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Page 7

by Whitney Cannon

  Diane looked around and stopped on Josh and Cory. “I’m just concerned for the boys right now. Yes, that was a lot of information and pretty complicated, but for now, I say we just take this a day at a time. We figure out what we need to do, this moment, to make everyone happy and comfortable. Then we figure out the next thing and the next. We don’t need all the answers right now. But at least we have the knowledge to move forward confidently,” Diane paused to look down at her watch. “And right now, it’s really late, and we have all had an extremely long day. I say we table this discussion and get some rest. Brian, you’re welcome here any time, and I think we’ll need your guidance going forward with this. Especially as we all figure out how this will work.”

  Brian nodded his head in agreement. “Of course, and thank you. It’s certainly a lot to take in and wrap your head around. I agree that our primary focus should be Cory and Josh and making them comfortable any way we can. This is going to be a pretty intense transition period for everyone.”

  “So what do we do right now?” asked Jim. “Brian, Josh, you are both welcome to stay the night, although Brian, you’re probably not prepared for that. I think Josh said he was going to bring a bag with some clothes.”

  Josh nodded. “Yeah. I wasn’t sure what to expect either so I packed a few things. Dad,” Josh said looking at Brian. “I’m guessing I’m going to be staying here for a while, right? Is that okay with you? I just need to be near Cory so I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s here, or at our place. But our place is smaller, and I think it would be good for Cory to stay with his parents for now,” Josh summarized.

  “Yeah, I think it would be best for you to stay here, too,” said Brian. “I completely agree that you two need to stay together. After all, that’s basically what I just spent so long talking about. Although I don’t have first-hand experience myself, I have heard often enough from your grandparents, that it won’t be easy for either of you to be apart. Rest up tonight and we’ll regroup tomorrow. Probably a few days off school at least before we figure out how to even proceed with that. You obviously can’t go separately. I’ll call your school in the morning to see what can be done, Josh,” Brian said, as he stood up and grabbed his plate and glass to take to the kitchen.

  Everyone else stood and followed Brian’s lead. They gathered dishes and glasses, needing a few trips to stack things into the dishwasher. When the clean-up was through, and the table cleared, they all walked Brian outside to his car, and Josh grabbed the bag he brought from his own car.

  “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Josh said to his father, feeling a little overwhelmed and slightly nervous.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry all this was so much to take in, Josh. And I’m sorry you didn’t know about it sooner. It’ll be strange not having you home tonight. It’ll be an adjustment in all our lives. I’ll call into work tomorrow and make a call to your grandparents as well. We’ll talk in the morning and go from there. I know it seems like a lot, but things are good, Josh. Cory is your Complement so you can rest easy and take comfort in that. We’ll get everything else sorted in time,” Brian stated and pulled Josh into a hug.

  Once they separated Brian moved to shake hands with Jim and Diane, wishing them a good night. Addressing Cory, Brian said with a hand on his shoulder, “Welcome to the family, Cory. It was a pleasure to meet you and I couldn’t be more pleased that you two found each other. Take some time tonight or tomorrow morning and talk about this. I know you have questions and all this was completely unexpected, but just know that everything will work out. You and Josh were meant for each other. You’ll get to know each other in time.” With that, he waved his goodbye and left.


  Once everyone was back inside, Josh and Cory said goodnight to Cory’s parents. Diane hugged both boys, and Jim hugged Cory, then offered a handshake and a squeeze on the shoulder to Josh.

  “Welcome to our family, Josh. Seems to me the universe made a good choice in sending you to us. You seem like a pretty great kid.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Josh blushed a little at the compliment and reception.

  “You sure you’re up to waking Cory every couple hours for his concussion like the nurse instructed? Cory’s our son, and we certainly don’t mind doing it.”

  Josh shook his head. “I don’t mind at all. It’s totally fine. I’m sure you guys are exhausted from your time at the hospital as well and would like a good night’s rest.”

  “Alright. Thanks, Josh. Well, we’ll let you two get settled in then. I’ll go grab the cot for you,” Jim said, heading out of the room.

