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Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2)

Page 12

by Elaine Meece

  Brice choked. She didn’t look like this in her uniform. His gaze moved up long shapely legs to her nicely rounded bottom and narrow waistline. Her swimming suit revealed the top half of her breasts. When he realized, he was overheating, he dove under the water and swam to the far end to cool down.

  When he surfaced, Annie had lowered into the water. Sierra, Gina, and Mallory crowded around her.

  Several times, Annie had glanced at Evan and Kelsey sitting together in a big patio chair swing.

  “Hey, Annie. Watch me dive,” Shawn shouted from the far end.

  Annie swam closer to the middle of the pool. “Show me what you’ve got.”

  Shawn walked to the tip of the board, bounced, and dove in. When he came up, he swam to the side.

  “That was a great dive,” Annie shouted.

  “You should see our dad dive,” Shawn said. He turned toward Brice. “Show her, Dad.”

  Annie faced him. She didn’t have her glasses on. Her large doe like eyes shined with amusement.

  He liked seeing her smile rather than brood over Evan and Kelsey. “Okay, one time. So, you’d better watch.” He climbed out and walked out onto the diving board. He inhaled a deep breath and dove, trying to keep his feet together. His head popped from beneath the surface. “How’d I do?”

  Annie smiled. “At least a ten.”

  “Give it a try,” he encouraged.

  She made her way to the diving board and walked to the end.

  Brice didn’t miss Evan glancing up to watch. The man stared at Annie with interest. Kelsey noticed and pulled him into her arms to kiss.

  After bouncing several times, Annie left the board, tucked her body in a twirling ball, and straightened out as her body entered the water.

  The girls clapped.

  “Way to go, Annie,” Gina shouted.

  “Wow!” Shawn said. “That was awesome. I want to do that.”

  “Don’t look at me to teach you. Ask Annie,” Brice advised.

  Brice swam over to where she held onto the side of the pool in the deep end. “I’m impressed.” He brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “You’re a woman of many hidden talents. Shawn won’t be happy until you teach him how to do that.” He paused. “You’re not wearing your glasses today.”

  “No, and I don’t plan to wear them to the wedding.”

  He grinned. “Too bad you can’t wear that swimsuit. That’d have Shea green as an olive. Speaking of being green, Kelsey wasn’t happy when Evan couldn’t take his eyes off of you.”

  Annie’s cheeks turned pink. “I doubt that. He seems content with her.”

  There wouldn’t be a better opportunity than this to lay it on thick. Brice splashed water on Annie, making her scream.

  She started to swim away, but he grabbed her foot and pulled her back to him. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Her breath tasted like bubblegum.

  It had been for Evan’s benefit. Brice hadn’t expected his heart and body to respond to it. She had his libido pumping.

  Annie stared with a horrified expression on her face. She looked like someone in a B-rated movie seeing a monster rise from the water.

  “Close your mouth. Evan is watching us.” Brice expected her to swim away, but she didn’t.

  Instead, Annie splashed back and lunged onto his shoulders, pushing him under. They wrestled in the water and finally, she swam away and joined the girls.

  The aroma from the steaks filled the air. Music played in the background. He needed to cool down, so he played with Gabe and Shawn, lifting them from the water and tossing them.

  After dressing the boys and himself, he fixed a plate of food and joined the others at the table. Annie had already changed back into shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

  At the long patio farm table, Cynthia had placed the boys between Annie and him. Evan and Kelsey sat across from them.

  “Do we have to go home?” Gabe asked in a whinny voice

  “You start summer camp tomorrow,” Brice reminded.

  “We could miss the first day,” Shawn suggested.

  “Since it’s just a week, that’s not an option,” Brice said. “Did your Mom mention anything about a wedding?”

  Shawn nodded. “She said we have to wear suits.”

  “Annie will be there,” he said more for Evan’s benefit.

  Gabe grinned. “Do you have to wear a suit too?”

  Shawn frowned. “No dork-head. She’s a lady.”

