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His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

Page 10

by Knight, TW

  Blessing! Ha! To be second in command to the seven hell plains they ruled was only one step above being the Great Lord’s personal bitch.

  One step up was better than two steps down.

  How far he truly had fallen, he mused. Once he had been the very Light-bringer, teacher, historian—the basis for the Prometheus mythology. Beloved. He alone had raised mankind up from babbling animals to the path of intelligence. And here he was in Hell for taking pride in his work.

  Finally deciding he’d made the bitch wait long enough, Lucifer bellowed, "Enter!"

  Idras sauntered into the chamber wearing a diaphanous gown, swaying her hips seductively. The fabric parted slightly to reveal shapely thighs and a hint of the treasure between them. In her angelic form, as she was now, Idras appeared to be an innocent wisp-like creature, but appearances were deceiving. In truth, it was a game, an illusion, a lure. Idras was sex on two legs, part naïve schoolgirl and part pin-up porn star. In her demon form, she was just as sexy and twice as deadly.

  Sweeping his waist-length hair back over his shoulder, Lucifer nodded in welcome. Catching a glimmer of lust in the Seer’s eye made him wonder if perhaps he shouldn’t have covered up before letting her enter.

  Damn the female for making him second-guess himself.

  Nudity was a human hang-up. He was proud of his muscular body, bronzed skin, and virility—covering up would be a sign of vulnerability.

  "Seer, I need to know if there is a storm coming," he demanded.

  "A storm?" she asked impishly.

  "You know what I mean," he snapped, not willing to play games. The growing need to throttle her twisted like a serpent in his belly.

  Idras laughed and moved around the chamber before finally dropping carelessly onto a fourteenth century chaise lounge covered in blood red brocade. "Are those troublesome Knights bothering you again?" She fluffed her silver-white curls.

  Lucifer avoided looking at the female. If anyone could tempt him into disaster, it would be her. "When are they not bothering me?" He stalked around the room, projecting calm annoyance when all he wanted to do was destroy something.

  "Aww." Idras pouted. "I take it that those nasty skratars are not doing their job?"

  "Bah, the skratars are almost as much trouble. Their random kills are causing the human authorities to take notice." Lucifer glared at her. "And given half a chance, they’ll turn on us."

  "I’m sure," she said, plucking at her sleeve hem, a little purr in her voice, "but that is only one of the many possibilities."

  Now they were on the right track. "Tell me what you’ve seen."

  "So demanding," she said with a flirty lilt, leaning forward, and pursing her lips. "I’ve seen many things. Far too many to give you a conclusive answer."

  Lucifer snatched a statue from the table next to him and hurled it against the wall. "Tell me, witch. What do you see in respects to our cause?"

  "And which cause would that be? Escaping Hell, taking over Earth, or destroying the Knights?"

  "Idras." His warning growl should have had her begging for mercy. Instead, she laughed, the sound not unlike a rain of glass hitting stone.

  "I told you…"

  At the end of his patience, Lucifer lunged at the Seer, pinning her arms back. "Do not tease me, Idras! Are we on the right path?"

  "But I so love to tease you," she answered, lifting her hips to rub against his thigh.

  Disgusted with his body’s unwanted, but all too automatic response, Lucifer released her and walked away. "Get out if you have no useful information."

  "I know you’re looking for a prophecy I once gave you."

  Lucifer turned to face the infuriating female. "Good. Then, you tell me what it said."

  "That I cannot do. There are rules to be followed. And I’m bound more tightly to them than you."

  "What rules? We are the rule breakers. That’s what put us here."

  Idras lifted her shoulders in a careless shrug. "Universal rules that neither the Light nor the Dark can breach. You’ll either have to find the prophecy or you’ll have to be patient and see how things play out without interfering."

  Lucifer stabbed her with a stare that would drop a lesser demon. "Patience is not a virtue I can afford, my sweet."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cassidy stood motionless, staring at the vibrating dagger sticking out of the doorjamb inches from her left cheek.

