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Madness Unmasked: Dragons of Zalara

Page 14

by ML Guida

  The tower sat on top of a black building with double doors. He pursed his lips together. No guards were around, but he suspected they were inside. He’d be damn lucky if they were just Gogs.

  He leaned back on his haunches, jumped, and easily landed on edge of the building, but his backside screamed in protest. Ignoring the agony, he pulled himself up and squeezed underneath a metal bar––a stupid mistake.

  The shield generator blasted a yellow laser. Barbs of energy shot over his body. Agony gripped him as if ten thousands bolts of lightning shocked him repeatedly. He screeched, trembling helplessly.

  A bottom trap door opened and a Kamtrinian emerged. The light shone off his marble skin that looked almost transparent. He stared at Ysam with three shiny black eyes.

  “Foolish, Zalarian. I am Yagok, Captain of the Executor.” He raised his arms. “Did you actually think you could single-handedly destroy our shield generator?” He tilted his head back and laughed.

  Ysam’s belly knotted. He cursed himself for not trusting his instincts. This had been too easy, way too easy.

  Yagok knelt next to him. “Did you think the Gogs were the only guards we employed at our prison? I have an army of new bounty hunters coming here––smarter, stronger, and swifter than the Gogs.” He pulled his eruptor out of his belt. “Prepare to die, Zalarian. Don’t worry. Your pretty little mate will soon be joining you.”

  Tingling sensations of increasing strength pumped through him. Ysam growled. His muscles and veins strained against his scales.

  “Die!” Yagok sneered.

  A beam of light shot into Yagok. He arched his back screaming and the weapon flung out of his hand into the laser. Sparks flew into the air and the laser flickered, losing some of its power.

  Ysam gritted his teeth and drawing all of his strength, swung his tail. Yagok crashed into a beam of the tower and his body convulsed. His alabaster skin turned black. His eyes bulged.

  “Ysam! They’re coming!”

  He cringed––Kathy. She’d broken her promise.

  Chapter 14

  The tallest pallid creatures Kathy had ever seen, and Nucl, surrounded her. They had three eyes that glared at her with hate. Her lungs failed to fill up with air and her hands shook violently as she clutched the weapon. She whirled around in a circle, her hands clammy.

  “You’ll pay for hurting our captain,” one of them snarled.

  Nucl laughed. “See what happens when you dwell into what’s none of your business.”

  A boiling heat filled her belly. She glared. “How could you betray your people?”

  His black aura oozed around him. He bared his sharp teeth. “My people? The same people who murdered my father? Tash and his crew deserved to die!”

  Dark smoke billowed down from the top of the building. She choked on the stench of burning rubber. Their captain hung loosely on a bar of the tower, but there was no sign of Ysam. Her insides quivered. God, please let him be alive.

  She aimed the weapon, her hands shaking. “Stay away from me….Or I’ll…I’ll shoot.”

  “You’ll be dead before you use it,” Nucl taunted. “The gama rays killed your precious dragon.”

  She glanced nervously up toward the building but didn’t see any sign of Ysam.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Fine, don’t, but you’re alone. And I’m going to rip you to threads.” His hair and nails grew longer and his muscles bulked up.

  “Grab her.” He growled, and then he turned into a foaming brown bear.

  Her knees knocked together. Two of them darted toward her. She bit her lip and stepped back. A sound crunched behind her. She dropped to the ground, their fingers barely missing her.

  Nucl lunged for her, swiping a huge paw at her. She fired, her hands trembling. The weapon vibrated in her hand and a blazing ray shot out. Nucl’s paw burst into flames, blood shot in the air, and he howled, then ran in circles, banging his paw on the ground.

  Someone grabbed her hair and yanked her to her feet, forcing her to stand on her tippy-toes. She put her hand up to knock his away, but she only hit steel fingers.

  He shook her hard. “Drop it!”

  Her heart nearly exploded, but she hung on tight to the weapon.

  Someone screamed behind her.

  The bastard holding her loosened his grip. Kathy slammed the weapon on his hand, stunning her for a minute, but he released her.

