Book Read Free


Page 16

by Whitney Cannon

  Ben nodded his head in agreement and understanding. “Of course. All these little things will need to be talked out over the coming weeks. When Maggie and I were first Connected we wondered the same things. How far did you guys get?”

  “Thirty-five feet or so before Cory almost fell over, and I had really angry bee magnets in my stomach.”

  Nodding again, Ben continued, catching a drop of condensation as it slid down his glass. “Ok. Not too bad. The way we experienced our Connection, and the way my father explained it to me, was that roughly the first forty-eight hours after the Connection is discovered, aside from the Complement not being able to stay awake, the Catalyst is basically unhindered by any effects. This is the ‘grace period’, so to speak, that’s necessary to allow plans and decisions to be made. The Catalyst will be able to move about relatively easily and make arrangements for his or her Complement to join them. Once that initial time is over, the real Connection occurs. The bond is usually sealed after the forty-eight-hour window, and both parties recognize what’s happened, and have taken the appropriate measures to be together.

  “The ‘bonding period’ can vary between couples. Ours was roughly three months.” Maggie nodded in the affirmative. “But, I’ve known of shorter and longer bonding periods. That term is basically what it sounds like. Now that you’re Connected, you enter the period of time needed to get to know one another. You’ll be extremely uncomfortable, Josh, spending any time away from Cory. And, of course, Cory won’t be able to do much without you around either. But, as your nature will indicate, you’ll have no real desire to be apart anyway. The bonding period just solidifies that Connection for you by keeping you close together.”

  “That’s right,” Brian stated. “I had forgotten all that over the years, Dad. I knew we had talked about a lot of this because I remember having tons of questions for years after you told me about it. But after Josh was born and the years passed without finding my Complement, I’d forgotten so much.”

  “Not to worry, Son,” Ben said kindly. “You know I’m a bit of a family historian and like to maintain our records so everything is easily tracked. I just reread a lot of this myself in the last two days. Now, as for distance, that varies as well. The norm is probably right around where you are now, or possibly forty feet, or so. I’ve never heard of a newly Connected couple, in their bonding period, to be able to go farther than fifty feet. The whole point is to keep the partner close, solidifying the Connection. This might also account for the reason that so many marriages happen so quickly. It’s just an added extension of the bonding.”

  “So how long were the shortest and longest bonding periods you’ve heard of? What should Cory and I expect?” Josh asked, thinking of their upcoming graduations.

  “I think the shortest I’ve ever heard of was around seventy-three days, and the longest was pushing five and a half months. The shorter bonding periods are simply a reflection of the couple’s acceptance and willingness to allow the Connection. I think the longer one was primarily due to resistance and reticence of the Catalyst in that instance. They tried to fight their nature, and the bonding period was basically stretched to force compliance. It’s a very difficult thing for me to even imagine,” Ben said sadly while shaking his head. “The knowledge that some Catalyst out there was purposefully forcing their Complement into a kind of induced hibernation, all the while suffering themselves. It’s hard to think about. Knowing that feeling and understanding what it’s like for the Complement while they’re losing time, it’s cruel really. It’s the job and nature of the Catalyst, to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of their Complement. The Connection is something to be cherished and savored; a gift. Not rejected and cast aside because it’s inconvenient or didn’t line up with some preconceived ideology the Catalyst was hanging onto.”

  While he’d been listening to his grandpa speak, Josh had scooted closer to Cory and held the other boy’s hand. But after hearing his grandpa’s speech, he was ready to lock them both in Cory’s bedroom and never come out again.

  “Okay. That totally sucks, and now I need a break.” Josh stood quickly and tugged Cory up as well. “Be back later,” he called as they passed the doorway heading inside. He could hear some light chuckling following them, but he couldn’t be bothered to care just then. He needed some alone time with Cory. Just thinking about denying either of them their Connection had him on edge.

  Passing the kitchen, Josh steered them to the guest bedroom. The door was already open, but when they were both inside, Cory shut the door and locked it.

  They came at each other simultaneously. Both equally in need of the other.

  Josh gripped Cory’s face in both his hands and Cory’s left arm hooked around the back of Josh’s neck. As tongues tangled and teeth clacked, both boys let out deep sounds of satisfaction. When it seemed they both needed more than the current state of things, they mutually tore apart and ripped their shirts off, throwing them haphazardly over their shoulders. They groaned again at the feel of flesh against flesh as their Connection was restored, and the kiss began anew. It was certainly a welcome sensation for Josh to feel Cory in a new, more intense way.

  Josh pressed himself more firmly against Cory and he gasped at the contact. Josh took that moment to gulp in some much-needed oxygen but kissed his way along Cory’s cheek to his jaw. He licked a path from the base of Cory’s neck up to his ear and latched onto the same lobe that had had Cory shivering earlier. It didn’t disappoint this time either. Cory groaned out a sound that made Josh’s already heated blood run faster. Josh laved Cory’s ear and neck with attention sucking gently on his collarbone and moving across to the other side of his neck where he repeated his ministrations.

