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Madness Unmasked: Dragons of Zalara

Page 17

by ML Guida

  She pressed her lips together. “I’m scared. What if something goes wrong?”

  “We’ll do this together.”

  “But the doctors down here won’t know what to do.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders. “What are you saying?”

  She leaned her head on his chest. “I don’t know. Would your doctors know what to do?”

  “More than yours.”

  She sighed. “Come home with me.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “But before we go, I need to give you something.”

  She shook her head. “Not in O’Toole’s parking lot.”

  “O’Toole’s is where we met.”

  “You want to give me the Mating Stone, don’t you?”


  She put her hand on her belly. “I want a ceremony here with Frank, Agnes, and Anonghos.”

  He put his hand over hers. “Are you sure?”

  She clasped his cheek. “Yes.”

  A month later, Kathy got her wish and had her small wedding at O’Toole’s. Since Ysam worked there, the manager had agreed to allow them to rent it out on a Sunday evening. Streams of banners hung from the ceiling. Ysam had surprised her and hired Casey and the Bandits to play.

  But it was his guest list that had her in awe. Taog the captain of the Orion and the king and queen of Zalara were present.

  The king himself would proceed over the ceremony. He was the largest and fiercest of the Zalarians and the most intimidating. His dark hair matched his dark mood.

  His wife was the exact opposite with her blond hair and fair skin. Kathy immediately liked her.

  Kathy wore a simple white dress and her tummy had grown. According to the queen, Cosima, Zalarian gestations were longer than humans, and her baby wouldn’t be born for a year.

  Frank stuck out his elbow. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She clasped his arm. “I’m so nervous.”

  He winked. “You look beautiful.”

  Casey and the Bandits strummed Here Come’s the Bride. Kathy’s heartbeat went into orbit and her legs quaked.

  “Shall we?” Frank asked.

  Kathy nodded.

  Frank escorted her down a red carpet where the King waited holding a red book. He was dressed all in black except for his golden crown. He looked so solemn, but her eyes were drawn to her mate––Ysam. Her stomach fluttered and she didn’t know whether it was from nerves or the baby, leaping for joy. She’d no idea how active a Zalarian baby was compared to a human. She took a deep breath. In a year, she’d find out.

  Her mouth went dry. Ysam was so dashing, dressed in a black tuxedo. He had worn a red rose in his lapel. His tiger-eyes flashed with love and appreciation.

  Agnes stood next to Anonghos on one side of the aisle, and she clasped her hands together like a little kid. Anonghos had his hand on her shoulder and winked at Kathy, who couldn’t help but smile.

  On the other side of the aisle sat Queen Cosima dressed in a sparkling blue gown with the stern Captain of the Orion, who finally gave Kathy a grin. He really was handsome when he wasn’t so grim. Tash, Vaughn, and Ryruc had all come from the ceremony and nodded and smiled at her. She was so glad they were here. She’d missed them.

  Kathy just wished Lisa were here. She’d always wanted her to be her maid of honor and tears formed on the back of her eyelids. Ysam fiddled with his jacket and gave her a grin. She took a deep breath and blinked them away.

  The music stopped. Kathy stared up at the king, who towered over her.

  “Who gives this woman away?” he asked.

  Frank braced his shoulders and put his hand on Kathy’s trembling one. “I do.” He kissed her on the cheek then led her over to Ysam, who clasped her hand.

  “We’re gathered here to join our two people,” the King said. “And to bring joy to both worlds. With their courage, Ysam and Kathy helped save our allies––the Arians––which created a strong bond with us forever.”

  Kathy gripped Ysam’s hand tightly. He gently pulled her toward him and looked down into her eyes.

  “Do you, Kathy Strong, take Ysam to love and cherish in sickness and health?”

  Her heart quickened as she stared into those tiger-eyes. “I do,” she whispered.

  “Do you, Ysam, take Kathy to love and cherish in sickness and health and to protect her with your life?”

  Ysam lifted her hand and brushed his lips over the top of her knuckles. “I do.”

  “The Mating Stone binds and chooses us, seeing what we do not understand. Once mated, the bond can never be undone. Kathy, do you give yourself freely to Ysam?”

  She put her hand on top of his and in a clear loud voice said, “Always.”

  The king turned toward Ysam. “Do you have the Mating Stone and the ring?”

  “Yes.” Ysam slipped his hand into his pocket and first pulled out the ring.

  “Put the ring on her finger,” the king instructed.

  Ysam put the ring on her shaking finger.

