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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 12

by Sean Michael

  He chuckled, the sound thick. "Fuck yeah. Wusses who don't know what's important." He spread his fingers and then curled them together, pushing deep.

  "Fuck! Good! Blue!" Yeah, right there.

  "I know," he growled, mouth moving over Rig's neck as he let his fingers hit that sweet spot over and over again. He rubbed against Rig's thigh, cock hard as nails.

  "So fucking hot. More. Need more."

  "Slut." It was fondly said as he pushed in another finger, fucking eager to get in there with his prick.

  "Yours." Rig arched, hands grabbing the edge of the table. "So fucking yours."

  "Yep." And he didn't want to wait a moment longer to prove it. He slid his fingers out of Rig's hole and guided his cock to it, pushing right in.

  Rig pressed back against him, hotter than hell, starting to ride him with a low cry. He grabbed hold of those hips, adding his strength to the way they were coming together. Together they were zero to sixty in no time, burning and driving together, hotter than shit.

  He was purring, grunting, just fucking going for it over and over again. Fuck, there was nothing like this. Nothing.

  Rig bucked, a low groan just echoing. "Yeah..."

  "You want it harder, Rig?" He matched action to words, increasing the strength of his thrusts.

  "Oh. Fuck, Blue. 's so fucking good."

  "I know." He bent and nipped at Rig's neck, tasting the salt. Rig just grunted, ass squeezing his prick tight.

  "Fuck. Yes."

  He pushed harder, deeper, fingers digging into Rig's hips. He could feel it, the way Rig shuddered, squeezed, body working his cock. The man never just lay there and got fucked. Oh, no, fucking was a two way street. A whole fucking highway.

  He slid one hand around Rig's body, finding that sweet prick, nice and hard and just waiting for his fingers to wrap around it.

  "Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Need you." Rig started shaking, vibrating under him.

  "Yeah, need it." He kept plowing into Rig's ass, taking them both higher.

  Spunk sprayed over his fingers, Rig's cry echoing.

  "That's it." He nodded, grunted and pushed harder. Wasn't long at all before he roared, coming inside Rig.

  "Mmm... Blue." Rig was almost purring, slumping down on the table.

  He went down with Rig, staying buried inside that heat, head resting on Rig's back. "Fucking good, Rabbit."

  "Fuck, yeah." His cock was squeezed again. "Thanks for mowing, man."

  He chuckled. "Is that what we're calling it this week?"

  Rig snorted, grinned wide. "Whatever we call it is good, so long as we keep it up."

  His chuckle turned into a laugh. "With this ass to look at? I'm pretty sure I can keep it up."

  "Just pretty sure?" Rig wiggled, ass rocking, working his prick.

  "Fuck no, I'm positive. Positive."

  "Good." Rig kept it going, just driving him fucking nuts.

  He purred, fingers pushing at the green material covering Rig's back.

  "Mmmm..." Rig raised up a little, let him tug the top off. Good thing, too, or he'd have had to tear it and it always made Rig cranky when he did stuff like that. His hands slid on Rig's back, the long, lean lines, the bumpy spine.

  "Fucking amazing hands, Blue." Rig squeezed again. "Could have you touch me for fucking ever."

  "That's the plan, Rig."

  "Oh, now look at this. And they told me romance was dead." Dick was in the doorway, grinning at them.

  They flipped the kid off in unison.


  He got to working on Rock's truck early in the morning, listening to the Saturday morning oldies country on his little radio. The radiator needed flushing and the oil changing and, if it didn't get too hot too fast, he needed to change spark plugs and shit.

  He lost his shirt about ten thirty, began thinking he ought to go get cutoffs around noon.

  Still, the sunshine felt good, beating down on him, while he sang along, ball cap keeping the sweat out of his eyes. Man, shit like this? Always made him think of Daddy dragging him down pasture to tinker on the old Ford.

  Shit, the two of them must have replaced every goddamn piece of that engine over a ten year period. Momma still had it for hauling hay. Him and Rock had tinkered on it last Christmas, replaced the timing belt -- a good old normal timing belt, too, not one of these damned serpentine contraptions now that a normal man couldn't replace.

  About one he ripped the fuck out of his jeans on the bumper -- bottom of his ass to the back of his knee -- so he got some airflow.