  Searching hands ran up and down Josh’s back then shifted up into his hair. Cory was making the sexiest little noises Josh had ever heard, but apparently, he was done with Josh’s exploration of his neck because he yanked him back up so their mouths connected once more. Cory wrapped his arms around Josh’s waist and dragged him back toward the bed.

  They fell against the chevron-checked duvet with Josh landing on top of Cory. They’d done as much before, but this time there was an urgency to their actions. Scooting up the bed a little, they settled into a tangle of limbs and lips. Cory shoved at Josh’s shoulder and he rolled readily onto his back. Taking his opportunity, Cory propped himself up on his elbow and proceeded to take his time exploring Josh’s body right back.

  Josh couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him when Cory swiped his tongue across Josh’s left nipple. Catching his reaction, Cory used his teeth to gently tease the budded flesh, and Josh groaned low at the sensation. When Cory stepped it up and ran his tongue in circles around the stiff nub, Josh panted out shallow breaths. He ran his hands through Cory’s hair and across his back as his Complement placed several kisses back up his chest and neck until their mouths were united once more.

  That time things slowed down to a simmer.

  Both boys seemed to realize the bridge they were approaching, and neither seemed willing to venture much closer. The kisses they shared were full of tenderness and passion. A simple sharing of emotion and closeness they both needed after hearing of things unimaginable.

  As the kisses slowed further, the two boys separated and clung to each other. They each wrapped their arms tightly around the other, and Josh buried his face in Cory’s neck, breathing him in. Cory did the same to Josh, and he welcomed the feeling of his Complement in his arms and in his life.


  The car ride over to Cory’s school was a fairly quiet affair. Both boys sat in reflective silence with Cory’s hand resting on Josh’s thigh tracing light absent-minded patterns. They both seemed to be thinking back to all they had done and learned at Josh’s grandparent’s house.

  After their little tryst, Josh and Cory had both righted themselves and the bed covers, checked their appearances in the bathroom, and rejoined their families on the patio.

  No one seemed at all bothered at t
heir sudden departure, and after a quick survey of everyone, Ben had gone on to explain a bit more about the nuances of Connectivity.

  Josh thought about the fact that after the bonding period ended things would relax some. There wasn’t any fancy name for what came next. It was just the normal phase that would last the rest of their lives. The thirty-five feet of separation they could manage now would double to seventy or so. It was apparently the norm for your bonding distance to double when that phase ended.

  However, Josh’s grandpa had also explained that every five years, on the anniversary of their Connection, Cory and Josh, or any Connective pair for that matter, would reenter the bonding period for the same duration the very first bonding period had lasted. This was a sort of reconnection phase that would bring the couple back together and solidify their bond once again. His grandpa had said that usually couples think of that time as another honeymoon phase and plan to take the time off work or plan extended vacations and such.

  Josh wondered what they would be doing in five years that they would need to take a break from. With a start, he actually realized something that had probably been there for a while and that he realized he’d thought before, but that was a moment of clarity for him: he would be with Cory in five years. They would always be together from now on. The adorable, witty, sassy guy in his car with him was his.

  “Holy shit,” Josh breathed. They were just passing down a residential street as they neared the neighborhood Cory’s school was in, and Josh pulled the car to the side of the road and parked.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Cory looked around confused at where they were and a small frown appeared on his beautiful face. He turned in his seat to face Josh more fully waiting to find out what the problem was. Josh didn’t want that frown on Cory’s face. He only wanted to see his precious Complement smile.

  “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, Cory. Everything is so totally right.” Josh took Cory’s face between his hands and stared into his clear blue eyes. He pressed the softest sweetest kiss against Cory’s lips over the center console. When he pulled away, he could see the tender look in Cory’s eyes replacing his frown from a moment ago. Reverently rubbing his thumb along Cory’s cheekbone, Josh sighed. “I think I might love you, Cory.”

  Cory sucked in a breath and squeaked. “Holy shit. Really?”

  Josh nodded his head. “At least I just realized that if I don’t already, I totally could.”

  With a freakishly happy expression and another squeal, Cory replied, “I could totally love you too, Josh.” He threw his arms around Josh’s neck, and even though the hug was awkward, it was also sort of perfect.

  “Yeah?” Josh asked into the side of Cory’s neck.

  “Yeah.” Cory sighed and pulled back. “I know it seems so crazy to even be thinking like that after only a few days, but it just feels so right. You, feel so right. I don’t even know how else to explain it.”

  “There is no other way to explain it. That’s just it. It’s this amazing Connection that was meant just for us. Definitely like Disney princesses,” Josh teased.

  Cory smacked him on the chest and snickered.

  Both of them sat in the car, idling along some random street, and stared at each other with matching grins stretched across their faces. They could totally love each other.

  “What brought this on? What were you thinking about so hard over there?” Cory asked.

  “Just some of the stuff my grandpa told us. I was thinking about what our life would look like in five years when we re-enter the bonding period again. And that led me to the realization that in five years we’ll still be together. That I get to keep you, and this isn’t just some temporary crush or passing fling.”

  “Only if I get to keep you, too?” Cory teased.

  “You definitely do, Cory. My Complement.”


