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Connectivity Page 8

by Whitney Cannon

  Josh’s concern faded, and he smiled as he realized what Cory meant. He had hugged Cory for the first time. Josh leaned back in and slowly wrapped his arms around Cory. “This okay?” Josh asked quietly.

  Cory wrapped his arms around Josh in return. “It feels pretty okay to me,” Cory sighed in response.

  “I’m sorry I left you like that. I guess this will take some getting used to,” Josh said as he pulled back and got into his own chair, eyes still locked on Cory.

  “Josh, any news from your dad?” Jim asked, bringing them back to reality.

  “Oh.” Josh turned. With warm cheeks, he replied, “Yeah, uh, my dad texted and said he called my school and got me out for a few days. I guess we’ll be working on a more permanent solution over the next couple of days. Also, he wanted to know if he could come by with my grandpa. Said they would bring lunch for everyone, but he wanted to know if that was fine with you. I said I would let him know,” Josh concluded.

  “Of course your dad can come by,” said Diane, waving a dismissive hand. “It would be nice to talk to your grandpa as well. I would think between the two of them we would have a lot more information since your grandpa actually has a Connective Complement. Is your grandma able to come too? It would be nice to have her perspective for Cory to hear,” Diane remarked.

  “I’ll text my dad back and see if she planned to come too. Come to think of it,” said Josh thoughtfully. “I have rarely ever seen them apart. Hmm. I guess I never really thought about it before. That’s just how they’ve always been. But, I guess now it makes total sense. I just didn’t know why before. Huh. Okay, yeah, I’ll text him. What time do you think?” Josh asked.

  “Well, it’s ten now,” Diane said. “So maybe a late lunch would be good. Say, one or two? That will give you boys some time to chat and shower up. Maybe you could walk Jenny and stop in over at Nick’s. Doesn’t he come home for lunch every day? I’m sure he’d love to see you, Cory. You can introduce Josh.”

  Josh pulled his phone out and began a new text to his dad.

  Cory picked at the last few crumbs of his muffin. “I guess for now we’ll just call you a new friend, Josh?” Cory asked.

  “Well, I’m not sure how that is going to go over if I’m basically moving in. But I guess for now that works,” Josh said. “We’ll see what my dad and grandpa have to say when they get here. This situation has probably never been a problem for anyone since others seem to have been older when they met their Connections. It wouldn't have been strange for any of them to all of a sudden have someone glued to their hip, or move in with them. Others might not be as accepting since we’re so young. Everyone will think this is just a crush and won’t understand how you guys just let me move in with you,” Josh finished.

  “You let us worry about that, Josh,” Diane said looking between them. “For now, just work on the two of you. We know what’s going on and that’s what matters to us. Now, what do you say we finish breakfast and get on with the day.”

  Everyone finished their meals in comfortable silence and helped clear dishes and wrap up leftovers.

  Josh and Cory headed back to Cory’s room.

  “Well I guess if we get our showers done now we can do whatever for a while and then walk Jenny. Why don’t you go first since you didn’t get a chance to shower last night. I should be fine in here since it’s not that far from the bathroom. I’ll text Nick and see if he’ll be home for lunch today,” Cory said.

  “Sounds good. By the way, I keep wondering and maybe I’m overstepping, but who’s Nick? Is he your boyfriend?” Josh asked. “I never even thought about that until now. You don’t have a boyfriend, right?” An uneasy feeling formed in Josh’s stomach as he looked back at Cory.

  Cory chuckled at Josh and smacked him playfully on the arm. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend, Josh. Nick is just my best friend and plays baseball with me. No need to panic.”

  Relief washed over him and Josh sagged with the knowledge. Cory chuckled again and Josh mumbled, “You can’t fault me for wondering. You’re very good looking, Cory, and any guy would be lucky to have you.”

  Cory’s cheeks tinged slightly pink. “Thanks, Josh. Any guys I have to challenge for your affections?”

  “Not at all. Though, the idea of you fighting for me does sound intriguing,” Josh mused and waggled his eyebrows at Cory. Cory swatted at him playfully again and Josh dodged easily, grabbing up his duffle bag, and laughing as he went off to shower.

