Book Read Free


Page 24

by Whitney Cannon

  “I know,” Cory interrupted. “But we keep doing things with my friends and seeing my friends because we’re near my house, and I feel bad that you don’t get to see your friends. I mean, I’ve only met Jersey, and I’m sure there are tons of other people who miss you and who you’d want me to meet. Maybe next week when we need to go into your school for your testing, or whatever we can go around lunchtime, and we can hang out with your friends,” Cory suggested, stealing one of Josh’s onion rings.

  “Hey. One fry is not the same as one onion ring,” Josh protested laughingly and proceeded to steal a few more fries.

  Cory grinned and pecked him on the lips. “What do you say? Your friends next week?”

  “It’s really not a big deal, Cory. To be honest, I don’t really have that many friends,” Josh said, looking down at his basket of food. “I’m always studying, or volunteering at the hospital, and I’m not all sporty like you.” Josh shrugged. “I’m in a few clubs, but only because they look good on my college applications.” He tore off a piece of chicken from one of his chicken strips and popped it into his mouth, not meeting Cory’s eyes.

  The door to the restaurant opened and everyone piled out, filling in the table and seats nearby, effectively ending Josh’s pity party. Cory gave him a sympathetic look and squeezed his thigh under the table as conversations about prom and baseball and classes took over their space. Josh didn’t like the idea of his Complement knowing just how sad his world had been before finding Cory. He’d brought so much joy and happiness into his life. Josh had meant it the other day when he said Cory was his light.

  Josh tried to let go of his melancholy thoughts and enjoy his lunch with his boyfriend and the new people he was meeting. Everyone there would be at prom tomorrow, so Josh tried to pay attention and get to know them. They were a part of Cory’s life and that made them a part of his life, too.


  After lunch, they made their way to the hair salon Cory liked. Josh didn’t care much who did his hair. He normally went to the same location for his haircuts, but just had whoever was there cut his hair. Cory, however, always saw Megan, so when she saw him come through the door, she was quick to shout out a hello.

  They gave the receptionist their names and chose seats in the entry area. Megan, a petite woman of some Asian descent, was with a client, but when she finished she came over to greet them.

  “Megan, this is Josh, my soulmate,” Cory crooned playfully with his arm around Josh’s waist.

  “Nice to meet you, Josh,” she said with a laugh, as they shook hands, her pink hair floating around her shoulders. “You were just here a couple weeks ago, Cory, and I don't remember hearing anything about a soulmate,” she teased, as she led them to the back.

  “Yeah well, love is a fickle mistress,” Cory joked. “One minute, nothing. The next,” he paused and looked at Josh. “Love at first sight.”

  Josh about melted at the sincerity in Cory’s eyes and even when he would normally be a little hesitant about PDA, he knew Megan wouldn’t care, so he leaned in to press a soft kiss to Cory’s lips.

  “Okay, I’m sold. I can see he’s a keeper,” she smiled. Turning suddenly, she pointed a hot pink manicured nail at Cory. “Don’t screw it up.”

  Cory chuckled. “Don’t worry. Wild horses and all that,” he said waving a dismissive hand. “Anyway,” he drawled. “We’re going to prom tomorrow—”

  Megan interrupted him with a squeal. “Cory,” she drew out his name and grasped onto his forearm. “I’m so happy for you. It’s about time you found someone to share your heart with.”

  Cory’s answering smile was brilliant. “Thanks, Megan. My guy is pretty amazing, and I can’t even tell you how lucky I am to have him,” he said, looking back at Josh. “But,” he paused in dramatic fashion. “We need haircuts.”

  “Of course you do. You need to be looking your best if you wanna keep this guy.” She winked at Josh and indicated to the sink next to her. “Who’s up first?”


  Closing the garage door to the townhouse, Josh led Cory by the hand into the kitchen. He found it weird to realize that that was exactly what it was, just a kitchen. He’d never spent much time away from his house before; the occasional sleepover and a couple days at camp when he was younger, but now that he’d spent almost two weeks away, he didn’t find himself nostalgic like he wondered if he would be. This was still home and just because he’s spent time away didn’t change the feeling he had at being back there, the comfort and reassurance of being back in the place he’d spent years growing up.

