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Connectivity Page 9

by Whitney Cannon

Cory either didn’t notice or acted like he hadn’t. He grabbed Josh’s hand in his own and looked back at Nick. “I mean we’re kind of dating. Josh was working in the hospital when I woke up and, I dunno, we just had this instant Connection, you know?” Cory said, shooting Josh an amused wink before turning back to Nick. “I think I’ll be keeping him around for a while,” Cory said and gave Josh’s hand a light squeeze.

  Josh squeezed Cory’s hand back and stole a quick glance at the other guys in the room. They all had happy smiles on their faces, and Josh relaxed a bit at that. Nick had a look on his face that said he wasn’t pleased with the news, but he kept his mouth shut. Josh hadn’t known Cory planned to claim him publicly, but he liked the idea very much. Cory was Josh’s Complement, not Nick’s ‘CJ’. They may have had some history, but Cory and Josh had a Connection that defied explanation.

  Jenny had come back into the room by then and set her head on Cory’s knee. He absently stroked his hand over her soft golden head and scratched behind her ear. Jenny’s tongue lolled out happily to the side.

  “Dude, that’s awesome. What a great story,” Dylan said. “I’m glad Josh was there, and you guys hit it off. Congrats, man. You deserve to finally have a good guy in your life.”

  “Thanks, Dylan. That means a lot to me. It means a lot to me that you all accepted me and never batted an eye when I came out to you. I know it’s one thing for you all to know I’m gay, but it’s a whole other level when you actually see it in person. So thanks for being cool with it,” Cory said.

  Watching Nick, Josh noticed him pull out his phone and check the time. “We need to get going back to school,” Nick said shortly without looking back at either of them.

  Cory checked the clock on the wall. “You still have twenty minutes. It only takes five to get back,” he said, sounding confused.

  “Well, I just remembered I needed to talk to coach about something, so if you’re coming in my car, I’m leaving,” Nick said abruptly and left the room.

  Josh looked at the three other guys who had gotten to their feet. They all had sympathetic looks on their faces. Cory and Josh got up as well and headed back toward the entryway.

  Liam put his hand on Cory’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Don’t worry about him. He just needs time to adjust to this. He was so worried about you after the accident and you know how protective he is about you. Let him cool off for a little while and text him later,” he said.

  Cory nodded. “Thanks, man, you’re a good friend. You guys, too. Thank you.” Cory went around and bro-hugged everyone giving them all slaps to the back. Josh shook everyone’s hand, thanking them for being there for Cory. Cory leashed up Jenny again and they left out the front door.

  Josh wasn’t sure what to make of what just happened, but he could tell Cory seemed bummed as they turned onto the sidewalk. Nick hadn’t even said goodbye, he just walked out and left. Good friends wouldn’t do that to each other and it had hurt Cory. Cory was sullen and he looked at the ground as he walked. Josh stopped him with a hand on his shoulder once they were past Nick’s house.

  “Come here,” Josh said and pulled Cory into a hug. “I’m not sure what that was all about, but I know you’re upset. I’m a little upset for you,” Josh said on Cory’s behalf.

  Cory hugged Josh back and buried his face in Josh’s neck. Some noise from the driveway drew their attention and Cory pulled back to wave at his friends as they hollered their goodbyes to him from Nick’s car, as he pulled out and onto the street. Nick didn’t even look their way.

  Cory sighed and grabbed Josh’s hand as they resumed their walk. “I’ve always kind of known, or had a suspicion anyway, that Nick was gay, or possibly bi. We’ve always been great friends, and nothing has ever happened between us. If he is gay, he’s still in the closet and hasn’t ever mentioned anything to me about liking guys. But it was just a feeling I had.” Cory kicked at a rock on the sidewalk and looked over at Josh. “He’s always been an affectionate guy, at least with me. Hugged me every time we met up for some reason. Or usually sat next to me in a group of friends. But we never really knew if he was just really friendly, or more affectionate than even he would care to admit. I guess he didn’t like the idea of me being with you. Not that he ever said he was interested in me. But now I wonder if he just kinda thought we were a thing and closer than we really were. He’s known I was gay since the summer between sophomore and junior year, but he’s never seen me with anyone. I’ve never had a boyfriend before so I don’t know if he thought we would end up together or something.” Cory sighed. “He’s going out of state for school in the fall so even if he ever admitted to himself his true feelings I don’t know what would have happened. God, what a mess. I thought he’d be happy I finally found someone, not jealous and dismissive.”