  Ten minutes later, Josh made the return trip to Cory’s room. Cory was sprawled out on his bed with his phone in his hand. “How was that? Were you sleepy at all?” Josh questioned immediately.

  Cory looked up then and set his phone on his desk. He shifted his legs and sat up. “I was fine. We could measure how far it is to the bathroom. That seemed like an okay distance. What do you think? Through the walls like twenty-five feet or something?” Cory questioned.

  Josh set his bag down and swiped a hand through his still wet hair. He saw Cory follow the movement of his shirt as it rose slightly, revealing his stomach, and smiled at him. Cory blushed slightly at being caught and looked away.

  “It’s okay to look you know. If we’re stuck together you might as well enjoy the view,” Josh teased with a wink.

  “Sorry,” Cory mumbled, then scrambled off the bed.

  “Hey.” He grabbed Cory’s arm as he tried to pass by. “I was just teasing. I don’t mind, really. Apparently, we’re like, destined to be together. So if I’m supposed to be yours and you’re supposed to be mine it’s okay to look at each other,” Josh said as he rubbed his thumb over the inside of Cory’s wrist, feeling his pulse.

  “I like what I see when I look at you,” Josh said. “I like that you’re so graceful and slim looking, but we’re still pretty close in size. I’m a bit bulkier than you are which sometimes makes me feel clumsy. But you just seem to move with this fluidity and surety, like you’re so confident about every step you take. And this hair, ugh,” Josh groaned. “It’s been driving me crazy since you first came out of the shower yesterday evening. The way it always falls into your eyes makes me want to run my hands through it,” Josh said as he slid his hand down to take Cory’s fingers between his own, giving them a gentle squeeze. Josh’s other hand came up then to brush that same hair to the side like Cory always did. He slowly moved the strands across Cory’s forehead and ran his fingertips over Cory’s soft skin. Josh’s left hand stopped at the side of Cory’s face almost cradling his cheek. Cory’s eyes were locked with his like there was no force on Earth that could break their Connection.

  “But most of all,” said Josh softly. “I like what I see when I look at these. These could hold my attention for a lifetime,” Josh whispered, moving his thumb softly near Cory’s amazing blue eyes. He could feel Cory’s breath hitch, and the boy shuddered slightly. Josh slowly bent forward, keeping his eyes locked with Cory’s, and brushed his lips softly along Cory’s cheek. As Josh pulled back he saw that Cory’s eyelids had closed, and he smiled softly at the other guy’s reaction. Josh wrapped his arms around Cory then and kept Cory’s fingers twined with his own.

  Cory responded and moved his free arm around Josh’s back returning the hug. Josh took in the scent of the young man in his arms. “My Complement,” Josh sighed softly. “You don’t need to feel shy or embarrassed when you look at me. I know we’re still getting to know each other, but this,” he squeezed Cory lightly, “this feels right to me. Like you’re supposed to fit right here. I can’t explain why, or how, but it does. Does it feel that way to you?” Josh could feel Cory nod his head. “Good. I like you, Cory. And I think we already have a pretty great Connection. So don’t hide from me okay?” Cory nodded again and Josh pulled away.

  They looked at each other for a moment before Cory smirked and rolled his eyes. “Thanks for that by the way. Now I’ll be taking a nice long, cold shower.”

  Josh threw his head back and laughed. He could already tell Cory had a knack for adding humor to heavy momen
ts, and he tried not to take things too seriously. He seemed a like a perfect Complement indeed.


  Cory and Josh had a panting Jenny on her leash and were headed down the street toward Nick’s house. After Cory’s shower, they had lain around Cory’s room and talked about music, movies, favorite foods, or whatever came up and conversation flowed easily. As the morning wore on and they got ready to head out, Josh turned the conversation toward school and friends.

  “What did you have planned after graduation?” Josh asked, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Actually, I assume you’re a senior, but I realize I’ve never actually asked.”