  But, on the other hand, things had changed, and even though the physical dwelling where Josh’s things were, would alway be there, it was no longer his home; just the home he’d lived in.

  Cory stood next to him and rubbed his back as Josh peered into his room from the doorway. “How ya doin’? It must be nice to be back home huh?” Cory paused. “Now that we’re here, I’m feeling really guilty about you leaving to come live with me. I couldn’t even imagine leaving my home and school and my parents. Damn. Maybe we can come stay here a few nights a week and switch between our places?”

  Cory rested his chin on Josh’s shoulder and sighed, wrapping an arm around Josh’s waist from behind to rub his hand over Josh’s stomach. “I’m sorry, Josh. I’ve been so selfish in all this. I keep thinking about me and what I need; my friends, my family, my favorite places and things to do. I’ve basically taken you away from your life, without even thinking about you, or what you might need. I’ve been a really shitty boyfriend, and I’m really sorry about that.”

  Josh laced their fingers together and turned his head to see Cory better, then raised his right arm and hooked it around behind Cory’s head, bringing him closer. Their lips met in a sensual dance as Josh tried to show Cory that he was alright and appreciated his concern. When their kiss heated up and the awkward position wasn’t close enough, Josh turned and pressed himself against Cory’s front, rubbing their bodies together and letting Cory feel just how all right he was.

  Cory pulled back suddenly, sucking in panting breaths of air. “Josh, you can’t just kiss this away,” he said and stepped farther into Josh’s room, stopping next to the bed. “I’m serious. I want to talk about this. I need to know how you feel and what I can do to make this up to you. I feel bad for only just realizing this,” Cory explained in an afflicted tone.

  Josh entered the room and grabbed Cory’s hand, encouraging him to sit on the bed. “Cory,” he said, looking his Complement in the eye. “I’m okay. We’re okay. This is not a big deal. Honestly, when I was just standing there right then, I was even thinking to myself how, even though it’s nice to be home and be in the place I spent so many years, it’s not my home anymore.”

  Cory watched him with a unconvinced look on his face, so Josh pressed on. “What I’m saying is, that even though I wasn’t expecting to move out, or change my life so drastically so soon, I’m not upset by those changes, I’m grateful for them. I know I kind of alluded to it earlier, but I didn’t really have the best thing going for myself. I don’t have many friends, or people I hang out with. I don’t really hang out that much at all. And it’s always just been Dad and me, plus my grandparents, but not a bunch of family, or cousins and stuff. But I’ve been okay with that, content even. Sure it might have been nice to have a boyfriend, or someone special to share things with, but I’m young. I never really figured I’d meet my forever person in high school,” Josh said, giving Cory’s hand a squeeze.

  “Then, there I am, doing what I do, spending another Friday night at the hospital, and who should I meet, but an angel. My angel,” Josh said stroking his fingertips down Cory’s cheek. “Just lying there in a hospital bed. You fell into my life, Cory. With your energy and sassy personality, and you rocked my world.” Cory gave Josh a playfully heated look and Josh smiled to see his boyfriend a little less serious.

  “I’m not sorry for leaving this house. I will admit that it might be nice to see more of my dad
, but otherwise, you don’t need to feel like you took me away from anything. It was the most reasonable option for us at the time and it still is. Sure, it would be cool to spend a couple nights here maybe, but I don’t need you to feel bad that you didn’t think of that last week. You thought of it now, and we’re talking about it and working out a solution that works for both of us, and that’s really all I can ask of you. Okay?” Josh finished, searching Cory’s face.

  Cory held his gaze for a while, possibly contemplating a rebuttal, but finally nodded. “You’re sure?” he asked quietly and Josh nodded in response. “I really am sorry, but I get what you’re saying. I need you to promise me, though, that whenever something’s bugging you, or if you’re feeling cowed by me, or I’m being selfish with you, you’ll tell me. I’m not trying to make excuses, but being someone’s boyfriend, let alone their soulmate is pretty intense, and sometimes I don’t realize, or think about what you might need. It’s a new concept for me, being half of a whole. I know it is for you too, so we need to talk to each other, okay?”