  Josh and Jenny followed Cory down the hallway to his room. “Look.” Cory turned to Josh after they entered the room, and Josh set his bag on the floor. “I know this is weird, and you never expected any of this. But I wanted to say thanks.” Cory ran a hand through his hair and then smoothed his bangs back into place. “It feels sort of weird to think the other day my life was mine. You know? That I could do anything. Be anything. Go anywhere I wanted to go anytime I wanted to. Now that’s gone and things are going to change. But I wanted to say thanks for being here for me. It’s sort of like fate or something. Like you’re going to be this huge part of my life, but for now, we barely know each other. And, yeah, I don’t know, I just, I guess, even though this is so out there, I kind of like you and think you seem pretty cool. So, yeah. Thanks.” Cory blushed and looked away.

  Josh chuckled at that. “I know what you mean. I kind of like you too and think you seem pretty cool as well. Maybe there is something to this Connectivity thing after all, huh?” Josh’s smile grew as he watched Cory look back at him with a smile of his own.

  “Okay, let’s go get the cot my dad brought out from the camping gear and get you set up,” Cory said to Josh. “I know it’s kind of crappy to have to sleep on a cot, but maybe we can rotate until we figure out something more permanent. Tomorrow we can play around a bit and see how far we can take this Connection thing.”

  They got the cot set up in just a few minutes, and Cory grabbed some linens and extra pillows from the closet in the hall.

  “Do you need to shower or anything?” Cory asked Josh.

  “Nah. I’m so wiped out I could probably just sleep standing up. It can wait until morning, but thanks. I am going to change though. Let me get my stuff, and I’ll be right back,” Josh said. He grabbed his bag and rifled through until he saw what he wanted then headed back out to the bathroom that was just down the hall and across from Cory’s room.

  Josh returned a few minutes later with clean teeth and a shirt and gym shorts on. The cot had been moved to be directly across from Cory’s bed and the light overhead was out. A small lamp, with a deep purple shade, was turned on next to the bed on Cory’s desk. Cory had changed into his shorts as well, but he didn’t have a shirt on. Josh noticed Cory’s bandage and bruise and motioned to them.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked.

  “Not really. I can feel the stitches pulling if I stretch too much one way or the other. But, mostly no. I’ve had my fair share of bumps and bruises over the years. Although nothing quite as dramatic as this,” Cory indicated to the injuries on his chest.

  “I’ve never had any serious injuries either,” said Josh. He tucked his dirty clothes inside his bag and went over and crawled onto the cot, letting out a loud groan of relief once he was lying down. “Ugh, what a day, huh? Feels amazing to lie down.”

  Cory had a tinge of pink across his cheeks as he looked away from Josh to climb under his own covers. Once he was situated he reached over and turned out the lamp. Josh double checked that his phone timer was set since he needed to wake Cory up every two hours and set his phone on the desk near his head.

  Both of them rolled to their sides so they could see each other. There was just enough moonlight coming through the blinds that their faces were cast in silhouette against the rest of the room.

  “Good night, Josh,” Cory spoke softly.

  “Good night, Cory. My Complement,” Josh
teased lightly.

  Both boys smiled at each other and closed their eyes, as exhaustion overtook them.


  Slowly opening his eyes, Josh blinked a few times to get his bearings. He shifted and looked over toward Cory’s desk and the clock. Through the slits in the blinds, Josh could see the morning had dawned clear with beautiful skies. He also noted the smell of something like bacon cooking. Rolling over completely Josh looked to see if Cory was awake. Cory was still passed out and lying on his back. He had one hand resting on his stomach and the other was tangled in the striped purple and blue sheets at his side. Cory’s left foot was out of the covers, and his sandy blond hair stood out in all directions.

  Josh had woken up with Cory four times through the night, and each time after Cory had answered some inane question, they had both fallen right back to sleep. Josh imagined they were both going to look a little rough.

