."

  "No shit. You want to go down together? I haven't had a good fight in months." His hands landed on Rock's shoulders, rubbing hard.

  Rock growled. "I'd love to, but the kid needs you here not nursing a shiner in lock-up."

  "You never let me have any fun." He quirked his lips. "And you're assuming I wouldn't duck."

  Rock chuckled, relaxed marginally. "It was my shiner you were going to be nursing."

  "Oh, right." He laughed, kissed Rock's temple. "No more weird-ass accidents for my men, damn it."

  "Amen to that." Rock raised his beer bottle and then downed half of it in a go. "Ah. That hit the spot." He got a look. "I know what else would."

  "Yeah?" Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Come on, Rock, ask for it.

  Rock growled a little and one arm came up and wrapped around his neck, tugging him down. He went easy, melting down against Rock. Oh, yeah. That worked.

  Rock pushed back from the table and he was dumped right in his Blue's lap. His mouth was invaded, Rock's tongue just pushing in. He hummed happily, taking all that energy right in and asking for more. Rock gave it to him, hands wandering on his skin, kisses moving one into the other, each harder than the last.

  Oh. Oh, fuck yes. He started shifting, rubbing against his Blue.

  "Gonna fuck you over the table," murmured Rock, working his t-shirt out of his jeans.

  "Promises, promises." He nodded, lifting up his arms.

  "You know it." Rock pulled off the t-shirt and then started messing with his button and zipper, fingers starting to tear at his jeans as the zipper got stuck.

  "Hey, hey. Easy. Don't rip them off, I like them." He stood up, wriggling out of his jeans.

  "I like you better naked," Rock told him, blue eyes hot, dancing.

  "Mmm... You little pseudo-nudist." God, he loved teasing that man.

  "Hey now I was being nice, you don't have to get into name calling."

  His laugh just rang out, surprised right out of him. "You are a funny man."

  "No, I'm a well-hung man. Nobody calls me little." The words were growled, but he could see the light in Rock’s eyes.

  His eyes dropped to the bulge in Rock's BDUs, and his tongue licked his lips immediately. "Uh-huh."

  Rock grinned and spread his legs, popping the top button. "All yours, Rabbit."

  "Mmm..." He stepped forward, eyes on the prize.

  One button after another was undone, and then that thick cock pushed through, begging for his touch, his kiss. He dropped down, lips parted, tongue sliding up along that fine fucking prick.

  Rock groaned. "I can get it up again for you," promised his Blue, hand dropping to his head.

  "Mmm..." He nodded, taking what all Rock was offering, lips parting wide.

  Rock's hips rocked, pushing that thick cock deep, intense right out of the gate. He braced himself on the chair, head bobbing, swallowing hard around Rock, demanding a taste.

  Rock groaned. "You're something else."

  His own moans slid down Rock's flesh. Yours. Shit. More.

  Rock kept pushing with his hips, rocking up and down, sending that fat prick against the back of his throat again and again. Rig relaxed, opened his throat and took Rock in all the way.

  "Fuck. Yes. Rig." Rock moved faster, humping harder now.

  He swallowed around the tip, groaning, grunting.

  "Fucking love your mouth."

  He looked up, met those blue-blue eyes. Rock was looking down at him, eyes hot, full of promises, full of need. Rig reached up, hand sliding up Rock's belly.

  Sexy motherfucker.

  The muscles in Rock's abdomen flexed under his touch, cock pushing deeper, harder.

  Come on, beautiful bastard. Come for me.

  Maybe Rock read it in his eyes, maybe he heard it in his head, maybe he was just ready, but Rig had no sooner thought it than Rock's cock was jerking in his mouth, spunk shooting down his throat. He drank his Blue down, swallowing hard, groaning low. Rock moaned, hand starting to slide through his hair.

  "Nice. Very nice."

  "Mm-hmm..." He kept sucking, lips gentle now, careful, keeping Rock hard.

  Rock grinned down at him. "You making sure I can still fuck you nice and hard, Rabbit?"

  He looked up, nodding. Hell, yes. You know it.

  Rock chuckled. "Don't you worry, I've got plenty here for you."

  "Promise? I fucking need."

  "Have I ever not fucked you when you needed it?" Rock growled and stood. "On the table. Spread 'em."

  Standing, he spread wide, bending his ass over their table. Rock purred, fingers rubbing into his skin.

  "Nice ass."

  "Mmm... you can have all of it you want, Blue." He spread a little wider, arched a little more.

  "I know it." Rock's prick slid along his crease, hot, hard.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck yes." He nodded, breath catching a little.

  "We've got lube in here somewhere. I know we do." That fat prick just kept sliding.