  She dove onto the ground. Fire streamed from the top of the building. The Kamtrinian behind her screeched, and his skin melted, his head caving in on his shoulders. His black eyes turned red-hot and dissolved.

  “Kill the human!” Another one rushed at her.

  She fired. He screamed and fell on to his knees, grabbing his blackened chest.

  Not waiting to see what happened next, she bolted. The ground was covered with splattered blood, but there was no sign of Nucl.

  Cold fingers brushed over her arm, but Kathy ran, her arms and legs pumping faster and faster. Heavy footsteps trailed after her getting, closer and closer. Her heartbeat thrashed between her ears, and adrenaline sent her feet flying over the dirt.

  Icy breath blew on the back of her neck. She darted to the left, trying to outwit the Kamtrinian, but her little maneuver failed. His breath was stronger, and she cringed, waiting for him to snatch her.

  A deafening crackle and rising heat made her dive on the ground.

  The Kamtrinian ran past her, not once stopping. She suddenly realized a small space ship was parked nearby. He was heading right for it. The door slid open.

  Creak-creak-creak echoed in her ears. She rolled onto her back and aimed the weapon. She screamed, her heart leaping out of her tight throat. The burning shield generator was toppling back and forth, leaning dangerously close to her, then swayed back as if playing a stupid game. She choked on the billowing smoke. Heat spiked inside her and sweat soaked her skin. Its shadow passed over her like prison bars.

  The engines on the space ship ignited, the ground shook, and fired. Hot wind rolled over her, shoving the generator closer and melting the support bars. The ship lifted off the ground, blowing scorching heat. Leaves, rocks, and twigs whipped into the air, hitting Kath’s face. She winced and covered her face with her arms.

  A dark shadow fell over her. She froze. Her eyes widened, and her heart stopped. The fiery tower rushed toward her. Heat whooshed over her body. She turned her head and braced for the sizzling agony.

  Someone grabbed her and whipped her off the ground. She inhaled Ysam’s smokey scent and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes widened and her throat closed tight, cutting off her scream. The dark shadow followed them like the plague.

  She buried herself into the crook of his neck. His heart beat as fierce as hers. She closed her fists, waiting for them to die in a fiery blaze, but then Ysam leapt off the cliff. Wind rushed over them, and holding her breath, she clung to him tight.

  A horrible crash smashed behind them. Bits of twisted, blackened metal and flickering flames flew into the air. Sweltering heat burned inside her as if she were going to burst into a flare. Ysam’s skin was hot to the touch.

  He landed on the ledge below and then rushed toward the blackened and broken trees, bordering the jungle. She looked over his shoulder.

  The twisted tower sparked and crackled and laid in a crumbled heap on top of the plateau. Black smoke rose into the air, turning the blue sky to an ugly gray. Her thundering heartbeat slowed.

  “Ysam, you can put me down.”

  He gasped and slowly lowered her to the ground. His brows wrinkled. “Are you burned anywhere?” He moved his hands over her and turned her around.

  The soft movements touched her and warmth flickered in her heart. She shook her head. “No.”

  Blood dripped down his side. She sucked in her breath and put her hand on his shoulder. “You’re bleeding.”

  “It’s not bad. I swear.”

  “We need to bind the wound.” She examined the ugly
gash. “You’ll definitely need stitches. What happened?”

  He bent over and clutched his knees. “The shield’s energy cut into my scales when I broke free. I’ll be fine.”

  His face had turned pale and a thick glisten of sweat shimmered off his forehead and cheeks. He must definitely be in pain and once again, he’d put himself in harm’s way to save her.

  She put her arms around him, her fingers stroking the back of his neck, and pressed her body against his. “That’s the second time you’ve saved my life.” She tilted her head and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He slipped his arms around her waist and his kiss turned hungry. “You’re my life.” He looked down at her with half-hooded eyes. “I want you.”

  His husky voice sent her pulse racing.

  She scrunched her brows. “But you’re hurt.”

  He grinned. “I’m not that hurt.” He picked her up in his arms and carried her away from the burning trees and exploding mountain.

