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Page 31

by Whitney Cannon

  Josh stared back, totally and completely besotted with his man. “I love you.”

  Cory swallowed. “I love you, too. I can’t wait until tomorrow when we become us.” Closing the space between them, Cory’s lips demanded entrance into Josh’s mouth, and Josh willingly and eagerly opened for him. His man moved in closer and all but draped himself over the top of Josh’s body.

  Josh both wanted to savor their time together in that moment and speed it up so they would already be husbands, but whatever they did or didn’t do, Josh knew how special those moments were. That deep breath one takes in reverence to fate and the profoundly grateful feeling one has that something so elemental to one’s person, is right where it belongs. And in those precious moments when their hearts sang for each other, tomorrow they would sing as one.


  “Hey, dudes,” Dylan called out as they walked up to the movie theater. A few of the guys had rallied forces and planned an impromptu, last-minute bachelor party for them. It was such a sweet gesture, seeing as how most of the guys were only eighteen themselves, and the concepts of traditional practices and loving relationships were fairly foreign things.

  “What movie do you guys want to see?” Dylan asked after they’d all hugged it out. They were still waiting for everyone else, but figured they could at least purchase their tickets.

  Cory looked at Josh and they both shrugged. “There’s gotta be an Avenger movie or something. I think there’s always an action movie around,” Cory said.

  They checked the board and decided on some action movie with Dwayne Johnson, but it wouldn’t start for an hour, so when the rest of the guys showed up and insisted on purchasing their tickets for them, they went across the street to grab sodas and appetizers from Chili’s.

  “You should see if Jersey can come meet us, Josh. We should have texted him on our way over and he could have met us here,” Cory said as they waited for their table. “Sorry, babe. This was so last minute, I didn’t even think about inviting him until now.”

  “Who’s Jersey?” Jake asked as everyone leaned in to hear.

  “Josh’s best friend,” Cory explained. “He’s Josh’s best man in the wedding. He’s really great. We’ve become pretty close actually. You guys would probably love him. He’s this tiny little thing, but full of attitude and snark,” Cory chuckled.

  “Oh, I can totally see why you two get along so well then,” Liam teased. “Yeah, call him up, Josh. It should be all your closest friends tonight and not just Cory’s. Get him down here, man.”

  Josh took a minute to call Jersey and after he blasted Josh for not calling sooner and apologized for not planning something on his own, he promised to be there as quick as he could.

  “Alright, guys,” Dylan said, slapping them on their backs as he came up between them. “We’ve got your food and drinks covered, so order whatever you want. And,” he said drawing out the word. He kicked his chin out to Travis who was across the small space. “Travis got you guys something, and you have to be good sports about it.”

  Looking across at Travis, he had a huge, shit-eating grin on his face and pulled a backpack up off the floor.

  “What did you do, Travis?” Cory asked suspiciously.

  The hostess interrupted Travis’s answer and quickly led them to their table in the back of the restaurant.

  When they settled in, he spoke again. “Oh, come on. You didn’t think you were getting out of this that easy did you? Just a movie? Nah, man. You’re only get married once and your bros gotta pull it together. I ordered these last week after the banquet and I just knew we had to do something to make this memorable. So…” he trailed off and reached inside his bag. Slowly withdrawing his hand, he pulled out two long rainbow pieces of fabric and handed one to Josh and one to Cory.

  “What is this?” Josh asked, turning it over in his hands. The other side of the fabric had rhinestones spelling out the words Groom To Be. “You got us groom-to-be sashes?” Josh asked, feeling the prick of tears in the back of his eyes.

  Travis nodded, an understanding smile on his face. “Yeah, man. I know what tomorrow means to you. I wanted to do something for you guys to make tonight fun and let you guys enjoy the night before you’re stuck with each other forever,” he teased, but threw them a wink, apparently knowing that was the one thing they both wanted most.