  When she’d questioned one of the Un-tar about Rail’s whereabouts, she hadn’t expected to be escorted into a war zone. Of course, the males would call it a gym or training room.

  After confirming the errant blade hadn’t injured Cassidy, Rail turned on his fellow warrior, and presumably the one who had thrown the dagger, Bass.

  Bass engaged Rail whole-heartedly as though the whole thing were a game. The others stood around cheering, alternating between shouting advice and insults.



  All heads turned to Cassidy, including Rail’s, allowing Bass to serve up a wicked right cross. Rail grunted and returned his attention to the male he had splayed on the mat. "Bass, you jackass! You could have killed her!"

  "No one comes down here but us. How was I to know she would walk through the door right when you ducked my throw?"

  "He’s right, Rail," Cassidy shouted over the ensuing argument. "If you’re going to have a ‘danger room,’ you should have a warning. You know, like the movie studios have? If this light is on do not enter."

  Laughter answered her suggestion, not because it was silly, but because her comment diffused some of the tension in the room. Cassidy hadn’t become hysterical at her near death experience.

  "She has a point," Tam answered.

  With a grunt of acceptance, Rail stood, pulling Bass with him. "What are you doing down here, anyway?"

  A wave of self-consciousness washed over Cassidy. Everyone’s attention was on her. At least Kaz wasn’t among the on-lookers; he already had issues with her. As it was, she faced five of the warriors. At least now she knew the name of the one she’d seen on the beach earlier.

  "I needed to talk with you," she answered with a little smile. "But if you’re busy, I can wait."

  Snatching a towel from one of the many racks around the room, Rail moved toward the door. "Let me clean up, and I’ll meet you upstairs."

  "How about the garden?" Suddenly she wasn’t in the mood to stay indoors. With all the Knights at home, someone was going to hear their conversation, whether it was an apology or another fight.

  "Okay. By the white roses?" Rail cocked his head to the side.

  Cassidy nodded, half-heartedly tossed a wave to the others, and high-tailed it out of there.

  * * *

  Rail found Cassidy walking around the statue of a young woman pouring water out of an amphora. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

  "No problem. It gave me a chance to pull my thoughts together." She brushed her fingers lightly over one of the rose blossoms, releasing its sensual perfume. "I’m sorry I interrupted your workout."

  "I’m sorry you almost got killed," Rail offered lightly, despite feeling the serpent of apprehension coil in his belly. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

  "I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier."

  "You don’t need to apologize. Everything is going to be more intense between us now. It will take some time to learn how to filter or block each other’s emotions." Rail stepped forward and pulled Cassidy against his body. Cupping her bottom, he lifted her. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her belly, leaving no question to what he felt.

  Cassidy looped her arms around his neck. "Maybe we should take things slow."

  "Slow is boring."

  She nipped his chin. "I think that depends on what you’re doing."

  "That is a mixed signal," he whispered against her lips.

  "Well I’m kind of mixed up right now," she started. "If I’m feeling what you’re feeling, how do I know what I’m feeling?"

>   "Ah. Well, if you’d like to discuss this further, I know a quiet place where we can go explore this without interruptions." He traced a finger along her collarbone and down to the swell of her right breast peeking out of her top. "It’s this little cove on the West side of the island…when the sun sets, it’s like the sky and sea are on fire. You’ll love it."

  "Are you trying to seduce me?"

  "Do I have to?" Rail smirked. "Try, that is?"

  Teasingly, she twisted free of his embrace and stepped back. "I’m thinking you want to see if what happened on the beach will happen again."

  "We could run some comparisons—diligent testing and all that."

  "I’m not sure that’s a good idea." All humor vanished from her voice.

  "If you don’t want to have sex with me again, all you need to do is say so." As he turned to leave, Cassidy grabbed his arm.

  "Seriously? You’re going to act like this? That’s not what I meant, and you know it." She dropped her hand and planted her fists on her hips.

  Rail cringed. He was quickly learning, when she took that pose, things did not bode well for him.