  Cory nodded. “Yes, I’m a senior and I’m already eighteen. After graduation, I had actually planned to take a year off. I had applied to some schools, but after I got all the way through the application process and needed to commit somewhere, I just couldn’t. I talked to my parents and they understood what I needed. I just wasn’t ready to jump right into that next step, you know?” Cory switched the leash to his other hand as Jenny veered off, seeing something on the other side of the street ahead.

  “Yeah, I know,” Josh said. “There’s always been this sort of background pressure in my family to go to school, college, medical school, something heavy, you know? I mean, I was never told what to do, or where to apply, but it was the only career or school anyone in my family ever talked about. Obviously, now I know why. But I was never really sure it was for me. So I just told my dad I was going to knock out some gen eds at the community college then figure out where I wanted to go. Maybe now I can take a photography class or something I’d really enjoy instead,” Josh trailed off and looked into the distance.

  “I’m not really sure what I want to do for a career,” Cory added. “Or where I see myself in a year, or five years, but right now, I could really use a break. I was thinking of maybe getting a part-time job and saving up some money. Try to travel a little bit, that kind of thing. I’ve heard of these people who go around and visit every major league baseball park and make it a sort of bucket-list thing. I think I’d like to start with something like that. Not all right now of course, but start to see the world a bit and gain some real life experience before I have to become a responsible adult,” Cory joked.

  Josh looked away unable to respond. Cory noticed the move and bumped shoulders with him. “What’s up? Where’d you go just now?” he asked.

  Josh stopped walking which caused Cory to halt abruptly as well. Jenny was thrown off by the sudden stop and yank on her leash, but returned quickly to Cory’s side. Josh frowned. “What about now?” he threw out.

  “What about now, what? What do you mean? I think this conversation just took a turn down a private lane. Why are you frowning?” Cory questioned.

  “I mean, what about now that we’re Connected? What kind of life do you expect to have?” Josh gestured around, getting more agitated. “How are you going to travel and find your passion? How are you going to work and save money to experience the world and see the ballparks? I feel like this whole thing just threw all our hopes and dreams out the window. I understand that we need each other now, but it just seems like we have no control.” Josh slumped his shoulders in defeat as he ran out of steam. He usually didn’t get worked up about stuff that was out of his control, but he just needed to get some of that off his chest.

  Cory watched him calmly and when Josh finished his rant, Cory closed the distance between them and slipped his arms around Josh’s waist, mindful of Jenny's leash. Josh took a deep breath, bringing Cory’s now familiar scent into his lungs and exhaled loudly.

  “Sorry,” Josh murmured into Cory’s neck.

  “You don’t need to apologize for something that’s out of your control. You have every right to feel that way. I feel that way to a degree,” Cory said and rested his cheek against Josh’s shoulder. They stood that way for a few moments, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Cory spoke again softly, “Let’s see what your grandparents have to say and go from there. This whole Connectivity thing has to have some silver linings eventually. It can’t be all doom and gloom all the time.” He pulled back then and Josh reluctantly let the boy leave his arms. “Feel better?” Cory asked.

  Josh nodded. “I felt better when we were hugging, though. Can we do that again?” he asked with a hopeful note to his voice.

  Cory chuckled and took Josh’s hand then turned them to continue their walk. “We can do more of that later. But right now, we need to get over to Nick’s before he has to get back to school,” Cory said.

  “Fine. Just ruin all my fun,” Josh pouted, trailing behind Cory like a forlorn puppy.

  “Aww, poor baby,” Cory teased and gave a tug on his hand, pulling Josh back even with him. “Nick’s place is just over there,” Cory pointed down the street a few houses. “I really hope you guys get along. Nick has been my best friend since freshman year.”

  “Well, I like you just fine so if you guys are friends, I’ll probably like him too,” Josh reasoned.

  A minute later they crossed the street and approached a light yellow, two-story house, with an older green sedan in front. Cory led Josh and Jenny up the walkway and released Josh’s hand to knock on the door. Cory glanced at Josh and gave a reassuring smile. A moment later the door opened and Cory was engulfed in a huge hug from a very large guy who literally forced a grunt and a wince from Cory at being squeezed so hard. Josh had to step down off the stoop or be knocked over. Jenny seemed a bit overwhelmed at the commotion as well.

