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Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2)

Page 15

by Elaine Meece

  At the house, she stood on the old crate outside her window and climbed inside. She eased the window down. Just as it closed, a knock on the door made her heart jump. She drew in a breath, hoping to calm herself. “Just a minute.”

  Ruth stood at the door, wearing a nightgown. “Why are you still dressed?”

  “I was praying and lost track of the time.”

  Ruth glanced inside letting her gaze scope everything out. “Dan said to forget the rest of the beans and cut the okra tomorrow. The sun is scorching it. Be sure you wear a bonnet and take a jug of water with you. He doesn’t want any of us having a heat stroke.”

  Megan nodded. “I will.”

  She’d have a chance to speak with Connie in the morning. She would take her chance and make plans for Libby and her to leave with the young woman.


  Brice turned off the television and stared at the stark walls around him. He couldn’t concentrate on any show. It was too early to turn in for the night. He wouldn’t be able to sleep. Instead, he slipped on jeans and a T-shirt, then drove to his old house and parked out front.

  Images from the past flooded his mind. Bringing Gabe home from the hospital. Teaching Shawn how to ride his bike on the very sidewalk he was parked beside. Several of their Christmases flashed before him. So many wonderful memories. It made him realize how little importance he’d placed on his family and marriage.

  Pain squeezed his throat.

  His phone rang bringing him out of his depression. In the dark, he couldn’t see who was calling. “Hello.”

  “It’s Richard.”

  “Anything on those other techs?”

  “No, but I did stumble across someone working in the MX7 lab that seems to have purchased one very large boat. He docks it in the gulf.”

  “Don’t keep me in suspense. Who is it?”

  “Ed Sawyer.”

  “He’s over both labs. He makes over six figures. He can afford a boat. Earlier today he put all the blame on Komar.”

  “It’s not just the boat. There’s also a million-dollar home.”

  “In today’s market, that’s not a ridiculous amount to pay for a home.”

  “It is if it’s his weekend lake house.”

  “Now you’ve got my attention. See if you can tie any of his bank deposits to Novik or Kayla Miller. Anything on Hayden Green?”

  “Nothing yet.”

  “Stay on him.” Brice disconnected.

  A police car cruised by and noticed him sitting out front.

  Rather than stay, he started his engine and left. Instead of going home, he drove to Annie’s house. He knocked on the door and waited.

  The door opened. A tall Amazon princess stood before him. Her brown hair hung over her shoulders in one enormous braid. She didn’t have her hoot-owl glasses on. She wore shorts revealing those long gorgeous legs. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No. Come in.”

  When he entered her house, he smelled paint and turpentine. Under the light, he noticed smudges of paint on her old shirt and hands. “You must’ve been painting.”

  “I was touching up some areas. I need to finish it. Come on back.”

  He followed her into a large room that had once been a game or family room turned studio. He could easily see why she had selected this room. It had a lot of natural light through four large windows and a skylight. “Was the skylight here when you bought the house?”

  “No, I had it installed.” She pulled an old ladderback chair around. “Have a seat. This shouldn’t take long.”

  “Can I see what you’re doing?”

  “I don’t normally let people snoop in here, but since I’m almost done, you can take a peek. It’s not my best, but it’s not my worst.”

  Brice edged his way around the easel. He’d expected to see a bowl of fruit or a chair, but instead, she’d painted white tropical birds in flight. “This is awesome. Did you look at anything?”

  “A picture I found in a National Geographic.”

  “I’m impressed. I can only draw stick people, stick animals. Occasionally, I throw in a circle or square.”

  She laughed softly.

  He motioned at her apparel. “I like this look on you.”

  “Sort of like a homeless person. All I need is a will-work-for-food sign.”

  He laughed. “No, like a siren. Hair down. No glasses. Sing a song, and you’ll have men crashing on the rocks.”

  “You’re being too kind. I don’t think anything will make Evan crash, but I’m still willing to help you make your wife jealous Friday, I’ll try to look my best.”

  “You don’t realize how beautiful you are, do you?”

  She dabbed paint on the canvas. “I’m not beautiful. My hair is nice, but my lips are too big, my eyes too far apart, and my legs are too long. That sums it up. I’m aware of my shortcomings. Renee and Mega were both gorgeous. They took after Grandma Collins and I took after Granny Spencer.” She dipped the brush in a solution and then dried it off. “I guess it’s why the Ugly Duckling was my favorite book when I was a kid. I lived with two swans.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not sure what you see when you look in the mirror, but it’s not what I’m seeing. You’re definitely a swan now.”

  “I have a very long neck,” she said.

  “It’s elegant. All swans have long necks.”

  “More like a giraffe.” She put the brushes away. “You took off yesterday before I could ask what time you’re picking me up.”

  “The wedding is at six, so about five.” He handed her a cloth spotted with different shades of paint that had fallen on the floor. “I thought I’d received a text from Shea wanting to meet.”

  Annie busied herself, closing tubes of paint. “Then who sent it?”

  “It said Shea, but it was Kayla Miller.”

  He gave her the rundown on what happened. “Now Cynthia wants me in her office first thing in the morning.”

  The Conners are smart people. They’ll see right through this.”