  "I just don’t like the idea of sounding an alarm every time we make love," Cassidy continued. "Do you know how embarrassed I was?"

  "Yes, actually I do."

  "Oh yeah. I guess you would." Her pique burned out quickly. Grinning, Cassidy took a step closer. "Do you also know I was proud of you in there?"

  Confused, Rail just stared. "Huh?" And here he thought Cassidy’s quick mood shifts had been hard to interpret before he could feel her emotions.

  She laughed warmly. "You didn’t go all demonic when you were beating Bass. You controlled yourself."

  Once her words sank in, Rail chuckled. "And here I thought the pride you were feeling was from seeing me all manly." He did a muscle man pose, making Cassidy giggle. Becoming serious again, Rail confessed, "I wanted to kill him."

  "Why didn’t you go all grrrrr?" Cassidy grimaced and held up her hands as if they were claws.

  "I don’t know. Earlier, on the beach, it was instinct. This time…" He shrugged. Something had changed in him. The demon wasn’t banging on the mental cage he kept it in.

  "I’m glad you didn’t transform. I don’t want to worry about you tearing your friends apart because you think you’re protecting me."

  Rail looked up at the sky. The evening stars were just beginning to show. He took a moment to count a few of them. "I can’t say it won’t happen."

  "I know." Cassidy strolled away.

  Caught off guard, Rail needed to take several quick steps to catch up.

  "You haven’t told me what you said to the others about what happened on the beach."

  It was clear to Rail what she was thinking. "I wasn’t crude."

  "I trust you." She smiled.

  Rail reached out and caught her hand, pulling her to a halt. "I told them that when we climaxed, I felt the earth tremble, heard thunder crash, and saw Heaven for the first time in millennia. But then that’s what I expected it would be like with you."

  A heated blush crept over Cassidy’s’ cheeks. Her heartbeat skipped, sending tremors through the connection with Rail like a guitar string being plucked.

  After a trembling breath, she rewarded him with a kiss. "I think that’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you."

  Rail returned the kiss, taking it deeper. "You’re welcome," he mumbled, tugging her lower lip between his teeth as he crushed her body to his. "So, about that cove…"


  With that one word, the mood was broken. Rail held his breath.

  "I wanted to talk about the computers again."


  She smacked him lightly on the arm. "Seriously, Rail. Another month or two of doing nothing and you’re going to have to redecorate my room with padded walls. And this new connection between us isn’t helping."

  "Kaz said yes." Rail watched her reaction in rapt fascination.

  Cassidy blinked a few times and then stepped back. "He said yes?"

  "There are rules which must be followed to the letter," he emphasized, shaking a finger at her, "but you will have access to the computers."

  "Rules? What kind of rules?" Cassidy’s hands drifted to her hips. Rail caught them halfway to their target.

  "Supervision whenever you are in the tech lab, which is hardly a worry since Hacker practically lives in there."

  She nodded eagerly. "Agreed. What else?"

  "You are limited to research what will aid us. No online shopping. And no blogs or emailing or Facebook. That sort of thing."

  "Wait. I may need to do those to get information." Pulling her hands free from his hold, Cassidy gave him a good-natured push. “And cutting out the shopping is just cruel,” she added with a teasing smile.

  Rail shook his head, laughing softly. "It’s not a big deal. Just tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you."

  She gave him a dubious look. "You’re going to go shopping for me?"

  Now Rail really laughed. "It’s not that difficult. We order the stuff online all the time and have it shipped to one of our many P.O. boxes worldwide."

  "Then why can’t I do my own shopping?" Cassidy playfully stomped her foot like a spoiled child. The light-hearted tantrum was ruined by a giggle.

  "Good point. Since you need to be supervised when you are online anyway, I see no harm in you being present as I shop for you." The thought of shopping for sexy lingerie with her made his cock twitch. He cleared his throat. "You must be getting tired of borrowing everything."

  * * *

  Cassidy floundered. That was not what she had expected. "Yeah, I’d like my own things. I think it hurts Seraphina to see me wearing Hellabrands clothes."