  “Thank you, Travis,” Josh said, and moved around the table to hug the other guy tightly. Cory was right there after Josh let go and he saw his Complement whisper something into Travis’s ear. Travis nodded, and Cory held out his phone for the other guy. Cory came over and took Josh’s sash, then helped him get it on. Josh returned the gesture for Cory and they stood with one arm wrapped around each other, proudly wearing their groom to be status, for Travis to take some pictures.

  When they were seated again, they finally looked at their menus and decided to share several different appetizers between them. As they waited for their food and talk turned to summer jobs and college, Josh felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

  “Jersey’s here. Come with me to go meet him?” Josh asked and Cory nodded. “Be right back, guys,” he said, and they walked up to the front of the restaurant.

  “Oh my God. Those are awesome!” Jersey exclaimed as they approached him.

  They both laughed. “Hey, man,” Josh said hugging his best friend. Cory hugged him next and they headed back toward their table.

  “So who do I have to thank for these awesome Pride sashes?” Jersey asked, following behind them.

  “Travis. He’s my best man,” Cory said. “He’s awesome.”

  “Holy shit,” Jersey said, nearly walking into the back of Josh as they stopped at their table.

  Josh caught Jersey staring at Travis and Cory snickered. “I know, right?” he whispered.

  “Guys, this is my best friend, Jersey. Jersey, that’s Liam, Dylan, Jake, Samuel, and Travis. They all played baseball with Cory,” Josh said, pointing out each guy as they sat. The guys said their hello’s and Josh thought he might have seen a spark of something in Travis’s eyes, but when everyone broke into conversation directing questions Jersey’s way, he blinked and it was gone.

  Their food arrived shortly after Jersey joined them and within minutes everything was consumed.

  “So, Travis,” Jersey said conversationally. “I hear you’re the one to thank for the awesome accessories my boys are sporting.”

  Travis smiled his most heart-stopping smile, full dimple, and casually shrugged. “I couldn’t very well let these two tie the knot without a little something to commemorate their big gay love,” he laughed. “Besides, even if I don’t have someone in my life to look at the way these two look at each other, I can understand and support the kind of connection they seem to share. I think it’s awesome they found each other and aren’t afraid to cherish and celebrate it, ya know?”

  Josh thought he saw Jersey’s heart all but stop at seeing the guy so joyful and unapologetically full of acceptance and support. That was one of the reasons they’d bonded so quickly and seamlessly with Travis and had no reservations about him standing up for Cory. He was genuinely a kind-hearted soul and always had a smile on his face. But more than that, he’d backed them and watched out for them, been unwavering in showing them his support and encouragement, and that kind of selflessness was a rare quality.

  “Wow,” Jersey said, seeming almost starstruck. “Not many people talk like that these days. Everyone seems to encourage and promote being promiscuous. With divorce rates so high, and the stigma that all gay guys are hooking up left and right on dating apps, it seems rare indeed that a couple so young would jump feet first into marriage and get the backing of their friends. But I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. After meeting Cory, I could tell he had a really solid backing and foundation, not only from his family but from his peers, his friends. He’s lucky to have you all,” Jersey said, looking away from Travis for the first time to include the rest of the guys.

  Josh knew enough ab
out Jersey’s early childhood to know that hadn’t always been the case for him.

  “And as Josh’s BFF,” Jersey said and elbowed Josh in the side. “I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for welcoming him into your folds so quickly. He’s been a bit of a rock for me, and I’m glad he’s made some new friends who accept him without question.”

  It was Travis who looked a bit stunned after Jersey’s speech. “If I have to give a speech tomorrow, I’m going before him,” Travis said in all seriousness.

  Josh and Cory both laughed. “You should have heard the toast he gave us the morning after we got engaged. Classic, Jersey,” Josh chuckled again, shaking his head.

  “I don’t mean to break up this little love fest guys, but if we’re going to go be subjected to the wall of solid muscle that is Dwayne Johnson, we’d better head over to the theater,” Samuel said, dimming his phone.

  Everyone nodded and pushed back their chairs. The computer kiosk at their table had their bill ready, and everyone pooled their funds to cover the meal. Cory walked ahead of Josh as he led the way out of the restaurant and as they crossed back over to the movie theater, Josh stopped everyone out front for a couple of quick group shots. Jersey took Josh’s phone and took a few more pictures of Cory and Josh together wearing their sashes and sporting huge, love-sick grins.