  It wasn't long after that that he garnered an audience of one, complete with a low purr and two longnecks. Rock was wearing nothing but his pt shorts, muscles of his chest and belly just gleaming in the sunlight.

  Oh, hello.

  "Morning, Rocketman." He gave his old man a good long look, just admiring. "How's it hanging?"

  "Pretty fucking good." Rock gave him a grin and held out one of the bottles. "You've put in air-conditioning, I see."

  "You can thank your Chevy for that. Thanks." He drank deep, turning to sit on the bumper. "Got the radiator flushed and the oil changed, didn't find any leaks, but you had a bad hose. I'm gonna need you to make sure it's good and tight."

  Rock flexed for him. "I can do that."

  He got a wink and Rock took a drink of his own beer. "You didn't need to sit. In fact you didn't need to turn to look at me either."

  Rig chuckled, finished his beer and tossed the bottle into the recycle bin. "No? You ready for me to get back to work?" Rig turned, bent over the engine, thighs spread, ass offered and teasing. Never let it be said he didn't know that hot, half-dressed, working man was one of his Blue's turn-ons. That long, low groan was more than proof of that.

  "I think you'd better haul your ass inside, Rig, before it gets... sunburned."

  "You think?" He bent farther, going up on his toes, flexing for Rock.

  Rock's beer bottled clattered against the ground and that was his only warning before Rock snugged up behind him and leaned over him. "Where was that thing that needed tightening?"

  "Mmm..." He pushed back, groaning, before he handed Rock a pair of channellocks, and pointed. "Right there. Fuck."

  Rock grunted, hips rolling from side to side against him as Rock tightened up the connection, strong muscles going tight around him.

  "Fuck, you're a strong son of a bitch." He wanted Rock. Right fucking then. Hard and deep. Fuck. Fuck.

  Rock purred, hands sliding on his arms as Rock stood. "Come on inside, Rig. I'll show you just how strong."

  "Hell, yes." He nodded, closed the hood and grabbed his toolbox, following Rock into the garage, cock hard as nails.

  Rock was waiting for him just inside the door and he didn't even have time for his eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness before he was pushed up against the wall, Rock's mouth closing over his.

  Hell, yes. Just what he fucking needed. His skin was sweat-slick against Rock's, sliding them together. Rock's purrs filled his mouth, hot, strong hands holding onto his arms. He didn't hold a single fucking thing back, kissing Rock with all he had, damn near crawling up the man's body.

  One of Rock's hands slid around and down, searching for the tear, searching for skin. He didn't even tease, just slid one leg up along Rock's, making it easy. The fucking jeans were a loss and Rock got off on the tearing thing.

  Rock purred and pushed against him, rubbing their cocks together as that hand slid into the tear, stroking his skin, teasing his ass. He could smell them both, male and needy and sweating, along with the vague hint of oil and sun and soap.

  Rock was just devouring him, mouth hard and necessary on his own. It wasn't long before both hands were at the tear in his jeans, fingers wrapping around the denim and ripping them further apart. Rig groaned, pushing deeper into the kiss, tongue just fucking Rock's lips.

  The sound of the garage door shutting had him jumping, but Rock never stopped kissing him, humping against him.

  "This show needs more na
ked," Dick informed them. Always could count on the kid to appreciate the view. It was a fine fucking quality.

  Dick worked Rock's shorts off first, that thick cock pressing against Rig's belly as soon as it was freed. Oh, fuck him raw, that felt good. He got one hand down, wrapped around that fine fucking prick.

  Rock growled into his mouth, hands working to tear the jeans the rest of the way off him. And didn't those big muscles do it, too, the kid whistling at them.

  "Need it. You. Now." He worked the tip of Rock's prick with his thumb, demanding, needing.

  "Let me back there, Rock. I've got the slick."

  Rock pulled him away from the wall, hands spreading his asscheeks wide. The grunt that left him when Dick's fingers slid in was pushed right into Rock's lips, whole body one big ball of want. The angle was strange, but the kid knew what he liked, knew how to find his gland and play it while Rock rubbed their fronts together.

  His eyes just rolled with it, hips pumping and pushing, riding the pressure and needing more.

  Dick's fingers slid away and then they all worked together until there he was, legs wrapped around Rock's waist, that thick cock pressing up into him.

