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Connectivity Page 11

by Whitney Cannon

  Both boys trod softly along the shady trail. There were lots of trees of various kinds some with flowers some without. Some sort of wild prairie grass grew rampant all along the hillside, and Josh noticed intermittent wildflowers sprinkled throughout where the fading sunlight shone through. There was a bit of an incline, but it was over fairly quickly. Once they reached the top of the small hill, Josh realized why Cory liked going there so much.

  There was a great view of the little valley beyond. Although there were houses in similar standing to Cory’s house, the top of the hill was still untouched. The light from the sun cast a warm, golden glow over everything below and made the hill feel like an oasis that was all their own. It seemed like the perfect place to think and escape life for a little while.

  “What do you think?” Cory asked, looking out over the view.

  Josh came up behind Cory and lightly rested his hands on Cory’s hips. He set his chin on Cory’s shoulder and said softly, “It’s beautiful, Cory. I can see why you like it here so much.”

  Cory took Josh’s hands, brought them over his stomach, and laced their fingers together. The two boys stood quietly that way for several minutes enjoying the view.

  “Thank you for sharing this with me, Cory,” Josh murmured and lightly ran his lips over the juncture where Cory’s shoulder met his neck. He felt goosebumps breakout across Cory’s skin and placed a small kiss at the edge of Cory’s shirt. Cory shivered and the reaction brought a soft smile to Josh’s lips.

  Cory turned his head and placed his right hand on Josh’s cheek. He stroked his thumb over Josh’s cheekbone as they looked into each other’s eyes. Cory closed the small gap between them and both boys closed their eyes when their lips met for the first time.

  The kiss wasn’t more than a couple of seconds and a press of warm lips, but during those few seconds, Josh felt a warmth bloom in his core and he realized he’d just accepted his Connection with his Complement.


  Dinner was a quiet affair of spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad as everyone had a lot on their minds after everything that had been discussed at lunch. It was decided that the next day Josh and Cory would head out and pick up a new twin bed for Josh to move into Cory’s room. They would also swing over to Josh’s place to pack him a suitcase. Josh’s townhouse was only a two bedroom and it made the most sense for Josh to go to Cory’s place.

  Josh and Cory offered to do the dishes after the meal, and they worked well together, with an ease that felt like they had known each other longer than a few days. They each threw out little smiles and found reasons to brush up against one another while drying and replacing the cleaned dishes.

  After their soft little kiss on the hill both of them seemed to have grown shy. Nothing was said about the kiss, but it seemed they both understood the budding Connection between them. They didn’t need to talk about it. They could feel it and see it just looking at each other. Even after only these few days, things were changing. Priorities were rearranging, and less important things were fading into the background.

  They planned to hang out in Cory’s room after dinner. They stopped by the bathroom and got Cory’s bandage changed, noting that his incision and bruise were healing well, then they each took a moment to change into more comfortable clothing and brush their teeth. Once ready, they lounged on the only bed and got comfortable. Cory had a TV on his dresser, and they decided on a Netflix movie they had both seen before. Adjusting slightly on his pillow, Josh reached out and drew Cory up into his side, wrapping the smaller guy with his arm. Cory’s head rested on Josh’s bicep, and Josh ran his fingertips along the smooth skin of Cory’s arm and shoulder under his shirt.

  After only a few minutes, Cory quietly removed himself and without a word, left the room. Before Josh had any time to wonder what had happened Cory was back carrying the soft gray blanket that was usually thrown over the back of the sofa. Once he was back in his position next to Josh they spread the blanket over themselves and resumed their movie watching.

  Without a word spoken between them, the movie played quietly across the room. The comfortable warmth and soft embrace they shared were enough, after a long day, to lull the pair off to sleep.


  When awareness finally claimed Josh’s sleepy mind, he realized how warm and comfortable he was. He moved to roll over but started when he felt Cory move under him. Josh was lying on his stomach with his right arm thrown over Cory’s back and his right leg hooked over Cory’s left.