  “I’ll wear a dress,” Annie said between bites. “What time will you pick me up?” she asked Brice.

  “Five. That should give us plenty of time.”

  “Sierra is making a video to send to Kayla Miller,” Cynthia said. “Be sure to wave and thank her for the delicious steaks and ribs.”

  They all waved and commented about the wonderful food.

  Brice spoke last. “Kayla, thank you for the thoughtful gift. As you can see, we’re enjoying it. While, I’m thinking about it, call off your drone.”

  “You were really followed by a drone?” Kelsey asked.

  “It was nerve wracking.” Brice salted his food.

  “He even ran a red light,” Annie said.

  “You were with him?” Evan stopped eating and stared with concerned eyes.

  “Yes. He pulled into a garage to get away from it.”

  “I didn’t realize you’d been with him,” Cynthia commented.

  “I ran into her and asked her to lunch,” Brice admitted.

  “The only way we could shake it was to take a taxi back to Zurtel,” Annie added, then sipped her wine.

  “I haven’t seen the drone since that day,” Brice said.

  Cynthia frowned. “Apparently, it followed your car’s GPS signal.” She poured steak sauce on her plate. “I’m not sure how far Kayla Miller’s willing to go to get even. I took Randall from her, so now she plans to take something from me.”

  Tristen placed a hand on her arm. “It was self-defense.”

  “Tell her that,” Cynthia said. “I’m curious to see what will turn up on her.”

  Tristen picked up his corn. “I doubt anything will.”

  “I don’t see how she could marry Uncle Randall,” Gina said. “He was so evil.”

  Cynthia laughed. “I always thought so.”

  She explained to Brice how Randall tried to kill them and then went after Gina.

  “Good thing I was with her,” Sierra said. “He would’ve had you out the door before your mom and dad arrived.”

  “What kind of woman marries a psychopath?” Tristen asked. “Especially, one who doesn’t need his money.”

  “Don’t they say, it takes one to know one?” Evan asked.

  Tristen grinned. “Two peas in the same pod.”

  Cynthia did a time out sign. “Enough with the clichés.”

  Annie stood. “I need to run. I promised my parents I’d stop by today.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” Brice said.

  At her car, she faced him. “Did Evan seem interested?”

  “He did. Especially, when you were on the diving board. During dinner, he stole glimpses of you behind Kelsey’s back.”

  “Think the kiss was laying it on a little thick?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Usually when he sees us together, we’re at work. This was different. I took the opportunity.”

  “We might not be at work, but you’re still the CEO of the company. I don’t think Cynthia liked it.”

  “I’ve already explained what we’re up to.”

  “Neither of us can afford to lose our jobs.”

  “We won’t take it that far. If I don’t see you this week, I’ll call Friday.”

  Annie opened the door and slid into her car. “I don’t know if Kayla Miller is the kind of person you want to taunt. It might be best to send a thank you note and erase the video.”

  “I’d like to see what I’m up against now rather than later.”

  He closed her door and waited until she drove off
before joining the others. As he entered the patio, Evan and Kelsey thanked Cynthia and Tristen for inviting them and left.

  Brice didn’t want to overstay his welcome. “Boys, thank the Conners for having us.”

  “Thanks.” Gabe grinned with barbecue sauce surrounding his mouth.

  “I had fun,” Shawn added. “Thanks.”

  Cynthia smiled. “We enjoyed having you.” After his sons joined Mallory, she turned to him. “For a minute, I thought I’d have to call the fire department to you and Annie. I hope the show of affection in the pool was to impress Evan.”

  “Of course, it was. In return, she’s attending a wedding Shea will be at,” Brice said. “As far as that company policy, why just CEOs and management positions? Why not all employees?”

  “We had it that way, but decided it was mainly an issue when it involved management. We want to avoid someone using their position to force an employee into a sexual relationship.”

  “So apparently, you broke the rule.”

  Cynthia’s eyes revealed a hint of anger. “That’s different. We already had a relationship.”

  Tristen joined them. “That rule is stupid.”