  Josh woke up early and glanced at Cory asleep in his bed. He’d wanted to do something nice for Cory like he’d done for him before prom, so he’d sought out advice from Monica. Knowing Monica had been married once before and was probably better at romantic gestures than he was, he’d asked her what she’d done during the day before she was married. Of course she’d done most of the standard things he thought a woman might do: hair, nails, make-up, a spa-day thing. So they’d had to brainstorm with Diane on what Josh could do either at home, or taking Cory out somewhere.

  Knowing they were going out to brunch with the family a little later, Josh needed some time to set up for the quiet afternoon he had planned for Cory and himself. Although the idea was similar to Cory’s, this time they would be sharing those moments together as they got ready for their wedding. Josh hoped Cory was fine with that and not set on doing things apart today. They would dress separately and each of their best men would help them up the hill, a distance apart so they didn't see the other, but not so far apart they were uncomfortable. But as for a quiet afternoon of pampering, Josh hoped Cory would be fine with it.

  Knowing it would suck to be apart and on the one day of their lives they should be spending together, Josh reluctantly kissed his Complement on the forehead and left the room. Jim and Diane were having coffee in the kitchen when he walked in.

  “You ready?” Jim asked.

  Nodding his head, Josh rubbed at his chest. “Let's get this over with before I back out and go curl up next to him. I know he'll be fine and just continue to sleep, but I'm already anxious and we haven't even left yet.”

  Coming over, Diane gave him a reassuring hug. “He’ll be fine. I'll be here with him and with Monica and your dad there, you'll get everything done quickly. Everyone knows what being apart means to you both and will be as quick as possible. Now go, before you really do change your mind. Cory will love the thought and time spent, but he'll be upset if you're hurting any longer than necessary.”

  Josh nodded again, and after a quick glass of milk, he and Jim went out to the truck. His bee magnets were pretty unhappy and Josh wasn’t sure if they were going to get worse the farther apart they got, but he needed to suck it up and get things done for Cory.

  “You doing okay?” Jim asked with concern.

  With one last glance at the house, Josh nodded, and when Jim seemed satisfied, he pulled the truck out, and they headed the short distance over to their new apartment.

  The bee magnets in his stomach might have transformed from angry bees to angry chainsaws. Josh’s chest ached and his breathing had become increasingly difficult. When they pulled up, and he saw his dad and Monica already there, he was relieved to at least not have to wait any longer than necessary for them to arrive.

  Climbing out of the truck, his dad grabbed his arm. “Hey, Josh. Managing okay?” he asked, steadying him. Josh tried to take a deep breath, but it just wasn’t there. “You don’t have to do this, we could have arranged all this for you, Josh. I don’t like seeing you so uncomfortable and hurting.”

  “I’m not dying, Dad,” he wheezed, although in truth, he wasn’t sure if that was true. He really had gotten seriously uncomfortable. “Let’s just get this done,” he squeezed out. His dad and Jim looked like they wanted to protest as Monica and Jim unloaded their car, but he weakly managed to free himself of his father’s supportive hold and headed toward the stairs.

  “Alright Josh, come on and let us help you at least,” Brian said, coming even with him again and helping him up the stairs.

  Each step felt slow and constricting and as his lungs weren’t expanding very well, it took him a few moments to make it to the top. He let everyone in and rested against the entry wall, as they got to work.

  Monica unpacked the bags she and Jim carried up and laid the supplies out nicely on the table, while Jim worked in the kitchen. Brian handed another bag to him and after checking that he didn’t need help, Josh shoved himself off the wall and over toward the bathroom. He opened the bag and arranged everything to his liking while he listened to the chairs being moved. He was thankful everything was being done quickly.

  Finished in the bathroom, he shuffled over to the bed and made his preparations. Since the studio was relatively small and the only walls were for the bathroom, he felt a little embarrassed knowing everyone could see him, but then again, they’d done all the shopping, so he’d couldn’t be too uncomfortable to let it stop him. He wanted things to be special for Cory, so he’d manage.