  Cory grumbled that he was still sleepy and for Josh to quit moving. Chuckling lightly, Josh pulled Cory more firmly against him. Josh wanted to run his fingers over the stripe of skin showing where Cory’s shirt had ridden up in the night, but he contented himself with breathing in the scent of Cory’s bed and his sleepy Complement.

  Another ten minutes passed as Josh lazily played with the soft blond hair at the base of Cory’s neck. Cory made a soft groaning sound as Josh slowly worked his fingers into the flesh of his neck giving him a little neck massage.

  Josh repositioned himself so he was lying on his side with his left elbow propped under him. Using his right hand he moved on to Cory’s shoulders pressing his fingers into the muscles there. He moved back up to Cory’s neck again and tentatively ran his fingers through the hair on the back of Cory’s head.

  “That feels nice,” Cory rumbled with sleep still in his voice. “Maybe we shouldn’t get you that bed after all. If I get to wake up to a massage every morning, it would be worth sharing this tiny bed with you.”

  Josh chuckled. “I’m glad you liked it, but this bed is way too small to do this more than once. But,” Josh drew the word out, “now that you’re awake we do have things to do today.” Josh slowly ran his hand up and down the center of Cory’s back.

  Cory shoved his face into his pillow and muttered something about ‘morning person’. Josh laughed again and made to crawl over the top of Cory to get out of the bed.

  “I’m going to shower. Will I have to wake you up again when I come back?” Josh asked teasingly.

  “No, Mother,” Cory responded and shifted to sit with his legs over the edge of the bed. “Unless you were planning another backrub. I could be onboard with that,” Cory teased and made to lie down again.

  Josh laughed and grabbed his change of clothes. “I guess that makes me your permanent snooze button. Back in a jif.”


  After showers and cereal, they headed over to Josh’s place. Jim planned to meet them at the mattress store with his truck after they finished packing some things for Josh to move over to Cory’s place.

  The drive was easy since most of the morning traffic had dwindled off and conversation flowed easily.

  “Is this weird for you?” Cory asked out of the blue as Josh hit the garage door remote and pulled the car in.

  “Is what weird?” Josh asked, turning off the engine.

  “This. You’re like, moving out of your house,” Cory gestured. “This is the part that still irks me. I mean, just last week you were all set in your life and probably hadn’t ever thought about moving out. You were only planning to go to the JC which probably meant you were going to continue to live at home. And now all because of some fate voodoo, you have to totally change everything and completely uproot your life just to keep living it. You’re not even eighteen yet for crying out loud! It’s just frustrating.” Cory sighed as he trailed off.

  Turning to look at Cory, Josh could see his fluctuating emotions. Josh reached a hand over and laced his fingers with Cory’s. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I kinda did too when I was the one freaking out yesterday I guess. I never expected this. Who would ever think something like this could happen. Besides the fact of the shitty timing. If all of this had happened the day after graduation we would’ve been golden. But that’s not what happened,” Josh said and rubbed the back of Cory’s hand with his thumb.

  “What happened is that I was given the most amazing gift,” Josh continued. “A gift that
is not only funny and cute but feisty and complex. It also hates mornings and loves baseball. It has a loving and accepting family who has been nothing but supportive over a really crazy situation. My gift has dreams and ambitions along with snark and sass. And I couldn’t be happier to receive such a precious gift.” Josh smiled softly at Cory. “I know I had some doubts yesterday, but I’ve had time to adjust and think things through more carefully. I realized that if I need to make a few adjustments to my life to make things easier on my gift, I’ll gladly make them. And even though I’ve only had my gift for a few days, I already know how important it is to me.”

  Cory sat there for a minute quietly looking back at Josh. “Well, fine. When you put it like that I guess it isn’t as bad as I thought,” he sniffed. “I am pretty great.”

  Josh breathed out a laugh. “Wow, I’m glad you think so. You’re lucky I happen to agree.” Taking a breath, Josh continued. “I know it seems like a lot is changing and it is. But I guess I’ve just decided to change with it. I look at all that I’m getting and a little sacrifice now won’t mean much in the grand scheme of things. We’ll get through now the best we can so we can have a really great later,” Josh said and brought Cory’s hand up to place a kiss on the back. “Okay?”