  "Oh. Oh. Sweet fuck, yes." He leaned back, Dick right there, helping to support his shoulders, body filled with Rock.

  Dick's cock slid against his back as Rock's pushed into him, slowly at first and then with increasing force, speed. It was just what he fucking needed. His men, pushing and fucking and riding with him.

  Rock's hands were hard on his ass, fingers digging in, while Dick's were pushing between his body and Rock's, finding his nipples and sliding over them, pinching them.

  He just nodded, riding and moaning, hips bucking. "More. Fuck."

  Rock growled and pushed into him harder, faster and fuck him if one of Dick's fingers didn't slide into him right along with Rock's prick.

  "Oh..." His eyes rolled, world spinning madly, hands squeezing Rock's shoulders.

  Dick's mouth found his neck, muffling the sweet sounds that were starting up, pushing from Dick's chest as that long cock slid along his spine. He just lost it, milking Rock's prick, heat spraying as he grunted.

  Dick pushed against him hard, just humping his back and crying out as heat splashed up along his back.

  Oh, hell yes. Now. One more. "C'mon Rock. You, too."

  Grunting, Rock pushed faster, fucking him hard and coming deep inside him. Oh, now. That? Was just what he needed.

  "Mmm... 's fucking good."

  "Yep," agreed Rock. "Good fucking."

  Dick chuckled behind him, arms wrapping around his waist.

  He nodded, leaned into Dick. "You know it, Blue."

  "I can't believe you let him tear off your jeans."

  Rock chuckled at Dick's words. "I'm a stud, kid. I can do what I want."

  Rig grinned. "His truck started it, you know."

  "His truck?"

  Rock laughed. "Yeah, I'm such a stud my truck makes passes for me."

  Dick started laughing, body shaking behind him. Rig just hooted. Fuck, he did enjoy himself a weekend.

  Rock's blue eyes smiled at him, that fat prick still buried deep. "Of course it helps that the man is easy."

  Dick nodded. "Almost as easy as you, Rock."

  "Now, now, Rock rarely if ever falls for passes from my Jeep..."

  The kid sounded like he was going to hurt something he was laughing so hard. His Blue just chuckled, cock jerking a little inside him.

  Oh yeah, weekends were something special. Just like his men.


  It took Dick awhile to figure out that Rock and Rig were romantic, just not in any conventional sense.

  Rock might mow the lawn or carry the groceries in, step and fetch heavy stuff. Rig cooked and cleaned and overhauled Rock's truck.

  It was all romance, Rock and Rig style.

  And it worked for them, whoever did whatever whenever and in the end there was grunting and groaning and fucking.

  It took Dick even longer to figure out that he had his own brand of romance.

  It wasn't anything big or grand, just little things like buying more tp when they were out or bringing home cinnamon rolls when he passed the bakery. Stuff like fixing the sink from leaking without being asked and picking up the front room when Rig worked late.

  Or quietly letting Rig know when Rock had a bad day on base.

  They weren't even things he did on purpose to be romantic or get fucking points or anything like his friend Bri talked about doing with his wife, it was just stuff he did because he was a part of them. And he had a hunch that was why Rig and Rock did the things they did.

  It worked pretty good for them anyway.

  Today though, Dick was doing it on purpose.

  Well, the chocolate layer whipped cream cake would probably go over well with Rock. Dick wasn't so sure the fact he'd used every dish and gotten the ingredients splashed all over the kitchen counters and floor was going to go over so well with Rig.

  He'd clean it up though. As soon as he figured out how to get the chocolate shavings to look like they did in the book.

  "Smells like Rocketman heaven in here." Rig peered in, leaning against the kitchen door. "You've been busy."

  He grinned ruefully at the mess. "I'll wash up, I swear. I don't suppose you know how to shave chocolate, do you? I'm almost desperate enough to grab one of the razors from the bathroom, but I know that can't be right."

  Damn, Rig looked good enough to eat.

  "Potato peeler. Works like a charm. Rock? He'll be just as tickled with chocolate chips. He's not high rent."

  He giggled. "I kind of wanted it to look like the picture." He passed over the magazine he picked up along with the dry cleaning on his way home after lunch. Then he went for the potato peeler and wow, that was exactly what the doctor, well nurse, ordered. Except that said nurse kept stealing his curls and nibbling them.