  “By the power invested in me, I proclaim you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Ysam grabbed her shoulders and kissed her hard, leaving her no doubt of his love.

  Loud claps thundered behind them.

  “We’re not finished yet,” the king said.

  Kathy pulled her lips away and her knees knocked together. She glanced over at Agnes whose eyes were now the same color as her dragon’s.

  “Are you ready?” Ysam ran the back of his palm down her cheek.

  “Yes, I am.” But she couldn’t hide the doubt and fear in her voice.

  “The Stone,” the king said.

  Ysam dipped his hand into his pocket and gently opened his palm to a smooth blue stone. “Even without the stone, you’ll be my mate. I’ll treasure you always. You had my heart the first time I danced with you.”

  “And you mine.” She closed her eyes and clasped his hand.

  Adrenaline blasted through her palm and she arched her back. Her heart pumped like crazy, sending blood rushing through her veins. A white dazzling light blinded her, blocking out the king and Ysam’s face, and she shook uncontrollably. A million butterflies danced in her gut and she cried out.

  Strong arms held her. “Kathy, Kathy.”

  The light dimmed and she gazed up into Ysam’s concerned face. “Are you all right?”

  She put her hand over her tummy and something moved. “Our baby just kicked my stomach.”

  “He did?” Tears filled his eyes.

  Kathy raised her eyebrow. “She did.”

  He helped her to her feet. The cheers in the bar were deafening.

  Casey and the Bandits had blank looks on their faces. She laughed, knowing immediately the colors of her eyes had changed to golden tiger-eyes.

  King Greum raised his arms wide. “I pronounce you mated.”

  The cheers and claps were deafening. Kathy wrapped her arms around her new husband’s neck and kissed him. “I have a surprise for you.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “You do? Here? Now?” He ran one hand down her breast, making her nipple bud.

  Heat rushed over her cheeks, and she punched him playfully in the shoulder. “Not that.” She stepped away. “Agnes.”

  Agnes hurried to a small table at the back of the room and brought an urn. “Lisa was here, Kathy.” She sat it on a nearby chair. She clutched Kathy’s hand tight. “She was standing on the other side of you.”

  Kathy choked back a sob and covered her mouth.

  “Your parents were with her.”

  Ysam stared at the urn, then his mouth fell open. “Is…is that…”

  Kathy wiped away her tears, then kissed him on the stiff lips. She leaned into his ear and whispered, “Lisa’s ashes. I had her grave dug up then I had her cremated.”

  A solemn hush fell over the room, not a breath exhaled.

  Ysam lowered his head and he put his hand on his forehead. She stroked his back. “Do you have the other Mating Stone?”

s lips were pushed together and the light glistened off the wetness on his cheeks. “Are you sure? Remember what Greum said. Once done, it can never be undone.”

  Kathy looked at Agnes who nodded.

  “Lisa wants to meet him. She knows Daidhl’s not the one who murdered her. She’s ready.”

  “Ysam,” She held out her hand. “We’ll do this together.”

  He nodded, wordlessly, and covered her sweaty palm with his. The urn was only a couple feet away, but to Kathy, the distance was a mile. She held her breath and closed her eyes.

  “Kathy?” Ysam asked gently.

  She opened her eyes and stared at the urn. She looked at all her guests. The Zalarians had tight faces as if they were afraid she’d change her mind. Agnes motioned with her hand and nodded eagerly. Frank shifted one foot and then another. The Arian brothers winked at her.

  She lifted the lid off the urn with her shaking hand. “Can I have the Stone?”

  Ysam placed it in her palm. Unlike her warm, blue one, the stone was cold and gray. She inhaled and then turned her hand, allowing the Stone to fall into Lisa’s ashes with a soft plop.

  Kathy clasped Ysam’s arm tight. White smoke rose out of the urn, then turned to a baby blue, then split in two.

  “Ysam.” Kathy covered her mouth. “I can see her. It’s Lisa.”

  Lisa had on her favorite white dress that glimmered in the sun. Her dark hair flowed over her shoulders and her eyes twinkled, but not her usual brown. They’d turned golden.

  Another figured formed next to her––Daidhl. He had the same build as Ysam and the same brown colored hair, but longer. Kindness shown in his eyes.

  Kathy gasped, but a golden aura glittered around him, meaning goodness and light.

  “Forgive me, Kathy.”

  She nodded wordlessly.

  He clasped Lisa’s hand.

  “Thank you,” he said. “Because of you both, I’m at peace.”