  With everyone ready and Josh satisfied with the setup, his dad helped him lock up, and they slowly made their way downstairs.

  “Thanks, you guys,” Josh said, grimacing tightly. “I appreciate you helping with this.”

  “Of course, Josh. We’re just following you back, so save the thanks for later. Let’s get you back so you feel better,” his dad said as he helped him into the truck.

  With his chest tight and the sawing bees doing their thing, the short drive back went almost unnoticed. After parking the truck, Jim came around and helped him out. The swarming bees were back, and the constriction in his chest lessened a bit, but he knew he wouldn’t feel complete relief until he could see his Complement again.

  Feeling slightly more stable, Josh made his way up the walkway unaided and when Diane smiled at seeing him enter, she rushed out a quick hug. “He’s fine. Go to him. I know you need it.”

  “Thanks,” Josh returned and made his way toward his sleeping fiancé, his bees diminishing with every step.

  Without stopping, Josh ripped his shirt over his head, kicked off his flip-flops, and climbed into the available space on Cory’s small bed. His Complement stirred, and Josh took the opportunity to wrap his arms around him from behind.

  “Josh,” Cory sighed sleepily without opening his eyes. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too, babe,” Josh said softly, finally finding himself at ease with his lover's nearness. He pressed a sweet kiss to his shoulder. “Love you, too.”


  “Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we went to sleep in separate beds last night,” Cory said an hour later after they’d woken up to a sleepy make out session.

  Josh pressed another kiss to his man’s pliant and irresistible lips and sighed. “I needed you. I needed to be near you, touching you. I only came over here an hour ago.”

  Cory smiled, but Josh saw a hint of worry cloud his eyes. “You okay? Did something happen?” Cory asked, moving closer and resting his free hand on Josh’s chest.

  He felt slightly guilty for causing any worry to his beautiful man. “Everything is fine,” Josh said. “I wanted to do something nice for yo
u, for us, for this afternoon, so I went to the apartment this morning.”

  Cory pulled back, alarmed. “You what? Josh. Why would you do that?” he asked, searching Josh’s face for answers. “You had to have been miserable. Josh. Oh my God,” Cory said and dove into his chest, crushing Josh with his death grip of a hug. “What were you thinking doing that? You went while I was sleeping so I wouldn’t notice? I don’t want you hurting yourself for me, Josh,” Cory said into his shoulder still holding him tightly.

  The embrace was exactly what Josh needed. Even though he’d savored the contact when he first reunited with Cory, his Complement had been asleep, and the embrace reassured his being that he was well and truly, safely, where he needed to be.

  “I know, love.” Josh sighed. “It was definitely the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been. I’m sorry for causing you any worry. I have some stuff planned for this afternoon, and I just want to surprise you with it. Your dad drove me over, and my dad and Monica were there, too. I don’t want to spoil the afternoon, but just know that everything is fine. I’m fine. And,” Josh said pulling back, a grin pulling at his lips, “we’re getting married today!”

  Cory beamed at him and pounced Josh onto his back, smothering him with kisses as they both laughed delightedly.

  “Josh!” Cory squealed. “We’re getting married today! We should just get ready now and do it early. I can’t wait for five o’clock, that’s so far away,” Cory pouted. “Can we do it early? Just like this?” he asked hopefully. “We don't need all that other stuff. I, Cory Lasting, take you, Joshua Rogers, to be my husband, forever and ever. Do you take me? Yes. It’s done. Yay! We’re married!” he giggled and flopped his weight down on Josh’s chest, hugging him tightly.

  Josh laughed at his adorably adorable Complement, wrapping him up in his arms. “I love you, so fucking much, Cory, you don’t even know. I can’t wait to call you my husband, forever and ever and ever.”


  After finishing off his juice and setting his glass down, he wondered if it would be rude to just take Cory and leave. All the family had met up at Cory’s house and they’d all walked down to brunch, which they had at a small café along the same old town strip as their new apartment.


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