  His sure footsteps trampled the brush and broke twigs. She leaned her head against his chest, listening to his pumping heart.

  Having a sexy dalliance was crazy, but all she could think about was having Ysam put his hands on her hot body. She’d no idea if they’d finally escape from this planet, and she wasn’t going to die not knowing what it would be like to have him inside her.

  The smoke lessened and her eyes stopped watering. Thick trees and vines blocked out the sunlight and the smell of fresh flowers blocked out the fire. She frowned. The sound of thumping water caught her attention.

  “Is that a waterfall?”

  He nodded. “After I fought the Gogs when we first got here, I stumbled upon it.”

  She thought of Nucl and shuddered.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nucl,” she lowered her voice. “Do you think he’s nearby?”

  “If he is,” he growled. “He’d better stay away.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She stopped trembling and nestled closer into his arms.

  He maneuvered thick bushes away to reveal a small crystal pond with a bubbling waterfall. Bright colored flowers lined the base along with what like some kind of ferns, but their stripped leaves looked like red, purple, green, and pink rainbows.

  He set her gently down near the edge of the pool. She knelt down and ran her fingers in the cool water. She slumped her shoulders. “It’s beautiful, but what about the others? Shouldn’t we get the weapons to them?”

  “We will. But first I need to contact my captain.” He pulled out what looked like a Star Trek communicator. “Ysam to Captain Taog, can you read me?”

  “Taog, here. Ysam, where the devil have you been? We’ve been searching for you on Earth and space since we lost contact with you.”

  Kathy winced. Agnes and Frank must be sick with worry about her.

  Ysam’s eyes darkened, and he took a deep breath before he answered. “I ran into an asteroid storm. I’m on Sutois.”

  “Is your mate with you? What about the…”

  Ysam interrupted him and nervously glanced at Kathy. “Captain, we’re in imminent danger and need immediate evacuation aide.”

  She frowned, wondering what the captain was about to ask.

  Ysam’s voice sped up as he relayed the last forty-eight hours of terror.

  “We’ll be there in two hours,” his captain said. “Taog out.”

  All the tension in her muscles released, and she twisted her head around. They were finally going to get off this planet and she could go home. A sinking sensation hit her stomach as she looked at the desire in Ysam’s tiger-eyes. The question was did she want to leave her dragon? Kathy cleared her throat, not willing to give herself an answer…Yet. “So, do we find the others?”

  He smiled. “Not now.” He tossed his jacket and shirt on the dirt floor. “Most of the Gogs are dead or in hiding. You heard the captain. The Orion will be here in two hours.”

  “Are you sure?” Her mouth ran dry. Sweat glistened off the incredible bulk of muscle that strained and flex as he tossed away each of his boots.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. The Orion’s the fastest ship in the galaxy. Don’t worry about the Gogs. I can detect their foul stench. It’s very discernible.” His eyes darkened. “My hunger’s not.”

  He stripped off his pants. Dried blood was caked to his right buttock.

  “Are you sure you can do this? Your backside looks painful,” she said timidly.

  “I’m a dragon. Believe me, I can take it.”

  She blinked, following her gaze from his sculpted thighs to his rock, hard manhood. Kathy was no virgin, but his cock was thicker and longer than any man’s. He dove into the pool and then emerged out of the water, droplets running down his chest and his massive arms like a sexy god. He raised his eyebrow. “Are you going to join me?”

  Shyness skirted over her, but she was done being indecisive. Throwing caution to the wind, she tore off her shirt to only find his smoldering tiger-eyes watching her every move. There wasn’t hint of declaration of love that would go beyond the next rational thought. There was only the hot, intense moment they were in right now, only a promise of heat and wickedness and pleasure beyond her secret desires.

  She undid her bra and the straps fell down her arms. He released a loud gasp. She tossed her head back and laughed.

  “Kathy, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Sure. With the soot on my body and doused in sweat.”

  “Believe me. I never seen anything so desirable.”

  She stood quietly, searching his eyes for the truth. His aura turned orange, meaning he was being honest. She lowered her gaze, her body turning into a melting mess, and she stepped out of her jeans.

