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Page 33

by Whitney Cannon

  When he was in touching distance, there was no force that could have stopped him from reaching out and taking Cory’s outstretched hand. That one touch grounded him and set him free. This man was his other half, and together they would become one whole.

  Jim released Cory and moved back to stand with his wife, and Josh took both of Cory’s hands in his, bringing them up to his mouth to kiss them reverently. Cory smiled his shy smile that made Josh’s knees weak, and they turned slightly to face their officiant.

  She introduced herself and started their ceremony.

  Josh only paid a slight bit of attention to the words she spoke, choosing to focus on his Complement instead. Cory looked back at him with his endless blue eyes and an expression so full of emotion and love, that Josh could feel the stirrings of tears in his eyes.

  Love you, Cory mouthed to him.

  Love you, too, Josh replied and Cory’s eyes misted a little and his lower lip trembled.

  “Josh, did you have some words prepared or something you’d like to share with Cory?” the officiant asked.

  Josh looked away from Cory and nodded at her, then found Cory’s eyes again. “Cory,” he croaked and cleared his throat. Cory squeezed his hands in reassurance, and Josh gathered himself and started again. “The first day I met you, your heart knew who I was. Even though you were asleep, our souls recognized each other before either of us knew what was happening. From the moment you first looked at me with those clear blue eyes, I was hooked. Over the next few days we bonded, and I think I knew I loved you after our first kiss, right here on this very spot. Through some twist of fate, or stroke of luck, we found each other, and even though at the time it seemed like really bad timing, I’ve long since realized how lucky we truly are. We still have some things to figure out and that’s okay, because we get to figure them out together. We will have a life that fits us and a love that is unbreakable. I’ve already told you that I was excited to marry you not because you’d become mine, but because we would become us. That is what this moment means to me. You and me becoming us, a unit, a family. Our family. I love you, so much, and Cory, if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to sit with you for the rest of forever.”

  Cory nodded as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks and gave Josh a gorgeous smile while squeezing his hands.

  “Cory, did you have some words prepared or something you’d like to share with Josh?” the officiant asked softly, so as not to break the spell.

  Cory nodded again and stroked his thumb over the back of Josh’s hand. “Josh,” he said softly, but his voice held a note of conviction. “From the moment I opened my eyes and and saw the cutest, most perfect looking guy, I didn’t even know I could dream up, standing in my hospital room, who also just happened to make my heart beat faster, we’ve hardly been apart. And even though we’ve spent almost every moment together since that first day, I have never wanted to be apart from you. We have a Connection that goes beyond any rational explanation and feeling. I love everything about you. You are the perfect match for me in every way, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the accident that lead me to you. You literally saved my life, Josh. And not only because you woke me up, but because you gave me a life worth living, a love so strong it wouldn’t be denied. And I will be thankful for every second we have together because today we become us. A family. You are my family, Josh, and if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to sit with you for the rest of forever,” Cory finished and moved his hand up to cup Josh’s cheek, wiping away the tears that trailed down. Josh closed his eyes and let the moment settle his soul.

  “The rings, please,” the officiant said, and Jersey handed her the rings.

  “Josh, if you’ll repeat after me.” He nodded, taking Cory’s ring and repeating the phrases that would tie him to his Complement and unite their souls.

  “I, Joshua Anthony Rogers, take you, Cory James Lasting, to be my husband, to have and to hold, to cherish and honor, to love and protect the Connection we share, from this day forward.” Holding Cory’s left hand, he slid the ring on to Cory’s finger.

  “Cory, if you’ll repeat after me.”

  “I, Cory James Lasting, take you, Joshua Anthony Rogers, to be my husband, to have and to hold, to cherish and honor, to love and protect the Connection we share, from this day forward.” Cory stared into Josh's eyes and slid the ring to its new home, giving Josh's hand a squeeze.

  “Josh and Cory, with the commitment you have made here, in front of your friends and family, let it be known that I now officially pronounce you married. You may kiss your husband.”

  With a heart-melting smile on his face, Cory moved first, placing one hand on Josh’s cheek and the other over his heart, while Josh wrapped his arms around Cory’s shoulders. They leaned in together to kiss each other for the first time as husbands. Josh pressed a sensual kiss with a tease of tongue to Cory’s lips, and Cory eagerly asked for more, moving his hands to hold Josh tighter. They opened to each other in a choreographed move of two beings that knew the other so wholly, they seemed to dance together, giving and receiving, sharing and being.

  When they finally separated, they rested their foreheads together and stared into each other’s eyes, shining with love and happiness.

  “We did it, husband,” Cory whispered in a giddy voice.

  Josh laughed. “We sure did, husband.”

  With one last soft kiss and a tight embrace, they turned toward their families and were showered in a spray of rainbow confetti hearts.

  -The End-

  -About the Author-

  Whitney Cannon is a debut author with a love for gay romance novels. Over the years, her love for reading about boys who love boys turned into a desire to write her own stories and characters. After re-enrolling in the local community college for writing classes, she became a published author of her first short story which was a celebration of Pride month and belonging. When she's not reading or writing, Whitney plays house with her family at her true job of being a stay-at-home mother.

  You can find Whitney Cannon at:


  Website: She Loves M/M Books





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