  Swallowing and nodding his head Cory spoke quietly. “Josh?”


  Cory leaned over and softly pressed his lips to Josh’s. “Thanks,” he whispered as he pulled back.

  Josh looked affectionately at Cory. “Anytime. You ready to head in?” Cory nodded again. “Good. Just one more thing first,” Josh said, then leaned over and kissed Cory once more. “Now I’m ready, too.” And he released Cory to get out of the car.

  Cory chuckled and the pair made their way through the kitchen door.

  “So what do you think you want to bring?” Cory asked as they walked through the kitchen toward Josh’s room. “There should be more room in my closet now that we cleaned it out. I’m not sure what to do about a dresser since mine only has five drawers.”

  “We’ll figure something out. I’m not too worried. I was really only going to bring clothes and maybe some books and stuff. My place isn’t that far away, and my room here isn’t going anywhere. We can come back anytime to get whatever I forget. Maybe we can get some storage bins or something and put my stuff under the bed. Doesn’t really matter to me,” Josh said, as he got to work opening his closet. “Let me run back to the garage real quick, though. We should have just grabbed a suitcase when we came in. Back in a sec,” Josh said, over his shoulder.

  A couple of minutes later with a suitcase in hand, Josh returned to his room to find Cory lying on his bed.

  “Oh, Cory, I’m sorry. You okay? I didn’t feel anything that bad,” Josh said coming to stand next to the bed.

  “I’m fine, Josh. Your place isn’t that big so it’s not far to the garage. I really was just going to sit here until you got back, but your bed was comfy so I made myself at home,” Cory said. “I was fine, really, just a tiny bit foggy,” Cory responded to the look on Josh’s face.

  “You’re sure?” Josh questioned. “I don’t want you saying that just because you don't want to call me out.”

  “I’m sure. I know we keep meaning to test how far we can get so maybe we should do that when we get back home. We’ll set up your bed then play around with different rooms in the house and yard. That way we’ll know for sure what we’re working with. Okay?” Cory offered, sitting up cross-legged on the bed.

  “Fine, but I’m still sorry.”

  “Good to know, even though there’s no reason. Now let’s pack,” Cory enthused and jumped off the bed to grab Josh’s suitcase.

  Josh set his phone to play some music and pulled items he wanted to take out of drawers and off hangers. Cory folded everything and stacked it in the suitcase.

  After grabbing a duffle bag out of his closet, Josh tossed in some sneakers and flip-flops, along with a couple of hoodies, his headphones, and his iPod. He rummaged through his desk and found a couple of his favorite novels and his Kindle and tossed those in the duffle as well. His phone charger and laptop charger went into his laptop case along with the computer. He grabbed a ballcap from the top of his dresser and set it on top of the bags. Last thing on the pile was his pillow.

  “That’s probably about it from here. Let me go hit up the bathroom and we’re good to go,” Josh stated and grabbed Cory’s hand to drag him along to the bathroom.

  Cory half chuckled half grumbled. “That’s really not necessary you know. I can walk the ten feet to the bathroom without you going all caveman on me.”

  Josh shot him a look that said not to argue, and Cory mimed zipping his lips. Josh grabbed his toiletry bag from under the sink and packed the few things he thought he’d need.

  “Can I use your toothpaste and soap and stuff? Or should I bring my own?” Josh asked, looking in his shower.

  “What’s mine is yours,” Cory replied sassily from the doorway. “Seeing as how we're practically married now I think we can share the same toothpaste, Josh.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Josh grumped, looking back at Cory. He walked over to the other guy and placed his hands on Cory’s shoulders. “I’m sorry if I was too caveman-ish just now. I’m still getting my bearings with this whole thing and I’d rather not push too many boundaries until we know where those boundaries lie alright? I’m sorry,” Josh said and moved his fingers up to the back of Cory’s neck to knead the muscles there. “Forgive me?” Josh asked prettily.