  A breeze blew over her and goosebumps broke out over her naked flesh. She ran her hands over her arms.

  “Is the water cold?” she asked.

  “Come in and find out.”

  She stepped her toe into the water and shivered.

  “God, it’s cold!”

  He lifted his arm out of the water. “Take my hand.”

  She bent down and he clasped her hand, pulling her into the icy water, stripping her breath away and freezing her heart. She cried out.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her to his body. She pressed her palms on his arms that turned into a wondrous journey. Her finger tips caressed the slick surface of his forearms. When her hands didn’t burst into flames, with some fascination of what his skin would feel like, she spread her fingers flat over his molten flesh, moving them slowly over bulges of defined muscles. The residue of sweat had left his skin smooth as silk and her palms glided on their own. She moved up to his shoulders, then down his smooth chest, spreading her fingers apart to feel every hard-muscle that had tormented her ever since she danced with him that first night at O’Toole’s.

  He sucked in his breath. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “I know.”

  The dark disc around his nipples were roused. She brushed her thumb over one to find it velvetly soft. He tensed and his breath turned harsh. She glanced up to his heated stare, then giggled. With a smirk, she licked the salty sweat off one nipple.

  He jerked his head back and groaned.

  Her curiosity wasn’t done. She moved one hand down his flat, quivering stomach, then down toward the juncture between his legs. Her finger tips touched the tips of fine wisps of his hair. For the first time, she halted, not sure if she should tease a dragon.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, his mouth was on hers. It was a savage, ravenous kiss that conquered her mouth, dominated it, and molded it to his own with a raw passion. His lips were ruthless, his tongue capturing, but instead of frightening or shocking her, it brought her pressing her body against his. After both their near death experiences, she needed this. The kiss sent her hands clutching his shoulders and brought her softness against his hardness. He cupped her bottom and pulled her roughly against him.

  His flesh pushed against her soft
curls. She gasped, her chest tightening. He planted kisses down her throat, and she arched her back, allowing him to feast greedily on one breast. He sucked and licked her, biting and nipping her nipple until building an orgasm. He stroked her womanly curls driving her made with desire, sending blood thumping down to her core.

  “Ysam,” she panted. “Please.”

  He picked her up by her legs, and his flesh was poised, hard, and thick between her thighs, pulsing with eagerness. She immediately locked her legs around his waist, wanting to feel him inside her. He slammed into her, knocking out any of her doubts, with the swift, demanding heat of his rigged cock. It stroked her insides, creating a friction so intense, so sensitive, so pleasurable, she clung to him for dear life. He thrust inside her hard, swelling and sliding, sating and sating her, and stuffing so deep and taut, she had no time to brace herself for the first wave of a powerful orgasm that shook her, shattering all perceptions of pleasures she’d experienced before.

  The same bristling question gripped her. She thought of never seeing or arguing with Ysam again. A sense of longing formed in her belly so intense, it hurt. His thumping rhythm turned fierce, blocking out her nagging debate, and the sensations so shocking so primitive that she had to dig her nails into his flesh.

  Ysam’s body mimicked her every spasm. She was supple and fiery, unbelievably passionate and greedy, pulling him deeper and deeper into the tightening core of her sex. He knew she was vehement about being a defense attorney and her auras, but he’d no idea this crossed over to her libido. He’d no idea the intensity of the heating pouring through his own loins, by the helpless desperation fueling his every thrust. He’d pursued her because she was his mate, to fulfill his obligation and become a security officer, but she’d turned the stars on him. He hadn’t expected to want more than a swift, perfunctory release. He hadn’t expected to feel more, to want more, to need more. And yet he did. He was trembling like a new recruit, unsure and unprepared on how to deal with each startled cry that gasped from Kathy’s parted lips.

  An ache he had long denied began to control each stroke, each gust of rugged air torn from his dry throat. He wanted to feel her wrapping herself around him, he wanted to hear her cries of passion, he wanted to see her flush with fervor. He wanted to take her every night, filling her every whim, her every desire, wanting to feel her nails digging into his shoulders begging for more, but his looming, dark secret swelled inside him.


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