  “I’m not so sure. She seemed extremely perturbed.”

  “At Kayla Miller, not you.”

  A loud shattering sound caused him to flinch. “What the devil?”

  “That came from my front room.” Annie set her brush down and stood. “Something probably fell over.”

  He followed her to the living room.

  She flipped on the light. Her hand flew to her chest as she gasped. “Holy crap. How’d that happen?”

  Chapter Twelve

  “My window! There’s glass everywhere.”

  “Turn off the light,” Brice said, “Step away from it.”

  Annie scooted away from the window and flipped the light switch off. “It’s a good thing we weren’t standing in front of the window. One of us could have taken a brick to the head.”

  Brice sighed. “I think your buddy is back. Still think it’s Renee’s boyfriend?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m calling the police.” After peeking out the window and not seeing anyone, she turned the light back on and stared at the brick on her floor surrounded by shattered glass. “The brick might have fingerprints on it.”

  “Maybe. You think he’d be that dumb?”

  “If it turns out to be Ronnie. Yes.”

  A patrol car came by and took the report. When he flipped the brick over, it revealed the writing on the backside. Revelations 17:4 and 5. They promised to alert Detective Tabor about the incident.

  Annie removed her Bible from the drawer and looked up the verses.

  4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

  5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.

  This ruled out Ronnie since Renee could give the whore of Babylon a run for her money.

  Brice’s featu
res sharpened as he appeared in thought. “This will escalate. I don’t think whoever is doing this is done.”

  After the officers left, Brice helped Annie cover the window with one of her large painting cloths she used to cover her wooden floors.

  “I’ll get someone out tomorrow to replace it.”

  “You shouldn’t stay here alone. Besides you probably have enough mosquitoes in here to have a Zika outbreak. I have two bedrooms. Of course, the guestroom is decorated in early Star War’s stuff.”

  “I couldn’t impose.”

  “You’re not. Pack a bag.”

  While Annie packed, he picked up a picture of three young girls. Two of the girls radiated off the page⸻blonde hair, rosy cheeks, big smiles, and bright eyes. The third girl didn’t leap off the page. She had brown hair, thick glasses, and a mouth full of braces. He realized it was Annie. Renee and Megan were the gorgeous ones.”

  “See what I mean about my sisters?”

  “You’re cute.”

  “Oh pleeease, I know I was ugly. My grandpa used to say there’s the two little princesses and their pet frog. He was teasing, but it hurt.”

  “You’re a frog any prince would willingly kiss.”


  As he complimented her, Annie experienced a deep warmth. Brice Jordan thought she was pretty, warts and all. She reminded herself he still loved his wife. Any compliments were simply to be kind. “I’ll grab my things.”

  On the drive, he talked about the boys. Each time he worked Shea into the conversation, she cringed.

  Annie entered Brice’s modern condo and frowned. Stark. No warmth. No personality. The entire place looked more like a staged home on the market. The room where the boys stayed had a homey feel to it.

  “I know it’s a little bare. I figured it was a waste to buy furniture since I’d be moving back home.”

  She nodded. “That’s understandable.” After setting her bag on one of the twin beds, she walked to the small kitchen.

  Brice turned on the television. He rubbed the back of his neck, then rotated it.

  “I sense you’re stressed. Tell me more about Kayla Miller.”

  He described the threat she posed. “It has me twisted in knots. Maybe I should’ve hired Renee. She said she’d been a masseuse.”

  All Annie could think of was how good Brice looked. “Yeah, that was one of her big plans. I paid for her school. She lasted about six months.” Annie sat on the plain loveseat and motioned where she wanted him. “Slide down to the floor.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m not proposing. I’m massaging your shoulders. Remove your shirt.”

  After pulling it over his head, Brice slid to the floor and sat between her legs with his back to her. “My muscles are knotted.”

  “Not for long.” Annie dug her hands into his shoulders. “I can actually feel the knots.” She kneaded deeper. The man generated heat, warming her hands.

  He moaned.

  An image of him on top of her in the heat of passion flashed in her mind.

  Good grief. Don’t go there.

  He leaned forward. “Can you do my back?”

  “Sure,” she squeaked out, almost breathless. Her hands moved lower down his back, pushing against his muscles. The crack of his ass showed just enough to have her thinking erotic thoughts. She swallowed hard as her body responded.

  He gasped in pleasure.

  Her favorite fantasy played through her mind. This time it wasn’t Evan, but Brice passionately kissing down her midsection to the top of her panties.

  A strange little sound rattled in her throat.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “My hand is cramping,” she lied. “I guess I’d better stop.”

  He leaned forward and stood. “Thanks. It feels better.”

  While she burned with a passionate heat, he didn’t appear fazed.

  He stared at her for a moment, then smiled. “You may put on a shy little attendant façade, but I bet you can be a real diva.”

  Her cheeks warmed. Had her eyes given her away?

  “I guess I should turn in,” she said. Her phone rang. She glanced at it, then answered “Hello, Evan.”

  Brice did a thumb’s up.

  “Were you up?” Evan asked.

  “Yes. Someone threw a brick through my window tonight and the police have been here.”