  He giggled and slapped at Rig's fingers. "I thought you said it smelled like Rocketman heaven."

  "Yep. I nibble the Rock enough, yeah? Stands to reason I should get addicted to chocolate."

  He laughed and peeled a few strokes off into a little bowl for Rig and then went back to covering the cake with the thin curls of chocolate. "This actually looks pretty good." And if he sounded pretty surprised, well, there had been other cakes and while the kitchen hadn't looked this bad every time, some of them had been rather... inedible.

  "You're getting to be good at that. There a special occasion or did your sweet tooth just wake up?"

  He grinned. "There's a new chocolate place in the mall. Smelled fucking good, but the prices? Shit."

  "Yeah?" Rig's eyes twinkled. "They got chocolate covered bananas?"

  His mouth dropped open and he shook his head. "Not that I noticed, no. Can you imagine though? We could melt some chocolate and spread it over our cocks."

  "Nah. Might burn. Body heat should do the trick, though..." Rig picked up a single curl and then dropped to his knees. "Unzip."

  Well he wasn't stupid and didn't have to be asked twice. Dick undid his top button and pulled down his zipper, cock nice and eager already, pushing at his underwear.

  "Mmm... Look at what you found for me." His cock was freed, the curl of chocolate settled on the tip. Then Rig leaned forward, breathing on the candy, on his prick.

  "Oh, fuck!" He moaned hands reaching back for the counter to prop himself up.

  "Uh-huh." Rig nodded, tongue tracing the edge of the chocolate.

  He moaned again, watching, a shiver going through him as Rig's tongue slid on his cock so carefully. Rig slowly -- so fucking slowly -- spread the chocolate over his flesh, then licked it up. He whimpered and reached for another shaving.

  Rig backed up a little, licking those soft lips, watching. He dropped the new chocolate shaving onto his cock and licked his own lips.

  "Mmm... pretty, pretty." His skin was lapped, tongue dragging. "Hot, too."

  "On fucking fire."

  Fuck. That mou
th. No wonder it was Rock's favorite thing in the world. Even better than chocolate. Rig wrapped those lips around him, sucking good and strong, head just bobbing, pulling the chocolate off his skin.


  "I'll say, kid." Rock's low voice was hot.

  Rig hummed around his prick, eyes hot and happy, smiling at him. Yeah. Damn.

  Rock came in. "Smells fucking good in here. Chocolate and man. My favorites."

  He grinned and then moaned and Rig's tongue worked some magic. Rig's fingers slid up along his hips, petting and teasing, loving on him.

  He gasped and whimpered and Rock came up and took a fingerful of chocolate icing, spreading it on his lips and leaning in to kiss him. His mouth gasped open, the taste of Rock and chocolate filling him.

  Rig took him all the way in, just going to town, sucking him like a starving man. Whimpering and moaning, he reached out, one hand wrapping around Rig's shoulder, the other around Rock's.

  Rig groaned, pulling hard, sucking him, reaching to stroke Rock's thigh. Making more noises, he started to move his hips, fucking Rig's mouth as Rock's tongue fucked his mouth.

  Rig's fingers tugged at his balls, tapped behind them and sent shock through him. He cried out, hips jerking as he came down Rig's throat, hands squeezing tight.

  Those grey eyes were dancing, tongue licking his cock clean. "Yummy."

  "Better than chocolate?" he asked, making Rock snort.

  "You know it." Rig left a soft, sucking kiss on the tip of his cock.

  "Nothing tastes better than chocolate," Rock insisted.

  Dick grinned. "No? I'm glad Rig thinks so."

  Rock laughed. "Yeah. Me, too."

  Rig grinned, tucked him back in. "Kid made us a cake."

  "Is that what this is?" Rock asked. "It's a little lopsided but the icing was pretty fucking good."

  It was Dick's turn to laugh. "That wasn't the icing, Rock, that was me." He ducked Rock's swat.

  Rig snorted, stood. "No dessert before burgers, marines."

  "Well that sucks, Rig. Unless by burgers you mean marines."

  Rig's laugh just echoed, filling the kitchen.

  Dick grinned. "Let me get this in the fridge so it doesn't melt in this heat."

  "Look at Martha fucking Stewart here."

  "Hey, that's an all chocolate creation, Rock, I'd be careful who I was insulting."


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