  Josh stayed silent and let Cory get the story out. Josh had figured as much judging from Nick’s reaction, but that didn’t mean Josh had to like the guy. “I’m sorry,” Josh said. “I wish I could help the situation, but it just seems that I’m the one that caused it to begin with.”

  “What?” Cory turned sharply and gaped at Josh. “You didn’t do anything, wrong or otherwise, to make Nick act that way. All you did was show up with me. He’s the one that took the news badly. Like Liam said, I’ll just give him some time to cool off and text him later. I can’t do anything about it now with him in school and apparently not speaking to me.” Cory sighed. “Let’s just get back home. Your family will probably be over soon and I’d rather spend the time thinking about you and what’s going on with us, than Nick right now.”

  Josh rubbed his thumb over Cory’s in an effort to soothe him. “Fair enough.”

  They walked contentedly hand in hand, down Cory’s quiet street, up the driveway, and then Cory let Jenny off her leash at the front door. She wandered off as Josh opened the door for Cory. Inside the house was quiet. The boys each grabbed an apple from the kitchen and went to Cory’s room. Josh’s dad would be there soon, and a new round of questions and answers would begin.


  The ping of an incoming text startled both boys from their thoughts as they laid quietly in the still room. Cory had put on an album from one of his favorite singers and turned the volume down low to be just background music. Josh turned onto his side and grabbed his phone off the desk next to the cot and read the text. Cory lay still but turned his head to watch Josh.

  “My dad says they’re on their way. They’re just leaving the deli with lunch and will be here soon.” Josh silenced his phone and propped his arm under him so he rested on his elbow looking at Cory. “You ready for some more answers?”

  Cory was silent, but Josh could tell it was more of a subdued, reflective quiet than ignoring Josh’s question.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in,” Josh said. “And there’ve been so many changes in the last few days, but I wanted to make sure you know we’re in this together, okay? You’re my Complement, and even though we’re getting to know each other still I’m starting to feel like this is really the beginning of something great, not the end of what was,” Josh finished and sat up on the edge of the cot.

  Cory continued to watch Josh, apparently thinking about what Josh had just said.

  Needing to fill the silence, Josh continued. “I understand that maybe even getting more information from my grandparents won’t take away all of your frustration or give you back your dreams or friends. But at least we’ll have a better understanding of what to expect and how to manage the sleeping and the separation anxiety.” Josh paused and stared down at his hands. He chanced a quick glance up at Cory to gauge his reaction.

  Cory remained unmoving.

  “I mean, maybe, if you’ve changed your mind and are just now realizing what all this really means for you and everything with Nick and how your life has basically been taken away and now you’re stuck with me and nothing will ever be the same. Then I guess we’ll just figure out how to work around—”

  “Josh?” Cory cut him off.<
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  Josh looked up at Cory hesitantly. Cory had a serious look on his face, and Josh wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the guy thought. “Hmm?”

  “You’re really cute, you know that?” Cory looked him dead in the eye.

  Josh’s mouth fell open, and Cory burst out laughing. When Josh regained himself, he picked up his pillow and chucked it at Cory who was curled up clutching his stomach in fits of laughter.

  “Dude, that was not cool. I was basically babbling my life away and you were just trying to hold in a laugh. I don’t think I can forgive you for your cruel treatment,” Josh pouted.

  As Cory came down from his laughing fit, he righted himself and grabbed Josh’s pillow. Josh turned his back to Cory as he came over to the cot and tossed the pillow at the head of it.

  “I’m sorry, Josh. You were so cute just yammering on looking all sleepy and peaceful. I couldn’t help myself,” Cory said and he boldly crawled onto Josh’s lap. Cory took Josh’s cheeks in his hands and looked Josh in the eye. “Forgive me?”

  Josh shook his head stubbornly, but with a playful twinkle in his eye.

  “No?” Cory asked as he leaned in little more.

  Josh swallowed audibly as he watched Cory’s face get nearer to his own, but didn’t answer as he was captivated by Cory’s intent blue stare.