  “You can’t stay at your house. Come stay with me.”

  Brice, who could hear, nodded. “Go, this might be your chance with him.”

  “You sure you don’t mind?” Annie asked Evan.

  “No. I’ll leave the front porch light on.”

  After she hung up, Brice gave her a high five. “He’s coming around. I hope we have the same effect on Shea.”

  “I’ll lay it on thick.”

  He gave her a slight smile. “How far are you willing to go?”

  Before Annie thought about what she was doing, she rose on her tiptoes and placed her mouth over his and kissed.

  He embraced her. His body heat engulfed her. Rather than pull away, she deepened the kiss, letting her tongue stroke his. Sweet. Warm. Delicious. His aftershave blended with a virile scent, making her crazy with desire.

  Finally, the spell broke, and they stepped back and stared at one another, both gasping for breath.

  His eyes were heavy with desire, and his breath ragged.

  Annie drew in a deep breath. “That thick enough for you?”

  Brice chuckled. “If that doesn’t have Shea running back into my arms, nothing will.”

  His comment caused a tinge of pain. He hadn’t felt the magic between them.

  On the drive to Evan’s house, Annie couldn’t stop thinking about Brice’s kiss. The damn kiss had her ready to drag him to the bedroom, but his long-term plans didn’t include her. She stood at Evan’s front door and rang the doorbell.

  He opened it. “Come in. I just fixed a snack. You hungry?”

  “No, I ate earlier.” She wouldn’t mention being with Brice. She walked into his house and tossed her stuff on the sofa. “I can sleep here.”

  “I have a guest bed. Mom comes to visit twice a year.” He motioned for her to sit down. “Who do you think is vandalizing your car and house?”

  She told him about Ronnie and Renee. “But now I’m not so sure. The brick had a Bible verse on it. Trust me, Renee’s new boyfriend doesn’t seem like a Bible thumper.

  “The police need to take this seriously.” He took the remote and flicked on the television. “It’s a little late, but I’m not tired. Want to watch a movie?”

  She nodded. “Sure.”

  While the movie played, he glanced her way. “There’s a rumor floating around.”

  Annie’s brows drooped. “What kind of rumor?”

  “I heard they’re testing computerized robots that will replace all the copilots. Has Mr. Jordan mentioned it?”

  “You know I’m not at liberty to repeat anything I hear.”

  “You’ve never kept quiet on anything before. Why start now?”

  “I haven’t heard anything. I can bring it up Friday night.”

  “I’d like to know.”

  Annie nodded. “I won’t mention you when I do.” She figured now might be a good time to bring up Megan. “Remember my sister in Phoenix?”

  “She’s like a part of some commune. Right?”

  “Yes. I want to get them out of there.”

  “And how do you plan to do that?”

  She sighed. “I plan for them to meet me at an abandoned airstrip, pick them up, and fly out. Easy peasy. I was hoping you’d help me.”

  He gave her a perplexed look. “Look, Annie, I can’t afford to get involved. I’m sorry about your sister, but I can’t. You need to let the authorities do their job.”

  “The local authorities are part of it. I told the FBI, but I’m not sure they took me seriously.”

  “Try again to get them to listen.”

  Scratch Evan off her l
ist. She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to put himself into an iffy situation.

  They sat together on the sofa with Evan’s arm around her. She waited to feel that surge of male awareness she’d experienced with Brice, but nothing.

  “So, you’re still going with Mr. Jordan Friday evening?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “You know, Annie, when Cynthia Conners thinks you and Mr. Jordan are becoming too acquainted, you’ll be the one she fires. She’s not about to fire him.”

  She swallowed hard. From what Brice had told her, he’d explained their mutualistic relationship to Cynthia. “We’re just friends.”

  He nodded. “I hope so.”

  “Where’s Kelsey? Will she mind me staying here?”

  “I’m not seeing her anymore.”

  Annie wanted to smile but didn’t. “Oh, I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

  “You are?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. What happened?”

  “I missed us,” he whispered. He leaned, placed one hand behind her head, and guided her face to his and kissed lightly.

  Annie should’ve been jumping for joy, but didn’t. The biggest shock came from her own reaction to the kiss. She could’ve felt more emotion kissing a mackerel.

  He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her again. This time deepening the kiss. She indulged in the kiss letting her tongue interact with his.

  Her hormones should be pushing her over the edge of euphoria. Why wasn’t she tingling with sexual heat?

  Because you don’t love Evan.

  But I felt it with Brice.

  Evan kissed her again and moved his hand down her spine. She tried harder to enjoy the kiss, but didn’t.

  Geeze Louise, I’ve let myself fall for Brice Jordan.

  I’m in love with another divorced man set on getting back with his ex-wife. Seriously? Only this one will cost me my job. My life has gone from bad to impossible.

  She pulled back. “This isn’t working. I’m sorry. I should go.” She stood. “It’s not you. It’s me.”

  He stared with sad eyes. “Remember what I said about Brice Jordan.”

  “I will.” She grabbed her bag and left. Knowing she had feelings for Brice that went beyond friendship, she considered backing out of the wedding, but since he was counting on her, she’d keep her part of the bargain.


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