  “It is not, and I will enforce it,” she said sternly.

  “Well, I assure you Annie and I aren’t interested in each other that way. We’re just friends helping one another out.”

  Tristen folded his arms. “You know I thought Evan and Annie would be the next ones married, and then it just ended.”

  “He ended it,” Cynthia said. “I’m not sure why. It’s none of our business. And I think trying to make him jealous is a waste of time.”

  Tristen shook his head. “I don’t. I saw his face when you kissed her, and he looked pissed.”

  “Mind if I ask why Evan hasn’t made Captain?” Brice asked.

  Cynthia sighed. “He has a DUI in his past. It’s what keeps him from being hired by any of the commercial airlines. He claims he doesn’t drink.”

  “He drank Coke tonight,” Tristen said.

  “You may want to give him a chance,” Brice added.

  On the drive home, Brice glanced back at the boys. Gabe had fallen asleep, and Shawn sat quietly.

  “Did you have fun?” he asked Shawn.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I like Mallory. She’s funny. I told her five knock knock jokes, and she laughed at all of them.”

  Brice didn’t want to pop his bubble, but he had an idea, Mallory would laugh at anything Shawn did. He pulled into his old driveway and parked. “Gabe, wake up.”

  Gabe sat up, yawned, and rubbed his eyes.

  Shawn looked hesitant. “Why can’t we live with you?”

  “This is what the judge decided. I thought you liked living here.”

  Shawn nodded. “We do, but we don’t like Hayden staying here.”

  “Any particular reason?” he asked.

  Gabe sat up. “He took my new Play Station game and gave it to his friend. When I told mom, he lied and said I lost it and she believed him.”

  “Do you think he took it?” he asked Shawn.

  His older boy nodded. “Yeah, I saw him do it. When Mom’s around, he’s nice, but when she’s not, he calls us bad names.”

  After he dropped the boys off, he headed for his condo.

  Brice planned to give her an ultimatum to get the guy out of his house or he’d return to court for custody of the boys.

  Even if Shea ended her relationship with Hayden, could he forgive her and pick up where they’d left off in their marriage?


  Sunday night, Megan sat with Libby in the chapel.

  Hawkins spewed fire and brimstone from the pulpit. After the final prayer that lasted a good ten minutes, Megan’s first opportunity arose.

  Hawkins placed an arm around one of the other girls who he would also marry soon. He whispered to the girl, and she nodded.

  Megan smiled and whispered to Libby, “I overheard Edna tell Ruth, Cindy is his favorite of his chosen maidens. You know she’s not made to work in the garden or around the animals. Have you noticed how you never see her in the daytime?”

  Libby’s face filled with concern. “What does she do?”

  “She arranges the hymnals in here and does little odd jobs in his house. He also allows her to read to him. He must really care about her.”

  “He loves me,” Libby said in a snarly tone.

  “I’m sure he does. And I bet if you asked, he’d let you work in the house like Cindy.”

  Megan had witnessed Libby gathering eggs and carry water buckets to the stalls.

  Another one of the maidens joined Hawkins, and he kissed the top of her head.

  “Isn’t that Mary Ann?” Megan asked.

  Libby nodded.

  “I heard he lets her ride with him to town, and he bought her an entire bag of tangerines. But I’m sure he’d do the same for you if you asked.”

  Libby’s little face tightened in anger.

  “You’d better look happy in the Lord,” Megan warned.

  When Libbey tried to smile, tears bubbled in her eyes.

  “Did you notice those little white shoes Mary Ann is wearing?”

  Libby glanced toward the front. What about them?”

  “He ordered them special for her. Maybe, if you show him how worn your shoes are, he’d order you a pair.”

  Libby nodded. “I’ll ask him for new shoes. He’ll buy them. I know he will.”

  “I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll never be Dan’s favorite wife. He’ll never love my child like he does their children.” Seeing Libby’s distress, Megan held back a smile. “Dan brings the other women treats and little presents but never me. I’ll always be an outsider. But I’m sure Hawkins will give you whatever you want.”