  A creak and sharp snap were all the warning Josh and Cory got before their combined weight became too much for the cot and its side broke in two. They ended up sprawled on the ground in a tangle of limbs and bedding and broken cot.

  Both boys had stunned expressions on their faces as the reality of their situation hit them. Cory was now spread out on top of Josh, whom he basically covered from hips to shoulders, with both arms out, one on either side of Josh’s head. Josh lay on his back staring up at Cory.

  Both boys burst out laughing as Cory rolled to the side and off Josh. They each wiped their eyes and slowly caught their breath. Just as they’d gotten to their feet to survey the damage, the doorbell rang.

  “That’s probably my dad,” Josh said and he grabbed Cory’s hand. Josh pulled Cory into a sweet hug and whispered into the other guy’s ear. “Just so you know,” he breathed softly, “this isn’t over.” Then he pinched Cory’s side and bolted from the room leaving a laughing Cory in his wake.

  Josh entered the living room a moment later and saw that Diane and Jim had already opened the door and were making the rounds of introductions. Cory came up to Josh then and slipped his arm around Josh’s waist. Josh put his left arm around Cory’s shoulders in return and gave him a playful squeeze and wink. They turned their attention toward their families who had stopped what they were doing to watch them. Both Cory and Josh got slightly pink in the cheeks but didn’t separate from their casual embrace.

  All five faces in the room smiled knowingly at them and Josh finally spoke, “Cory, these are my grandparents, and you already met my dad. Grandma, Grandpa, this is Cory, my Complement.”

  Josh’s grandparents were beaming at them both as they made their way toward the older couple.

  Josh’s grandma was wearing blue jeans and a light yellow peasant top with white canvas sneakers. Her mousy brown hair was streaked with gray and pulled up into a soft bun with little tendrils that hung down to frame her face. She was a fairly slight thing but always gave the best hugs.

  Josh’s grandpa was larger than both himself and his dad—taller and more robust through his chest. He had mostly gray hair with a peppering of its original black throughout. The man was also wearing jeans and had on a white shirt with a tan button down short sleeved shirt he wore open over the top. His casual brown work shoes were ones Josh always remembered his grandfather wearing. He used to joke that they were the most capable shoes he had ever owned because he could wear them to work, a wedding, or a funeral.

  Josh’s grandma grabbed him first after he separated from Cory. She squeezed him tightly and spoke into his ear. “He’s adorable, Josh. I’m so thrilled for you. You found each other so young, and now you have your whole lives ahead of you.” She pulled back and Josh noticed she was a little misty-eyed.

  Josh shook his grandpa’s hand next as his grandpa had started doing ever since Josh turned fifteen. He had said Josh was growing up and becoming a man so they should start to practice Josh’s handshake. It had become something that just stuck with them, and they had done it ever since. But surprisingly, his grandpa then pulled him into a warm embrace. “I know this is a lot to take in right now, Josh, but we’ll get you sorted,” his grandpa said, in his rumbling voice.

  They stepped back from each other and Josh’s grandma looked like she was ready to pounce on his Complement.

  “Hi, Cory. I’m Maggie,” she said in her sweet grandmotherly voice. Then sprung forward and snatched Cory up into a warm embrace. Cory looked startled, but not uncomfortable. He returned her hug and she whispered something into Cory’s ear that Josh couldn’t hear. When they separated Josh’s grandma smiled and winked at Cory, who smiled and nodded in return, seemingly comforted by whatever had passed between them.

  Cory then turned and stuck his hand out to Josh’s grandfather. “Hello, I’m Cory.” Josh had a moment of pride over Cory’s perception of how he should respond to the patriarch of their family.

  “Hello, Cory. I’m Ben,” Josh’s grandfather stated warmly, shaking Cory’s hand. “Welcome to the family, young man. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get the chance to welcome another Complement into our fold since Brian here has yet to have found his Connection. Who would have guessed Josh would find his first. A most unusual occurrence, but absolutely pleasing to my old heart,” Ben said to Cory.

  Brian came over then and greeted both of them with a one-armed hug. “How was your night, guys? Hopefully, you both got some rest after your interesting weekend and everything I dropped into your laps last night.”