  "Don't tease." Two blowjobs and he was fucking aching to come.

  One of Rock's thumbs pushed into him, then the other, Rock spreading him.

  "Oh..." He stilled, lips open, focus on that touch. "Fuck."

  "That's the idea." Those thumbs pushed into him again and again.

  Oh, hell yes. He nodded, going up on his toes.

  Rock's thumbs disappeared, that thick cock coming back to slide along his ass. "You ready for me, Rabbit?"

  "You know it. Fuck me." He wasn't going to beg for it, but fuck, he needed it.

  Rock didn't need him to beg though, that thick cock slid into him just like that, pushing all the way in and filling him deep. His groan just echoed, deep and low as Rock took him.

  "So fucking tight," muttered Rock just before he started thrusting, started letting him have it nice and hard.

  He braced himself against the table, pushing back, just taking all Rock had to give. Rock's hands slid over his shoulders, pulling him down into each thrust, working with him.

  "Blue!" He arched, squeezing tight, moaning at Rock's deep groan.

  "Right fucking here." Each word was punctuated with a thrust, Rock just going to town on his ass.

  Close. So fucking close. Fuck, yes. "Come on, oh, fuck. Come on."

  With a growl, Rock wrapped one hand around his prick, tugging firmly. "Give it up."

  Oh, fuck yes. He bucked, shot, just aching for it. Rock growled and kept thrusting, cock pushing into him again and again, stretching the pleasure out until Rock came with a roar. Heat filled Rig right up, Rock leaning down over his back, panting.

  "Mmm... 's good. Needed."

  Rock nibbled the side of his neck, tongue sliding and hot. "I know. I've got what you need." That thick cock rocked into him once more.

  "Always." He damn near hummed with it, melted all through.

  He was given another kiss on his neck and then Rock stood and pulled away with a groan.

  "You better eat. Keep your energy levels up to baby the kid."

  "What're you going to keep your energy levels up for?" He stood, stretched up.

  Rock grinned at him. "What do you think?"

  "Grilling steaks tomorrow and fucking me through the mattress?"

  "You know it." Rock put an arm around his shoulders and hauled him in for a long, hard kiss.

  He just leaned into it, humming for a good long time before stepping back. "Come on, let's go check on the wounded one. He'll be starting to hurt."

  "You'll make him feel better."

  Rock gave him another kiss and headed for the front room, bag of food in hand.


  Dick was playing Rock in Kung Fu Fighters. It was the championship showdown and the
two of them were sitting side by side, tense, quiet grunts filling the air as their fingers and thumbs worked the controls. He was pummeling Rock's ass, which was far from realistic, but it was just a video game. He was pretty sure that in real life Rock could clean the floor with him.

  It was a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon and the only thing missing was munchies and Rig, who was working on something or other out in the garage.

  Rock had made loud, grumbling complaints several times about the lack of something to munch on, but so far Rig had either not heard them or was ignoring them. Dick guessed ignoring because that's what he was doing. If Rock wanted chips and salsa he could haul his ass to the kitchen and get himself some.

  Rock's character got his in the gut with a kick and Dick narrowed his eyes, concentrating harder on the game.

  They heard the crash from the garage about a quarter-second before they felt the floor shudder like a fucking earthquake had hit. Dick looked up and back for Rock, but the huge man was already moving, roaring Rig's name. He was right behind Rock, the two of them barreling into the garage, looking for Rig as Grimmy barked like mad.

  The big old shelf that held Rig's wood had collapsed, Rig passed out cold underneath the pile, just still and laying there on the concrete.

  "Oh my god! What do we do?" Dick stared down at the pale face, shocked.

  "The serious first aid kit's on that shelf by the mower. Get it. We need to brace his neck."

  "What? Why?"

  "In case his back is hurt. Move!" Rock roared at him and Dick shot across the garage. Shit, this could be really serious. Shit.

  "Oh. Ow." He heard boards clatter, heard Rig's moan. "Jim? The shelf broke." At first Dick thought Rig was out of it, then he realized that Jim was Rock.

  "Don't move, Rig. Kid's bringing the collar. And then he's calling 911 while I get this crap off you."

  "No. No ambulance. I just whacked my head, yeah?" Rig blinked again, one arm sliding up. "Shit. I been out long?"

  "Maybe a minute." Rock didn't look happy. "Get the collar on him, kid and let’s get this shit off him. I might still drive you to the hospital myself," Rock warned.

  Dick knelt by Rig's head and tried to work on the collar without actually moving Rig's neck any. It always looked so easy on tv and in the movies.

  He managed though, and man, Rig was pale and looking a little green. "In. I want to sit. Fuck."


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