  Libby stared at Hawkins standing with the other maidens. “He loves me more than them. I know it.”

  “I’m sure if you asked him to take you to town and buy you a special treat, he would. And if you asked if you could work inside instead of in the fields, he’d give you an easy job like Cindy. Be sure to ask him about buying you some shoes.”

  Megan swallowed back the guilt. Libby would find out exactly where she stood with Hawkins.

  Chapter Ten

  Monday morning when Brice didn’t see Annie on their flight to Jacksonville, disappointment engulfed him.

  Mark, another pilot was captain, and Keith, his first officer. Heather, the older attendant worked this flight.

  Once at the Jacksonville facility, they waited for Lonny Chambers to join them in the conference room. Cynthia had decided to let Brice handle the questioning.

  The twenty-five-year old technician entered the room with a look of apprehension. “You asked to see me?”

  “Yes.” Brice motioned toward a chair. “Come in and take a seat.”

  The younger man sat across from them. “I feel like I’m going in front of a firing squad.”

  Cynthia gave him a cool glare. “Are you guilty of something?”

  The technician paled. “No, ma’am. I’m not.”

  Brice decided to take over. “I understand you’ve come into some money lately.”

  The tech’s face lit in surprise. “You know about that?”

  “The money you’ve been accepting from Novik Industries for handing over confidential information,” Brice said. “We know about it.”

  Chambers shook his head. “I haven’t taken any money from Novik.”

  “What money did you think I was referring to?” Brice asked.

  “I didn’t want anyone to know, but I won five hundred thousand on a lottery ticket.”

  “Why would you hide it?” Cynthia asked.

  “Because everyone in my family and my worthless friends would want to borrow money. I still have the bottom part of the check I was given.”

  “Explain these pictures,” Brice requested.

  Chambers paled. “I know this looks bad, but she came to me and sat down. I don’t know how she knew I worked for Zurtel or wh
ere to find me.”

  “What did she want?” Brice asked.

  “Information, but I swear I didn’t tell her anything. I’d just won my money. Her money didn’t interest me. I like my job here or I would have already quit. Check it out with the lottery commission.”

  Brice believed him. “Thank you for coming in. If she approaches you again let us know. Don’t mention this to anyone.”

  “You think someone is feeding her information, don’t you?” he asked.

  “We have our suspicions,” Cynthia admitted. “I’d like for you to let me know if anyone behaves suspiciously.”

  Chambers stood. “I will. And I promise I won’t mention it.”

  “Congratulations on your win,” Brice said.

  Lonny smiled. “Thanks, sir.”

  After Chambers left, Brice faced her. “Believe him?”

  “Actually, I do. But still verify his story about the lottery and maybe have your PI keep up with him.”

  “I’ll find who’s selling our information.”

  “Have you sent her the cookout video yet?” she asked. “I’d love to see her face.”

  “This morning.”

  Cynthia smiled. “That should raise her blood pressure.”

  Brice figured it’d only make Kayla all the more determined to undermine Zurtel. “You know what they say about playing with fire.”

  Cynthia laughed. “Kayla Miller is more like a heating pad. Once someone unplugs her, she’ll cool down.”

  He chuckled. “I hope you’re right.”

  After lunch, they visited the labs. This time the robots didn’t seem as eerie. Lonny motioned them over to his station. “This is Vega I. She’s actually passed all her simulator tests.”

  The robot moved its eyes around and focused on them.

  Lonny asked it a question. “What’s the weather like?”

  “In Jacksonville, Florida, there are clear skies with a temperature of 94, winds NNE at 13 miles per hour, barometric pressure of 40.13. Humidity 85.”

  “In the simulator, Vega I was given a situation where the pilot was incapacitated. It gained control and flew the plane to its destination.”

  “Was she able to land it?” Brice asked.

  “Nailed it and even taxied off the runway.”


  On the flight back to Atlanta, he called his PI, and told him about Lonny Chambers. “Check with the Florida State Lottery and verify his story.”


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