  Kathy glanced up at Ysam. Tears streamed down his face. He could see them both.

  A purple portal formed in the back of the room. Kathy could see her parents waiting.

  She took a step.

  “No!” Agnes warned. “If you go inside the portal, you can’t come back.”

  Ysam grabbed both her arms and pulled her back against his front. She leaned her head back, knowing she belonged with him.

  Lisa walked over to Kathy and smiled. “This is good-bye. And stop feeling guilty. I’m happy and at peace.” She kissed her on the cheek. “Take care of my niece.”

  Daidhl walked over to Ysam and put his hands on his shoulders. “Thanks for believing in me.”

  “You were my hero,” Ysam mumbled.

  “And you’re mine. I’m proud of you.” He turned toward Lisa and stretched out his hand. “Shall we?”

  Lisa took his offer and together they walked toward the purple portal. When they crossed the threshold, the portal, her parents, Daidhl and Lisa disappeared.

  Kathy turned around and hung on to Ysam tightly. He stroked her hair. “They’re at peace.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Casey said. “Knock me down with a feather.”

  Kathy laughed at his astonished voice. She looked up at Ysam through her tears. “I love you. Dance with me.”

  “Always.” He glanced over his shoulders. “Casey, the lady and I would like to dance to the tango.”

  A guitar strummed. Ysam took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. He dipped her to one side and then the next. They stood close and glided around each other. The music pumping into a stomping rhythm. Ysam’s eyes promised passion, and she licked her lips in anticipation of having him fulfill his unspoken words. Her heart swelled. He twirled her around and she gasped for breath. He pulled her hard to his chest. She clutched his face with her palms, then arched her back. He lowered his head as if to kiss the hollow between her breasts. She broke away and curtsied while he stood tall, stalking her.

  He grabbed her hands and they swung around together. The bar and faces dimmed. All that mattered was Ysam. Her feet matched her beating heart and her hips swayed. Her body eager for the lust to come tonight. She pressed her back against his chest and flashed him a sexy smile. She whipped her head the other way and lifted her dress.

  His eyes darkened. He clasped her hand and twirled her around then dipped her low. She put her hand, spreading her fingers across his cheek. “I love you.”

  He kissed her, then lifted her slowly into his arms crushing her to him. “Tonight, I’ll show you how much I cherish you.”

  “I…know you…will,” she gasped.

  Ysam made good on his promise and that night they danced a passionate dance to the moonlight.

  Blurb for Madness Unleashed

  Damon is in love with the queen of the dragon warriors and the only way to get close to her is to be her personal guard. But the Fates are against him. Instead of wooing the queen, he’s forced to go to Earth to steal his destined human mate.

  Three months ago, Hera Athans woke up in a park with no memory of who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. Now, she’s in survival mode. Two months behind on her rent she’s one step away from being homeless—again. She didn’t think things could get any worse. But she’s wrong.

  Kidnapped by an alien and held captive on board the spaceship Orion only Hera has the power to soothe his savage beast. She must mate with a dragon shifter to save both their worlds and unleash a love that will shake the stars...or lose both Earth and Zalara forever.

  Blurb for Madness Unhinged

  Detective Agnes Malloy is stunned.…

  Jack the Ripper is back!

  Two women are found brutally murdered in modern-day Denver–their M.O. identical to the victims in 1888 London. But Agnes has no clues to the murder. Women are terrified, and if Agnes doesn’t solve the case, the police commissioner will have her handing out parking tickets.

  Her troubles increase when a mysterious man appears, claiming to be with the FBI. But no one called them. He insists that she needs his help–her life depends on it.

  It’s up to Anonghos, the chief security officer of the Orion, to stop a deadly alien from killing the Zalarian’s designated mates. He’s cut off from his ship, and to make matters worse, he doesn’t know who the alien is and must wait for him to strike.

  His only hope is to stay close to the curvy detective who just happens to be his mate, without her accusing him of being the murderer. The body is count about to sky rocket and only by working together can they stop an enemy bent on destroying both their worlds.

  Currently this is part of the 20 Shades of Shifters

  Also by ML Guida

  Madness Unleashed

  Touch of Madness

  Touch of Curiosity

  20 Shades of Shifter

  A Pirate’s Curse

  A Pirate’s Revenge

  A Pirate’s Agony

  A Pirate’s Obsession

  A Pirate’s Bane

  A Pirate’s Darkness

  A Knight’s Terror

  Dark Promise


  Copyright © 2018 by ML Guida

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum




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