  Taking a moment to study the rise and fall of Cory’s chest, Josh thought back to what his father had told him the night before.

  Cory was his Complement. His match. Like Cory had said, it was a lot like fate. But was fate always right? This Connectivity had bound them to each other. Any thoughts either of them had had about the future or who they wanted to be with, were taken away from them. They didn’t get a choice. They had no say. And they were so young. Neither of them were even out of high school yet. How could they experience the life and freedom that his dad had talked about wanting?

  Josh had planned to attend the local community college in the fall to get a few general education classes under his belt. But what were Cory’s plans? How could they both get the education they’d need to start careers? How could they have jobs when they needed to be near each other? Did Josh even want to be near Cory forever?

  “I agree with everything you’re thinking,” Cory said sleepily, a bit of gravel in his voice. Josh hadn’t realized almost twenty minutes had passed, or that Cory’s eyes were now open. Cory hadn’t moved from his position he just looked back at Josh intently.

  Josh smirked at that. “How do you know what I was thinking?”

  “I watched all your emotions cross over your face. You have very expressive facial features,” Cory mentioned. “And I’ve probably had all the same thoughts you just had. I’ve wondered about the future and how that will work for either of us. How are you going to live when you feel miserable and anxious if I’m not around, and how am I going to live if I can’t stay awake without you? But aside from all that, the most obvious thought I’ve had is, do I even want you around? How do I know fate or whatever power decided this thing between us, didn’t make a mistake? What if you and I don’t even like each other?” Cory admitted. He rolled onto his side and looked searchingly into Josh’s eyes. “But, Josh?” he asked.


  “I think everything will be alright. I mean, I know we need to get to know each other and all that. But I just have this feeling that things are right in my world. Like I told you last night, I like you. Apparently enough that I’m drawn to you even if I’m unconscious,” Cory added lightly, as he tried to infuse a bit of levity into a fairly heavy discussion. “But in all seriousness, I’m not really worried. I think everything will work out exactly how it needs to.”

  Josh thought about Cory’s words for a minute before he replied, “Yeah I have that feeling too. It’s just competing with all the others circling around in my head. But you know what else I’ve been wondering about?” Josh asked.

  “What?” Cory questioned.

  “What is that delicious smell?” Josh said, trying to keep a straight face.

  Cory cracked up at that and Josh couldn’t help the grin that stretched across his face in response.

  “And here I thought we were having a little heart-to-heart, but all the while you’ve just been hungry,” Cory chuckled. “Okay, let’s go see what my mom made out there. It does smell pretty good.”

  They threw off their covers and stretched a bit. Cory winced a little at his rib, but waved Josh off and grabbed a shirt to throw on, then they headed toward the sound of rattling dishes and the smell of breakfast.


  “Good morning,” Diane said warmly, as Josh and Cory came into the kitchen a moment later. “How did you sleep? Any issues with the concussion protocol?” she asked.

  “Nope. Sadly, nothing to report. I slept like the dead, though, when Josh wasn’t waking me up every other minute,” Cory griped, as he swiped a hand through his unruly hair and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. “Josh, you want something to drink?” he asked, and grabbed a second glass when Josh nodded.

  “How about you, Josh? Aside from waking up with Cory every couple hours, did you sleep well? I know that cot isn’t too bad to sleep on, but it’s not great either,” Diane mentioned.

  “It wasn’t bad at all, thanks. Although that may have something to do with the fact that I was basically unconscious once my head hit the pillow. I think we were both about ready to drop last night. We’re lucky my alarm woke me up, or I swear I would have slept until tomorrow,” Josh said.

  “Milk or juice?” Cory called over his shoulder as he stood in front of the open fridge door.

  “Um, milk please. Thanks.”

  Cory finished and handed the filled glass to Josh. “What can we do to help, Mom?” Cory asked, as he put his free arm around his mother’s shoulders.

  “Well, I just finished the eggs, and the bacon should be ready in another few minutes. I woke up a little early and ran to the store since we were low on everything. Josh, I didn’t know what you’d like so I just grabbed a selection of different things,” Diane said and motioned to the muffins and bagels already on the table.