  When the pair finally made it to Cory’s school, Cory’s parents were waiting outside the office. Their faces showed their relief when Josh and Cory walked up hand in hand.

  “Get lost did ya?” Jim chuckled.

  “No, but we did have to stop for a moment for an important conversation,” Cory said and put his arm around Josh’s shoulders, kissing his temple. Josh was glad for that little display. He understood what Cory had been feeling earlier once they were on Cory’s turf. Josh felt a little uncertain at being on unfamiliar territory. Cory’s hug and proximity were settling his nerves as he looked around the campus.

  Most of the buildings were a fairly bland looking beige color, and in some places, Josh noticed mismatched paint that was probably used to cover up some unsightly graffiti or street art. Trash cans seemed full to bursting after the lunch hour was over, and bits of wrappers and napkins floated by on the breeze. There were several low brick walls placed throughout the courtyard area meant to break up the space and give students a place to sit between classes. The grass and shrubs seemed fairly well maintained and gave the surrounding concrete and stucco a less institutional feel. It felt exactly like Josh would have pictured every high school campus ever; a bit worn around the edges but full of school spirit.

  There were posters and flyers of every color taped to most available surfaces. They all seemed to have some edgy font or picture that was meant to capture the eye and win the contest for the best attention getter. Josh noticed farther into the campus, hanging between two two-story buildings, several banners announcing various things for students to be aware of: baseball games, yearbook announcements, Garden Valley Cougar spirit, and of course the upcoming prom. A student or two could be seen, as well, walking between buildings with messages or books in their hands.

  Josh wondered what it would be like to wear whatever he wanted to school. He didn’t mind the dress code at his school since it kept everyone on an even playing field, but seeing the vibrant atmosphere, clearly alive with personality and character, it gave him a moment's pause over the old-money, pompous feel of where he spent his days.

  As if sensing his wandering curiosity Cory squeezed Josh’s shoulders again and spoke near his ear, “A bit different from your stomping grounds, huh?”

  Josh nodded.

  Cory spread his other arm wide. “This is how the other half live, sweets. Public school at it’s finest. No stuffy old men looking down their noses at you or ivy-covered brick buildings that feel more like college than high school. Us simpletons just get the run of the mill school where we’re lucky if the A/C is working and the food is edible.”

  Josh elbowed Cory in the side while they all laughed at his remark. “You’re such a dork. I do live in the real world you know. Just because I go to school on the other side of the tracks,” Josh smirked. “Doesn’t mean I’m naive. I’m actually kind of envious seeing all the color and life thrown in your face, everything vying for your attention. It feels homey almost, like your favorite hoodie; comforting. No uniforms and ‘yes sir’s’ all the time. It’s nice. I like it.”

  “Yeah, it’s cool. But, we better go. It’s almost one-thirty.” Cory nicked his chin at an electronic reader board that was mounted to the wall on a nearby building. Time, date, temperature, and important announcements ran on a loop in red lettering.

  Their small group mounted the two steps into the office behind them and Josh and Cory hung back while Diane and Jim checked in at the counter.

  “Cory,” someone called. Both boys turned their heads and Cory smiled at the middle-aged man approaching them.

  “Hey, Mr. B. How’s it going?”

  “I should be asking you the same thing. How are you doing after your game last week? We were all worried for you after we heard what happened.”

  Cory grinned. “I’m doing all right. Took a few days off school, decided to lay around in bed all day eating jello and boss people around with the press of a button. You know how it is. Can’t complain.”

  The other man laughed. “Glad to hear you’re doing well. Sounds like you’ve really had a tough few days.”

  “Well it wasn’t all roses I�
��ll admit, but it’s cool,” Cory shrugged still with a playful look on his face. “Josh, this is Mr. B. He was my history teacher last year.”

  Josh held out his hand to shake and Jim and Diane greeted the man as well, as they approached their small group.

  Another woman and man, presumably teachers who were passing through, stopped to chat with Cory and his parents as well. Josh held Cory’s hand and listened as each person wished him a speedy recovery and quick return to finish out the baseball season.

  When another woman approached them, Josh began to wonder if everyone in the school knew Cory, or had heard about his accident. It wouldn’t surprise him. The student gossip mill had to have been in full force, and Cory’s teachers would have been informed about his absence and hospital stay.

  “Jim, Diane. How are you both doing? Hello, Cory. We’re glad to see you up and about after Friday’s game,” the woman said with a subtle accent, as she shook everyone’s hand. Cory introduced Josh, and he realized the woman was the principal of Cory’s school.

  Dr. Kerrigan was probably in her early thirties and was dressed in an olive green pencil skirt and white blouse. She was taller than Josh in her high heels and her super short brown hair was styled in a Halle Berry kind of way. She had darker skin and Josh suspected she had some sort of South American heritage.

  “Please follow me into my office and we’ll get started.”

  This time it was Josh who took the seat outside the office while Cory and his parents sat in on the meeting. The large door was closed behind the group, and Josh pulled out his phone to busy himself. He could hear the subtle murmuring of voices and the change in tone when Jim spoke, but he couldn’t really make out or follow the conversation.


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