  Josh smiled, listening to his Complement ramble on. He got it, it was a new concept for both of them being part of a couple, so they were bound to have some trial and error moments. Honestly, he was relieved to be getting these things out in the open now so they could move forward with better communication and awareness in the future.

  “Okay. I agree and I’m glad we talked,” Josh answered.

  “Me too. I love you,” Cory said leaning in and giving him a sweet kiss. He stood up and motioned to Josh’s closet. “Now let’s find your stuff so we can make sure everything is ready for tomorrow.”


  With both of their suits hanging in their closet, Josh lined his shoes up under the garment bag as Cory went to grab their iron from the linen closet. Both of their shirts needed to be pressed a bit before they would be presentable for prom.

  Josh dug through the small bag of things he’d grabbed from his room, a few textbooks, some more clothes, and some of his favorite movies and video games. He found the socks and belt he’d grabbed to go with his suit and laid them next to his shoes.

  Cory returned and set the iron on the bed. “Come with me to get the ironing board? It’s in the laundry room.”

  “Of course,” Josh said and they went in search of the item.

  After retrieving the ironing board, they grabbed some soda and a bag of potato chips to take back with them to the bedroom.

  Cory set up the ironing board, then plugged in the iron for Josh. He got his shirt out, and Cory showed him how to set the iron. While Josh got to work on his shirt, Cory popped in a movie that Josh had brought over, turning the sound way down and then collected the rest of the movies from Josh’s bag, adding them to his shelf of DVDs in their room.

  Cory stood there for a minute looking at the shelf.

  “What is it?” Josh asked as he shifted the shirt around a bit.

  Cory looked over at him and then pointed to the movies. “I like it.”

  “Like what? One of those movies?”

  “No. Well, yes. The way your movies and my movies are sitting there together like now they’re our movies. I know that sounds lame, but it just kinda struck a chord with me for a moment.”

  Josh paused his ironing and took a moment to reflect on the scene they made. “It’s not lame, babe. It’s sweet. Look at us right now, all domestic bliss or something. I’m ironing a shirt in our room, while you’re unpacking a bag we may as well have gotten from the market, and putting our things away on our shelf. We’re like one of those perfectly synced couples I follow on YouTube or something. I actually kind of love this moment. It’s like our first little snapshot into what our future might look like.”

  Cory had his hand over his heart and hearts in his eyes as he looked back at Josh.

  “Damn,” he breathed and came over, took the iron out of Josh’s hand and wrapped his arms around Josh, holding him tightly. Josh returned the gesture, and Cory’s voice wobbled when he spoke again. “I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you, Josh, but holy crap I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my entire life.” He sniffled and pressed his face into Josh's neck.

  Josh squeezed Cory back, stunned by the sincerity of the moment. He never, in his wildest dreams could have predicted a moment like the one they were sharing right then. The fact that such a seemingly innocuous moment could have such a profound impact on both of them, made Josh’s heart swell at the thought of all the moments that lay ahead of them, that he could never even imagine, with a person so completely astonishing, it made Josh speechless.

  That was the moment he knew, no matter what anyone said, he was going to marry the man in his arms. There was no longer an abstract impression of some time, somewhere, somehow. It was going to happen. When Josh turned eighteen, he was going to marry Cory.

  He pulled back and took Cory’s face in his hands. Staring into the shiny blue depths of Cory’s amazing eyes, Josh said, “I love you, Cory Lasting. So much.” He pressed a kiss to Cory’s lips that held all the promises of the future and the lifetime they would share, as Josh tried to convey all the love in his heart and soul, for his perfect Complement.


  Just like two weeks before, Josh found himself going out to breakfast with his dad, only this time, he wasn’t wallowing in self-pity and loneliness. Josh marveled at how his life had done a complete one-eighty in only two weeks.

  He stroked his thumb over the back of Cory’s hand as they rode in the back seat of Jim’s truck once again. They were all meeting his dad and grandparents for brunch at a restaurant part way between all their houses. Everyone was thrilled for him and Cory and wanted to be as much a part of their special day as possible, so his grandpa had invited everyone out to celebrate with breakfast.