  Once Cory was released, Josh watched him disappear into the middle of a swarm of loud and boisterous bodies and could only catch bits of what was being said. There were four guys of varying sizes who all tried to talk over the other guys to be heard. Josh gathered they were a few of Cory’s teammates. He realized that none of them had seen Cory since the day of his accident, and they were probably all eager to find out how Cory had been doing.

  “Guys, guys,” Cory called, as he tried to calm the chaos. “Give me some room, jeez. I’m injured, remember?” he teased, holding his ribs a little. He looked around then and locked eyes with Josh. Everyone had taken the cue and stepped back to give Cory some space. Cory came down the step and grabbed Josh’s hand. He pulled Josh up the step with him and motioned to the group. “Guys, this is Josh. Josh, these are the guys. Well, some of them anyway,” he said. “Let’s go inside and I can make proper introductions.”

  The guys filed into the house and Josh and Cory followed with Jenny. Once inside, Cory unclipped Jenny’s leash and she trotted off to search for something worthy of her attention. Cory led Josh out of the entryway and into a good sized living room with lots of cushy sofas and chairs. The four guys kept a running dialogue as they all took seats on various pieces of furniture. Cory motioned for Josh to take a seat on a small light green loveseat and then sat next to him.

  “Josh, all these guys are on the baseball team with me,” Cory said. “That’s Liam, Jake, and Dylan. This is Nick, who was supposed to be alone.” Cory looked sternly at Nick and Nick held up his hands in surrender.

  “Sorry, CJ,” Nick said. “I accidentally let it slip that you might stop by at lunch today, and everyone strong-armed me into submission. They practically forced their way into my car, and I’m actually kinda surprised no one followed us home. Everyone wanted to see you and find out how you were doing,” Nick finished.

  Josh held back a laugh at the thought of anyone forcing Nick to do anything against his will. The guy was easily four inches taller than Josh with shiny, perfectly styled black hair and pearly white teeth that he kept flashing at Cory. He looked like the popular quarterback of an all-American football team complete with the casual cool clothes. Nick probably had twenty or thirty pounds on Josh which meant he had even more than that on Cory. And what was up with that nickname? CJ? Josh felt a small frown touch his lips and tried to hide his reaction from Cory. But, of course, Cory caught it and frowned in return. Josh forced his expression back to neutral. />
  Josh turned away from Cory and Nick, who had pulled up a chair next to Cory, and spoke to everyone else. Giving a small wave he smiled slightly. “It’s nice to meet you guys.” Josh tried to force a friendly tone to his voice. These were Cory’s friends and they hadn’t done anything except be there for him.

  The group of guys all had easy smiles and replied with similar sentiments. Josh could see Cory and Nick from the corner of his eye. Cory was looking at him, and Nick was looking at Cory.

  “So, Cory, how are you man?” Nick asked eagerly, drawing Cory’s attention back to him. He seemed about ready to throw his arm around Cory just to reassure himself he was really there and alright. “I was so worried at the game and then watching you get loaded into the ambulance.” Nick took a deep breath and shook his head. “I was a wreck at the hospital. We were all freaking about what happened to you, but they wouldn’t let any of us in to see you since we weren’t family. What happened? Are you okay? Your dad was so vague when he came to pick up Jenny. Just said you needed time to rest and stuff,” Nick rambled on.

  Cory had a fond look on his face as he watched his friend blather. When Nick finished, Cory chuckled at him. “I’m okay. When the ball hit me it cracked a rib, and a splinter broke off and got lodged in the soft tissue of my heart, causing some sac thingy to fill with blood they had to draw out with a huge syringe. The doctor removed the splinter with a scope, and I stayed in the hospital until they thought I was ready to go home. I had a slight concussion, too, from when I fell to the ground. But, all in all, I’m okay. Just banged up pretty good,” Cory concluded and smirked at Josh. “Now, I’ll have a scar, an awesome story to tell, and Josh,” Cory stated simply.

  Josh felt his jaw drop open a bit and saw Nick bristle behind Cory.

  “What do you mean you have Josh?” Nick all but growled.


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