  “Thanks so much, but I’m pretty easy going about food. I would eat just about anything as long as it wasn’t growing mold or something,” Josh said lightly.

  “You sound just like Cory. I swear, you’d think from his size he wouldn’t eat much, but this guy can pack it away with the best of them.” Diane swatted at Cory, and he clutched his stomach in mock distress.

  “Mom, you wound me!” Cory exclaimed playfully. “I’m fragile right now, remember? I was just in the hospital yesterday. I have stitches for Pete’s sake. You’ve injured me. You see what I have to deal with, Josh? This is abuse. Where’s Dad? I need him to protect me from your evil ways, woman.” Cory feigned a limp and cradled his arm to his chest.

  Josh and Diane were both laughing at Cory’s antics when Jim entered the kitchen from the back door.

  “Good morning, boys. Is your mother after you again, Cory?” he said, as he went to wash his hands. “I can tell it must be serious by the way you’re favoring your right leg and handling that arm. Maybe you can limp your way over and get Jenny her breakfast. Josh, you may need to help him out since he’s basically incapacitated right now,” Jim remarked with a smirk on his face as he dried his hands.

  “Ugh. Not you too,” groaned Cory. “Where’s the love? You always take her side,” Cory pouted. He shot an amused wink to Josh and straightened up. “Fine. Come on, Josh. Let’s feed Jenny then maybe these heathens will have breakfast ready.” Cory turned sharply and stomped off toward the pantry.

  Josh just chuckled at Cory’s dramatics. “Is he always like that?”

  “Yes,” Jim and Diane replied in unison.

  “I can hear you, you know?” Cory hollered from inside the pantry.

  The timer beeped on the oven. “Oh, I know. That makes it even more fun,” Diane called as she opened the oven door. The amazing smell of sizzling bacon flooded the room and Josh’s stomach rumbled.

  “I’ll get the plates. Josh, have a seat at the table. I think Diane has a handle on things here,” Jim said.

  Cory returned with a playful smile, grabbed his glass, and both he and Josh sat down at the table. Jim distributed plates to everyone while Diane brought over a heaping bowl of eggs and a platter of bacon. There were already assorted muffins and bagels on the table with various spreads and butter. Jo
sh and Cory both took blueberry muffins and then helped themselves to generous servings of scrambled eggs and bacon.

  “Thanks for breakfast,” Josh mumbled around a mouthful of food. “Everything is great,” he said taking a drink of milk.

  “You’re quite welcome, Josh. You’re practically going to be family and families share meals. I’m glad you like it though,” Diane commented while she stirred her coffee. “Have you heard from your dad yet this morning?”

  Josh wiped his mouth on a napkin and cleared his throat. “I actually didn’t even check my phone before we came out. We just got to talking,” Josh swept his gaze to Cory who looked back at him sweetly. “I forgot all about it. If you’d excuse me a moment I’ll grab it and check.” Josh scooted his chair back and left the room. He made a quick stop in the bathroom and grabbed his cell phone off Cory’s desk.

  His dad had sent him two text messages and he had one from his best friend, Jersey, who asked where he was and why he wasn’t at school. He tapped out some quick replies, pocketed his phone, and headed back to the dining room.

  As he came down the hall, he realized the house was quiet. Once he rounded the corner he realized why. Cory was just picking his head up off his arm, where he must have rested it, as he had gotten sleepy. Because Josh had gotten too far away. Jim and Diane watched silently as they sipped their coffee.

  Josh hurried over to Cory feeling guilty and practically smothered the smaller boy. “Oh my God, Cory. I’m so sorry!” Josh said as he pulled Cory into a hug. “I didn’t even think about that. I’m really sorry.” Josh pulled back to look at Cory.

  “S’Okay,” Cory said sleepily with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. “I didn’t actually fall asleep, but I was pretty tired. You can hug me again if it’ll make you feel better for leaving me though,” Cory teased.


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