  “You don’t play fair,” Cory said, as his eyes drifted closed. “Giving me a neck massage trying to earn back all your points. Is this how things are going to be? You tossing me over your shoulder and dragging me everywhere with you then trying to butter me up with your sweet talk and massages to get back in my good graces?”

  “Pretty much,” Josh quipped and darted a peck to Cory’s cheek. He released a laughing Cory and grabbed up his bag then headed back toward his room.

  “All set?” Cory asked from the doorway.

  “I think so. Oh. I almost forgot my camera,” Josh said and gathered up his camera bag and some memory cards. “Not much else that’s that important right now. Once we know what we’re doing for school we can come back for whatever books and stuff I’ll need for that. Let’s just leave it for now. Can you grab the duffle bag and the laptop case? I’ll get the suitcase and everything that’s left.”

  Cory grabbed up his assigned items and stuffed Josh’s pillow under one arm, then headed back toward the garage with Josh following behind. When everything was loaded into Josh’s hatchback, Cory texted his dad to let him know they were done and they’d meet him at the mattress store.


  After the short drive through town, they found themselves lying comfortably on a fluffy pillow-top mattress. The salesman had directed them to one corner of the showroom, but they stopped along the way to try out several different beds.

  “Taking a mid-morning nap are we boys?” Jim asked as he approached.

  Josh and Cory looked up.

  “It was hard work carrying all of Josh’s heavy stuff to his car, Dad. We need a break and this bed is so comfy. Maybe we can get this one for me,” Cory mused, lying back down on the bed.

  Jim laughed and shook his head. “Your bed is fine Cory, besides this is a king size. Where do you propose that will fit exactly?”

  “I don't need any other furniture. Take it all out and just leave me my fluffy pillow bed,” Cory demanded.

  “And what about Josh? Where will he sleep with your giant bed taking up all the space?” Jim continued.

  “I suppose I could share some of my fluffy pillow bed with him, too. He can have that sliver over there,” Cory waved vaguely toward the edge of the bed.

  “Thanks a lot,” Josh piped up. “I’m bigger than you. I should get more bed space,” Josh said and proceeded to spread his arms and legs wide across the bed. “See how much room I take up? There’s har
dly any room left for you at all, actually,” Josh remarked.

  “You are not that much bigger than me, and since this is my bed I get to decide. One-third for you, two-thirds for me. There, it’s done. Did you order it yet, Dad?” Cory asked.

  “No, son,” Jim said with a laugh. “Sorry to burst your bubble on that one. I’m not quite sure I’m ready for the two of you to be sharing a bed yet anyway,” he said and gave the boys a look that was meant to convey so many things.

  “Why, whatever do you mean, Father?” Cory asked with a high pitched voice and clasped his hands under his chin while batting his eyelashes prettily. “I’m just a simple ol’ beau sharing his bed with his Connective Catalyst. Where’s the harm in that?”

  Both Josh and Jim barked out a laugh at that.

  “Yeah, just another day in the life. Nothing weird going on over here folks. Y’all just go on about your business and don’t mind us none,” Josh said with a mock western accent as he rose from the bed and reached out to help Cory up.

  “My hero,” Cory sighed as he let Josh pull him up from the bed. They laughed at themselves and linked hands as they headed off down the aisle.


  When they pulled up to the house, following Jim’s truck, Cory tensed and pointed out the window for Josh to see something. The two of them looked across the hood toward the green Honda parked on the street.

  They all went up the walkway, once they parked, and Jim opened the front door. The sound of Diane and Nick talking greeted them from the dining room.

  “Hey, guys. Look who stopped by to see you, Cory,” Diane motioned to Nick who was seated at the table with a neutral look on his face. “We were just discussing the rest of the baseball season, but I’ll let you guys chat for a bit since Nick is just here on lunch break. Jim, why don’t we take Jenny out front? That way the boys can have some privacy,” Diane added and Jenny’s tail thumped at hearing her name.


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