  Cory returned to Josh then and they twined their fingers together. “Yeah, Dad. We slept in fine and had a great breakfast, we talked, and took Jenny for a walk over to Cory’s friend’s house.”

  Josh and Cory exchanged a look at the mention of their visit to Nick’s house.

  “What was that look for?” Diane asked. “What happened at Nick’s house?”

  Cory groaned. “We’ll talk about it later, Mom. Let’s just say Nick was less than enthused to meet Josh. I basically told him we were dating, for lack of a better explanation, and he was not pleased. Basically froze me out and then left early to go back to school. He was such a jerk and rude to Josh.” Cory seemed to sag from just the thought of what transpired earlier.

  Josh squeezed Cory’s hand and nudged his shoulder. “It’ll be fine. Like Liam said, just give him some time to cool off.”

  “Liam was there, too?” Diane questioned and moved closer to Jim with a worried look on her face.

  “Yup, and Dylan and Jake. I guess everyone wanted to know how I was doing so they tagged along and went home with Nick for lunch. All the other guys were great and seemed to really like Josh,” Cory paused. “Anyway, sorry. Like I said, let’s talk about that later. I’d rather spend the afternoon getting some more info about all this Connection stuff and how I’m going to be forced to deal with this guy for the rest of forever,” Cory teased and bumped Josh in the shoulder.

  Josh felt his heart kick up at the teasing tone and implications of what Cory just said. He looked over into Cory’s blue eyes and as Cory looked back at him they seemed to share a private moment. One that was filled with a future of teasing, shared jokes, sweet touches, and hopefully love. If this thing between them kept growing and bringing them closer together, Josh could easily see an undeniably strong love there as well. A slow smile spread across Josh’s face, and an answering smile bloomed on Cory’s handsome face. Cory rubbed his thumb up and down along Josh’s thumb and Josh’s smile grew. Cory had felt it too.

  A sweet sigh came from nearby and both boys blinked and looked over to find the source of the intrusion. Josh’s grandma had a dreamy look on her face. “That
is so sweet. You boys are already so Connected and it’s only been a few days. Just think what it’ll be like for you from now on,” she said.

  Josh looked back at Cory and squeezed his hand at that. He liked the direction where that thought seemed to lead. Being Connected to Cory was something Josh thought he could be very happy with.

  “Alright, Mother,” Brian broke in. “Let’s give these boys some breathing room while we set up lunch. I’m sure they’d appreciate not being under a microscope for a minute or two,” he chuckled. “Jim, will you give me a hand grabbing the bags from the car?”

  “Sure thing,” replied Jim. “I’m right behind you.” And the two men made their way out the front door. Everyone else turned and headed toward the kitchen behind Diane.


  Soon after, the table was rearranged again for more people, and the bulk of the food was placed in the center of the table. Josh and Cory had taken drink orders, and everyone was gathered around getting their plates set up. There was an assortment of sandwiches, chicken legs, antipasto, and pasta salads, along with rolls, and ambrosia salad. Once everyone heaped their plates and found a seat, they dug in heartily.

  Minutes later, after the initial hunger waned and everyone was more relaxed, Ben spoke up. “So I’m sure you all have lots of questions, and it sounds like Brian gave a pretty good summary to you yesterday. But just as a place to start, why don’t we address your questions and see where that leads us.”

  Several heads nodded in agreement, but Diane was the one who spoke first. “I suppose we’re more understanding of the situation now since having Brian talk to us yesterday. But I think Jim and I both feel our biggest area of immediate concern is finishing the school year. Which of course will inevitably lead to, what are these boys supposed to do after graduation?” Diane looked from Ben to Cory and Josh.

  “Well, I think it’s obvious we won’t be able to finish school the traditional way,” Cory said, taking Josh’s hand under the table and turning a little to look at him. “I was thinking about this a little this morning. We’re only about five weeks away from graduation so maybe the school would be willing to allow the rest of the year to be completed at home? Maybe the teachers can put together packets for us, or I don’t know, do it online, or something? I’d be fine with whatever since my school is nothing special, but I was worried about you, Josh. Since you go to a prep school, I didn’t know what they would allow. I’m sure they’re much more strict on all their requirements,” Cory finished.


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