  They pulled up to the restaurant a few minutes early and just as Jim parked the truck, Josh’s phone rang.

  “It’s my dad. Let me take this and we’ll meet you guys inside.” Jim and Diane nodded and got out of the truck quietly while Josh answered the call. “Hey, Dad.” Josh could hear a rustling on the other end of the line.

  “Josh?” He heard more rustling and lots of raised voices in the background like his dad was outside in a crowd or something.

  “Dad?” he called. When no answer came, he asked again. “Dad? What’s all that noise?” Cory looked at him questioningly, and Josh just shrugged.

  “Josh,” his dad said again. “Listen, I’m not going to be able to make it to breakfast, buddy. I was on my way over and witnessed a car crash. I’m sorry to miss out, but I need to stay here for a little while and give a statement and stuff. Some people were hurt and had to be taken to the hospital, and since I work there, I called ahead to the ER to let them know what was coming. I’ll probably head over there after I’m done here just to check that everyone was alright, okay?”

  Josh closed his mouth. “Of course, Dad. God, I’m sorry. That sounds terrible. You weren’t in danger were you?” Josh asked, with a hint of worry in his voice. Cory squeezed his hand to draw his attention and looked at Josh with concern on his face. He scooted closer to Josh on the back seat, already sensing Josh's need for comfort.

  “No. I was completely fine.” Josh sagged a little at hearing that and he squeezed Cory’s hand. “I was the first car stopped at the red light in cross-traffic and watched the whole thing. It wasn’t pretty, but I’m fine. Listen, I have to run, okay? I love you and I’m sorry to miss this morning with you and Cory. I’m sure I’ll be done well before you guys get ready this afternoon, so I’ll see you at Cory’s later, okay? Tell everyone what happened and I’m sorry to miss out.”

  “Okay, Dad. I love you, too. Be safe and I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Alright, Josh. Bye.”

  “Bye.” Josh disconnected the call.

  “What happened?” Cory questioned immediately.

  “My dad witnessed a pretty serious car crash on his way here. He can’t come because he has to stay t
o give his statement and stuff,” Josh told Cory.

  “Oh no,” Cory exclaimed. “He’s okay though? He wasn’t involved at all?”

  “No, he was stopped at the red and watched it happen in cross-traffic. He’s fine, but still scary, huh?”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Cory nodded and hugged Josh to him. He went willingly, accepting the comfort his Complement offered him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” Josh sighed. He pulled back and squeezed Cory on the thigh. “Let’s go let everyone know what’s going on. Dad said he’ll see us later at your place when we get ready to leave tonight. I imagine he’ll be pretty distracted, but I know he wants to be a part of our night with us. Nothing we can do about what happened now. Let’s go eat and try to keep things light for tonight.”

  Cory nodded. “Love you,” he said and kissed Josh tenderly before they both got out of the car.

  When they walked up hand in hand, they realized Ben and Maggie had joined Jim and Diane, and everyone turned their attention to Josh and Cory when they met them in the lobby. Josh explained the situation and everyone seemed understandably concerned for Brian.

  Several minutes later they were shown to their table and after they placed their orders, the mood seemed to improve as talk turned to lighter topics.

  Cory and Josh had agreed to split their meals since they couldn’t decide on just one thing to order, so when Josh’s eggs Benedict arrived, he handed half over to Cory, who in return gave him half his Belgium waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

  When everyone was stuffed to the gills, they parted ways in the parking lots, thanking Josh’s grandpa for the treat. They were all going to be meeting back up around four-thirty or five to send Josh and Cory off to prom in the most embarrassing way possible; a thousand pictures were likely to be taken.

  Josh and Cory plopped down on their beds and Josh groaned as he patted his stomach. “I’m so full I don’t think we need to eat again until tonight,” Josh rumbled, as a sleepy feeling washed over him. He turned only his head to look over at Cory. His Complement smiled at him, looking sleepy too and quite happy as he held his phone up, probably fielding one of the thousand texts he’d had already that morning.


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