  "I hadn’t thought of that or I would have offered sooner." Rail ran a hand through his hair. "You didn’t say anything, so I thought you were fine."

  "I was. Sort of. It’s just nice to have things to call your own. You know what I mean?"

  "Yeah I do," he answered wistfully.


  "Answer." When Cassidy rolled her eyes, he chuckled. "Ask."

  "Where does your money come from?"

  "We’ve been around a long time, sweetheart. We were trading goods and services long before there was a Stock Exchange or Wall Street."

  "You have investments?" Shocked, Cassidy gaped at him.

  "Actually, the investments started out as a game. Like gambling." He laughed. "We set up accounts under false identities, occasionally change those, and then move the money. Need to stay under the multi-billion dollar radar in any one person’s name, you know. We have to fake deaths, pay taxes, and pretend those identities have heirs. I’ve inherited my own money countless times. And if we ever decide to get out of the stock market, we have all these priceless items we can go back to selling on the black market."

  "Wow. I just never considered…" She shook her head. "I should have seen that possibility."

  "Satisfied?" he asked.

  Cassidy nodded. "When can I start working?" she asked hopefully.

  "Tomorrow, if you want."

  With a shout of joy, Cassidy threw herself into Rail's arms. "Thank you!"

  "You are the most unusual woman I’ve ever met." He winked. "If I’d known you would have acted this way, I would have tried much sooner and a lot harder to break Kaz down."

  "You know, I should punch you for that, but I’m too happy." She gave him a quick kiss. "Guess what? I already started working."

  "Really? On what?"

  "I asked one of the Un-tar for paper and something to write with, and you know she brought me a leather bound blank book and a LeBlanc pen." Cassidy chuckled. "Anyway, I started making notes and compiling algorithm parameters."

  "I’d like to see what you’ve come up with. We can compare notes." Rail reached for her, but she slipped out of his reach.

  "How about you show me that special cove first?" she asked.

  "The su
n already set."

  "I know." Smiling, Cassidy walked away, leaving Rail dazed and confused.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Stop, stop, stop." Cassidy squirmed out of Rail's embrace and pushed away from him, trying to catch her breath.

  "I’m sorry. Was I hurting you?" He’d been all hands since he’d laid her down in the soft grass at the edge of the cove. Touching, kissing, gentle biting…maybe he’d done something she didn’t like.

  "No, no. It’s not that." Cassidy took a deep breath. "It’s just too intense. I can’t explain it. I feel like I’m going to explode."

  In a way, that had been his goal. Rail kissed her gently and tucked her under his arm as he rolled onto his back. "Sorry, I keep forgetting that it will take you longer to get use to this connection than me."

  "Just how are you handling this so well?" She lazily drew little circles on his chest with her fingers, pillowing her head on his shoulder.

  "I told you. I could feel you before, so I already worked out how to, uh, turn down the volume."

  Cassidy let out a long breath. "You’ll have to teach me that trick."

  He tapped her nose. "Unfortunately, it’s a matter of practice."

  "Grand." She grumbled, snuggling closer. "Although I must admit, it’s not all bad."

  "Back to taking it slow?"

  "Yeah, I guess so," Cassidy said, disappointed.

  Rail rumbled with frustration, "Damn."

  "Sorry." Her laughter washed over him, soothing his wounded pride.

  Rail shrugged. "As long as I can still hold you, I’ll be fine."

  "Good." Casting her eyes to the heavens, Cassidy sighed wistfully. "It’s so beautiful here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the stars like this. The sky’s so clear."

  "Didn’t you go stargazing in the desert?"

  "Once. I was more interested in watching the coyotes skulking around us."

  "You are a strange one."

  "And you love me anyway," Cassidy joked and then caught herself. "I mean—"

  He silenced her with another kiss. "Don’t worry about it. I know you were teasing. Neither of us is sure of exactly what we’re feeling." A sharp pain flared behind his sternum, reminding him of his past failings regarding those he’d loved.


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